The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/14/2016

will's picture

Do you understand, when you use words like "perfect"? Is there anything in life perfect?

The moment anything is perfect, it is dead.

Life is continuous imperfection.

Yes, it is moving towards perfection - but always moving and never arriving. That's the whole stance of evolution, that it goes on evolving higher and higher but there is no point where it can say, "Now the journey is finished." The book of life has no beginning and no end. It is a continuum; infinite continuity


GFP Newsletter - 10/13/2016

will's picture

This is one of the traits of human nature, that you cannot live with a question mark. Either you have to cover it with false knowledge - which becomes your answer - or you have to find the real answer so that the question disappears.

Knowledge is not the answer but only a pretension of an answer.

You say, "Knowing perfectly well" .... Drop this idea of knowledge. Please just accept your ignorance.

Be courageous and capable of saying, of many things, "I do not know."

If somebody asks you about God, do you have the courage simply to say, "I do not know"?

The atheist has no courage; he says, "I know there is no God."

The theist has no courage; he says, "I know there IS God."

Only the agnostic is a little courageous; he says, "I do not know yet." He leaves the question without any definite answer. He is enquiring, he is searching.


GFP Newsletter - 10/12/2016

will's picture

It is the strange mind of man. You are obsessed with things of which you are afraid. Perhaps you are obsessed only because you are afraid. Your fear and your obsession are almost always pointed to the same thing.


GFP Newsletter - 10/11/2016

will's picture

There is no action after understanding.

Understanding is the action itself.

It is not that you bring the light inside the room, then you throw the darkness out. You don't say, "I will bring the lamp in and then throw the darkness out." If you say that, anybody will know that you are blind. You don't know what you are saying. When you bring light in you will not find darkness at all. What are you going to throw out?

Understanding is light.

The moment you understand, there is no suffering to be thrown out, to be dropped, to be got rid of.

Understanding simply cleanses you.

You may have a laugh after it, but there is no action. You may have a good laugh because you will see how stupid you have been. You have been trying to get rid of things which only need to be understood, and that very understanding becomes freedom from them.

No doing other than understanding is needed.


GFP Newsletter - 10/10/2016/

will's picture

Everybody is making himself look, in every possible way, like somebody special.

You are talking about your suffering and somebody says, "It is nothing." You will be hurt, you will not like this response. You were telling such a great story; you were opening your wounds and that man said, "This is nothing. You should know my suffering."

Suffering also becomes a support to your ego. A man without suffering, without pain, without any misery - how can he manage his ego? He won't have any props for the ego.


GFP Newsletter - 10/9/2016

will's picture

Suffering, misery, pain, are your creations.

That is also one of the causes why you cannot get rid of them. You have created them, they are your children.

You just look at people when they are talking about their suffering; watch their faces, watch their eyes - and you will be surprised. Are they talking about their suffering or are they bragging about it?


GFP Newsletter - 10/8/2016

will's picture

If you are not facing yourself, you will feel anguish; if you turn towards yourself, the same anguish becomes the greatest blessing in the world.


GFP Newsletter - 10/7/2016

will's picture

I have never tried in my life to become anybody. I have simply allowed life to take me wherever it wanted. One thing I can say to you, I have not been a loser; it was a great joy to be taken over by nature. I have not at all interfered. I have not even been swimming, because in swimming you are at least throwing your hands about. I have been just going with the stream, floating with wherever the stream is going.

Fortunately all streams reach finally to the ocean. The small, the big, somehow or other they all find their way to the oceanic. And the oceanic feeling I call the religious feeling.

When your small drop drops into the ocean ....

In one sense you are no more.

In one sense you are for the first time.

On one hand there is death, and on the other hand there is rebirth.


GFP Newsletter - 10/6/2016

will's picture

Don't run away from yourself whatever the case may be. A man's mettle is judged by his entering into his own inner chaos. You are worthy to call yourself human beings when you have reached to the center, and you can see from the center, around yourself. You are blissful - not only are you blissful, from the center the whole existence is blissful too.

Agony and ecstasy are two sides of your being. They both make you one organic unity, one whole.

So I am not telling you how to get rid of agony.

That's what pseudo-religions have been telling you for centuries.

I am telling you how to befriend agony, how to be in love with the chaos.

Once you are in love with the chaos, the freedom that chaos brings, the unbounded space that chaos brings, enter into it till you reach the center.

To find oneself is to find all.

Then there is nothing missing, then there is no question left. Then for the first time you have the answer. Although you cannot convey the answer to anybody else, you can convey the way you found it.

That's what the function of a Master is.

He does not give you the answer.

He does not make you more knowledgeable.

He simply shows you the method, how he found himself. He encourages you to take a jump into your chaos, into your agony.

The Master is simply a proof that you don't need to be afraid. If this man can find his center, passing through all the agony, there is no reason why you cannot do it too. And once you know the taste of ecstasy, your whole life, for the first time, has something that can be called godliness. A new quality arises in you, a new flare, a new flame. But that is our nature, everybody's nature.


GFP Newsletter - 10/5/2016

will's picture

Look into the chaos that is there, into the agony that is there. And if it is your nature, then howsoever painful it is, we have to become acquainted with it. And the miracle is, it is painful to pass through it but it is just the greatest bliss when you have passed and reached the center of your being.

Agony is all around the center, and the ecstasy is just in the center. Perhaps agony is just a protective shell - ecstasy is so valuable it needs protection. And nature has created such a protective wall, what to say of others? - even you start running away from it. Who is going to enter into your agony if you yourself are running away?



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