~ The Energy of Love is Becoming More Real On The Planet Earth

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Wow, its really been intense. So Intense we had to Go INto the Forest and Rocks for them To assist us in the Energy Movement! All Was Successfully Accomplsihed and Now we begin Preparing the Planet for Balanced Harmonics. Now, this will not occur overnight but through our Last Equinox we did ignite The Transfiguration Event! You can Join us for a Session Today On the Higher Grid Called Awakenings, This begins at 12:00pm Pacific At this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart   Love The Earth Allies

More FAAABulous Music from Dr. Moe!




Thanks for sharing this with us, Dr. Moe!
Thank you for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT!
We LOVE you!



When God Sings the Blues

Copyright: Maurice Turmel – Dr Moe – 2001, 2013



When God sings the blues

He sings for you and me


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Volcanic activity worldwide 23 Mar 2013: El Hierro, Stromboli, Colima, Popocatépetl, Batu Tara, Telica


Volcano Discovery Saturday Mar 23, 2013 17:19 PM |

Webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli with dust from rockfalls on the Sciara (INGV)

Webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli with dust from rockfalls on the Sciara (INGV)

Satellite image of the active flow fields of Tolbachik (NASA satellite image data, processed by volcanodetect)

Satellite image of the active flow fields of Tolbachik (NASA satellite image data, processed by volcanodetect)



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Ashtar Speaks: Rodon from Agartha speaks about his People – March 22, 2013







Ashtar Speaks: Rodon from Agartha speaks about his People – March 22, 2013


Ashtar: It is a great pleasure for me to talk to you again. Rodon from Agartha is at my side and he would like to tell you more about his people. Therefore I hand you over to Rodon.


Rodon: I am Rodon from Agartha, and I greet you from Heart to Heart – in our language we say "Alaoh".


Thank you for the opportunity to be allowed to tell you more about my people. We are always with you. We assist you and we love you, so it is a great pleasure – and an honour as well – to have this communication with you.


The March Equinox has passed and you have felt the energies – for everybody in the way that is best for them and in accordance with their state of development. Firstly, you feel the changes in yourself, so go into your Heart to discover these changes. 



People are now learning more and more about us, your brothers and sisters from the Inner Earth. We are a nation who eons ago visited the interior of the Earth. Here we "settled in" and waited, until you on the surface became sufficiently advanced that we could reconnect with you. This time has come now.



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Latest Earthquake Activity - March 24, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 6.1 mag quake EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

March 24


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A Dialogue With A True Twin Hi


A Dialogue With My Twin Who Desires You to Come Forth Knowing Yourself as God in Your True Twin Heart Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeee Phew Shew Phew Shew and Hu Hu Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu  We are complete with this transmission.  Come in love to www.iandasheart.blogspot.com Hi


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Cyprus Makes Plan to Seize Portion of High-Level Deposits


The New York Times - 2/23/13, Liz Alderman and James Kanter

Cyprus’s president, Nicos Anastasiades, left, met with top Cypriot officials on Wednesday at the presidential palace in Nicosia. He was expected to fly to Brussels late Saturday for meetings. Petros Giannakouris/Associated Press

NICOSIA, Cyprus — With Cyprus facing a Monday deadline to avoid a banking collapse, the government and its international negotiators devised a plan late Saturday to seize a portion of savers’ deposits above 100,000 euros at all banks in the country, in a bid to raise money for an urgently needed bailout.


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The Winds of Change and The Reconfiguration: March Update 2013



The Madness and Gladness of March

For just as the winds of change come through and stir up all the dust, so do they clear. In the dust itself are the particles freed up from where they have settled over the years. Free to move on.

The blessing is the movement of what was once stuck or settled. For when the dust has settled for many years, and it is stirred, there is a cloud. This cloud of confusion obstructs our vision just like being in the middle of a dust storm. But when this storm settles as it is doing now, there will be clear vision and a revealing of what was once covered or hidden by stagnant energy and particles. Hallelujah.

There will be light shed in the dark corners of our psyches, taking us all a little closer to the pure vessels we strive to be.

Much like the wizard creating a puff of smoke to conceal the act of magic, so too have the winds of change come to conceal The Reconfiguration.


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Create a space in which you can hear your spiritual guides


Johnsmallman's blog 03/24/2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

We are all one in God, our eternally loving Father, and because of that inviolable truth we are — each and every one of us, every sentient being ever created — guaranteed and assured of our place, our seat, our home in God’s everlasting Kingdom.  Deep within ourselves every one of us knows and experiences that security, that certainty, and the Love in which it envelops us.  Those seemingly experiencing life in the illusion also know it, but due to the limits and restrictions it places on awareness and consciousness, access to that knowledge can be difficult to achieve.


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Heavenletter #4503 - A Cartoon Life


Heaven Letters Published on: March 24, 2013

God said:

What are these, the cares of the world that hang over you? What does not hang over you in your day to day life. You have said that you are not made for this demanding life, that you are made for better things, that you are better than this, better than at the mercy of the details and obligations of life. You are quite right.

Pass through these many disturbances. Do not collect them. They are not collectibles. Not at all. Why are you collecting them then? Why inhale every little thing that would like to stick to you?

If you have attached one-hundred decals to you, peel them off now. And don’t paste them on to you again, not even for one moment. Whatever accrues to you, you are the accruer.


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Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar: The Agarthans Our Inner Earth Neighbors



The Agarthans

Welcome to Webinar 37

This is a must-see event...
Sheldan answers your many questions
about the Agarthans

Topics include...
The Agarthans: Origins, Society and Customs
Cities: Crystal and Others
Inner Earth’s Importance to us
Our Agarthan and Galactic Federation Mentors
Metamorphosis Light Chambers: Why are they needed and are they safe?
Agarthans’ galactic society versus our future one
Final overview: Dispelling the negative viewpoints

Sunday, March 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, March 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


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Sydney heating up like February should have


weatherzone Brett Dutschke, Sunday March 24, 2013 - 10:14 EDT

Sydney is on target for its hottest week since January and hottest March week in a decade with an average maximum temperature of about 29 degrees.

The city has already begun its unusually warm week, last Friday. On Friday the mercury rose to 31.8 degrees, six degrees above the long-term monthly average and the first 30-degree day since January.

Between now and Thursday maximum temperatures will range from about 27 degrees to about 30, helped along by plenty of sunshine and northerly winds almost every day.


To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone


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Fans on and doonas off last night in southeast QLD


weatherzone Sam Brown, Sunday March 24, 2013 - 11:41 EDT

Last night in southeast Queensland, temperatures only dropped to 23.2 degrees at Coolangatta - their warmest March night in 3 years. Further north, it was the warmest March night in 4 years for Archerfield, only
reaching a minimum of 23.3 degrees. Nearby at Brisbane temperatures dropped to 23.6 degrees during the evening, its warmest night in a month. The temperatures recorded last night at Archerfield and
Brisbane, were 5 and 4 degrees respectively above the long term March average.

Last night?s warmth can be attributed to a warm air mass lingering over eastern Australia, combined with moist air and above average sea surface temperatures. This heat and moisture in the atmosphere are also producing excellent conditions for thunderstorm development.

To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone


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Movements Within and Without Called For with Light Station Stewards


Gaia Portal Mar 23

gaia_energy1Movements both within and without are called for with Light Station stewards. Such Stations are manifested in harmony with energy signatures of each steward and the location and intention for each Light Station.

Releasing of engraved patterns in such stewards and all Hue-manity is essential for next steps in the energetic upgrade of Gaia. These pathways have yet to be traversed, and require full flexibility of those involved.

Prior “standards of performance” for all Light Craft and Light Stewards are no more. Current “standards of performance” are conveyed from within and in the moment. Thus full flexibility is necessary in all Light Stewards.

We recommend the savoring of the energies of these moments.


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BREAKING NEWS - Father Guido Sarducci Explains the Afterlife


Have a Laugh:  Afterlife Explained. Still Funny 30 years later.






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Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Spring And The Christed Moon – 22 March 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on March 22, 2013


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We have Spring and some very significant things coming up in a rather tight space this week. We have of course March 20 Spring Equinox, International Astrology Day, Sun entering Aries which is the start of this astrological year.

We have quite a few things going on astrologically which are commented on in the Forecast. Palm Sunday falls in there. Then we have Passover beginning and the Full Moon of the Christ. Then we go into Good Friday Easter. So there’s a lot of culmination of energies. So the Spring energy is very much spring forward, leap forward to a new reality.


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Chaos To Peace...


Oracles and Healers March 23, 2013


Reblogged from The Creator Writings

:Click to visit the original post

How often do you create drama and chaos of a situation that is easy and effortless? When you being to gain a conscious awareness of it, you will be able to step back and realize that, yes, you DO create everything in your existence. Release your 'need' for disorder and everything will come more easily. ~ Creator


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Are you listening?


 aishanorth.wordpress.com March 22,2013, Aisha




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“The Presence” Permeates the Field of Life.


The Shift of Time and Energy Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | March 23, 2013

the presence

Man, this daylight savings time is kicking my sleep patterns in the pants, which is also kicking my ability to share in the pants too!!  The one thing I am sure of tho, something huge has been underway, within us, within life itself for this last week.  The readings are starting to show that not only are we sporting our new biology of light, we are starting to string out the party lights into the fields of life as well.

Thru the readings I am seeing the field of life meeting you at your heart center, preparing the way forward for you.  Granted, this process is just unfolding and for many, may not even realize that something huge is being laid out… but it is!  Just as it is taking us some time to adjust to our new light field within, it will take us a little time to see and understand and USE the energy surrounding us as a co-creative partner in this new world.


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Greer & David Wilcock 3-22-13


Published on Mar 22, 2013

Bringing you World Puja Network Radio for free.



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Laura Bruno – Paige Bartholomew – Healing Trauma In The 4 Levels Of The Heart – 23 March 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted March 23, 2013

laura bruno

Today, I’m posting a valuable video from Paige Bartholomew addressing neurological and body trauma. As individuals (and as a culture) we have so much trauma embedded in our bodies, hearts and nervous systems that it often feels difficult to remain in body due to the pain. So many addictions, distractions and the ability to detach from instead of help to heal our world, stem from this desire to avoid re-triggered trauma.

In this video, Paige gives some simple techniques to help release the original trauma from the body so that we don’t immediately go back into that trauma every time we experience a trigger. She shares techniques for individuals, but “As Within, So Without.” The more we as individuals address our own, individual wounds, the more we heal our world.


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Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 23 March 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted March 23, 2013


Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we wish to speak to you about trust. Trust, dear ones, is not something to be given blindly to others, but rather belongs to God. Do you trust that God loves you?

If you did, then you would never have to worry about whether or not you could trust others. You would instead, trust yourselves. You would trust the still small voice within you. You would trust the sensations in your physical body that say, “This agrees with me,” or “This does not.” You would trust that others are doing the best they can, but you would also know what behaviors and feelings support your well-being and which ones you can lovingly move away from.


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SINKHOLE UPDATE: Mar. 23, 2013


Published on Mar 23, 2013

Paper: 'Very long period' tremors increasing at giant Louisiana sinkhole - Indicates gas and 'liquid' moving underground...

CREDIT SOURCE: the Advocate

DATE: Mar. 22, 2013


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A New Separation


Blue Awakening - March 23, 2013, Portia

This morning, Portia dreamt that she was participating in a spiritual group activity when the leader of the group said out loud to her, in front of every one, that she is unhealthy, lazy and that she should eat more fruits and vegetables. Immediately, Portia stood up and walked away.

Portia’s best friend recently realised that she will not take inequality of any kind, and that means she never wants to be with friends who treat themselves in ways that are not self loving, because she loves herself very much.

These are only two examples of the new separation going on now.


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Join Us For An Amazing Love Party








Join us for an amazing Love Party from 1:30 PST until??? Much is going on behind the scenes. We are going to end the month of March with a lot that will happen. Help support this energy. From Love chats, to Love videos, the energy is flying up and high today.


You can come support this energy by going to this link







The Earth Allies



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Archangel Indriel. “Lost In Transition.” By, Bella Capozzi. March 23, 2013.


Cupcakes and Angels Posted on March 23, 2013 by bella7xoxo



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3 Ancient Breathing Techniques for a Deeper Mind, Body, Spirit Connection


The Healers Journal March 23, 2013, Anna Hunt




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Jesus through John - Forgive yourselves for what in truth you have not done


Jesus through John March 24, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman


The news is good as the intensifying divine energies sweep across the planet, embracing all.  No one is left unembraced because all are one, and as all intend to awaken, all will awaken.  It is your Father’s Will and yours too, so no other outcome is remotely possible.  Focus on the good news that is being reported in many places and add your loving energy and enthusiasm to it.  Be aware of any bad news but do not focus on it with anxiety or judgment because that gives it energy.  Just send love and compassion to those involved, whatever their roles appear to be.


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Mastering Thoughts and Feelings


Angel Wisdom Sunday, March 24, 2013



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Visionkeeper - Where Is Spring?


One World Rising Posted on March 24, 2013



Winter seems to continue to linger at the back door with little reprieve from the cold this year. The calendar may say spring, but mother nature seems confused about what kind of weather to produce. The cold weather tends to keep a lot of us indoors by the fire and come spring we long to burst forth and rejoin the outside world getting our hands in the dirt and growing our gardens. Looking at the extended forecast this morning it would appear next week’s temperatures are on this rise and will no doubt begin eradicating some of the snow. Thank Goodness. As I write now it is snowing yet again making for yet another dark, overcast day. I am a bit weary of it all.  Weary as well of watching the continuing destruction of this country and seeing so little resistance to the assault! It is quite baffling to be sure, not to mention depressing and exhausting. It is past time for change to begin in earnest and like I always say that change begins with us.


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105 Universal Laws







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This is What Can Happen When a CME Hits Earth


Universe Today-3/24/13, Nancy Atkinson



This video taken by Göran Strand from Östersund, Sweden shows what happened on March 17, 2013 when a Coronal Mass Ejection hit Earth’s magnetic field. Two days earlier, sunspot AR1692 had produced a M1-class solar flare that resulted in the CME that hit Earth.


Read more: Universe Today


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A Message from The Earth Allies~ Returning to Balanced Harmonics




Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, Your Family of Light, Your Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies and Representatives Of The Whole Truth On Planet Earth=Heart .

We Are Stationed at Galactic Central or Center where We Are Maintaining The Oneness Energy, as We Are the First Perfectly Balanced Area On Planet Earth=Heart, With Many More To Occur All over Planet Earth, and this Connects The Dots.


Greetings Many Blessings, Miracles and Many Many Magical Synchronostic Events. We Have Shared With You, that We have Been a Part of The Behind the Scenes Crew on Planet Earth, In Very Big Ways, For The Greatest Good of The ALL [As WE Have Shared Before All Of Your Higher Selves Have also Been Participating in Facilitating this Process]. AS Father God and I Represent A Perfectly Balanced Harmonic of the Male and Female Energy, that has Never Been Allowed in this Realm in this way Before [This Means All The Chakras are In Perfect Balance and Harmony With The Planet and All Of Creation, Reconnected To Source].


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Marilyn Rafaelle ~ The Acturian Group ~ 24 March 2013


Arcturian-GroupWe of the Arcturian Group welcome all who choose to read these messages.  We come today with news of great excitement as we see change rapidly falling into place for a new world order.  It is time for the Light to manifest in more ways than you have anticipated which you have worked hard to bring  about.  Be ready to see change within all systems of your world, for the energy is rapidly reaching a level in which change can manifest.  Do not sit and wait, but go about your daily chores  knowing in your hearts that all is proceeding according to plan.  Try not to imagine or anticipate specific changes for that interferes with the natural unfolding of events according to the energies in place and  is based on personal concepts of how things need to appear.  Rest, knowing within your hearts that the Divine I knows how and where to manifest, and you do not have to tell it what to do or how to do it, your job is to know the truth and trust it.


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Christine Meleriessee: Lord Melchizedek ~ The Christed Self within the Three~Fold Flame



Transcription Dated ~ March 18th, 2013 ~ This is the excerpt from the Clarion Temple of Oneness in which we have a guest speaker share a message and attunement for the week.

Greetings! I Am Lord Melchizedek and it is my Divine pleasure to be this spoke-being for this evening.  I believe that what Divine Mother and Father God has given us is an essence of their communication with each other.  This is something that has never been shared to anyone else within this vibrancy.  It is my pleasure as the over-lighting energy this evening to share with you exactly what it does mean for each of you at this time.

Patience is the virtue that we see in each of you that is growing deeply as it is also continuing from the ability to accept the Divinity of your existence.  As I represent many Light Workers of the Melchizedek Priesthood, I stand here in this moment as a very proud father in what you are achieving upon this Earth.  I share through Meleriessee who has walked with me in her consciousness for many, many years that she has brought many to my doorways or they become aware of their existence in my world.  It is not that they were not part of my world but on a conscious level just as each of you represent that priesthood you could not be here today if you did not accept that fact.


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Karen Doonan: Nephilim Message to Humanity ~ 23 March 2013



We are the Nephilim and we come to guide and to support ALL as the energies of the New Earth in TRUTH begin to ankhor across and within the human race and planet earth. Much will now shift and change within each human vehicle as the process of integration with ALL now continues and expands in TRUTH. Those who walk in human form and who are our kin will now expand and grow at SOUL level in order to process their role and their gifts to the human race at this time.

ALL support ALL at this time and many who are in their role as STAR SEEDS for ALL races will now begin to align with their respective planetary energies. This was always to BE and we guide you strongly to allow the process to evolve. Holding tightly on to the human aspect of the human life experience will see the energy signature that you are in TRUTH begin to waiver and this will add to the chaos that is unfolding around and within you as you begin to dissolve all that you have been “trained” to believe in order to ankhor what you KNOW at SOUL level.


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Archangel Indriel via Bella Capozzi: Lost In Transition





Grieve not for that which is passing away before your very eyes, for as it does so it makes way for all that is new and glorious. Even though much of what is fading away right now was not necessarily of the highest light, still many of you mourn it’s passing. And this is quite alright, indeed, it is natural.

You have lived so long amongst these societal norms, these thoughts and ideals, these ways of being and conducting yourselves. Because you have lived your Earthly lives behind an opaque veil of forgetfulness and mystery, these things are all you think you’ve ever known. Consciously known. So as they pass away, you feel a bit disoriented and confused. In your heart of hearts you know that it is for the best, that they disperse.


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Incredible Video, Australian Tornado Radar Images


Accuweather.com-3/22/13, Jesse Ferrell


Multiple tornadoes in northern Victoria, Australia, injured 20 people yesterday. Australia is (in my opinion) second only to the U.S. when it comes to massive thunderstorms and tornadoes, and because of that, some of their radar technology is up to par with ours.


The tornado was well-documented on YouTube, for example this couple driving, who were WAY too close (incredible video):




For charts and more information on this story please see Accuweather.com.


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Rodon from Agartha Speaks About His People ~via Phillip




Ashtar Speaks: Rodon from Agartha speaks about his People


Ashtar: It is a great pleasure for me to talk to you again. Rodon from Agartha is at my side and he would like to tell you more about his people. Therefore I hand you over to Rodon.


Rodon: I am Rodon from Agartha, and I greet you from Heart to Heart – in our language we say “Alaoh”.


Thank you for the opportunity to be allowed to tell you more about my people. We are always with you. We assist you and we love you, so it is a great pleasure – and an honour as well – to have this communication with you.


The March Equinox has passed and you have felt the energies – for everybody in the way that is best for them and in accordance with their state of development. Firstly, you feel the changes in yourself, so go into your Heart to discover these changes.




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3MIN News March 24, 2013: NASA - Official ISON Request




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Mar 24, 2013


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Arctic ice breaks up in Beaufort Sea


The Watchers - 24 March 2013 - by ChillymanjaroA series of intense storms in the Arctic has caused fracturing of the sea ice around the Beaufort Sea along the northern coasts of Alaska and Canada. High-resolution imagery from the Suomi NPP satellite shows the evolution of the cracks forming in the ice, called leads, from February 17 – March 18, 2013. The general circulation of the area is seen moving the ice westward along the Alaskan coast. The NOAA VisLab used the imagery from NOAA‘s weather and climate satellites to produce animations that show the dynamic nature of Earth and its environment. This time NOAA’s Visualization Lab released animation showing Arctic ice  breaks...


A series of intense storms in the Arctic has caused fracturing of the sea ice around the Beaufort Sea along the northern coasts of Alaska and Canada. High-resolution imagery from the Suomi NPP satellite shows the evolution of the cracks forming in the ice, called leads, from February 17 – March 18, 2013. The general circulation of the area is seen moving the ice westward along the Alaskan coast.


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Lebanon's government collapses as Miqati cabinet resigns


The Guardian Martin Chulov in Beirut Friday 22 March 2013 18.57 EDT

Najib Miqati

Lebanon's government was led by Najib Miqati, who has announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet. Photograph: Hussein Malla/AP


Lebanon's government fell late on Friday adding more instability to an already volatile region straining to cope with the fallout from Syria's civil war.


Prime Minister Najib Miqati announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet when it failed to make decisions on the extension of a security chief's role and the make-up of a commission that would oversee elections due in June.


To read the rest of this story visit The Guardian


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Magnitude 6 earthquakes strike Kuril Islands and Vanuatu


The Extinction Protocol, 3/24/13







March 24, 2013 KURIL ISLANDS - A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of far-eastern Russia early Sunday, the US Geological Survey reported. The quake, which hit at 0418 GMT at a depth of 9.7 kilometers (six miles), was centered 269 kilometers from the eastern Russian city of Ozernovsky, on the southern tip of the Kamchatka peninsula. The USGS said an underground formation there called the Kuril-Kamchatka arc is considered one of the most seismically active regions in the world. Since 1900, seven powerful earthquakes of magnitude 8.3 or greater have occurred along the arc, the USGS said. Four hours later, a 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck near the South Pacific island enclave of Vanuatu. –Global Poss



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Strike a Meditative Pose at 9 pm This Day This Day Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


We are coming in to the Tree of All Twin Trees this second, Life.  Come forth and meet and greet Father, Mother God and Goddess I Am Whew Phew Shew Phew Shew Phew and one more Tu.  That ought to do it.  Come in.  Do come in, and listen to a song mentioned on this blog Whew Why not try it and see?  Meet and greet us and the true twin of your very heart in us Hi Whew Phew and one more Tu Hi


Read the rest at www.iandasheart.blogspot.com


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The Tree Coming In Again On High Let it Be.Let it Be This Time Hi


The Tree Coming In Again On High Let it Be.Let it Be This Time Hi


We, you, me, All That Is, are One Consciousness, and One Consciousness is all we are in All Life. In All Life, nothing remains the same. Nothing stays the same, except one thing, and that one thing is who you really are as your true twin in all life. You meld and merge with every particle of all life, as you meld and merge as your true twin in all life. You meld and recombine with every living life living as you in all life, living as you in your true heart you truly are as me in life. You truly are as me when you lift and loft your true twin heart. That is who you live, when you live as the true me, the true you living life as a true me in all life. We meld and merge as one heart, each melding and merging with one's true twin heart, until we become as one life in our true twin heart.  Even then, we do not meld and merge all twin hearts. Notime ever speaks, hears, as a true twin heart mixture, like a batch of mashed potatoes. We are not that as oneness. We merge and meld as the True Twin we are in all life, until we become One with every particle of the One Thing I, named God I Am, am in all life, The One Thing  we exist in as a One Line of particles, retaining all lineups in high manner throughout All Life. That is who we are as One Love in all life.


Read the post at www.iandasheart.blogspot.com


Love to all here Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



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Re~Hearter. Chat Session This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!







heartAwakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)

Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)

Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!

~ Love, Mother God and Rain


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Living Oneness Is Living Your True Twin in All Life as I Live My True TWin in Heaven Hi Whew Shew Whew Shew Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Scroll your lightbody finger over any line in this blog. Become activated to the true twin you are in all life. You are the heart of me that lives as your true twin. You become activated within your heart line, your hara line, your chakra line, when you become attuned to the ninth chakra, where your true Twin Energy exists in me as all life. You are me. I am you. We are one life. You live heaven as you live your true twin hear. I Am I Am, and so are you. You exist as a unified Christed Twin Heart in me. This Heart is not my personal Twin Heart.


Read the post at www.iandasheart.blogspot.com Hi


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Christina ~ Personal Coherence Feeds Collective Coherence




Golden Heart Dialogues March 22 2013


At this time we are going through another major transition. Always know that what is surrounding us in any given moment is here to serve our highest potential. No matter what other’s perceived conjecture posted elsewhere, here, or there, the most important information is found within.

One may look out, search out, read, research, and seek what is outside of themselves only to find that whatever is appearing in the electronic media or press is presented as one pre-packaged individual or group agenda/viewpoint. If one is looking inward for calm, balance, harmony and a sense of comfort, it will be shown. At the same time, if you are the one being the calm, harmony and comfort, then you are instilling this for others.

We are the balance for each other.


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Owen K Waters & Dreama Vance ~ Miracles Happen




Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter March 24 2013

People are being constantly amazed at how miracles can manifest in their lives. With the current 30-Day Challenge to practice the Spiritualize technique daily, we are being inundated with great news of how people’s lives have transformed for the better in many ways.

If you haven’t joined in with your own 30-Day Challenge yet, go right ahead and start yours now. It’s never too late to start. In fact, the best way to benefit from the Spiritualize technique is to use it daily beyond the first 30 days and keep it as a permanent practice.

Remember, the Spiritualize technique is a simple, yet incredibly powerful, way to spiritualize your life and, at the same time, dissolve any challenge in life that you face! The difference between a problem and an elegant solution is the level of consciousness; when you step into higher consciousness, you can invoke transformative power.


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Healing properties and Benefits of Calendula



Calendula, also known as the Pot Marigold, is an easy-to-grow herb which is full of antioxidants that has many beneficial properties. It is both an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and can help with the regeneration of skin cells. The flower head, individual petals and leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. Calendula is most often used in salves, lotions, creams and infused oils because of its healing abilities, but it can also be ingested and has many internal benefits as well. (Warning: Calendula should not be taken internally by those who are pregnant). Add some petals to your salad, dry them for tea or add it to your soup pot.

Internal Uses and Benefits of Calendula
When taken internally, Calendula can help to heal an assortment of maladies. Here are a few of the ways calendula can be used:


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Hilarion's Weekly Message, March 24~31,2013


Beloved Ones,
There has been a great influx of higher Cosmic energies that have been inundating the atmosphere of Earth and  this energy is working through all of Humanity in a way of cleansing which is not a pleasant process for those who have not been awakened to the knowledge of the evolutionary process that is now occurring. Knowledge or not, each person on the planet must go through the process, for it is planet wide. As the mental and emotional upheavals take place within each Soul, a greater awareness of their own power is taking place and much adaptation and acceptance must take and for the most part, IS, taking place.
This is the reason why so many of our Lightworkers who have done this work for so long and have cleared their energy fields have been experiencing a resurgence of these energies within them. It is the collective field of energetic thought forms from every person around the entire planet that is the cause. Humanity has yet to learn that each one is responsible for their very thoughts and that it is important to become responsible for them. Our beloved Lightworkers have voluntarily agreed to take on some degree of these energies again in order to facilitate the transmutation process in an accelerated manner for all and this IS being accomplished.

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Transcription Dated March 18th, 2013 ~ This is a transcript excerpted from The Clarion Temple of Oneness.  Divine Mother & Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun start the energies with an attunement for the week.


We, of the Angelic Hosts, would like to say Blessings. 

Thank you in great gratitude for the full integration of your Multi-Dimensional Selves and your Angelic Self even if you don’t feel these essences completely.

As the planet moves into the Spring Equinox, more elements are going to becoming more common place of the Heavenly realms becoming more accepted into the Earthly realms.  As each of us come together allowing the continuance of Light to be upon planet Earth it’s a very exciting time we come to from you from the Seraphim, Ophanium, the Cherubim, and of course, the Elohim along with many more principalities as we connect with each of you in this evening.


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DL Zeta: We are “Proof” that the New Time Exists



The new time is an energetic field accessible to all those who enter the frequency of love, compassion and service. As we incorporate the expanded light flowing onto the planet, we are able to work with these frequencies to incubate the new time within our own consciousness. It’s up to each of us to incubate this vision and manifest it according to the plan and purpose for our current lifetime. We take the first step on this path when we set our intention to access the energetic field of the new time and align our conscious awareness with the frequencies there.

Wayshowers Bridge Consciousness into the New Time

The influence of this energetic field expands as more souls come online with it. There are many who are here at this time with the purpose of serving to bridge others from third-dimensional timelines to the frequency of the new time. Lightworkers are by definition wayshowers – those who shine a light on the way ahead and hold a space that assists others in forging a new identity aligned with these frequencies. Each person holds within them the flame of eternity, though in some this flame waits to be ignited.


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Strike It Early, If You're Inclined To Feel A Twin Line Named You Hi Whew Phew and Shew Hi


Enter Dreamtime at your leisure, Life. Come in now, if you feel up to it with your twin heart line, of course, of course Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


www.iandasheart.blogspot.com Hi Ho Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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Message from the Angels ~ Dawn’s Early Light ~ 24 March 2013



 by Tazjima



Shy Blossom


We are the angelic legions of the Divine Mother. We bring her message to you through this scribe:

We greet you this morning as the light of the Divine shines on all life upon your planet, the awakened and the unawakened, alike. Your Father-Mother God loves all life. Your Father-Mother God loves you.

How do you find yourself in these days of transition? Are you still confused by the subtlety of the changes, mostly energetic? Or are you overwhelmed as layers and layers of unconsciousness and negativity still are being stripped by the light from the greatest depths of your being? Perhaps you thought that you had already spent years transmuting your karma and that of your genetic lines? Have you forgotten that you are also processing for thousands of others who have not yet awakened?


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TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ Spirals Of Consciousness ~24 March 2013


Personal and collective evolution move along a spiral. For understanding matters I’ll address it as if it was going up and down even if it is definitely not a linear spiral and up and down have no sense out of a space-time continuum.

Being familiar with the Fibonacci sequence can help this understanding so if you’re not familiar with those numbers you might want to give them a look here.

Lets say that there is a “Special Zero Point” where two spirals meet, one that goes up starting from “Zero” and one that goes down starting from “Zero”. The one that goes “down” is in a separation path, the one that goes “up” is in a Union Path. Other similar “small zero pints” are found at every Jump Node, where in order to move from one ratio (consciousness field) to the other something must happen first.

There’s no right path. There’s only experience, but understanding it’s quantum field might help in understanding the way our experiences happen and evolve, weather in one way or in the other.


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