“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are putting forth an invitation to anyone and everyone who wants to experience the up-leveling of your vibration. We are offering this service because we know that there is nothing better for you than to put out a higher frequency of vibration, and we love so much to give to all of you in whatever way that we can. In order to receive our up-leveling, all you need to do is state your intention to receive it as you are drifting off to sleep.
The delivery system will be through a meeting that will take place in the astral realm. That is where you are able to meet ninth dimensional beings at this time. And so we are happy to meet up with you and to provide you with this service. Now, you are going to experience some changes once you receive this vibrational upgrade. You are going to heal more quickly. You will receive more inspired ideas. You will feel more joy, and love will flow easily to you and through you.
We have seen the results of these vibrational upgrades in those who have accepted them from us in the past, and we are very pleased with how you all shift your vibrations so easily when you are open to receive. We also want you to recognize that we are really just the facilitators here. You are the ones who will accept our invitation, and you are the ones who will meet us in the astral plane so that you can receive what was always yours for the taking.
The development of ant-gravitic craft is a feature of the Aquarian Age and the technological ability to reverse engineer recovered spacecraft from other spacefaring lifeforms.
And it is the beginning of the ability to traverse space/time and to advance the entire structure of Earth's civilization.
This development includes the interactions and the ongoing relationships with other spacefaring lifeforms.
This New Moon of Virgo is the opening of the New Ascended Earth and EarthStar Original Planetary/Universal Organism of the Creator Avatar Planetary/UniversalDestiny.
Sun is now conjunct the Sirian system and making a grand trine with Jupiter and Neptune in water signs, and making a kite with Pluto in Capricorn on the New Moon eclipse.
This is empowering Universal Healing and Ascension for the entire planet.
A mindful yoga, music, healing arts and vegan festival in the central hub of downtown Los Angeles that brings our global community together via a live stream group meditation
The Intergalactic Ascended Forces are about to enter the planetary life system to assist with the ascension of all life throughout the planet, and to enable the planetary/universal destiny to begin to be included in the planetary and universal affairs of the New Earth and its inhabitants.
This impending augmentation is a contribution to the Planetary/Universal Destiny by several intergalactic agencies that are supportive of theNew Earth Destiny and its immediate implementation.
The recent acknowledgements of the interest and involvement of the U. S. military with ET craft have opened the public consciousness to the realities of the ET life and its association with the life of this planet and its inhabitants.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have given yourselves the gift of access during this holiday season. There has been a portal of energy available to the human race for quite some time, and in fact you have accessed it during other periods of human history. At this time, you are accessing this energy portal because of the amplification of your desires to connect with the other beings that exist in your galaxy and in the universe.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We brought forth a tremendous amount of energy, and you have all demonstrated an ability to absorb and assimilate that energy. Now you have a new opportunity to receive from some of our galactic partners.
There are beings from the Andromedan Star System who want to help, and their energy is quite different. It is quite dissimilar to our energy and to your own, and so as you receive it you may feel that you are not in alignment. You may feel, for a time, as though you are experiencing more ascension symptoms, tiredness, and disorientation.