The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/24/2016

will's picture

Consciousness is not in any way bound by the body and its program. Consciousness is something in you which is utterly free.


GFP Newsletter - 10/23/2016

will's picture


The very idea of synthesis already accepts that they are not only two but opposed to each other.

Unless there is an antithesis there is no question of synthesis at all.

For me, science and religion are two sides of the same coin. Science is looking outwards, religion is looking inwards, but both are the same kind of looking, the same kind of search. They may have different names - that does not matter at all.

Science calls it observation, religion calls it awareness.

Science calls it experiment, religion calls it experience.

The difference of words simply signifies that their dimensions are different.

Science is focused on the object; and remember the meaning of the word "object" - that which hinders, objects, prevents.

Religion is focused on the subject. Without the subject there can be no object; without the object there can be no subject.

The subjectivity of man's consciousness and the objectivity of existence are totally interdependent.


GFP Newsletter - 10/22/2016

will's picture

All guidance is bogus. It is exploitation. The real thing never comes through practice, through discipline.

The real thing only happens between two living flames.

All that is needed is that those two living flames should come closer.

Now, coming closer is not a discipline. It is a love affair, it is not a practice.

That's why I say that religion is a love affair, a love affair with existence itself.


GFP Newsletter - 10/21/2016

will's picture

Practice will not make you a saint. Saintliness comes out of understanding, not out of practice. It is the flowering of your intelligence, not a certain discipline.


GFP Newsletter - 10/20/2016

will's picture

What can you practice? Can you practice love? Yes, you can do all the actions of love; you can hug somebody, but it does not mean that it is love. It may be just a wolf's hug. Yes, in love, people hug, but that does not apply vice-versa, that when you hug you are in love. Yes, when people love they have certain expressions for each other. That does not mean that by repeating those expressions you are in love.


GFP Newsletter - 10/19/2016

will's picture

Guides are good in ruins, historical places; but you are not an historical place, you are not a ruin.

You are a living being. You are not a ruin. You are a living being. You are here, now, present. You don't need guidance - you need presence. And try to understand the difference.

In guidance you are given certain rules: Do this, don't do that - ten commandments. But you can follow those rules, you can follow those commandments; you will be just an imitator and nothing else. You may become very disciplined but inside you will remain as hollow as ever.


GFP Newsletter - 10/18/2016

will's picture

"Absolute" is a weighty word. It gives you a certain confidence. Politicians use such words to create confidence, certainty. But I cannot use such words, I am not a politician. I would prefer to use a more humble word: "relative". It does not give you the feel of certainty. But certainty is needed only by people who are uncertain, certainty is the need of weaklings. People who are at ease have no need for certainty. They can very well understand the word "relative" and its implications.


GFP Newsletter - 10/17/2016

will's picture

The observer instantly changes you. You start doing other things just to look busy, as if you are doing meaningful things. Just a moment before you were doing meaningless things, now you are doing meaningful things.

The same was discovered in the innermost core of the atom: the electrons behave differently when there is no observer. And the moment the scientist and his instruments make them aware that somebody is observing, they change their rules; a sudden transformation takes place.

This was very shocking to the scientists because electrons are supposed to be particles of electricity, that's the meaning of electron. They are supposed to be material, but they are behaving with such great consciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 10/16/2016

will's picture

There are no absolutes in real life - including this statement too. Life is full of exceptions; that's one of its most beautiful things. Exceptions mean freedom. Exceptions mean you are not in a concentration camp. The absolute is nothing but complete bondage and slavery.

In the beginning days of scientific research scientists were thinking that in science there are no exceptions. That was one of the great prides of science, because that makes it absolutely certain. If there are exceptions you cannot be certain about the rules - and science needs certainty to be the base.

For the last three hundred years science went on proving that there were no exceptions, finding absolute rules. But Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity destroyed the whole three-hundred- year-long efforts of hundreds of scientists in a single blow. The theory of relativity means that nothing is absolute, everything is relative, and there are exceptions everywhere.


GFP Newsletter - 10/15/2016

will's picture

Before understanding there is so much to drop, but you cannot drop it.

After understanding, when you can drop it, there is nothing to drop.

These are the mysteries of life, real mysteries of life - tremendously enjoyable.



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