The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 11/3/2016

will's picture

There are always loopholes because whatever man makes - howsoever foolproof - you can always find a loophole. No man-made thing can be perfect; even the God-made universe is not perfect, what about man?


GFP Newsletter - 11/2/2016

will's picture

The scientist counts the whole world; believes, trusts, accepts its existence, except the scientist's own self - that is left unaccounted for.


GFP Newsletter - 11/1/2016

will's picture

Politicians need division - without divisions politicians have no function. Priests also need divisions, because they are a spiritual kind of politician. Without divisions the priest also disappears.

So there are people who are tremendously interested in keeping divisions, and they go on dividing everything - even to the extent of stupidity. Now, dividing religion into Eastern and Western is just inconceivable. A little intelligence is enough to understand that love cannot be Eastern or Western - or do you think it can be? Can silence be Eastern and Western? Can meditativeness be divided according to geographical divisions?

A man meditating in Tibet or a man meditating in Europe or America will have the same quality of consciousness; there will be no difference at all, because the man in Tibet, when in meditation, disappears. He is no longer Tibetan, he is no longer even man; he is just pure silence, awareness.

The same is true for anybody meditating anywhere.

Meditation is universal, just as love is, compassion is, intelligence is.


GFP Newsletter - 10/31/2016

will's picture

I am just a common-sense man. I am not a scientist I am not a religious prophet. I am just a common-sense man, but I have tried to sharpen my common sense to its utmost.


GFP Newsletter - 10/30/2016

will's picture

What I suggest is that a simple meditativeness should become a part of all sciences, religions, arts, all departments of human research - a simple meditativeness of becoming silent, thoughtlessly silent.

In that silence is the experience of oneness.


GFP Newsletter - 10/29/2016

will's picture

Science is the search into the outside world, and religion is the search in the inside world. Both are searchers, enquiries about the same truth, because it is the same truth that exists outside and that exists within. Within and without are not different, so from wherever you arrive to the truth you arrive to the same truth.

There is no need to go on comparing small details. You may have followed a different route, and on your route there may have been no trees; you may have come through a desert, and I may be coming through a jungle where there are huge, ancient trees, but if we reach to the same point...


GFP Newsletter - 10/28/2016

will's picture

The past religions have rarely been authentic; once in a while there is an authentic individual - but not communities. Whenever there is an authentic religious person you will not find him in any conflict with science, art, music, dance. You will not find him in any conflict for the simple reason that he will have such wide perceptivity, such tremendous sensitivity, such a great insight, that in his perceptivity all different dimensions will merge.

He will be able to see the original source of all different dimensions of human research. And it is good that they remain different; it is good they remain true to themselves.


GFP Newsletter - 10/27/2016

will's picture

Throughout the world human beings are always seeking security, both physiological and psychological. Physical security is denied when psychological security—which does not really exist—is sought in various forms of illusion and in divisive beliefs, dogmas, religious sanctions and so on. When there are these psychological divisions, there must inevitably be physiological division with all its conflicts, wars, and the suffering and the tragedy and the inhumanity of man to man.

-J Krishnamurti, The Wholeness of Life

GFP Newsletter - 10/26/2016

will's picture

Let me repeat: when a true painter is there, painting, there is no painter at all; there is only the process of painting, there is nobody doing it. It is happening. Yes, from the outside you can see a man with his brush and paints and canvas, working. That is an outsider's outlook. But as far as the inside of the painter is concerned there is nobody. There is only a vision of the painting, and that vision is translating itself onto the canvas. All that is needed of the painter is not to interfere, not to come in the way of this transference.

When a dancer is dancing, there is no dancer, only dance.


GFP Newsletter - 10/25/2016

will's picture

Consciousness is a totally different dimension. I said to you, it is subjectivity. The objects will remain the same but the subject, the seer in you, the watcher in you, the witness in you, can have immense levels of height; it can go on rising higher and higher.

Even when a Buddha is there his body is not different from yours. His body follows the same routine biological program as your body.



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