Aluna Joy Yaxkin
Nov 24h, 2014
Step by step we are moving into a new reality, as we are also letting go of the old one.
What does this mean?
In the near future, we will come to understand and work with new frequencies and a new world nervous system. But right now, we are feeling pushed hard to re-create our world and nearly everything in it. My inner voice says "You have come this far; don't give up now." But here in this crazy space, creativity is endless, and it will be much easier to create outside the box while eliminating limiting thoughts, beliefs and patterns. Use new and higher creativity to imagine things differently and within a newly formed expansiveness.
Much of this craziness all began in October with multiple back to back large solar flares . . . Cosmic Super Ascension Waves that burned out considerable baggage that separates us from source (Thank the Great Creator for the integration break that we are getting right now). We are being showered in new light that has shaken the dust loose out of every corner of our being. We have felt the creepy crawlies, the heebie-jeebies, fear, anxiety, worry, anger, depression, etc.
Then we hit November, which insists that we surrender to our higher purpose and this brings up some very deep, ancient fears regarding survival....
There is no going back. The only way out is through. To survive this return to oneness (sounds so weird to say this) is to breathe, allow and trust....