Reiki Doc's blog

All Aboard At Cobra Conference

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I am attending the Cobra Conference this weekend. It is a pleasure to meet up with the Cobra people I met at the last conference in November. Everyone is pleasant. I am looking forward to another day with them.

During the meditation for the Lunar Eclipse, something 'All Aboard' happened that is worth sharing with you. Read more at:

You and Your Voice Box

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The voice is a spiritual thing, it is vibrational, and no two voices are alike. When I do mediumship, I 'sense' a voice that sounds just like the one people had in life. There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of your loved one; voices do so much to keep us close in this world.

Did you know some people have their voice boxes removed due to cancer? Here is how they 'talk'. And as an added bonus, more about the best bird 'talker', the African Grey, who uses a 'syrinx' instead of a 'larynx' like us.

Now you can impress your friends and family over the three day weekend with your new knowledge of the Voice. To read more, click here:


When To Fire Your Doctor

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My friend is an RN who underwent Gastric Bypass surgery two years ago. She is outspoken, and candidly tells the story of how she went through not one, not two, but THREE primary care 'gatekeeper' physicians to find the one who was the 'right match' for her health care goal of bariatric surgery and significant weight loss.

She went fron six pills a day for diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol to one pill after an astounding one hundred pound weight loss. In this article, she shares how the 'fired doctors' treated her, and what she did back with each to find the health care she knew was right for her.

More at:

Soul Mates 101

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Soul Mates? Twin Souls? Soul Pods? Am I ever going to get to be like Mother Father God? Is that what they are together, exactly? this relationship I am in Meant to Be? It doesn't feel so 'heavenly' at the moment... For all of your concerns about relationships, there is this article. To better understand Spiritual 'connections' among those incarnate-- and have them be Demystified-- click here:

Photo Essay: Putting the Buddha to Sleep in the O.R. and Waking Him Up

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Sometimes anesthesia is not all what it's cracked up to be. There are days I just want to turn my back and call for my mom! The challenges are daunting.

That is when I turn to my spirituality to find the strength and guide the patient through their surgery safely and with as little disruption to their 'equilibrium' and 'balance' as possible.

Here is a photo essay on what it can be like, and the beautiful ending of a gift of Spirit that arrives at the end of the day.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did putting it together with Spirit just for you:

Photo Essay: The Healing Energy of the O.R.

Reiki Doc's picture

This blog post is nothing but pictures. It captures the tremendous Love of what conventional Healers do. 

I feel electricity every time I step in to the Operating Room. I have seen traumas, ruptured aortic aneurysms, children in auto accidents, grandmothers, mothers-to-be, and just about everyone else. 

I am in close and I relieve suffering. Now I give Reiki too.

Enjoy these photograpsh, taken from images that are not from my actual O.R., to protect the privacy of my patients as is my duty. They capture the essence of 'what it is like' to work there every day, and Heal.

It is only going to get better!


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