~ The Entire Planet and All on Her are Shifting~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, We continue to be in prophozized Moments on this Planet and We continue shifting. Many may find themselves having to play catch up. We are In Intersting Moments Indeed as these energies continue to Increase. Anything could Happen and Many are Saying Look to the Sky! We do have 2 Comets arriving! These Comets are always celestial bodies which carry high Energy Potential and assist In transformations. We will Be On the Grid today Beginning at 2pm Pacific. You can Join US Live At this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart   Love The Earth Allies

Fiery looping rain on the Sun




Eruptive events on the sun can be wildly different. Some come just with a solar flare, some with an additional ejection of solar material called a coronal mass ejection (CME), and some with complex moving structures in association with changes in magnetic field lines that loop up into the sun’s atmosphere, the corona. On July 19, 2012, an eruption occurred on the sun that produced all three. A moderately powerful solar flare exploded on the sun’s lower right hand limb, sending out light and radiation. Next came a CME, which shot off to the right out into space. And then,...



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Keep the Faith: We are on a Positive Timeline!



Jelaila explains why evidence is pointing to the fact that we have successfully shifted to a better timeline. Full message with additional research links can be found at: http://www.aweber.com/t/GsvvO




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10 Unexpected Uses for Lemons: Kiss the Chemicals Goodbye!


Rise Earth

Nature supplies us with some great stuff, no? Like lemons. In a lemon you can find a tangy compliment for any beverage, a flavor-enhancing ingredient for food, a deodorizer, a stain remover and plenty of other uses. Lemons are inexpensive, safe for human consumption and environmentally friendly. Grab a few on your next supermarket trip for these 10 common uses.

1. Laundry brightener

Add a half cup of lemon juice to your whites for extra brightening. That’s it!

2. Air freshener

I recently found an excellent tip that’s especially good for dry winter days: Fill a pot with water and place it on the stove top. Add lemon juice and peels along with cinnamon sticks, cloves and apple skins (all optional). Simmer for as long as you’d like. It really freshens the room while also adding a little moisturizing.


3. Hair lightener

Spritzing or squeezing a mixture of two-parts lemon juice and one-part water into your hair as you sit in the sun will gently lighten your locks. Enjoy a good book or just bask in the sunshine making vitamin D while your hair dries.

4. Cleaner

Squeeze lemon juice onto counter tops and in gritty places, like fridge drawers, followed by wiping down with a wet cloth. Add vinegar for an extra cleaning.


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - February 21, 2013


2006 - Mexico - March 10 - A chance photograph of a UFO has been taken in Orizaba by Rossana Tejeda Lopez. The photograph was taken at night when the Moon was bright. Rossana filmed the UFO from her garage. Her first photo there is a very luminous, orange-colored object. The second photo does not show an object, but the third one does.

There was nothing unusual seen by the photographer as she was snapping the photos. She was only trying to photograph the sky. © R T Lopez

Source:  UFO Casebook



UFO OVNI over Berlin Germany


UFO Spotted Over Kentucky



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Let Go of Your Past and Be Free


Recently whilst reading one of my favorite books I came across a passage that said "Let go of your past. Stop clinging to it. You are not going to drown without it. You are drowning because of it." This is something that most people are caught up in, living in the past. But why is it so important to let go of it?


It's important because people tend to identify themselves with their past and what they have experienced or achieved. But you are not your past. You are so much more than that. And identifying yourself with your past is preventing you from seeing yourself as you truly are.


It's rare for us to look back at our past and not judge ourselves for what we created, assuming of course that you realize you created it. We are not victims here. There are no victims in any circumstance, lest you choose to be one. Yet most of us consider ourselves to be victims if we've experienced something unpleasant or really terrible. I am going to take an example of someone I know that was sexually abused by her father for most of her childhood. Today as a grown woman, married with two adolescent children, she is still suffering from this abuse and so too is her family. She cannot accept what happened to her, and so she cannot forgive her father, neither can she forgive herself.


Some of you might consider my example as extreme, but know that sexual abuse such as this is not a rare occurrence. And there are many women as well as men, who remain in victim mode throughout their lives because of it. Yet I have said, there are no victims here in our experience as humans, not in any circumstance. How can this be?



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The Numerology of February 22, 2013~ Gregg Prescott, M.S.




by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

February 22, 2013 has the potential to be a false flag date in terms of numerology.

When you look at numerology, you are looking at the synchronicity of how specific numbers align.

February 22, 2013, in numerology, can be written as 2/22/2013.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - February 22, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

February 22




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2 cars ensnared by sinkhole on U.S. 89 near Page


AZCentral.com - 2/20/13, The Republic/AZCentral.com


The collapsed of a portion of U.S. 89 south of Page on Wednesday has forced the indefinite closure of the highway going both directions, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation.

U.S. 89 is the main road connecting Page to Flagstaff and the Valley. More than 120 feet of the highway has sunk nearly 4 feet just south of Page in the Navajo Nation, according to Dustin Krugel of ADOT.

To watch the other video and read the rest of this story, visit AZCentral.com.


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Intense tropical cyclone Haruna struck Madagascar


AlertNet - 22 Feb 2013, Source: Content partner // Tropical Storm Risk

Intense tropical cyclone Haruna struck Madagascar at about 18:00 GMT on 21 February. Data supplied by the US Navy and Air Force Joint Typhoon Warning Centersuggest that the point of landfall was near 22.2 S,42.4 E. Haruna brought 1-minute maximum sustained winds to the region of around 185 km/h (114 mph).Wind gusts in the area may have been considerably higher.

According to the Saffir-Simpson damage scale the potential property damage and flooding from a storm ofHaruna'sstrength (category 3)at landfall includes:

To read the rest of this story, visit AlertNet.


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Volcanic activity worldwide 21 Feb 2013: Etna erupts again, tremor at White Island


Volcano Discovery Thursday Feb 21, 2013 18:58 PM

The characteristic tall tremor peak of Etna's tremor signal

The characteristic tall tremor peak of Etna's tremor signal

Current seismic spectrum and amplitude from White Island (GeoNet)

Current seismic spectrum and amplitude from White Island (GeoNet)


Etna (Sicily, Italy): A 4th paroxysm from the New SE crater has occurred in rapid succession to the previous eruptions during the past 2 days. It will be interesting to see how long Etna will keep up this busy pace.



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The Morning Blessing 02.22.13


Meet the talented artist: MariDay

I love the paradoxical nature of the human being. I met with a woman yesterday who asked, as many of us do, "When am I going to find the path that I've been shown I'm suppose to be on? I'm tired of waiting for it. I get glimpses of it, but it never truly manifests itself."  If I have had to come up with this answer once, I have had to come up with it a hundred times. Let me explain it once more for we have all wondered from time to time about our rightful, highest expression.



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The Heart Song for February 22nd 2013


Good morning.  The Heart Song for February 22nd 2013 is

Because I AM A Queen by India Arie



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Experts: Little Hope For Drought Relief In Near Future


Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan - 2/22/13, Nathan Johnson

Those hoping for major drought relief in the near future weren’t given much reason for optimism by climate experts Thursday.
“The winter has brought wetter and cooler conditions to the eastern part of the central region (of the United States), while drier and warmer-than-normal conditions have persisted in the western portion of the region,” said Wendy Ryan of the Colorado State Climate Office during the monthly Midwest and Great Plains Drought Impact and Outlook webinar. “Drought conditions are expected to persist in the western part of the central region.”

To read the rest of this story, visit Yankton.net.


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Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year?


So what if we told you that, by our calculations, the largest U.S. banks aren’t really profitable at all? What if the billions of dollars they allegedly earn for their shareholders were almost entirely a gift from U.S. taxpayers?

Too Big to Make Money? Granted, it’s a hard concept to swallow. It’s also crucial to understanding why the big banks present such a threat to the global economy.

Let’s start with a bit of background. Banks have a powerful incentive to get big and unwieldy. The larger they are, the more disastrous their failure would be and the more certain they can be of a government bailout in an emergency. The result is an implicit subsidy: The banks that are potentially the most dangerous can borrow at lower rates, because creditors perceive them as too big to fail.

Full Story... (Bloomberg.com)


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Planetary Update - February 2013


Every month, Jim Self "takes the pulse" of the energies currently affecting us and the planet.

Mastering Alchemy (sign up for free membership and access to Jim's free webinar series)

Mastering Alchemy Facebook Page

Jim & Roxane's Book - What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Why Now is the Time to Release Who You Are Not and Remember Who You Are
- Also through Amazon
- Barnes and Nobles

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Re-Hearter! Two Chat Sessions Starting Now. ALL are Welcome!


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain



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meows from space


GOT MEOW? Russia does...



Sekhmet and possibly Christine's crew are up there..I dont hear it on the video(looks like a re-release from months ago) but claims from Russia recently after the Meteor claim MEOW-ing or similar interrupting ATC chats between tower and pilots.


ATC data indicating 1971 and 0000 as no flight beacon recieved. Look at how fast it moves! About 30 miles up or so and doing this.


Where's a UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR when you need one..and not that we do, because WE HERE KNOW LOVE's language...and the first thing I'd do after something like that METEOR is make sure everyone down there is ok.


ET is here folks...oddly enuf, just as I've and others have mentioned.


Lets see how well we get a responce over the bands. I cant use the SW freq I had before, maybe next month, this time I have a scanner too.. lets see how things evolve..


Still reporting red,white , and blue fast blinkers over CORAM,NY. DO NOT appear to be aircraft. Spotted near sunset.




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Taryn Crimi: Angelic Guides ~ You Do Not Actually Communicate With Words




Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of communication. There are many at this time who have great difficulty communicating their true beliefs, thoughts and feelings with those they are closest too. Many believe that in order to communicate they must use words. You have been taught that in order to understand another you must listen, but really you must feel in order to understand. It is our intention today to help shed light on this topic and discuss some of the misconceptions about how one can communicate.

The use of language through words has been used on your planet for thousands upon thousands of years, however know that this was not always the case; nor is it necessary for communication to take place. You may look to the animal kingdom who have not developed a spoken language such as your own, and yet you can watch a flock of birds take off in sync, fish swerve and maneuver through water as one unit, and elephants who communicate their location to others miles away. Many may argue that animals do communicate through sounds that are natural to them; and we would agree that yes, animals do use sound as one form of communication, however what we are suggesting is that vocal sounds are not a necessary part of communication. Communication is shared through energy, through frequency.


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2-21-13 Bill Ballard ~ Coming up to the Halfway Point of the Great Tribulation


We are coming up to the Halfway Point of the Great Tribulation or the 7 years of change between the Piscean Age Shifting into the Aquarian Age. Since my last video, I have spoken to several others on the front lines getting the news out there. It seems there has been many of us who have experienced cyber attacks in one or more of many ways. Radio shows are being hacked and messed with. Of course many of you know Facebook was hacked and the media states no one's information was messed with, where I find that many of us had our posts, videos and information deleted from February 1 to February 13-4, 2013 deleted. Programs are being installed on our computers and many things that are designed to trip us up are occurring. This just since OPPT was publically released and that information spread like a wild fire. Of course the Pope's expose as well as both Queen's abdicating, the Queen of the Netherlands as well as news of Queen Elizabeth II too. I reviewed this video and noticed I used the word abducting, rather abdicating... oops... haha... That happens as I speak from my heart and not thinking from my head as I live my life from my heart... I feel it from my heart and speak rather than thinking about what I say... There are mistakes sometimes. No one is perfect... haha. LOVE!


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~ Gaia Portal Update~ “Body of Hue-manity” Formation Nears Completion


gaia_energy1“Body of Hue-manity” formation nears completion. “Awakened to Higher Purpose” Hue-Beings have listened to the Higher instructions and acted in concert as a Rainbow Collective.

Smaller Hue-Groups have come together, and these are also assembled into wider collectives, a Rainbow Craft. These are what some call “Ships”.

These Ships follow Inner Guides, and are Intra- and Inter-Galactic. As Hue-manity awakens to Intra- and Inter-Galactic Higher identity, Intra- and Inter-Galactic travel occurs readily.

Those desiring multi-dimensional (including 3D-visible) craft will also find those desires fulfilled.


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The Ascended Masters: Forgiveness and Love for Every Soul Will be Essential


Various stages of enlightenment follow when a soul begins to awaken and find the growth that is planned out for them to experience during their incarnation and experiences in the lower realms. You all experience various forms of enlightenment that come in various stages and for many of you, the lessons you learn are preludes to lessons that are quite similar, but are lessons which you learn in much more intense manners later on in your growth.

What we mean by this is that many of you are learning the same few lessons over and over again, in more intense ways each time and in ways that will garner you a deeper understanding of the situation and every situation that plays out in your Lives that revolve around it or has to do with it in any way.

Everything you experience in your Lives paves the way for a deeper and greater understanding, and the realizations that can be brought forth by experiencing specific things along your planned growth will garner in you, an understanding of the lessons you have set out for yourselves to undergo and transmute the energies behind.


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Collective Consciousness Astrological Forecast : March 2013


Published on Feb 20, 2013

The last week of March 2013 is going to be extremely intense on a collective level. Here are some aspects I am reading regarding the major shifts being now being supported by planetary movement. Saturn in retrograde will remove a lot of restrictions but add an additional caveat to the mix



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~ Message from The Earth Allies~Your egos cannot Go there, Get Through THIS!!!!










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~ Space Weather Update~ Chance of Flares~ 3 Comets!!!! Yeehaw


CHANCE OF FLARES: New sunspot AR1678 has developed a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for strong explosions. NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of M-flares and a 15% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

AURORA WATCH: Despite mostly-low solar activity, February has been a good month for auroras, with some observers reporting weeks of nightly Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle. "There were great auroras yesterday night outside the little Inuit village of Ivujivik in Nunavik, Quebec," says Sylvain Serre, who photographed some of the onlookers:




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Tonight on ET-First Contact Radio will be my guest: Grant Haygood. He is a genuine contactee and an Administrator of: "The CE-5 Initiative Facebook group." To listen, go to: http://www.bbsradio.com/bbs_talk_radio_station1.php The show will air worldwide at: 1 PM Pacific Time / 2 PM Mountain Time / 3 PM Central Time / 4 PM Eastern Time / 9 PM GMT / 22:00 Central European Time. For other timezones: Find it out here: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc
Tune in tonight, you don't want to miss his fascinating story! Love and Light, Your Host: Maarten Horst.


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Gratitude Prayer~ Assisting In the New Earth Energies


To read the Prayer http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/morning-gratitude-prayer-its-time


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Djwhal Khul ~ Clearing Emotions


Terri Newlon February 21 2013

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. This is a very interesting time period where we’re going through perhaps an even bumpier ride than what we have been going through in relationship to the emotional body. So I want to talk about some ways to clear the emotional body that are very simple techniques that you can use.

This is also a time to really study what’s going on in your emotional field and in your thought field and rather quickly correct any patterns you notice you feel that you don’t want to keep doing any more.

But with the emotional field, there will be a tendency to attach to things more, like maybe a religion getting even more engrained about how they should wage war against an opposing, a perceived opposing religion, etc. Or someone getting more righteous in general. If they’re just a little bit angry they’ll get quite rageful, etc. So the emotional attachment is up kind of strong during this time period.


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3MIN News February 22, 2013





Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Feb 22, 2013


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Volcanoes Today, 22 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Pacaya, Etna


Volcano Discovery Friday Feb 22, 2013 09:20 AM


Glow from what is probably a small effusive fissure SE of the base of the cone (right in the picture)

Glow from what is probably a small effusive fissure SE of the base of the cone (right in the picture)

Pacaya volcano satellite image by (c) Google Earth View

Pacaya volcano satellite image by (c) Google Earth View



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Your Life Is Going SuperNova and Forms the Black Hole to the REAL Side of Life!!



black hole


I have said this so many times in the past, but I have got to say it again today.  The perfection of the universe absolutely humbles me.  What it must take to align you perfectly on my reading schedule.  One the right day, in the most perfect order… not only for your personal understanding of where you are in the vast process called life, but equally, to make sure your personal story fits together with the larger story being revealed day by day.

My first lady of the day yesterday appeared with all the wonderful elements that showed up during January and February all in one place.  But, before I get to the imagery, let me tell you about the music.  I love when readings start out with music playing.  Whatever her song was, it was rockin!!  Happy, fast beat, melodic… nothing I recognized, yet it filled my air with so much happiness in its tune.  I am also starting to realize that when music does happen in readings, it is emitted with a yellow energy… direct from the soul!


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SaLuSa 22-February-2013


Tree of the Golden Light.com


The pressures you are putting on your authorities, leaves them in no doubt you are not going to sit back and allow the old ways to continue. You are calling for change that will put you on course for the introduction of New Age benefits that have been held back. It is clear for example that there has to be moves towards introducing free energy, as electricity and gas prices are being allowed to escalate world wide to the point where people cannot afford them. We wonder how many demonstrations will take place before the subject is given serious consideration. People have been very patient but there comes a point when they cannot take any more. That is a dangerous time for the authorities who must not ignore what is taking place. Riots are not pleasant and we do not advocate any form of violence, but we do understand when you see such action as the only way to get attention to your demands. It means that we may have to intervene on your behalf if matters get out of hand.



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The manuscript of survival – part 272


aisha north February 22, 2013

The time of reckoning has in many ways already been here for quite some time now, dear ones, as you feel yourselves being pushed and pulled by the intensity of the incoming waves of energetic uploads. And when we say reckoning, we do not refer to some biblical scourge that has been oft prophesied, no, we refer to the fact that you have all digged so deep within yourselves now that you are almost scraping the bottom of the old container, searching for any lost clues as to what you really are. For what you are not has become more clear to you now, as you feel the sense of separation from the so called ”normal” world out there becoming more and more pronounced. And as such, the feeling of hovering over a deep abyss, walking precariously on a flimsly structure you have build purely on faith may be strong. For you have willingly abandoned everything that the rest of mankind seem to think is the normal way to live, but as yet, you have no clear understanding of what you have waiting for you ahead. For there are little or no clues as to what you are already starting to manifest, as it is in so many ways literally invisible to the outside world.


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The Galactic Free Press Update: We Will Have More Historic Events This Year


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, It just keeps getting more exciting and more exciting for Those Awake and Aware. We have Much More to arrive to us in the coming days, weeks, and Months as Love Energy Sweeps across the Planet with the Energetic Assistance of Our Historic Mass Global Mediation From February 14th 2013, In Which The Prayers of Humanity for Peace, Equality and True Joy Was Heard and True Real Love Began Rising On this Planet. Also, On this date All Of Creation Assisted Humanity in the energetic Movement of the Light. From this Moment forward, We will Have More Historic Events Occur in The Continued Victory of The Light On Planet Earth=Heart.



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TheOne~DreamDreamer ~ Wanting Change Without Change



Is it not true?

So much energy put into the desire to change, to get out of the illusion, to be re-born as the True Self and thus, when the crumbling of the illusion starts, when things get wild and up side down, the energy is used to grab the illusion so that it stays a bit longer.

That’s the human part. Don’t worry. Don’t fight it or it will get stronger. Watch it. It’s happening for it has been allowed to happen, by your will. So strong is your will. Don’t blame yourself for it’s what you want.


You want to wake up. Can’t do that by believing in the dream. Can’t happen if things stay the same for in that is the belief that they’re true. Can’t choose what to keep and what to give for the Truth is One and that Truth is simply True. And you are True. Indeed so. How can it be remembered by going on the same way? One cannot walk and be stationary at once. So one cannot dream and wake up at once. It’s an in/out matter.

Dream – doubts – Lucid dream – Awake.

Same stuff – small changes – crumbling illusion – Baby God woke up!


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Ashtar on President Obama's State of the Union Speech and More Ashtar On The Road


Teleconference, 2-12-13


"Greetings Beloved Family! It is I, Ashtar who comes again to be with you in spirit, in Love and in Joy! For those of you who listened or watched the Presidential speech - and this was for the entire World, not just the United States of America - we wish to emphasize that, first and foremost, he has a lot of ideas.


"He is inspired! He is inspired to lead this country and the entire World further along the Path of the Golden Age, or Aquarian Age, and it is true that it is going to take a huge outpouring of loving support for all of these things to be accomplished. Yet, behind the scenes, and he knows that full well behind the scenes, are numerous, too numerous to count, members of support teams, not just the ones in the human bodies, but those of us who come from beyond.



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Comet Lemmon dazzles stargazers: one of three comets to be seen in 2013


The extinction protocol.com-2/22/13


February 22, 2013 – SPACE – A GREEN LEMMON: At the moment there are three significant comets plunging toward the sun: Comet ISON, Comet Pan-STARRS, and Comet Lemmon. The most beautiful so far is this one: “Comet Lemmon has a beautiful tail with lovely fine structure,” says Phil Hart of Lake Eppalock, Victoria, Australia, who photographed it on Feb. 17th. The comet is now slightly closer to the sun than Earth. Solar heating has turned it into a binocular object (magnitude +5.5 to +6) barely visible to the human eye, but dazzling through backyard telescopes, as shown in Hart’s photo above. Comet Lemmon’s verdant color comes from two of the gases boiling off its nucleus: cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon (C2). Both substances glow green when illuminated by sunlight in the near-vacuum of space. The combination of its colorful atmosphere and filamentary tail make this comet visually striking. Ultimately, Comet Pan-STARRS and especially Comet ISON could surpass it, but for now the most beautiful comet in the solar system appears to be a green Lemmon. –Space Watch



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A Vision of Hope Revisited ~ A Dream of Tomorrow Enfolding Today



By MN Hopkins


A Vision of Hope - Revisited
Now, I will share a personal insight with all who will listen.  One day at a time of down heartedness, I thought of our current world situation and what would become of me and also what would become of Humankind in the years ahead.

I saw myself in my minds eye as one of many extended both long back into time and long forward into the future.  It all began with a dream of freedom countless centuries ago.  After the dream had begun, each added to the strength of the dream by adding their contributions and energy to human community thus keeping the dream alive.  All knew and understood their part in this joint creation of Man that involved many over a very long period of time.


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Sophia Love - Time to Fly - Free


Sophia Love 02/21/2013



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Saturn’s shockwaves reach supernova force


The Extintion Protocol-2/22/13



February 22, 2013 – SPACE - During a chance encounter with what appears to be an unusually strong blast of solar wind at Saturn, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft detected particles being accelerated to ultra-high energies. This is similar to the acceleration that takes place around distant supernovas. “Cassini has essentially given us the capability of studying the nature of a supernova shock in situ in our own solar system, bridging the gap to distant high-energy astrophysical phenomena that are usually only studied remotely,” said Adam Masters of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara, Japan.  Scientists are particularly interested in “quasi-parallel” shocks, where the magnetic field and the “forward”-facing direction of the shock are almost aligned, as may be found in supernova remnants. The new study, led by Masters describes the first detection of significant acceleration of electrons in a quasi-parallel shock at Saturn, coinciding with what may be the strongest shock ever encountered at the ringed planet.


For more information on this story click here.


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Big Story Weather – February 21, 2013


redOrbit February 21, 2013

Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.


redOrbit Meteorologist Joshua Kelly


Big Story Weather from February 20: Heavy snowfall over the Southwest tops all stories from yesterday as blizzard like conditions were seen in Arizona. Places like Phoenix that don’t often see snow got quite a bit of the white stuff. The other story was the colder air that has been in place over the Eastern two-thirds of the United States these past few days.


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Rainbow Warriors: Rainbow-hued February 23 Mass Demonstration in Spain to Unite Individual Groups




In Spain tomorrow, a wave or tide of citizens - Marea Ciudadada - will take to the streets to protest austerity measures and injustice. The demonstration will unite individual groups in rainbow-hued mass demonstrations in towns and cities across Spain.


For more information -


"There's another wave scheduled for February 23, Marea Ciudadada, the wave or tide of citizens."

Spain: Marea Ciudadana planned Feb. 23



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This Too, Shall Pass


Wow, I AM just so simple lately.  hehehehee  It's like I can't process alot of information anymore.  I used to read so much, however, lately, its like the information is not sticking.  I guess the answers I need to get from a to z are inside and not out. I just feel soooo slllllooooooowwwwww. heeheehee


I went to see my grandson TatahBNahNahz, get an award for honor roll on Tuesday.  This is the child that was almost branded ADHD.  With his being able to stop, close his eyes and breathe in class, has helped him sooo much.  His teacher allows him to do this when he is in a place of negative energy.  Its so cute to see him close his eyes, hold his palms up and take deep breathes, at 6.  heheheee He is also very proud of himself. Me too.


It was a honor and a priviledge to ease out the auditorium, get in the hallway and send Love and Light to everyone who comes into the school.  I thank Spirit for the opportunity to do so.  smile.


Don't know if I have drained myself by giving out too much energy.  But, I do know that coming here and attending TinyChat surely helps keep my energy level steady I will say.  Slow motion GeeTaBoo.  hehehee This too shall pass.


I wont worry about anything though.  Went to the eye doctor the other day and he said I have some issues to deal with.  Dont have any emotions about it, it is what it is. So, I will continue on my quest to be my I AM Higher Self. No matter what.


They say you have not because you ask not.  I ask my Galactic Family to send me energy, for, it seems that my level is low, but, not quenching by no means.  Just a process I must endure, I guess.



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Visionkeeper - FYI…


One World Rising Posted on February 22, 2013



Happy weekend everybody! I just wanted to let you know that my son will be here on Monday from California to visit. I have tried to write up some posts ahead of time so I can keep the flow going. I will not have the time really to answer comments however. He will only be here a week so I want to give all my attention to him and enjoy our time together :) I will try to comment back if I find a few minutes here and there, but please do not be offended if they go unanswered. Be well everyone, stay in that cosmic light beam and shine your love to all! Stay aware of everything around you, do not judge, think outside the box and most importantly, be who you truly wish to be. Love to you all from my heart to yours!   VK


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The Oracle Report Friday, February 22, 2013


The Oracle Report

First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer/Leo

The themes of duty, honor, and protection of higher ideals take the forefront today.  We also see where or to what people are dedicated.  This is heart energy and it reveals much about the truth of matters.  With this, Venus has reached the degree where we are find ourselves testing, gauging, and evaluating things.  Since this is Venus, we tend to test, gauge, and evaluate relationships, love, and our ideas about money and attractiveness.  Insecurities have a way of cropping up.  Let's handle all of this the best way possible:


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Life Experiences


Angel Wisdom Friday, February 22, 2013


Review your life



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Heavenletter #4473 Your Heart Counts, Too


Heaven Letters Published on: February 22, 2013

God said:

What is going on with that heart of yours today? That heart of yours bounces up and down, up and down. Yes, you want your heart to be moved, yet maybe not so much as your heart does. Your heart, which is boundless, nevertheless, must not spread itself too thin. Your heart, unlike Mine, can’t be everywhere all at once. Your heart has to take a measured pace. It cannot speed everywhere.

Love and love yourself. Care and care for your heart. Your heart is unlimited, and yet it cannot be at the beck and call of everyone and everything. Yes, your heart cannot spend itself every day on everything everyone might wish. Seeming others are not to pull the strings of your heart. Do you get what I am saying? I do say that your heart is go to everyone everywhere, and I also tell you to refrain from over-spending your heart.


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Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/22/13 ~ A Day to be Cautious


Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/22/13

9 of Wands

The 9 of wands is the suit associated with fire. The sun is harboring some massive sunspots currently which could turn out to be interesting. It's a day to "be the observer" and *try* not to get to...o involved in anything today. Emotions have been running high all week so take extra care when communicating today. Be very clear in your intentions and your actions.



"You've been through so much that it's ok to be a little wary sometimes. use you rheart to connect with the Spirit world and ask for help, guidance or clarification when needed. You do not need to guard yourself for much longer. Soon there will be no reason to fight our squabble. Small arguments may come up from time to time but you know how to deal with those in a calm way. We can see the fellow on the card seems to have been beaten down -- maybe emotionally, maybe physically, maybe on some other level or maybe in all of those ways. Regardless, he stands tall and persevers which is what Spirit is asking us to do today. Keep a watchful eye out and use your discernment in any situations you find yourself in. If you do end up gettnig hurt or burnt in some way or another, try to view it as a lesson. Stay positive and know you are stronger because of it."



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Cobra - Short Update about London Conference


2012 Portal Friday, February 22, 2013



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Messages From The Realms Of Light ~ The New Era: Unlock The Power Of The Heart!


Ute Posegga~Rudel


Power of the Heart.7.Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013


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Beloved friends,

Since 20.2.13 everything feels different and fresh.

We have indeed finally entered a new era!

That day I also found out that according to the Mayan calculations, we entered on the 20./21. February indeed a completely new cycle.


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Breaking Free of Conditioning By O S H O


~**~    Innocence is your very nature. You do not have to become it, you are already it. You are born innocent. Then layers and layers of conditioning are imposed upon your innocence.  Your innocence is like a mirror and conditioning is like layers of dust. The mirror has not to be achieved, the mirror is already there - or rather, here. The mirror is not lost, it is only hidden behind layers of dust.

~**~    You don't have to follow a way to reach your nature because you cannot leave your nature, you cannot go anywhere else. Even if you wanted to, it is impossible. That's exactly the definition of nature: Nature means that which cannot be left behind, that which cannot be renounced.    But you can forget about it. You cannot lose it but it can be forgotten.

~**~    And that's exactly what has happened. The mirror is not lost but forgotten - forgotten because it is not functioning anymore as a mirror. Not that any defect has arisen in it, just layers of dust are covering it. All that is needed is to clean it, to remove those layers of dust.

~**~   The process of becoming innocent is not really a process of becoming, it is a process of discovering your being. It is a discovery, not an achievement. You don't attain to something new, you simply attain to that which you have always been. It is a forgotten language.


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The psychedelic satellite image of Mount Etna erupting that shows molten lava and a massive plume of smoke from space


Mail Online - 2/22/12, Mark Prigg

  • Image was taken by the Advanced Land Imager on NASA's Earth Observing-1 satellite on February 19th
  • Nasa tweaked colours to make it easier to differentiate between fresh lava, snow, clouds, and forest
  •  Nasa tweaked the image colours to make it easier to distinguish between the various parts of the eruption and surrounding area

    What it shows: Nasa tweaked the image colours to make it easier to distinguish between the various parts of the eruption and surrounding area

  • After ten months of what experts call a 'low simmer',  Italy’s Etna volcano boiled over on February 19th, with three massive outbursts in 36 hours.


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China’s Pollution-Fighting Farm


Editors note: This story is a little older, but demonstrates that China is working on its pollution problems. However, with limitations.


theworld.org-7/11/11, Mary Kay Magistad



China has some of the world’s worst water pollution. And the country’s farms are responsible for a big part of that problem. So there is a certain irony in visiting a farm here that purports to actually help reduce pollution from other sources. But that’s the claim of a 100-acre hydroponic farm in China’s southwest.

The farm on the edge of Dianchi lake grows some 30 types of vegetables, including long green rows of lettuce and spinach that sway in the wind and float on platforms with their roots in the water.


For more information and recorded interview follow this link.


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More tornadoes confirmed in Monday's storms


KSLA.com - 2/21/13

 Angela Lovil)
A funnel cloud is seen over downtown Beckville, TX
(Source: Angela Lovil)


The National Weather Service has now confirmed 1 tornado touched down in Arkansas, 1 in Louisiana, and a total of 12 tornadoes struck in East Texas on Monday.

The tornadoes touched down in the following locations:


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Winter Storm Q: State-by-State Impacts


weather.com & Associated Press-2/22/13



Salina, Kan.


Winter Storm Q slammed into the Midwest and Southern Plains with full force Thursday, dropping more than a foot of snow in some locations. 

Kansas and Missouri took the brunt of snowy side of the storm. Blowing, driving snow forced both states to close parts of Interstate 70 at times Thursday. No flights will go in or out of Kansas City International Airport until at least Friday morning at 7 a.m.


For a state by state breakdown and video follow this link.


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NASA sees monster sunspot growing fast, solar storms possible


The Extinction Protocol-2/22/13





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Carl Boudreau ~ The Astrology Of March 2013 ~


The key phrases in February were 'break with the past' and 'defy authority.' In March, the key phrase is 'an end to the standoff.' The philosophical and ideological tug of war that has prevented real progress will end. The boundaries between opposing sides will dissolve. The tension will dissipate. The result will be progress, but, at first, chaotic progress, probably.

The energetic emphasis is on relationships, again. This time, it's all about the financial and economic aspects of our relationships. We will make changes in all of our key ties so as to maximize our chances of success. In some cases, this could get very messy. In almost all cases, success will requite that we change our ideas, including some of our favorite ideas.

In the complex interactions that follow, people will feel inclined, on the one hand, to go for the jugular, and, on the other, to respond very defensively. Which ever side of that equation you find yourself on, and you could end up on both sides at different times, don't overreact. Don't be mean, to yourself or others.


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Ashtar ~ Bulletin from the Bridge ~ Feb 21st




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