Awakening Party for Humanity! Its Inevitable

Lia's picture

Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ An Explosion of Love ~ 8 November 2012



Greetings, beloveds, Beings of the Light that you are.

The time has come for you to see just exactly what you are made of. You often get glimpses and in these changing times, it is becoming more apparent to you. You are becoming again that immense ball of Light that permeated so much within and around you so many eons ago.

Yes, dear ones, the stage is being set for you to emerge as your True Selves in all ways and at all times. It will be astounding to you, for you so far have just had a glimpse of it, and I must say some more than others, but that will all even out as more and more come on-line.

There is thus to be an explosion revealing everyone’s true make-up that has been and is being precipitated by the raising of the frequencies and by the raising of your consciousness. It has been and is contagious, as you know, and for this we give our assistance. For everyone who asks our assistance in the raising of their light quotient and understanding, there are many more that are affected just by that act.


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Just In from The Obama Team We are Holding The Light With YOU


Holding The Light



Mother --

President Obama made a surprise visit to the campaign office in Chicago yesterday to give a heartfelt thank-you to staff and volunteers.

I wanted to pass this video along, because it's a message every single person who helped build this campaign deserves to see. He wasn't just talking to those of us in the office -- he was talking to all of you.



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The Galactic Free Press Update: Love is Moving IN~



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Angels and Our Galactic Family ~Vision at Dawn - site


Greetings Love Beings, We are Now Preparing for Our Next Incoming Portal Openings. We have alot more to Arrive, in this Powerful Month. Our Next Ones are the 11~9 and The Anticipated 11~11 Portals. Portals are energetic openings on the Planet and within Humanity, which allow for the Higher Energies of Pure Consciousness to Flow through. These are Unifying Energies and each are carrying signature energies, such as Our Next 2 Reflect Peace and Twin Flame Activations. With this Amount of Energy incoming, Inevitably duality is coming to a close.



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New Texas Planet in the constellation Libertarius


From The Onion - a fictional funny "news" site

Don't believe a word of it!!!!


Ron Paul Elected Ruler Of Planet Inhabited By 1 Billion Tiny Ron Pauls

'You Are Our Supreme Leader,' Legions Of Miniature Pauls Say In Unison

November 7, 2012 | ISSUE 48•45 | More News

Newly elected leader Ron Paul delivers his acceptance speech to a crowd of tiny versions of himself on the planet New Texas

NEW TEXAS, GALAXY OF LIBERTARIUS—In the largest political victory of his career, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) was elected Supreme Ruler of the planet of New Texas today, a remote, fiscally conservative planet populated by 1 billion tiny versions of himself.


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We Are All One

I am feeling Incredible gratitude for minimal loss of life, coupled with deep compassion for those whose losses are more than can be imagined.  I am touched by the unexpected kindness and generosity from strangers.   In the multi-dimensional world, we are all ONE; we are learning to live with this as our truth.

Symptoms are Energetic as well as Physical

I, or those around me, were ill in body, mind and energy at the storm's destruction and devastation... Some were dizzy, turned around,  spinning with confusion and incomprehension. How could this be happening?  How will we cope?  Others rejected the required changes; they developed flu-like symptoms and, unable to digest the magnitude of what must be transformed, they attempted to vomit up the destruction and the unknown.  


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Earth Allies Host Live DJ Love In The Tiny Chat Room right Now


We are Lighting It UP!



Earth Allies Host Live DJ Love

High Vibrational Music You can Join at this Link:

Leejo and Peedy


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~This Is for the Lightworkers who are building The Dream~ Listen Closely, We Have Made It~


 No Stoppin Love and Truth, We are Creating Paradise for ALL!



Love The Earth Allies


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Bifurcation, Transmutation and Scopio Ablaze coming up!!!


On November 13th, 2012, a Total Solar Eclipse will occur in the House of Scorpio effecting a grand bifurcation and transmutation of all things upon the Earth. Beginning with and beyond this event positive, obvious, and powerful life transformations of all magnitudes will manifest brilliantly within our lives. The eclipse will provide the cosmic ignition to Saturn, setting its young transit in Scorpio ablaze, and it will have a crippling effect upon those who have attempted to subvert humanity’s predestined evolution. A vibrational divide will commence which will separate lower vibrational beings from their higher counterparts, to include, and especially in the physical sense. With rebirth being a potent theme, look for life to become far more profound beyond the shadow of this Scorpio solar eclipse!

Expect the following types of Scorpio solar eclipse synchronicities: supernatural psychic activations, literal and metaphorical deaths, total transformations of material circumstances, great transferences of power, investigations that shock and cause outcry, necessary and favorable conversions of resources, the relentless exposure of evil, crime, and secrecy, the purging of corruption, medical traumas and the sudden awareness of disease, sacred and paradigm ending revelations, sudden appropriations of wealth, great disruptions to secret societies, the breaking of entanglements, the deepening of spiritual devotion, breakthroughs in psychotherapy, the enforcement of accountability, public shamings, and revivals of health. 


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Jesus. Forgiveness is the best medicine for healing available to you



Forgiveness is the best medicine for healing available to you

November 9, 2012 by John Smallman

Now that a major illusory distraction has passed – yes, the US presidential election – you way-showers and Light-workers can focus once more on your task of assisting the sleepers to awaken.  Love . . . love . . . love is the answer to all problems, issues, and disagreements, and when you awaken into Reality – the creative energy field of divine Love – you will immediately understand this.  Here there is no conflict because Love joins all together in harmonious cooperation, and Love, your true nature, has no desires that could possibly lead to disagreement or conflict because It wants what is best for everyone, always. That is Oneness in operation.


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The Morning Blessing 11.09.12



The Morning Blessing


"We are not true to ourselves when we let the world crowd in

upon us and weigh us down with its contrary appearances."

-          Frank Richelieu



In Science of Mind we often hear the phrase that thoughts are things. I believe that more powerful than the thought itself is the belief you hold about the thought or words you speak. Holmes refers to this as the "fire in the belly." Your conviction and belief powers your word to become true and manifest in form. 

So today let's remind ourselves to be aware of our expectations. Do we expect the perfect income and work, right romantic relationships, wonderful friendships, perfect housing and transportation, divine health and wholeness, inner harmony, perfect spiritual path, peace instead of war, and to be sustained and maintained by Spirit itself? Or do we allow belief in our fears, doubts, race thoughts and worries to be our predominant belief system? Science of Mind teaches that the world is the self writ large, which means that our life experience is an exact out-picturing of our beliefs. Every good thing can be and is ours in deliberate imagination, and that we can shift easily at the deepest levels of our psyche into ever better versions of self and claim any reality in which we're willing to reside. We have the ability to walk around with great expectations that God is our source, supply and sufficiency. We have the power in consciousness to have faith in the invisible, that what we expect will be made so and visible. As soon as we get out of the way and allow for Spirit to move through us, it is done. 

I invite you this day to be mindful of your expectations. Allow for any false thoughts to slip away to nothingness as you proclaim with great expectation that divine right action is your birthright and at hand now. Know with certainty that it is God's good pleasure to grant you the kingdom of heaven on earth with no delay. This inheritance includes all of your expectations being met now.
Gather your ability to bring forth all you desire,



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How to Help People Get Out of Debt!!!!! IT'S HAPPENING NOW!!!!!!!


The People’s Bailout

This is a long post but it’s about something pretty interesting so I hope you’ll indulge …

Like many folks, Occupy Wall Street has been some doing good work in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, helping people on the ground.

Now OWS is launching the ROLLING JUBILEE, a program that has been in development for months. OWS is going to start buying distressed debt (medical bills, student loans, etc.) in order to forgive it. As a test run, we spent $500, which bought $14,000 of distressed debt. We then ERASED THAT DEBT. (If you’re a debt broker, once you own someone’s debt you can do whatever you want with it — traditionally, you hound debtors to their grave trying to collect. We’re playing a different game. A MORE AWESOME GAME.)

This is a simple, powerful way to help folks in need — to free them from heavy debt loads so they can focus on being productive, happy and healthy. As you can see from our test run, the return on investment approaches 30:1. That’s a crazy bargain!

Now, after many consultations with attorneys, the IRS, and our moles in the debt-brokerage world, we are ready to take the Rolling Jubilee program LIVE and NATIONWIDE, buying debt in communities that have been struggling during the recession.

We’re kicking things off with a show called THE PEOPLE’S BAILOUT at Le Poisson Rouge on Thursday, November 15. It will also stream online, like a good ol’-fashioned telethon!

Friends, the line-up is insane. Performers include:

- JEFF MANGUM (Neutral Milk Hotel)



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Breaking Down the Wall In Medicine: One Brick at a Time


This story was told to me by my favorite female urologist:

She has had a collaborative working relationship with a nephrologist, who is open to alternative treatments. They rarely see each other. One day, at the hospital, the nephrologist, who is also female, spotted the urologist having lunch.

Lunch, was something in a styrofoam box from the Doctor's Dining Room, eaten as rapidly as possible. In this case, I think it was a salad.

The nephrologist was shocked! "You can't eat like that!" she said. "You have to slow down! You have to experience your food, interact with it, smell it, taste it, and get pleasure from it!"

The urologist never said anything to the nephrologist, but her look to me as she was telling the story says it all: No duh. I know. I have a very busy schedule. It is 'eat like this, or starve'.

She said, 'Any surgeon, OB-Gyn, E.R. doc, anesthesiologist, or anyone that works in the O.R. will understand the time pressures at lunch time. The internal medicine people that work in the Office just haven't got a clue!'

I laughed and shared that sometimes at work I eat when I am not hungry, when I have the time, because I do not know when the time will come up again for the rest of that day!

Discussions like this help bridge the gap between specialties and places of care.

There is a lot to be said for the thought: walk a mile in my shoes.



Reiki Doc


FB: Doctors With Reiki


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~ The Chains are Broken~


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ET-First Contact Radio Interviews William Stillings, Mars Traveller between 1980 and 1984




William Stillings, Mars Traveller between 1980 and 1984 is my guest today on ET-First Contact Radio. Tune in at 1 PM PST, 9 PM GMT, 22:00 CET. Listen by choosing a player via this link:


Love and Light, Maarten Horst


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UPDATE Are UfO's Real? Thats a No Brainer


This is update to my original blog titled, Are UfO's Real? Thats a No Brainer

Link to blog


I have found pic of craft design I believed to be responsible for the crash site in SE U.S. that was called a bunker blast last month. Here is the link to video of crash site


Heres the link to craft info       




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Solar System Shift


Our World is Changing:
Electromagnetic Event:

Links can be found in the citations for the three videos above.


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Awakening ~ The SUN sends us information


Though this may seem difficult to believe, the sun sends us information. Just like data is sent through fiberoptic cables full of light. Light 'carries' consciousness and information. Our ancient ansestors knew this, which is why I believe they were always depicted with the sun. But they do not appear to be 'worshipping' the sun. Take a look and see for yourself!

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Please subscribe!


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Message from The Earth Allies The Charade is Over~ Humanity is to be Free At Last~



The ocean waves come crashing in against the smooth white sand as energies of renewed life and a Pure energy of Love come pouring into the rocks and lands, WE are separate no more, home at last!!!


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Total Solar Eclipse Nov. 13th ~ Will Earthquakes Follow




By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
 7:12:15 PM


 Printer friendly page

A total solar eclipse will take place on 13-14 November 2012 (UTC), beginning locally on November 13 west of the International Date Line over northern Australia, and ending on November 14 east of the date line off the western South American coast. Its greatest magnitude is 1.0500, occurring only 12 hours before perigee, with greatest eclipse totality lasting just over 4 minutes.



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DAILY GALAXY: NEW PLANET (via Carnegie Institute)


November 08, 2012

Getting Closer! New Earth-Like Planet with Surface Water in Habitable Zone Found





Astronomers have discovered a new super-Earth in the habitable zone, where liquid water and a stable atmosphere could reside, around the nearby star HD 40307. HD 40307 is an orange (K-type) main sequence star located approximately 42 light-years away in the constellation of Pictor (the Easel). It is calculated to be slightly less massive than the Sun with six known planets orbiting it. In 2008, three extrasolar planets were discovered in orbit around the star --found to be hot super-Earths because they orbit too close to the star to support life.


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This Is "The Announcment" which is still spiraling Around the Grid~ Yeehaw~


Humanity’s Awakening is InEvitable



~Love Letters From The Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth=HEART~


~Blessed is The Love Called God Everywhere Present Equally Within US ALL~


Our Love Song To You From a Distance



Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, and from Galactic CentraL~THE GALACTIC HEART. We are Your Family of Light, The Elohim, and Your Earth Allies and Representatives. WE are also The Ground Crew, Medical Team for First Contact. Also Present here in the Physical Manifest is Us, Mother and Father God, Thank you for Honoring Our Presence Here with YOU as We Honor Your Presence Here witn US.



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1972 poem


This little powem (power poem) snapped into me again last week...finally decided to post it. Wrote it in 1972, the year I divorced Tom:


while talking in circles and thinking in cones

and feeling the stress on the bones

caused by walking upright

staying up through the night

i felt the earth pulled

away from one orbit and into another

where god is our brother.




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Feeling Fantastic Yet? 9 easy ways to get started


by JOHN WHITEMAN | Heal Your Life


When you feel good, life is good.

“If You Feel Good, Life is Good.” Happiness can be achieved by connecting with how you feel in the moment and then with this fresh awareness, you can raise your energy vibration by taking little steps each day, creating a path toward a better feeling state.


I use 9 simple actions each day, which work like a prescription for feeling fantastic. When you do not feel good, I have found that it is because you are missing one or more of these elements. By re-introducing them into your life, your body gains the balance and momentum it needs to start feeling fantastic again.

Here are 9 Top Tips to Feel Fantastic:


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The Platinum Flame of Saint Germain through Sharon Taphorn


The Platinum Flame of Saint Germain through Sharon Taphorn

Working with Saint Germain:


Saint Germain was one of the first masters that I can remember consciously working with as I remember having a reading with Archangel Metatron (that was the first time I had heard of this angel) in the 80’s and he told me that I was from the Great White Brotherhood under the direction of Saint Germain. While I did not particularly like the name of this group, I did check them out and understand that it means a vibration of light. I do however still think there is too much separation of race upon the earth plan for us to assume that name and therefore just chose to explore Saint Germain on my own.



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The Alchemistry of the New Earth: Headed Towards Zero Point and the Eye of God


Originally posted at:


We have reached a passage on Earth of great intensity and excitement. The alchemical concoction of the New Earth is now pouring out into the physical plane of our lives and the matter of Earth with great speed now. The elements have been mixed, the impurities identified, the change agents called in, the filtration system at its peak operation, and the new alchemical mixture for life has successfully been released. What I’m getting at is this: not only is there no turning back to the old Earth ways, the New Earth ways have fully been installed and are operationally!


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Moving toward December 21, 2012


I am here. I am your friend and teacher Isahal. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me this day. I am always happy to teach. There is much to discuss today. Let us begin.

As we all draw near to the end of the old age of the earth, there are now manifest within the grids that surround the earth system influxes of energies from home that will increase as each new day passes. The target date of the winter solstice in this year has raised much consciousness among humans. This is a good thing. This elevation in the vibration of human thought about the fate of the planet will aid the absorption of the new energetic frequencies on both an individual and a global level. We are so happy to see the beginnings of this phenomenon, as it eases the path of the planet toward the new age and alleviates the adjustments in her physical body. As the very last remnants of the darkness now surrender to the light, the way of all is eased toward ascension.


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Has anyone else experienced all their friendships falling away?


Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 11:41.

Outside of my own immediate family I thank God every day for, I am beginning to think I have no friends.  It hurts me physically to be around anyone that is so full of hate and judgment - whether its O or anything going on in the world.  Every day I spend time in prayer and meditation, and one of the things I ask/give thanks for is meeting others of like mind. 


Like many other lightworkers, I am feeling bruised and battered simply for speaking and living my Truth.  I am to the point where I don't want to share my thoughts with anyone anymore (outside of my spouse and children) unless it's anonymous and on line.  Seems like we are patronized as being blind sheeple, or inexperienced folks who dont' know what it's like to suffer (nothing could be further from the truth).  I have always been discerning in who I keep company with, and one knows when certain conversations are meant to occur - sometimes we're the student, and sometimes the teacher, but this is getting ridiculous. 


Is anyone else feeling this way?



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Insider Info” from the Final Presidential Debate… “Must” Watch…


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Heavenletter #4368 From a Higher Zone, November 9, 2012


Heavenletter #4368 From a Higher Zone, November 9, 2012 

God said: 


The difference between you without your body and you within your body is that, body-less, you have no difficulties. You cease to be a worry-wart. Your attitude is transformed into ever upward and onward. You leave the rag-end of things where they lie. It’s not that you assume angelhood. You don’t become it. You just leave all that which assailed you behind. You free yourself from whatever pulled you down to only the surface of life on Earth. You flew away. You were able to teleport yourself to where you always were anyway. You chose to favor Heaven, and now, in the non-place seen as the Realm of Heaven, you see everything, everything, every bit of your life differently and everyone else’s too, for now you see from a Higher Zone, shall We call it.

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Message from The Earth Allies The Charade is Over~ Humanity is to be Free At Last~



Pubblicato in data 09/nov/2012 da GalacticCentral

The ocean waves come crashing in against the smooth white sand as energies of renewed life and a Pure energy of Love come pouring into the rocks and lands, WE are separate no more, home at last!!!

....The charade is over as we take off our masks, and Look around at the Family, we Had played with for so long in duality..We Hug and Remember the Truth, that we are God and Co-Creators and we are ALL created from Love, and We are All Equal.

to read the Full message:


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Heart Song for November 9th 2012


Good morning.


The Heart Song for November 9th is THIS MUST BE LOVE by Phil Collins. Phil Collins is one of my favorite musical artists.


Love Nageeta


"this must be love im feelin, this must be love..."


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Watch for Venus and moon this weekend, plus find Great Square


Source: - 11/08/12

Look for the waning crescent moon and the dazzling planet Venus on the mornings of November 9, 10 and 11

Tonight for November 8, 2012

Predawn sky first. The moon is now moving through the part of the heavens where the planet Venus also resides. You can’t miss them if you look east before dawn in the next few mornings. Venus is the brightest planet. They will be an awesome sight!

The chart at the top of this post shows you how they’ll look Friday morning, November 9.


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Breast Milk Secrets That The FDA Doesn’t Want You To Know



Breast Milk Secrets That The FDA Doesn’t Want You To Know

9th November 2012

By Raluca Schachter

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

On the last seminar I attended in Glendale, CA about Genetically Modified Food (GMO), the devastating health effects of GMOs on the population,  and Prop 37, I also found out about yet another “inconvenient truth” regarding…MILK!

The International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC), which is housed at the University of California, Davis has been working for years to reveal ground breaking scientific research and studies about the genes that are responsible for making milk.



The team studies the genes that are expressed in the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation, and how these gene products work together to produce milk – a “ marvellous fluid”, like Danielle Lemay, PhD likes to call it.


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Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 13 - The New World




          What are we to make of our adventures when God steps in to help us along?  “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.  When we are alone we can imagine all kinds of disasters and scare ourselves into paralysis.  This is of no value to anyone.  Unable to move, we may never strike out to discover what could be ours.


        The universe holds numerous opportunities that break from our conventional mold.  Companions come and go.  They each bring something to the relationship, a bit of whimsy, a bowl of flowers, a simple gesture of approval or a kind act.  Each such act and person asserts that we are not alone and that there’s plenty of support for all.


       So why do we insist that we have to do it alone?  It’s not possible.  No one gets through life alone.  We are certainly all influenced by each other and supported in some measure.  “Bring two or three together”, God might say, “and watch them unfold graciously. Bring Me one who feels they are alone and I will show you a sad and lonely heart.”


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Factbox: 662,000 still without power in East due to Sandy - 11/08/12

New York Air National Guardsmen guard downed power lines in Westchester County, New York in the aftermath of severe storm damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in this November 7, 2012 handout released by the New York National Guard November 8, 2012. REUTERS/ Capt.Jasmine Candelario/NY National Guard/Handout

New York Air National Guardsmen guard downed power lines in Westchester County, New York in the aftermath of severe storm damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in this November 7, 2012 handout released by the New York National Guard November 8, 2012. Credit: Reuters/ Capt.Jasmine Candelario/NY National Guard/Handout

(Reuters) - More customers in New York and New Jersey were without power Thursday morning than Wednesday due to a nor'easter that knocked out over 300,000 customers and slowed utilities' efforts to restore power outages from Hurricane Sandy.


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Volcanic activity world-wide 8-9 November 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery - By T, 11/09/12

Ruang Volcano


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Brutus Brings Snow to West, Severe Threat to Midwest - Nick Wiltgen, 11/09/12

Winter Weather Alerts

Even before Winter Storm Athena can finish pulling away from the Northeast, we have another significant winter storm system to deal with in the western half of the country: Winter Storm Brutus.

This time, not only is there a wind-snow combo on the cold side of the system, but there will be severe thunderstorm potential on the warm side of the storm - eventually.

To read the rest of this story, visit


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Winter Storm Athena Winding Down - Jon Erdman, 11/09/12

Total Snowfall Forecast

Nine days after Superstorm Sandy took 112 lives in the U.S., destroyed countless homes and left 8.6 million customers without power in the Northeast, Winter Storm Athena swooped in to pile on the misery with a combination of wind and a gloppy and locally heavy wet snowfall.

As of Thursday afternoon, some 600,000 people were still in the dark across the region -- a combination of lingering outages from Sandy and additional outages caused by Athena.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit


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Sun hurled two bright CMEs into space, both non-Earthbound


Source: The Watchers - By Chillymanjaro, 11/08/12

23 UTC and a type II radio sweep shortly after, on November 8, 2012. Flare generated bright coronal mass ejection (CME) in eastward direction which means that it would not be geoeffective. Bellow is the video by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory showing the extreme UV flash caused by flare-generated CME. Later in the day another  bright full-halo CME was observed on...

New region 1611 rotated into view on the east limb and produced a moderate M1.7 flare at 02:23 UTC and a type II radio sweep shortly after, on November 8, 2012. Flare generated bright coronal mass ejection (CME) in eastward direction which means that it would not be geoeffective.


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October Ends 16-Month Warm Spell for Lower 48 - Nick Wiltgen, 11/09/12

October State Temperature Ranks

State temperature rankings for October 2012. Blue shades indicate cooler-than-average temperatures while beige and orange shades indicate warmer-than-average temperatures. The numbers rank each state's temperature among all years since 1895. A number of 118 would indicate the warmest October on record; a number of 1 would indicate the coolest. For example, Iowa had its 21st-coolest October on record, and California its 21st-warmest. NOAA/NCDC

After 16 consecutive months of above-average temperatures, the U.S. enjoyed a cooldown in October. According to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, temperatures averaged across the contiguous 48 states were slightly below average for the first time since May 2011.

NCDC's State of the Climate report said the average temperature over the Lower 48 was 53.9°F, only 0.3°F below the long-term average.


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3MIN News November 9, 2012



Pubblicato in data 09/nov/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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I Have Cut The Cords & Everyone Is Upset!



Jennifer Hoffman – I Have Cut The Cords & Everyone Is Upset! – 9 November 2012

Dear Jennifer: I used the Cord Disconnect & Healing meditation to cut cords with people in my life and while you said that it doesn’t hurt anyone to do this, why are all of the people in my life upset? I can feel their pain and their sense of abandonment and I feel bad because I think I created that. Did I do this the wrong way and did I hurt them?

Jennifer’s Answer:  You did not hurt anyone but you did shift a lot of energy and energetic connections. The process of disconnecting just releases how you connect to others and how they connect to you. This will create some upset in the people who are used to having your energy available to them in a certain way and acting accordingly. Now they have to rely on their own power and they can be feeling a little lost. They do have choices, to adapt to the new connections with you or to find someone else to connect with them in the old way.


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~ The Announcement ~



Pubblicato in data 09/nov/2012 da GalacticCentral

Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Inner Peace and Balance, Wholeness of Being=Balanced Harmonics, Joy, Laughter, Equality, Abundance, and Magical Synchronostic Events In The Eternal Flow of the Present Moment of NOW. LOVE HAS BROUGHT GIFTS TO US TO SHARE WITH ALL OF HUMANITY ~

To read the Full Message:



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Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Being Prepared – 9 November 2012



Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Being Prepared – 9 November 2012

Being Prepared.  We build upon last week’s LightBlast focus of Knowing All is Well.  The one who does not know their internal power and does not focus on their sovereign grace does not feel prepared.  They look for external solutions to external problems and look no further.  The Master that knows All is Well, knows that he/she is a Being, Prepared.  Prepared for any blessing, prepared for any challenge, prepared for any change, prepared for any patience.  The external solutions are merely part of living on Earth and are valuable, as is the internal preparation for Life. 
Have you noticed the pendulum swing from those that had to separate from society for spiritual growth, to those that interact or even deconstruct society for spiritual growth?  Each are valuable in their own way, just a product of the natural improvement of Life.  Last week the obvious was stated: that the system of Life on Earth has been disrupted for separation and domination.  Thus the Masters utilized that very same system and found in it’s own program Mastery in Separation.  Brilliant.  Working the disruption in mirror reflection to itself.  The separation actually served Unity, for the Master found that there was no true separation, only a disruption of focus.  The Master found Unity within the Self; a Being, Prepared.


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Sophia Love – Growing Our Wings – 9 November 2012



Sophia Love – Growing Our Wings – 9 November 2012

For a few days now there hasn’t been much to say.  Or, more accurately, it’s felt as if there wasn’t much useful to blog on about.  Then yesterday there was a thought.  It began like this – “How come there seems nothing to say?  It’s not as if nothing is happening.  A ton is happening!  Yet, it all feels 3D, mundane and internal.  What is this pre-occupation with 3D, after a solid year of focus on everything else?  Has time slowed down?”

After rolling these questions around for a bit, it comes to this blog.  Perhaps you’ll find it useful.


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Oracle Report - Friday, November 9, 2012



Friday, November 9, 2012



Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Virgo

In some significant way, a change is preparing to take place for each of us.  Today involves a "practice run" with this, so events will foreshadow it.  To prepare, we will need to clean out some of our old habits or routines.  Air out these things and see if they measure up in the light of day.  If not, they need to be discarded.  If it is outworn (especially if it is something that keeps coming up time and again, like you are on a circular path that goes nowhere), today is the day to deal with it and do it a different way.  Painful memories may be brought up.  If so, we will also have to deal with these.  This energy is going very deep to clean up and transform.  Facilitate the process by taking deep breaths.


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This November brings total solar eclipse and penumbral lunar eclipse


Source: The Watchers, By Chillymanjaro, 11/09/12

The Watchers Tweet Tweet November brings us two eclipses in the month. Total solar eclipse will occur on November 13 and penumbral lunar eclipse on November 28, 2012. On November 13, residents of northeastern Australia will see the sun fully obscured by the moon, whose shadow will darken the sky for 2 minutes there on November 13. The only visible part of the sun during the total eclipse will be its glowing corona, or outer atmosphere, protruding around...

November brings us two eclipses in the month. Total solar eclipse will occur on November 13 and penumbral lunar eclipse on November 28, 2012. On November 13, residents of northeastern Australia will see the sun fully obscured by the moon, whose shadow will darken the sky for 2 minutes there on November 13. The only visible part of the sun during the total eclipse will be its glowing corona, or outer atmosphere, protruding around the moon’s silhouette. Parts of New Zealand and Chile will see the sun partially obscured as the moon crosses the sky.


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Visionkeeper – Twisted Times



Twisted Times

Posted on November 9, 2012

I know if you are awake you have taken notice of how twisted the thinking has become in this world.  Most of the time this thinking by others leaves you shocked, jaw dropping to the floor and scratching your head saying “What?” It truly is insanity out there right now on all levels, it is why I keep urging all to stay centered in their hearts to stay grounded. We are living between the worlds as it is so appropriately called. Our thoughts have advanced on to higher dimensional thinking, but our bodies remain stuck here in 3D amongst the insanity. It is a very challenging road to be plodding down. At least be thankful you are awake enough to know what you are hearing is both twisted and false, many out there still believe what they are hearing! This world of illusion is spinning very fast now, it almost makes you nauseated from time to time, like when the carousel picked up speed and you grabbed onto the horse’s mane for dear life as a child.


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The manuscript of survival – part 221



The manuscript of survival – part 221



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LIBOR Arrests now Manifesting



LIBOR Arrests now Manifesting



RBS, UBS Traders Said to Face Arrest in Libor Probe

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) headquarters in London.

Source: Bloomberg

U.K. prosecutors are poised to arrest former traders and rate setters atUBS AG (UBSN)Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) andBarclays (BARC) Plc within a month for questioning over their role in the Libor scandal, a person with knowledge of the probe said.


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SaLuSa: November 9, 2012


SaLuSa: November 9, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey


Andrew: Today SaLuSa looks at the plans for the next few months following the re-election of President Obama, who has been briefed on his role by the Galactics and knows what is expected of him. The real start of the removal of the top Illuminati is about to commence, followed by a general clear-out of the lower levels of the dark Ones.

We are asked not to let up in our efforts to spread the Light to expand Man’s collective consciousness, though it will not be long before the Galactics can openly communicate with us. SaLuSa points out that that they are appearing more often at gatherings of Light spreaders, as experienced at the Sedona Conference.

In future, our elected Leaders will be highly spiritually evolved, rule by consent, and their decisions will be based upon love and bring joy. Life in future will be ecstatic and, with our own powers of creation, we will have all we desire and will want for nothing. SaLuSa asks us to rest easy and enjoy what is about to take place.


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Looking for Helpers!!!!!!



Light and Love to Every1.Ive been working hard hear lately trying to finde otheres to help me grant a families christmas wish.Its amazing how hard it is to do so.So far i havent gotten anywere but im not the one to give up.So im coming to All my Light family.If you cant help its ok but the ones that can,Please This means alot to me and its important to me.This is what i do,I help otheres and this family came across me and There so amazing and really could use the extra help.A friend knows how I help otheres and wont stop intell its doen.She told me about this family and actualy got to meet them and now im on a mession and need help.All the parents are worried about is making sure there kids get to have christmas so that means preasents a tree and food.The thing i have otheres do is reserve gift cards at shopping stores in the families local area.They have to have ID to pick up the gifts or gifts card so that way you know that family was the one who got it and no one else.Or you can mail them gifts or gift cards.Never exchange money.If you Would like to help me Make this Wish come true for this family and need more info let me know and i will give you my number even if you want to call me.This is amazing oppertunity to help someone and do something amazing.Last year I helped Three families it was a better year this year i have one family and i cant seem to finde anyone to help.So If you can let me know.LIGHT AND LOVE

                             Thanks Areil.


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Woke from my weird jumbly sleep with one thought needing to be savored, maybe examined a little. I told my guides and angels that I want to remember, start remembering, what it is I am learning at night. I rarely come back with pictures or movies. I instead come back with physical changes, lots of memories of lights in my body, and I come back with a word or two. Today it was “the now moment”, and having been shown, I think, how this present moment, now moment, thing works. These words and phrases, they seem to me to be symbols for a great package of information that has just been delivered, like the “subject” line of an email.


I worked yesterday, the first time in over a week. All over Denver, nurses are being told to just stay home, there aren't enough sick people. The hospital I have been working at exclusively is now talking about doing another round of lay-offs. Yesterday, working got me back in the temporal/financial continuum, sort of hooked me back up to life support.


And what I am aware of now, this morning, is that this now moment, this day, right now, counts toward future days.


The now moment is completely connected to the future, in real and very concrete ways, and it is this now moment which will impact tomorrow. How I behave now effects tomorrow. I know this seems devastatingly obvious, but it's just being brought into some sort of crazy focus that it never has been in before.


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11-9-12 Bill Ballard 11-11-12 Dreaming New Earth & 11-22-12 11th & Final 11-11 Gate Activation


11-11-12 & then 11-22-12 & the 11th 11:11 Gate Activation are now upon us. I am so grateful for all who have particiapted raising the frequencies of Mother Earth and the collective of humanity for all this time so we could experience duality. The 11th Gate Activation which Solara has called to be on 11-22-12 brings us back from DUALITY into the ONENESS we Truly ARE! On 11-11 we dream our wildest dreams for that return into ONENESS! 11-22-12 ceremonies invokes the return to ONENESS! Its been a LONG ROAD peeps! Thanks to all who have participated! LOVE!


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THE EARTH ANGELS; Sharing More About 11~11, And What It Means To Us.



By Bella Capozzi. November 9, 2012.



We bid you good day, and yet another fine day it is; one filled with optimism and promise.  Whilst we work among you, we cannot help but key into the rising anticipation circulating around the upcoming date of November the 11th.  Normally we would say that all time is no time in itself.  True.  Yet we concede that this day is different, so we shall agree that you may go on and treat it as such.  It is wise to be aware.  So open up and allow yourself to receive.


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~ When We Said Love Was Moving In~ We were Not KIDDEN" Join US Live


Greetings Love Beings, We Awoke Laughing!! Its a Morning Coffee Party


We Would Love to Share Our Joy With YOU!


You can Join Father God and I, Live Here at this Link:


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Mazo Declares Peace on Earth!


Please enjoy and share this wonderful message from Mazo. Thank you, Mazo - you are wise beyond your Earth years! WE LOVE YOU!





Please send in your Declaration of World Peace today!
Email it to


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Gratitude and St. Germain


Last  night, as I was going to sleep, I thought about Patrick, the boy I had met at Dorst Campground in Sequoia National Park when I was seven. Camping in the spot next door, he befriended me. He showed me how to walk on fallen logs in the meadow. He helped me climb up on the big rock in between our campsites, offering a helping hand without never once making me feel inferior or weak. He sincerely wanted to spend time with me and share life's wondrous things, like being up on a rock that was bigger than a trailer.


One day, he said, 'I have something special to show you!' and took my hand to lead me far out into the meadow. On the ground was a small patch of snow. And poking up out of it were strange, beautiful red spikes, about three in all. ''Those are snow flowers.' Patrick said. And I was amazed at the wonder of God's Nature on Earth.


When Patrick drove away, I cried great tears, knowing I would never see him again. Home for him was in Pennsylvania. I lived in L.A.


I never forgot him. And as I fell asleep I gave thanks for him.


Patrick died, Blessed Mother said. A great sorrow washed over me, and I bargained with her, to let him know, wherever he is, how truly thankful I was for his kindness and example in my life. It helped me to believe in the highest inentions of others. I prayed hard for his soul to get the message of respect and love I had for him in my heart.


It was me. I was Patrick. said St. Germain, someone I have never channeled before.


My mind was swirling--what? how? why me? were a boy! I touched you! In time, I started to recall that what I had liked about Patrick was his vibration. It was high. He was 'different'. He was 'like me'. Our bond was unspoken, and not of this world. 

This was the truth...he said he can be in many places at once.



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Latest Earthquake Activity - November 9, 2012


Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


November 9


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