- Affirmations of True Power
- Cobra Update ~ Power of Decision Lets Choose to End the Suffering forever
- Changing The World Through Positive Vibrations
- Dr Steven Greer ~ Amazing New Results From Possible ET Body ~ 18 October 2012
- Rhombus Shaped-Stationary Silent Craft-Colored Light Pulsating-ValPescara-Italy
- NEW! Thw Goddess Crop Circle!
- My First Awakening – by Paul
- Clashes in Greece ahead of EU summit
- ~ What Happened On Planet Earth?~ Why did they forget they were Love?
- Messages From The Realms Of Light – Re- post : Message From The Arcturians : Workers For The Light, Unite!
- Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Blogtalkradio – 19 October 2012
- Jesus: Love is invincible, inevitable, irresistible
- Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Author's Introduction
- ~ The Truth Wins~
- It's time
- Innuendo - Queen
- Earth's Record Warm September Tied
- EU commissioner quits on foot of fraud inquiry
- Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research
- Leneo Rice~ Spiritual Ego
- Drake says~ Ready~Set~
- The Healing Power of Energy Devices: Is There Such a Thing as Incurable Disease?
- Who Runs The World? Stephen Colbert: "The Illuminati"
- Aura Pictures of President Obama and Mitt Romney from the Debate
- Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Foregoing Options ~ 18October2012
- Hello BEautiful BEings of Planet Earth! Day of Decision
- A massive and illegal geoengineering project has been detected off Canada’s west coast
- Ascension update: 26,000 year cycle ~ time to decide!
- The Truth about Gods Divine Delay :)
- Maarten Horst interviews Harry Massey from the movie "Choice Point" featuring Greg Braden
- Kate Spreckley ~ Energy Report for October / November 2012
- Terri Newlon – Djwahl Khul – Keeping The Peace – 19 October 2012
- Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Grand Inquisition 1 – 19 October 2012
- ~Love's Simple Truth=Miracles~
- Melchizedek ~~ The innovations within yourself, are unfolding your Master being ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont
- Fire Razes North Dakota Town
- Reported Tornadoes Overnight Injure At Least 7
- Andromeda and getting “less definitive”
- The difference between following and walking side by side
- Be careful what we post.
- Lisa Gawlas ~ The New Currency Of Our Field Of Dreams Is In The Emotional Desire. Where Are Your Banking?
- ~Space Weather Update ~ Active Regions On Sun~
- Overnight Storms Leave Homes Destroyed in Miss.
- Large Drought Continues, But Its Fringes Erode
- Void of Silence
- Fibonacci Department: 13-year-old spirals tree branching into solar panels
- The Morning Blessing 10.19.12
- Lost 10-Year-Old Kyle Camp Kept Warm By Puppies
- Latest Volcanic Activity - October 19, 2012
- Lucas - Real Unity In Unconditional Love - 19 October 2012
- Meteor Fireworks Leave Californians Stunned
- Weather Extra: Satellite Shows Blowing Dust in the Plains
- Okla. Interstate Reopens After Dust Storm
- Latest Earthquake Activity - October 19, 2012
- Sandi Dolinar ~ Are We Ready Fo The New Age? ~ 19 October 2012
- October and November 2012 at a glance
- Oracle Report ~ Friday October 19 2012
- We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn Worthiness
- Melchizedek ~~ The innovations within yourself, are unfolding your Master being ~~ by Méline Lafont
- Acceleration Of Ascension-2012
- SaLuSa ~ 10/19/2012
- Archangel Indriel. ~ Your Faithful Service To The Light. ~ By, Bella Capozzi.
- Visionkeeper ~ It Has Been A Long Road ~19 October 2012
We have some very Significant Energies this weekend coupled with a Global Meditation basically asking everyone if they are in. In means participating in the onenenss energy and this does not mean alone. We have been observing many of our frontliners of the energy now dropping back as they are not speaking whole truth. This incoming energy requires only whole truth spoken. Everything else will fall to the wayside. We will be participating sat and sun for all of these events. Thank You for Joining Us In The Living Truth. We Love You, Love The Earth Allies
Affirmations of True Power
* Visualizing my Heart Flame (in any way): I breathe it right out the top of my chest into my nostrils, pause, and also see it rising up through my neck filling my head.
I affirm: I Am the Fire Breath of the ALmighty,
I AM a beloved Being of Light.
~•~ ~*~
I AM the being of Light.
This Light That I Am, has all the Energy Matter and Intelligence needed to sustain me , perfectly.
I Am a Being of very Powerful Light.
And I Am One with all Light, the great universal Consciousness.
Cobra Update ~ Power of Decision Lets Choose to End the Suffering forever
Changing The World Through Positive Vibrations
GFP Note: Thanks to Fabián González for sending this in!
Source: LoveOrAbove.com, 2/15/10
Did you know that a person who is at the energetic vibration of 500 or above can raise the energy field of 750,000 other people around the world?
Now, imagine you’re a family of 4 and you’re all vibrating at the level of over 500 each. A family of 4, times 750,000 people equals to 3 million people!
Positive Energy Is Infectious
Here’s a thought; what if more people where vibrating at over 500 each?
Dr Steven Greer ~ Amazing New Results From Possible ET Body ~ 18 October 2012
After many weeks of travel, we are back to report that amazing results have been obtained from our study of the small possible ET body which was discussed in an earlier blog post.
Dr. Bravo, Emery Smith and I traveled to the country that is now home to this small possible ET body and were able to successfully obtain extensive X-Ray and CT Scans of the entire body. We were also about to obtain DNA samples under sterile, surgical conditions. These DNA samples are now being studied by one of the world’s top geneticists.
The X-Ray and CT scan show an intact, actual biological humanoid organism, without question. Astonishing 3-D images were able to be constructed of the body from the detailed CT scan, and we were able to see internal organs such as lungs and what I am fairly sure is a heart structure.
These images have just been examined by the world’s foremost authority on skeletal abnormalities, dysplasias and fetal skeletal syndromes and he has stated that this being is unlike any known skeletal structure found in humans. We also know that it is not an ancient hominid, and while humanoid, not apparently human.
NEW! Thw Goddess Crop Circle!
NEW! Thw Goddess Crop Circle!
- Thank You to GizgazS
Blogger: Thanks for posting this. It is a beauty. I see your interpretation, it could very well be so!
My First Awakening – by Paul
GFP Note - I would like to thank Paul for sharing this beautiful story with us. Thank you, Brother!
My first Awakening happened when I was 19 years old.
I had been partying all day – drinking, smoking, popping pills - but what I had really done was overdosed. I took seventeen 80mg oxycontin, twenty-five 5mg oxycodone, drank three 32oz Bud Lights, smoked $100 worth of weed, and a puddle of meth. I was with a friend in his car. I was not trying to overdose - I was trying to reach the biggest high I could but instead I died. When I was falling asleep I told my friend that I loved him but I passed out before I could say I was sorry.
I fell asleep and died but I did not see no light or anything like that. When I was dead I was lying on a bed of water – river, lake, sea - I really don’t know but I was on water, floating there looking at the sky. It was nighttime - I could see every star in the sky, even more stars then you can see on a clear night. The water was not cold; it was just right - not too hot or too cold, just perfect. Just then I could hear a woman/girl’s voice - it sounded so peaceful; so beautiful.
Clashes in Greece ahead of EU summit
Financial Review - 10/18/12
Protesters throw petrol bombs at riot police officers during a 24-hour nationwide general strike in Athens ahead of an EU leaders summit in Brussels.
Greek riot police have fired tear gas at protesters on the sidelines of a large anti-austerity rally in Athens during a national general strike as EU leaders prepared to tackle the eurozone crisis at a summit in Brussels.
As brief clashes broke out, officials said a 65-year-old protester collapsed and died from a heart attack but it was not immediately clear if his death was linked to the sporadic bursts of tear gas.
To read the rest of this story, visit afr.com.
~ What Happened On Planet Earth?~ Why did they forget they were Love?
WE are speaking to you as awakened beings Free. In Truth you are a Unique Pure Consciousness=Spirit=God=Love. The mind/ego are not who you are. The mind/ego attempted to disrupt the natural flow of UnconditionalLove [ which is also the same as Creation] by grasping onto the illusion of the outer, with all the beliefs and constructs of what it thinks experience is.
When ignorance occurred it came out of the many fantasie's, illusions, and superstitions. It was through the sharing of the false information that their was something outside of self that had power over you. So then everyone began giving their "Life Force energy" away [ reheart you life force energy belongs the being, for this is Creation] So they began giving away their own power to attachments outside of "Self".
They thought that the body hologram was all that existed, and they had to "survive". For them to survive they had to attach to food, shelter,and clothing. Then figured they were stronger in numbers so they began seperating everyone into tribes. They did this by how the outerappearence was. For example if you had slanty eyes you went to one tribe and so forth, Seperation, and their tribe system was formed, the primitive mind.
We left.
Messages From The Realms Of Light – Re- post : Message From The Arcturians : Workers For The Light, Unite!
Ute Possega-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Re- post : Message From The Arcturians : Workers For The Light, Unite! – 19 October 2012
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Dear All,
as October 21 is considered being the day when we all need to unite as One and create together the new world, I am re-posting here the link to the Arcturian Message from April 29, this year.
Much love, Ute
Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Blogtalkradio – 19 October 2012
Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Blogtalkradio – 19 October 2012
Central USA time 19 October – 17 pm and Mainland Europe 20 October 2012 at 1 am
Call in to speak with the host (323) 784-9697
CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded secret, and yet the most important event to improve the human and planetary condition.
Jesus: Love is invincible, inevitable, irresistible
The rapidity with which essential changes are now occurring on Earth is truly amazing. Humanity is on a roll as the divine Love field penetrates and permeates the consciousness of every sentient being on the planet. This has always been your Father’s intent, but first it was necessary for you, of your own free wills, to allow it to happen. Love is invincible, inevitable, irresistible, and all will succumb to the wonder of Its divine beauty and perfection. Fear, hatred, betrayal, and violent confrontation offer it absolutely no competition, except momentarily in your nightmares. And, of course, you are soon to awaken into the infinite joy and oneness of immersion in Its ever-present embrace. That is all that awaits you. It is the provider of everything that your hearts could ever desire; nothing else is conceivable, necessary, or possible; your utter satisfaction is guaranteed.
Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Author's Introduction
Hi there, Dr Moe here. We've been asked by the GFP to "Help" in any way we can as we accelerate towards the finish line of our Ascension project. I've been writing on the subjects of Ascension and Personal Growth since the early 90s, waiting for the right time to begin sharing. "Now Is the Time" according to my Guidance, so here is the Introduction to my book "Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012"
Contemplating Change
It seems beyond all understanding at times, what it is we have to learn about ourselves. Complex creatures we are, running around this world like chickens with our heads cut off. Are we sure this is what we want to do? Are we certain we want to construct our lives in such a fashion as to waste energy every time we turn around? There must be a better way. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?
It’s not that we actually know any better, at least not until we see a different way presented to us. Then we’re confronted with the possibility that life could be different. We could perhaps slow down a pace or two. We could pick up on one another’s thoughts and see how life looks from that perspective. We could liquidate our morality for a day and adopt another’s, like a new pair of shoes, and see if they fit.
~ The Truth Wins~
It's time
It's time
There were two words in my inbox this morning. "It's time". The video included is found here:
Lightworkers help mother earth (Gaïa)
Earth's Record Warm September Tied
Weather.com - Jon Erdman, Updated 10/16/12
September 2012 land and sea-surface temperature percentiles. Areas in red were the warmest on record for September dating to 1880. Above and below-average temperatures shaded in orange and blue shadings, respectively. NCDC/NESDIS/NOAA
September 2012 tied the warmest September on record for the globe, according to a report released by NOAA's National Climatic Data Center.
The combined land and sea-surface temperature of the globe (61.3F/16.3C) tied the existing warmest September set in 2005, according to the latest State of the Climate Report released Monday.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Good morning/afternoon love and light beings. My name is Michael Walker. I wanted to share something that happened to me a couple of days ago on 10-13-2012.
I didnt realise how disconnected from my higher self I became. I really lost it that day. I went off on a screw everyone attitude. I didnt stay connected and everything built up inside of me. I let the physical me have its way. I was not my true self at all. I felt alone, I felt jealousey and then, I felt anger and hate. Let me take this time to say thank you to friends that understood and where a great help to me that day. I was on the verge of giving up completely. Not only did they let me know how much I meant to them but they also helped me get back on my path. Love and light to all of you. Thank you so much.
A very wonderful friend who is like my sister told me to sit and stare at a lit candle so I did. I'm glad I heeded her advise, it helped me to see my true self again. As I was looking into the flame ( which i found my self doing for quite a while) I was showin something truely amazing in its own right. I noticed that there was a flame with in a flame. It was fantastic. The inner flame ( which represents my I AM PRESENCE OR YOUR HIGHER SELF) was remarkably beautiful and bright. (The outlining of this inner flame became like a bright gold while the inside of the inner flame was bright yellow and became brighter and brighter. Then I noticed the 2nd flame. It as well as the candle stick , which will be explained lalter, (Represents my physical body) It wasnt as bright but bright enough to definetly be seen. The brightness that the 2nd flame was showing, was being helped along by the brightness from the Inner flame.
EU commissioner quits on foot of fraud inquiry
Irish Times - Arthur Beesley, 10/17/12

MALTA’S MEMBER of the European Commission has resigned on foot of a fraud inquiry.
Investigators found that John Dalli, who held the health and consumer policy portfolio, was aware of efforts by a Maltese businessman to peddle contacts with the commissioner to influence tobacco legislation. Mr Dalli denies any wrongdoing but said he was resigning to defend his reputation and that of the commission.
To read the rest of this story, visit IrishTimes.com.
Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research
By Anthony Gucciardi | Waking Times
A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer. Known as the ‘thunder god vine’ or lei gong teng, the Chinese plant is actually integrated into Chinese medicine and has been used for ages in remedying a number of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis.
According to the new research out of the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center, the thunder god plant compound led to no signs of tumors after a 40 day period — even after discontinuing the treatment. Published in the journal Science Translational Medicine and funded by the National Institutes of Health, even the scientists working on the project were stunned by the anti-cancer properties of the compound. Known to contain something known as triptolide, which has been identified as a cancer fighter in previous research, it is thought to be the key component that may be responsible for the anti-tumor capabilities.
Leneo Rice~ Spiritual Ego
The spiritual ego is what continues to feed the cancer that is the mental perspective of the us and them idea. The awakened and asleep. The ascending and the doomed. The 3D and the 4+D. These are simply old conditions packaged in a pretty little heart shaped suitcase, packed by our mind. These perspectives still resonate from the old dualistic realities of separation. There is no us and them, there is only One. The more we focus on the Oneness and make it a part of our knee jerk day-to-days, the less clutter we have to divvy through, and the more doors we have available to open, not only for ourselves but for the entire Human Consciousness.
At one point in the majority of each individual’s lives, each and every one of us was standng in the shoes of those we have doomed to the fate of an old world. When in all actuality, everything that is going to happen in the 3D vibration has already been decided to happen by everyone’s higher individual perspective, collectively. Nature is naturally flowing right along with consciousness. There is no race to the finish line of awakening. There are no better or worse. There is only infinite possibility. Everyone is exactly where they need to be, right Now. If they weren’t, then they would be somewhere else.
Drake says~ Ready~Set~
Commentary By The Galactic Free Press~ We are posting this for your awareness only. We can not fully validate any of this however, it coincides with this Weekends Huge Global Events. We will all see what unfolds... Thank You for using discernment in the No matter what, Love Will. Love The Earth Allies
Here it is, folks… everything but the GO.
Awright, HEADS UP!!!
I have been trying to let everyone know…everthing BE very CLOSE…Yes? Well, guess what?
Da End Game IS at our doorstep…
We ALL need to complete our readiness/preparations…NOW.
All the things I have been expressing on the shows and our website are just about to START… Get that right, Start…
Anyone who needs to be talked to, do it now…There will be several ‘notices’ coming from several places in order let everyone know what is going on and what to do.We may NOT get to our Sunday show…IT is that close…think first of next week at the latest.
The Healing Power of Energy Devices: Is There Such a Thing as Incurable Disease?
Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer | Waking Times
To understand if incurable diseases exist, we need to understand what a disease is and its main causes. The excerpt below does a good job explaining what a disease is. It is extracted from wikipedia.org.
A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It is often construed to be a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.[1] It may be caused by external factors, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases. In humans, “disease” is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person.
The excerpt above does a good job explaining what a disease is, but it does not explain the core cause of a disease. To understand the core cause of a disease, we need to turn our attentions to the realm of energy mechanics.
Who Runs The World? Stephen Colbert: "The Illuminati"
Source: YouTube.com
Published on Oct 16, 2012 by wearechange
Sierra Adamson tries to get a conversation going with Stephen Colbert about his real thoughts on who runs the world.
Follow Sierra @ http://twitter.com/sierra_adamson
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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Foregoing Options ~ 18October2012

Hello BEautiful BEings of Planet Earth! Day of Decision
By Pamela Johnson
"Day of Decision October 21, 2012" is a focused effort to remove the last of the dark entities and enslaving technology from the astral planes. We have been doing this type of astral work for years and successfully with groups in unified meditation. Although it is not reported in mainstream media, consciousness has swept the planet. With a global concerted effort, this day promises to be an opportunity for a quantum leap for humanity, Peace on Earth, advanced technology to heal the people and the planet, an end to war and poverty.
This window of opportunity starts on October 21st and ends on December 21st. Whether we make it or not, it is up to us. “We are the ones we have been waiting for!”
Message from Cobra, a Pleiadian contactee and emissary:
"Masses will gather and make a decision for the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of all dark forces so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.
A massive and illegal geoengineering project has been detected off Canada’s west coast
Update: We were contacted by a member of the Haida people, who had this to say: "...what the lame stream media and the vaccinating scum of the UN. aren't telling you is this area is a DEAD ZONE..there is no life in the ocean there (and yes I have been there 300 miles off shore from the Queen Charlotte Is.)..What my vision and maybe that of my ancestors have been haunting me with is to seed this area start a plankton bloom that will feed Krill that will in turn feed whales and salmon and return our mother Pacific back to health and the creators creatures she supports. One thing for sure the Haida didn't make the dead zone..but we sure the hell have the cajones and the resolve to fix it..."
Ascension update: 26,000 year cycle ~ time to decide!
Dear Ascension Pioneers!
There is a split in dimensions happening, and this is not just some sort of story or prophecy. It's just the conclusion of the 26,000 year old cycle, and many of us also feel this within our Self as a deep inner knowing. Everything that is concluding this cycle, is moving upwards along the spiral of Creation. Everything that is not concluding this cycle, is returning to the Matrix of All, and it's starting a new journey. A new cycle is beginning, not just for some, but for all of Life, for all of the forms of Creation. But we are each choosing our part and the next step in this evolution.
So, what will it be? If You wish to move upwards, open your Heart to Divine Love!
The Truth about Gods Divine Delay :)
When I read the report stating the delay had been caused by light workers not honouring there path I had mixed feelings. Firstly I knew the info been brought forward wasn't entirely correct and secondly I was grateful to have confirmation that the hell I had just been though was as big a deal as I was been told by my guidance.
I would like to start by making you aware or reminding you that all things which served to limit or hold you back from ascension were cleared from our paths. This included all lower beings working in astral. Time and time again I have to bring this up because people are still, as far as im aware, using the old paradigm of dark versus light as a distraction.
I work with God and I check all info that is circulating online. I feel I have a good idea what's going on and who is reporting the truth. When I encounter peoples work I don't resonate with I just leave it. I don't listen or read and I certainly don't comment. I feel people can use there own discernment in what is truth.
Maarten Horst interviews Harry Massey from the movie "Choice Point" featuring Greg Braden
Listen to ET-First Contact Radio via: http://www.bbsradio.com/bbs_talk_radio_station1.php
Maarten: Airing today at 1 PM PST / 9 PM GMT / 22:00 CET
Kate Spreckley ~ Energy Report for October / November 2012
‘I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.‘ – Carl Jung
The energy over the next two months promises to be extremely powerful and will initiate many transformations for us all. Since the Spring / Autumn Equinox in September the energy has intensified with huge surges of light energy bathing the Earth. We can expect the intensity to increase as the energy moves to flood through us, washing away the past and bringing an end to much of the uncertainty of recent times. Feelings of tension, pressure, exhaustion and back ache are common symptoms but thankfully with an underlying excitement brewing beneath the surface, revealing new possibilities and opportunities.
Terri Newlon – Djwahl Khul – Keeping The Peace – 19 October 2012
Terri Newlon – Djwahl Khul – Keeping The Peace – 19 October 2012
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.
Alright. Hmm. How can I say? I’ve talked about the spiritual point of tension, how everything is getting strenuous. This particular week I want to talk about keeping the peace because we’re in a heated time period politically as well as a few other things.
The emotions may be wearing out on the sleeve. Many who are incarnate now as Lightworkers and Worldservers are getting personal challenges in their astrology charts. You can look that up with numerology and any number of tools. There are lots of ways to read various kinds of charts now. So you’re having this point of tension cosmically and most of you are having one personally as well.
Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Grand Inquisition 1 – 19 October 2012
Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Grand Inquisition 1 – 19 October 2012

There are some questions that have no answer for you. No answer satisfies. Questions you ask like these:
“Why did he die? Why was a baby born missing a chromosome or a limb? How can love be seemingly not in the human heart? How can there be murder in a world that God created? Why is there suffering? How can human love feel like pain at the same time? Even before love for another is incepted, it can feel like pain. How can there be loss? How can life be so powerful and yet so fragile? Are You heartless, God? How can You benignly watch our suffering and not hear us calling out to You?”
~Love's Simple Truth=Miracles~
Love announces and speaks Truth from the heart. Truth is truth and can only be Love.
Only Love can see Brilliance looking at Brilliance, as in True Reality, Heaven On Earth, we are mirrors of perfecting Love and only our Brilliance, our SUNS, diamonds inside, can see INSIDE OUT the Reflection Of Love Everwhere Present, and that is when life becomes REAL.
Melchizedek ~~ The innovations within yourself, are unfolding your Master being ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont
I greet you all, beloved souls dwelling on Earth. I intent to once again step forward through this scribe, as to her it seems a long time ago since our last contact and this is indeed so. My energy has been dearly missed, that much is true. So let’s get on with our message as there is so much to do and so much to talk about, wouldn’t you agree?
Where the road now gradually forms its clear attributes, the higher aspects of this life follow closely by to transform and manifest this reality.
This real and unique display begins to become obvious now in the eyes and the minds of you all incarnated on this Earth plane. Nothing will escape afore-mentioned transformation. Moreover, everything will take on its original form, and there is no reversing this process. You can only accept and graciously flow along, in the knowing that the creations, created by you all, are in fact unstoppable and will come to pass.
Fire Razes North Dakota Town
Weather.com - AP, 10/18/12
AP Photo/The Dickinson Press, Bryan Horwath
This Oct. 17, 2012 photo shows a fire as it sweeps through Bucyrus, N.D. Authorities said the wind-fueled wildfire all but destroyed the tiny southwestern North Dakota town, displacing all 27 residents.
BUCYRUS, N.D. -- A tiny southwestern North Dakota town has been all but destroyed by a wind-fueled wildfire that displaced its 27 residents, prompting an outpouring of assistance from surrounding communities, officials said Thursday.
No one was injured in the fire that swept through Bucyrus late Wednesday, but the rural town is "pretty much completely lost," Adams County State's Attorney Aaron Roseland said.
Reported Tornadoes Overnight Injure At Least 7
Weather.com - Becky Kellogg, 10/19/12
Overnight storms injured at least seven people overnight in a front that swept from Mississippi to Missouri on Thursday, Oct. 17. There were also reports of homes and structures damaged in several states.
There are preliminary reports of six tornadoes in Eastern Arkansas and Northern Mississippi.
To watch read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
The difference between following and walking side by side
Some seem to be concerned they have to follow someone.
Be careful what we post.
Be careful what we post. We are the many Light Houses for the newly awaken and each other. What we see out side our selves is the inside reflection. I like to see my self in the eye of the storm, here it is peaceful. Yet i can assist those who are ready for the calmness. If we want others to see the Calmness and Peace, we must Speak/Be the calmness and peace. If we want people to see destruction, that is what we speak. As Light Workers, we must choose Now what we will Speak/Be. Are you Love, Calm, Peace, Joy? or are you still caught up in ego, fear, storms, earth quakes, fires, discord?? We must ask our self this. We know Mother Gaia is purging away the old for the New. We must not speak our discord to the masses. We must be sure our Heart choose to write a blog or post an article because it may cause fear is some newly awaken beings. I know how to skip an article cause it serve no purpose for me. But new ones may just read, and discord is easy to find if that what you are searching for.
I Love
Lisa Gawlas ~ The New Currency Of Our Field Of Dreams Is In The Emotional Desire. Where Are Your Banking?
~ 19 October 2012
I remember one of the first questions my mentor asked me as we were talking about my meditations and how insanely often I do meditation. Ya know, one of those haunting questions that never leaves (especially since he never gave me any sort of answer to it.) He asked me “Do you realize the enormity of what you are doing?” I think even then, there was no way he could tell me, it would have been way to much and light years above my consciousness comprehension.
As I was waking up today, I am not even sure how to explain it, but maybe like I had all these audible feelings, as if spirit was infusing me with the feelings of knowing something more grand than even our greatest imagined desire could hold. A feeling, like gifts were already on their way. As I drug myself into fuller consciousness I had a crossed feeling between it being Christmas or October 19th… the two feeling very much like one and the same energy. I really wish I could remember/understand the audible part of the feelings. But alas, the words are now like blurry words on a piece of paper and I cannot make them out to save my life!!
~Space Weather Update ~ Active Regions On Sun~
ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: Next weekend, Earth will pass through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet, source of the annual Orionid meteor shower. Forecasters expect ~25 meteors per hour when the shower peaks on Oct. 21st. [video] [full story] [NASA Chat]
METEOR MAKES LANDFALL: A small asteroid that exploded over the San Francisco Bay Area on Oct. 17th, shaking houses with its sonic boom, might have scattered pieces of itself on the ground. That's the conclusion of Peter Jenniskens of the NASA Ames Research Center. He triangulated data from a pair of meteor surveillance cameras to determine the fireball's trajectory, denoted by the black arrow in the map below:
"The asteroid entered at a [relatively slow] speed of 14 km/s. There's a good chance that a fairly large fraction of this rock survived and fell somewhere around the North Bay," says Jenniskens. "Much more accurate results will follow from a comprehensive study of the video records. Now, we hope that someone recovers a meteorite on the ground."
Overnight Storms Leave Homes Destroyed in Miss.
Weather.com - AP, 10/19/12
Photo: AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis
A night of severe weather destroyed several homes in the Delta community of Anguilla, Missisisippi on Wednesday, October 17.
Read more: Weather.com.
Large Drought Continues, But Its Fringes Erode
Weather.com - Nick Wiltgen, 10/18/12

Latest Drought Map
The massive 2012 drought continued its slow retreat this week, though it continued to affect about five-eighths of the contiguous U.S. land mass, according to the latest weekly update from the U.S. Drought Monitor.
NOAA's Climate Prediction Center said it expects this trend to largely continue for the next several months.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Void of Silence
by Chris Bourne on 17 October, 2012
We're living in an illusion. But it's a very real illusion, a very noisy one. Our lives are full of busyness and external distraction like no other time in the history of mankind. It's as if everything created has been purposefully designed to pull us into the external drama, to tempt us, to invest us, to entrap us. The paradox is, that every external 'entertainment' is but a reflection, often quite a distorted one, of an end goal that each soul is really, ultimately looking for. It's a place of absolute perfection, crystal clear clarity. It is infinite potential yet absolutely empty. It is the beginning, the end, and everything in between. It is the Void of Silence...
Fibonacci Department: 13-year-old spirals tree branching into solar panels
13-year old Aidan Dwyer designed a more efficient model for solar power by studying Fibonacci sequences. Today, his divides his time between junior high and collaborations with research organizations like the University of Madison’s Resilience Research Center.
Posted by http://exopermaculture.com
The Morning Blessing 10.19.12
The Morning Blessing
ever giving of Itself to all creation. I am one with all this Eternal
Presence is and all it has. The heavens of the universe are open
and I now receive an outpouring of blessings in my life.
I am a vessel of acceptance, upturned and filled to overflowing. I
have enough to use and share with plenty left over; my supply is
inexhaustible. There is no lack in the Divine Givingness. I recognize
a universe of limitless wealth; all Spirit has is mine, and I inherit the
kingdom of God. As I flow in the living stream of health, wealth,
creative self-expression, and loving harmonious relationships, my
joy and perfect balance are manifest.
I am the means by which God expresses Its givingness to the
people in my world. I am one with the limitless treasures of this
Universe. God is, I am. This eternal Truth ever was, is now, and
evermore shall be. Gratefully, I stand still and watch the fulfillment
of Law. I give thanks unto this, and so it is.
Lost 10-Year-Old Kyle Camp Kept Warm By Puppies
Huff Post - Sarah Medina, 10/18/12
A 10-year-old boy with Down Syndrome from Hackleburg, Ala., who'd been lost in the woods for over 18 hours, survived with the body heat from four puppies.
Kyle Camp went missing around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. His parents searched for the lost boy unsuccessfully for two hours before they called the police.
To read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.
Latest Volcanic Activity - October 19, 2012
Source: VolcanoDiscovery.com - Updated 10/19/12
Kīlauea volcano: current activity & news
Pressure builds as lava flows continue
Lucas - Real Unity In Unconditional Love - 19 October 2012
My heart is longing for peace and harmony as still ego and division is preached or hold on to. There is no unity in duality. When do you step over your shadow? When do you step out of this is my way and group and we know what is best or better said. When do you stop the competition of actions, explanations, words, beliefs, patterns. We make a stand for unity between the lightworkers around the world as we have only one common goal: ending the old duality system and bringing the new paradigm as a blue-print online.
We can make that difference if we all are focused on our mutual goal and focus from our heart on that which is already ready but needs to be manifested by our combined powers. We will clear the last shadows and will bring in the light on earth for ever. So step out of your walls you have built arround your own truths and beliefs. Break through those walls prohibiting you from uniting with all. We are all One. Act upon it and be One with all. It is time to set a side your so-called grouches, animosities, your hate, your fears, your ego, playing victim. It is time to start together in unity that what is our new world to be. Stop keeping the old cycle going. You are asked to do this now.
Meteor Fireworks Leave Californians Stunned
Weather.com - AP, 10/18/12
OAKLAND, Calif. -- Streaking fireballs lighting up California skies and stunning stargazers are part of a major meteor shower, and the show is just getting started, professional observers said.
The Oakland Tribune reports the exploding streaks were especially visible Wednesday night over the San Francisco Bay area and other parts of Northern California, with reports of bright fireballs and loud booms from Santa Cruz County to Mendocino County.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Weather Extra: Satellite Shows Blowing Dust in the Plains
Weather.com - 10/18/12
Credit: wright-weather.com
Above: You can see the blowing dust highlighted on the satellite image from Thursday afternoon.
A powerful low-pressure system spinning over the Midwest has been producing wind gusts in excess of 50 mph across a large portion of the Plains since Wednesday. In some cases, gusts have exceeded 60 mph and 70 mph.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Okla. Interstate Reopens After Dust Storm
Weather.com - AP, 10/19/12
Image: weather.com
BLACKWELL, Okla. -- Transportation officials say a stretch of Interstate 35 in northern Oklahoma is open again after a massive dust storm triggered a multi-vehicle accident.
Oklahoma Department of Transportation spokesman Cole Hackett said the 8-mile stretch of Interstate 35 reopened Thursday evening.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Published on Oct 19, 2012 by paradoxman316
Those who have been listening over a period of time know that I was raised as a fundamentalist, evangelical, charismatic Christian. It was the old-time religion of my parents and those that came before. If someone had said to me at that time that I was religious, I would have denied it. I loved Jesus, which, to me, had nothing to do with religion. Of course, even though I questioned certain things, it took a while before I came to the new consciousness that Christ was the Divine in everyone and everything, and even longer to realize that the conflict I saw within and without was the result of a belief that Life was about conflict: the battle between good and evil, light and darkness. Many still do not get this crucial fact: everything is connected! If there is one thing I'd like people to see, that's it.
Latest Earthquake Activity - October 19, 2012
Source: USGS.gov
Map of the quake in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
All earthquakes with magnitude 4.5 or greater.
October 19
Sandi Dolinar ~ Are We Ready Fo The New Age? ~ 19 October 2012
Sometimes we find ourselves in a blind alley mostly because we don’t listen to our inner self. But what does that mean? The inner self is the personified inner essence of our existence and it represents our inner mind, which is activated when we look inside ourselves and look for solutions to certain problems within us. For when we lean on other people, such solutions are always questionable.
We should try to find within ourselves the power necessary for us to look within and find our own truth inside ourselves. But what is truth? It is the path eluding us when we don’t take care of ourselves, but deal mostly with others and so forget about ourselves and our path or truth. Our truth is our path, liberating us from burdens of our past and showing us the way to a better tomorrow.
October and November 2012 at a glance
We enter the month of Libra on our way to the trials and tribulations of Scorpio in an interesting political and energetic year. The coin is flipped but it is magic of nature filled with illusion. Who, what, when, where, are the questions asked. Libra is always the moth of balancing the SHE within as we celebrate the divine female anchoring her light into the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee.
The flickers of light and power surges have already begun as we get ready for the shift before the shift. The Orionid meteors rush towards earth with hot little breaths of starry information dropping like Easter eggs all over the planet earth. Meteors especially from the, hunter, this year bring greetings from the 3 stars in Orion’s belt, Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka as well as Bellatrix. The belt of Orion leads to the Pleiades and to Sirius it is a starry portal. Bellatrix, is the third brightest star in the constellation Orion. The Warrior star-Woman is found at Orion's left shoulder. She is also known as the Amazon Star, and associated with Sirius C.
Oracle Report ~ Friday October 19 2012
by Gillian
Oracle Report | Crescent Moon Phase – Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn
At the New Moon I mentioned that this month would bring new opportunities. Today we see new paths and directions and the need to do things a different way. This is good!
Don’t let fear stand in your way with this. At the same time, use your own (keenly developed by now) sense of discernment if someone is trying to “reveal” something to you. Aim for finding what is true for you and you will be guided toward exactly what you need.
Today’s energy carries the desire to escape from reality. This is certainly a divine set-up because Neptune (‘escape”) at the first degree of Pisces is making a trine with Saturn (“reality”) at the first degree of Scorpio. It’s part of what is pushing us toward new opportunities that are stabilizing and satisfying. It will be interesting to see where the day takes us and what type of revelations and insights we have by the end of it.
We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!
Dratzo, Love BEings! If you've been keeping up, then you know that part of the Ascension Process is achieving Peace on Earth. So we've decided to make that happen, starting now.
We're not waiting for our so-called "leaders" to declare Peace, we're doing it ourselves.
We are sponsoring a series of videos on our new YouTube Channel: GFPEarthStarNetwork. Videos like this one:
Source: YouTube.com
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn Worthiness
Know that you deserve to receive good in all ways. You are a beautiful and loving being of creator light and nothing can ever take away from that. You are protected and guided through the mountains and valleys of your life. You are never alone and we are always with you. It is when you believe this with every fibre of your being that you will create the journey of your dreams. Let us lend you are strength and our courage at any time you are making life changes.
Use affirmations to help you create the belief system that matches your desires. At any time you should notice your thoughts or words saying anything that is not supportive and positive, repeat your affirmations or mantras to help you keep focused and on task. Take the action steps you feel guided and trust that they are exactly the right ones you should take. Ask for guidance and move forward fearlessly, knowing that you are indeed deserving of all things.
Affirmation: “I deserve to live a life filled with love, peace and prosperity, I am worthy.”
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Melchizedek ~~ The innovations within yourself, are unfolding your Master being ~~ by Méline Lafont
October 19, 2012
Acceleration Of Ascension-2012
The past two years have seen quantum jumps in the collective expansion of awareness (ascension), and the awakening of the masses.
Words such as Karma, chakras, manifestation, and all sorts of other words that are normally the vocabulary of those who are in a path of self discovery, are now used in society at large.
This year it accelerates a thousand fold.
A few days ago, I was chatting with three women I am collaborating with in a journey beyond mysticism, and after the call, I had the "instructions" from Source that it was time to stop walking on the planet with cotton gloves at an energy level, and to "let it all out", become unlimited. I looked at the instructions and decided to go ahead and apply them. Of course, the instructions are not just for me, but for everyone who is reading this article too.
SaLuSa ~ 10/19/2012
SaLuSa ~ 10/19/2012
Here we are on the verge of a great episode in your journey through duality, that will end with those who are ready to ascend leaving your present dimension. It does not mean that everything will change at once, but it will result in you being elevated to a higher dimension where you are with other souls of a similar vibration. It will ensure a life in which you experience a close harmony and joyful relationship with all souls. The harshness and confrontation you experience now will disappear for good, as those beings who cause such problems are not ready to ascend. Ascension is for those of you who have awakened to their true selves, and aspire to lift themselves up. When you can accept all others as One with you, and live your life in the manner of giving out Unconditional Love you are a perfect example of one who is ready.
Archangel Indriel. ~ Your Faithful Service To The Light. ~ By, Bella Capozzi.
October 19, 2012.
~ Greetings Beloveds, it is I, Indriel. I arrive on this day in my role as keeper and tender of you, the Lighbearers. In your Earthly guise you wear many hats-teacher, parent, doctor, homemaker, artist… The list goes on and on, and is far too long for me to personally credit each and every one of the professions and personas you maintain in your faithful service to the Light. Yet, commend you I sincerely do. All of Heaven heartily sings your praises, as the work you have done thus far is quite amazing. Do you not sometimes feel the occasional need for a pat on the back, Dear Friends? Well, I am here to give it to you. Oftentimes this feels to be a thankless job, and an endless, arduous one. Much of the time you feel as though you are a salmon swimming upstream, am I right? But take heart that while it is an uphill climb, an upward spiral, you are most unlike that salmon in the most obvious of ways. When you reach your destination, you shall not die. Instead, you shall find yourselves reborn.
Visionkeeper ~ It Has Been A Long Road ~19 October 2012
(picture www.favim.com)
Looking back over time I see that I have been here posting about our journey and what is taking place, for over a year now. So much has gone down since I first began to capture it all in words. It has indeed been a long road and so much has occurred that I think we sometimes lose sight of what has taken place. Many continue to wonder ‘are things really changing’ ‘will we really finally see our freedom’ ? The answer is yes IF you choose to believe it will. In the end it all comes down to what we believe in and will we manifest it. We will if we are doing our part in this magical moment. So let us recap what it is we are actually supposed to be doing and how we are supposed to do it.
Let’s begin with self-love as it is what makes this whole process work and without it we remain stuck in 3D. Love and joy together create everything in the universe and if you do not have self-love you do not have love and joy surrounding your life. We cannot create and manifest without love and joy so we must first create self-love and believe in ourselves and our beliefs one hundred percent! There can be no doubt if we wish for the process to work. So we must learn to believe in our self, trust our self and our beliefs and learn to love who we are, as we are, as we all make up the bigger, universal energy of one.