earthrise1234's blog

Earthrise is here on June 6th, 2012.

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June 6th, 2012 NOW is the time to. Shine your Light. The energies of June 5th are going to get higher in vibrations. Make sure not to slip into the lower vibrations at the last second. This moment has been in the making for eons! Don't give up! Feel the energy in this post! Feel the energy coming in! NOW is the time for you to complete this part of the mission! Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 5th, 2012.

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June 5th, 2012 Today is the Venus Transit. Today is the day if the feminine energies! Why so you want in this world? Now is the time to ask for what you want. This is what w have been looking for. We have been wondering when will this happen, when will that happen? The answer has been in front of us the whole time! The Venus Transit is the trigger of many things to happen which will bring everything to the 5th dimension and beyond. The past is the past. Live in the NOW! The future is bright! Earthrise is here on the Venus Transit of June 5th, 2012. Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 4th, 2012

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June 4th, 2012 The message I am giving for today is a personal message about what I just went through today which can help other people break the last of the chains in fear, and anything else holdin you back. Today is the day I have been waiting for a long time in my personal journey on Earth (Gaia.) I have finally broken free completely of ties of fear! I had the key in front of me the whole time. I didn't know where to place the key in.


I have been want ping to watch the movie Thrive for some time. I didn't for one reason or another. Last night I though, I will start watching this. I only watched the first half hour of it to the exact seconds of 30:00. Today I watched the rest fothe movie. Take note I watched the first half hour of the movie past midnight. I did watch the whole movie on June 4th,2012. I jus watched it at different times. Thrive gave me the keyhole to put my key in, to unlock the last of the chains keeping me back in fear. Now I am FREE! Thrive will help you get rid of the remaining fears you have! The vibrations coming out of that movie is what I was missing. I couldn't use the many updates I was recieving because I still had chains on me. Now I am in the NOW! I hope my experience shared with you today will help break any chains still left on you with the energies coming in at the same time! Earthrise is here!

Earthrise is here on June 3rd, 2012. Stay In the Now~

earthrise1234's picture




June 3rd, 2012 Stay in the now! Be the Ligh you wish to see. There is a balance that needs to happen! You need the will for this to happen! Once you have the will, the other half of the will turning into action will happen. Right now we are in the will turning into action. Not everyone sees it though. Many are waiting to see it with their 3d eyes. Feel it. You will see it yourself soon! Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 2nd, 2012.

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June 2nd, 2012 It's time to party! We hav done well to get to this point! Nothing can stop us! It's too late to go back! Love is everywhere now. You just have to open up to receive the love. Remember this, you create what you think. So think about everything that needs to happen for Earth and us to ascend into the 5th dimension and beyond. Love always wins in the end. We have been playing a 'game' for some time. This was a 'game' which we signed up for knowing what you would go through being disconnected from the source. This 'game' is the experience being gained personally and helping Earth and it's people ascend to the 5th dimension and beyond. It's time for the game to end and finish the mission. Don't stop 100 feet before the finish line. You are almost there! Eaethrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 1st, 2012.

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June 1st, 2012


Today is the first day of June! This is the grand month of many things to come! We have the Venus Transit, a supermoon with a partial lunar eclipse, the new moon phase, and the summer solstice.

Make sure to stay balanced in this time. What is going on here on Earth may never happen again the way it is happening now.

Stay focused and have bright Light for all to see and feel!

Earthrise is here. 

Earthrise is here on May 31st, 2012.

earthrise1234's picture

May 31st, 2012 We are so close for the big event we all have been waiting for. Keep your Light shining and don't let distractions get you off course. Stay in the positive, not the negative. The ego will fall. Be the Light for the many who will awaken once the big event happens. Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on May 30th, 2012.

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May 30th, 2012 Remember to always shine your light. You know what to do to shine your light. Even if you get challenged, make sure your light is always shining. Always hold truth with that light. Keep that faith with you. Your faith helps out a lot. Treasure the moments here on Gaia. Something like this may never happen again. If you find yourself going back into the ego, just remember this, look back at what you did when you were not in the ego. Look at how much progress you made. Then look back and look at why you got yourself back into the ego. Light is about to liberate this planet! Everyone is doing great! Keep it up everyone!  Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on May 29th 2012.

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May 29th, 2012
We are going through a major energy change right now. Follow your heart. Your heart holds truth. Truth? What is truth? Truth is something that someone has seen and/or an opinion proven. That's what you were taught truth is.Think about it. Compare what society says what truth is then ask yourself, what is truth? After that, then ask your heart what truth is? You will then get the real meaning of what truth is.


  Many dates are given out for when the mass arrests will happen, when the new financial system will go in place. When will they happen? Why did nothing happen on this date? Why did nothing happen in that date? Why this, why that? The dates given out are linear on our timeline. Remember, time is manmade. We are in the NOW! Things happen when they happen.  We the people are waiting for the events to unfold in front of us. You need to save yourselfs! You can't wait for others to save you!  Do something now! Do what you do best now! Do something new you have not done yet! There is one piece of the puzzle missing. We have to fill it!  In the name of the LORD and we the people, Earth will be liberated of everything negative. 
Earthrise is here.



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