earthrise1234's blog

Earthrise is here on June 16th, 2012 with a prelude update.

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June 16th, 2012 We are in the prelude of what is about to happen. On June 17th, 2012 starting at 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, Drake will be live. The show will be 3 three hours long. Drake will be making emergency announcements.---Thank you Earth Allies for this information. The prelude will be ending soon! Remember to focus in the NOW. Humanity is about to get the biggest wake up call. Since the Venus transit, any ego left in me if there was any dissolved. I feel it happening. I feel it! It's happening NOW! Get ready! Many things will be happening shortly. Remember to do everything you trained for. Your moment to shine is NOW! Right this very second! Go to the Light! You are the Light! Spread the Light! Light is here! Earthrise is here!

Earthrise is here on June 15th, 2012 with a special report.

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June 15th, 2012 Today's Earthrise special report is asking a question about Nik Wallenda. Nik Wallenda just performed an amazing sunt over Niagara Falls today. He walkd n a steel cable going from the United States of America to Canada. It was about a third of a mile walk.He mentioned while going over Niagara Falls saying the word FatherGod. He was preaching God after. He said that diven intervention was happening where he was. He also mentioned that never give up on your dreams. I have video of him saying the word FatherGod. I need to review the video I took. The quality of the video is poor. I will review the videoand post as soon as possible. Readings about him were so positive. He had so much positive energy. The world was watching him today! The question I have for anyone reading this for the Earth Allies, Galactic Federation of Light, and everyone else; Is Nik Wallenda a Earth Allie that is coming up to the surface of everything going on NOW? I am asking the Earth Allies if they know of him and if he is an Earth Allie. The readings were going off the chart when I felt his energy. Earthrise is here NOW!

Earthrise is here on June 14th, 2012.

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June 14th, 2012

Now its time to get rid of anything that is holding you back in ego. Ego is going bankrupt. This time, ego won't be able to have a bailout. Out with the old in with the new. You are in the old trying to bring in the new. You feel the new coming in. The old is going out. This period of time is going to be chaotic to a lot of people. This is where you need to shine your Light the most! The old is trying to stay and put you down about the new. You know and feel the new is best for the planet the people and the universe. Don't listen to the old and just listen to the new. A new balance of love is coming. No more light and darkness. Love is what replaces this. Love is here NOW.

Only six more days until the summer solstice. Humanity is about to receive the greatest wake up call in the history of this planet.

Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 13th, 2012.

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June 13th, 2012

Make sure to stay focused. Don't slip back into ego at the last second.

Make sure to stay hydrated with pure water. This will help a lot.

Get extra sleep when you need to.

You can't forgive others until you forgive yourself.

Remmeber, you had a long time to experience what Earth has to offer you. Now it's time to finish your mission. One week to go until the summer solstice.

Earthrise is here

Earthrise is here on June 12th, 2012. Take time To Rest

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June 12th, 2012 Now is the time to rest. The energies are still coming in. It's good to rest every once in a while. Lightworkers need to recharge their energy a lot. Like me, I spread my Light everywhere. When you give Light, you need to replace it. That is why you are tired a lot. There are other things contributing to you being tired. This may be one of the things contributing to you being so tired. I'm tired a lot. I need to rest a lot during the day. My sleeping pattern is off. Just remember to rest. The big event is happening in about a week (aka summer solstice.) Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 11th, 2012.

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June 11th, 2012

For about the next week will be a week to rest and take in the energies. The big event of the summer solstice is upon us. June 20th, 2012 will be one of the most important events this year! Don't give up! Your prayers have been answered! It's just a little slow of getting to be able to see in the physical world!

Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 10th, 2012.

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June 10th, 2012

Love is in control now! Earth needs you NOW! Continue spreading your Light everywhere!

Remember to vote on how the surrender of the Cabal will go. Voting on this is very important.

On a perosnal note for me, May 21st, 2012 something happened which I was praying wouldn't happen. That made me slip into the illusion and ego again, the same thing happened today but on a worse scale. I felt the negitive vibrations. I quickly healed myself. Now it's like it never happened. When this happened on May 21st, 2012 it took over a week to get back up to speed. This shows how the Love energy is everywhere!

Earthrise is here!

Earthrise is here on June 9th, 2012.

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June 9th, 2012

Love is everywhere. Just keep up the great work! Don't give up this far into the mission. You have made so far. Not many souls get to experience what we are experiencing on Earth right now. Remember this! You were chosen based on your past history and the ability to hold your Light very well in the most darkest situations. We are in the NOW!

Earthrise is here.


Earthrise is here in June 8th, 2012.

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June 8th, 2012 I have been noticing everything so far is going by cosmic events. The Cabal gave up right after the Transit of Venus. Much had happened after cosmic events in the past. I just know it and feel it. I don't know what in the past though. What is in store for the summer solstice? We will find out. The cosmic events in the past were important. I don't have the information on what happened on the past after these cosmic events. The feeling of this is strong. Much is in store for the summer solstice on June 20, 2012. Earthrise is here.

Earthrise is here on June 7th, 2012 with a special report.

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June 7th, 2012 The extra step was taken! Great job everyone! The cabal is finally cornered and is begging for mercy! This has taken a long time to get to this point! A great round of applause for everyone! The energy coming in is intense. I felt it since I woke up on the morning of June 6th 2012. When I went outside that morning, the Sun was so bright, the first thing I thought was, I never seen the Sun so bright like this in my life. It most being happening. I have felt the energies since then! A deadline has been setup for the cabal to give up. We need a peaceful surrender! NOW is the time to shine your Light brighter than you ever did! It is time for the Earth to rise into the 5th dimension and beyond! Earthrise is here NOW!



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