June 29th, 2012 - July 7th, 2012, Much has happened since June 27th, 2012 when Drake announced that the green light has been given. There have been so many green lights given out. Just sit back and enjoy the moment. Once everything goes public to everyone, the Light vibration level on Earth will go up so much. A lot of people are attacking the messengers. These people telling us this information are the messengers. They have some influence of what goes on. The Positive Military is running this part o the show cornering the mass arrests go. But wait. We have been hearing mass arrests for so long. Now we are hearing the top dark cabal are being dealt with another way. Just sit back and watch. Spread love to where love need to be spread and everything will go as planned. Just to say something. I find it funny that Drake said this exactly one month to the day before the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics. The day of the opening ceremony is July 27th, 2012. Just remember, everything that needs to happen is happening for this mission to succeed. On a personal note for me, something big is about to happen in my life. I will not say much more about it. All I will say, once it happens, it will be felt all over the universe. That's all what I will say for now. Earthrise is here rising the Earth.
June 28th, 2012, The first of two green lights has gone off. Drake said on his Midweek show to say that. The next 72 hours will be interesting. MotherFatherGod also received the 24 hour green light notice.We will be informed right now on a need to know basis. Make sure to stock up on what you need now. Watch for the signs everywhere of what is going on. Get your popcorn ready. Seat down an watch the fireworks. According to Opreation Green Light, the 4th of July will be "The Event." It also states "The Freedom of Mankind." Now we can have a 4th of July to remember! Earthrise will happen. "Bear in mind that this is our last chance and all of us need to make sure we win." - Drake This is it! Get ready! With the removal of the dark cabal, there are many projects that need to be done with little time to spare. Just relax and enjoy the moment. You will remember this for a long time! Earthrise is here NOW!
Since the solstice, I have been readjusting my energies, so I could not send out Earthrise reports. I know there are several dozen people who read my reports. Now my energies are where they are suppose to be. I will continue my Earthrise reports starting June 26th, 2012.
June 21st, 2012. Only six months until December 21st, 2012. Can you believe its been that long. It's been a long time since we have set our sights on Earth. Now only six months to go until the date which has been talked about in prophesies, ancient text, and other sources of information. Earthrise is here,
Today is the summer solstice. Happy summer solstice and best wishes of what is to come!
I wish to give an apology to everyone who read my original Earthrise report for June 20th, 2012. My energy at the time of me writing it was unbalanced. I said things in there which I did not mean to say. I received word from an Earth Allie that my message was spreading fear. I took the message off both the galactic free press and ashtarcommandcrew.net. Only Creator knows when the mass arrests will happen. Make sure you are prepared with supplies. I will take full repsonabllity of my actions. I did mean to put fear into anyone. I am here to help rise Earth to where she belongs! It was a mistake of mine and wish this mistake will not affect how you view me and my accuracy of my reports. When my energy is unbalanced, I tend to do things I don't mean to do. I am truly sorry for this mistake. I will continue to write my reports everyday. I will be more careful of the material I put in it and make sure it is true. Thank you from the Earth Allie who told me this!
June 19th, 2012 The day before the summer solstice! Great job getting here. It's NOW. June 20th, 2012! Feel the energy! I am giving my green light for the go ahead. Now, we will see what happens! Earthrise is here and is giving my green light for the go ahead!
June 18th, 2012 This is the calm you feel before the storm. Enjoy this moment. Remember everything from my updates. Remember everything you read to get you to this point. Remember how much training you went through to get to this point. No giving up! Stay strong! Prelude=Remembrance. We are in the prelude. We have to remember if You have not already. The Galactic Federation of Light is here to help us save ourselves. Earthrise is here.
June 17th, 2012 The energy is intense. Now I can see the NOW to it's greatest! I feel asleep last night so I didn't get my update in on time. It's NOW so get ready! Earthrise is here.