Mother Father Earth, an Updated Bulletin

Gaia-s-Voice's picture

Hello my Beloved Self, 

I Am in thee and thou art in me. I Am, I Am the surface's Victory. Beloveds it is still being said//written to you who are giving attention to the Ascension of our Planet Earth, that the Fifth   Dimension is to be fully active immediately after Dec. 21, 2012.

Or that at least the third dimension and its attending egos will not be here and or active, etc. etc. This is not to be. What is to be is in short, very short is as follows:

• You, whom may have enough practiced and available Harmony and its attending Power of Peace will hold the Light (space) and be available (place) for those who have already been shown and are seeing the Light of God//Love//Heart too. And they will come to you... , .... 

• You who know of the Sacred Fire and know how to wield Sacred Fire will be, as you are now, the actual Doctors who by your own great fiery Light and momentum, are to keep the tectonic plates—my bones, mantles, lubricated enough to prevent cataclysmic extremes so that your other selves may safely Ascend too.

• That time will be at least 888 days after December 21/22, 2012. By May/June 2015 the Great Cosmic Love, which I and You are, will be "satisfied" and the Cosmic Plug will be completely pulled.

• The reason and the must be(s) that are to take place after 12.21.12 are so that You, those who are the real Ascended Masters of ALL VARIETIES, some who are not spiritually knowledge-able   but who are passion filled... MUST I repeat must be the Ascended, Healing, Helping Masters during the 2.5 year dimensional shift. This is the Law of Balance that will , IS , going to "Play" out. All's you need to do to know this Truth is to stay in your body till and through this new year and beyond.

• The dimmer, darker, fear loving ones will still be here, to be the part that you shall see overcome, in daily life, on My Surface.

"I Am" the All of Father Mother God who has brought You; All parts of my Self; this message. Be in Joy, sustain your Peace and your Harmony in your Feelings, as this is your Seat of True Power.




Every other day another story

shelly's picture

Every other day another story and another timeline, so now another 2.5 years? What happened to its going to be in December and nothing can stop it?


I have a very hard time believing that the Masters are so unorganised and go back on the word as often  as is told by the so called channelors, if theres any truth to any of this your ruining the credibility with all the flip flopping

Ah, Dear Shelly

astreia's picture

The Ascended ones are not disorganized. And I don't think "credibility" is the issue here. Conditions change, and often quickly. Think of talking on the phone to a friend and saying "I will meet you in a half hour." Then someone calls you on the phone, you decide to change clothes, can't find your favorite shoes, and finally you get there - but it has been longer than a half hour. Your friend might be there still waiting for you and cheerful to see you. Or your friend might be angry, might leave without you, might go on and on about how you don't care about her and you have no credibility with her anymore.

Which friend would you rather see?

Which friend would you rather be?

I will welcome when they come in their own time. Just because, after all this waiting, I really do want to meet them.

Love and blessings, Astreia

We all agree with

Guest's picture

We all agree with Shelly...

You play us like Puppets on a String.

Always extending the Soap Opera.

Love and Truth acting

Gaia-s-Voice's picture

It is well and right to Live in the Ascended State and be living on Ascended Earth right this instant. Though it is that you and Shelly seem to have given that choice to some other God-Beings. The Ascended Earth is already tangible and livable. Right Now. And as always in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness you//one has to "go there" / show-up or step into.... You both know this so well. This Truth of (now mark this) The Daily Life e.g.,

all worldly systems of health, education, welfare, and Commerce, will be the platform for the great final boarding call that humanity at large, which you are one with in web..., so clearly needs. This lead up to 12.21.12, has always been your Divine Plan to set up for the great increase in Light that not only reveals the foul folks but totally empowers the Harmonious Ascending Folks to finish the drama and exit the stage. Ask your Self and Listen: Do I really feel and know that humanity at large and all her systems are ready to enter the Fifth Dimension in seven weeks from today?


Be God in action. This IS who You are already my Love.

Me too, Yoj

astreia's picture

I am eager for the ascension, but I am also enjoying now and know we will get "there" when the time is right.

Love and blessings, Astreia

I dont relate

shelly's picture

I am not so iresponsible to tell my gfriend I will be there in a half our if Im not ready to walk out the door and be there in a half hour. I have never used an alarm clock in my life and dont even wear a watch but if I give a time I am always a few minutes early. For months I been hearing nothing will stop this in Dec, and so it is also its been said so many times that all the negative et's are off the planet then when BF article came out saying they are both fighting over there et's that story changed to, also that the cabal would be removed and then its well its not so easy. No, Im sorry the truth is you all have happy good thoughts and thats great but dont claime you know more then anyone else because the truth is you dont have a clue either and this is turning into the modern day church waiting for the second coming who just bought another 2/3 years with a new group of leaders paying there bills off of the donations of people who have to work hard for the money following blindly. No different then any other Relgion. 


Somebody asked me " Do you think anyone else would call them mfg, if they werent"?  and the answer is yes! I just finished watching an interview with the real Jesus Crist and he has 100,000 followers who donate tons to him and dont question anything and do I think there nuts? Better believe I think there so desperate to believe in anyone who can preach pretty words in there ears and are even willing to pay someone to, every single Relgion on the planet for all of creation is a form of controlling the weak minded



 I dont live in fear because my eyes are open actually my lifes pretty darn good, why would I. I understand so many people are very unhappy and they are desperate to leave this place and Im not one of them. I  get pleasure very easily, just from learning new things Im happy and I have had a very adventurous life that I have learned tons from including from this site. Just dont like feeling like people are being played with obvious misinfo

Good for You Shelly

Gaia-s-Voice's picture

to have and express your knowing; your awakened, your happiness, your passion! These are the coveted, delicious Qualities that will keep you on Center, on Point. We also have not smiled upon the misinfo. Much of comes through after being carefully edited or injected by Beings in the lower Astral or Psychic realm. And much receives the High Superceding Thoughtforms of Channelers Love that may be overriding.

Regarding Jesus the Christ.  If the Earths atmosphere and surface were to receive the full Presence of Her/Him the collective emotional body of humanity would do something like explode. That is the Size of the Power of this ones LovePowerPresent.

Regarding your other well thought issues ... may I say something?   Just choose to be//stay here on Earth, choose to be the Patient non complaining Master that you've shown yourself to be. And write down and study some of the 144 Qualities of the Universal. Qualities of the GodHeart to Life.

You Rock and I Am moved . , I thank You     


astreia's picture

You don't have to relate to what I say. But if my girlfriend shows up a little late, I'm still going to be happy to see her.  There are many circumstances that could make someone show up late.... traffic, weather, heaven forbid an accident on the road that slows the whole freeway down...

It is good that you are always on time. That's very admirable.

By the way, my girlfriend is a grandmother. Sometimes she cancels entirely if her grandchildren are there.....ooooh.......bad, bad, I know....

But, you see, I am not in control of the process. And I do not want to be.

I'd rather let God's plan play out naturally.

Love and blessings, Astreia




Gaia-s-Voice's picture

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Thanks, I feel it strongly

Guest's picture

Thanks, I feel it strongly too, and the above explanation makes a lot of sense to me