- ~ Short Update and Join US Live Today On the Higher Grid Beginning at 2:00PM Pacific~
- Six Habits of Highly Empathic People
- 31st May 2013: A Grand Trine in Water Begins
- Monsanto Panics as Oregon GM Wheat Scandal Spreads Worldwide
- Breakthroughs a' happenin!
- Earth Directed Eruption: Giant Filament, Teaming Up With Coronal Hole Stream
- Your Family of Light and the Changes Up Ahead
- Earthquake Report for 05/31/2013
- ~ Join us For Friday Family Movie Night~ Beginning at 4:00pm Pacific
- Disney to donate Lone Ranger premiere profits to Native American charity
- Believe in yourself you will succeed – Archangel Raphael through M. Gamma
- The Creator Writings - Unexpected
- Food is Free: The Story of the Food is Free Project
- Pacaya volcano erupts in Guatemala
- Now let us look at your month of June ~ The Many
- 4MIN News May 31, 2013: Correction to Coronal Hole Analysis
- ~Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening~
- ~BRAINWAVE CYCLES and The Incoming Energies~
- AdaptingToGrace ~Eileen Meyer ~ Feel ~ All That’s Real
- TheShift ~ Why It's Happening. Where It's Taking Us.
- Magenta Pixie - Lightbody Activations (Lifting The Shadow) - Transmissions for June and July 2013
- Tornadoes, Floods, and Severe Thunderstorms Continue in the Midwest
- India Monsoon Onset Nears
- MSN Reports on Bigfoot
- Important Information for Humanity's Awakening
- It's Time to View UFOs With Our Eyes Open
- The Event Is Unfolding As We Hit the Intensity of June
- Rendlesham UFO Interview from Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
- Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2 by Aisha North.
- Now is the time--Your Other Dimensional Self!
- Heavenletter #4572 - Words and Appearances
- Wilma Mankiller's Struggle to Bring Water to Cherokee Community Now in Film
- Oklahoma City Tornado: Dangerous Twister Strikes Near State Capital
- Large Fireball Meteor with Sonics Over Ohio
- The Gig Is Up For the Minions ~ Let There Be Light
- Change your Painful Past - Using Sound!
- Announcements ~ Peaceful Prayer for A Smooth Transition
- The Russians Prove Small Scale Organic CAN Feed the World
- GEOMAGNETICSTORM IN PROGRESS! "source of the shock is not known" THANKS SUN! YES! ★
- The Creator Writings - Bending
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Boundaries Setting Boundaries
- Nuclear Missiles Shut Down By UFOs and An Interview With Stephen Bassett
- Number Sequences From The Angels by Doreen Virtue
- Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2
- Galactic Intel: You Are A Chalice Of Light
- Mac's UFO News - May 2013
- Overcoming Fear of the Creator by Lady Vessa Andromeda Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 31st May 2013
Greetings Love Beings, We have Intense Energy on the Move! With an asteroid flyby and the Suns Assistance, Events are Unfolding. YEEHAW! You can Join us today on the Higher Grid today at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
Love The Earth Allies
~ Short Update and Join US Live Today On the Higher Grid Beginning at 2:00PM Pacific~
Greetings Love Beings, Are You Ready to Fly? June Is Going to Arrive In Intensity, Energetically Speaking. Many Events which we have been sharing have been occurring IN the Bigger Picture On the Planet, and the Bigger Picture Is the True Reality unfolding. Energetic Movement Forward will be placing people and events unfolding for the Greater Good for All Humanity into Position for Manifestation. Where The Energy of Love is Present everywhere, trumps the denser illusionary energies and renders them null and void and Thus Energy Of Love Wins. This Energy has Entered this Planet. Currently this energy is Spiraling into All Living Life On Planet Earth=Heart. We are In a Full Planetary Awakening and We are Not KIDDIN'. You can Join us On the Higher Grid Today beginning at 2:00pm Pacific For Flying With Father God Here at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
I am Ready to Fly
Then Beginning at 4:00pm Pacific We Will Host Family Friday Movie Night.
at this Link:http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
Six Habits of Highly Empathic People
May 31, 2013
We can cultivate empathy throughout our lives, says Roman Krznaric—and use it as a radical force for social transformation.
31st May 2013: A Grand Trine in Water Begins
This really hit me as I feel very motivated to protect and repair our water system on this planet…very cool that we are “merging” with it with these new energies.-A.M.
Water Healing
Yesterday I spoke about the coming shift in energy and today the shift begins, with a Grand Trine in Water forming, the Moon now in Pisces conjunct Neptune, and Mercury moving into Cancer. The formation of this Grand Trine heralds the beginning of several weeks during which we have its sensitively creative energy as a backdrop to our everyday lives. At first it may feel a bit ‘slippery’ and difficult to pin down. We may sense that something around us has changed but we’re not sure what. We may feel a bit disoriented, especially if we don’t have much water energy in our birth chart, but as the vibration begins to anchor on the earth plane for its lengthy visit we will begin to ‘get’ what it means for us, and the cosmic pool party can begin!
Monsanto Panics as Oregon GM Wheat Scandal Spreads Worldwide
Sustainablepulse, By: Admin, 05/30/2013
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced Wednesday that test results of plant samples from an Oregon farm indicate the presence of genetically engineered (GE) glyphosate-resistant wheat plants. Further testing by USDA laboratories indicates the presence of the same GE glyphosate-resistant wheat variety that Monsanto was authorized to field test in 16 states from 1998 to 2005.
APHIS launched a formal investigation after being notified by an Oregon State University scientist that initial tests of wheat samples from an Oregon farm indicated the possible presence of GE glyphosate-resistant wheat plants.
For more on this story visit www.sustainablepulse.com
Breakthroughs a' happenin!
A lot of things have been coming together for me. Thanks to a recent post I finally realized how to just stop your mind and use your heart. It all came to me like I was hit in the head, my heart felt like a big crystal covered in static electrics on speed. When I centered and let it come to me I realized who I really am is the simplest version of everything I'm about, peace. I am supposed to help organize some type of council or sect of govt that has to do with keeping truth and harmony with the light and keeping it all smooth to prevent screw ups. The name Peacekeepers of Light came to me, sounds neat. I've never felt more compelled to do anything ever ha it's amazing. I hope more people start realizing their mission. Maybe it has to do with my job back home. Who knows. I decided that I've done enough figuring out for now <3 Good luck brothers and sisters. One love.
Earth Directed Eruption: Giant Filament, Teaming Up With Coronal Hole Stream
Solar wind
speed: 411.4 km/sec
density: 29.1 protons/cm3
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 2116 UT
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: M1 2000 UT May31
24-hr: M1 2000 UT May31
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at: 2100 UT
Your Family of Light and the Changes Up Ahead
Change is upon us. Though change has always been here, it's making itself much more obvious now. The Planet is shifting, the climate is being altered, sea levels rising, ice caps melting, and the entire ecosystem is constantly adjusting itself. Socially, people are fed up with corporate greed and the governments that protect the corporations at the expense of the people. People are hungry for a break from the dysfunctional systems of the past. An African-American man is president of a country that barely treated his race as human just a couple generations ago. Countries are coming clean about their suppression of information regarding UFOs, and it's now to the point that only the willfully ignorant can convince themselves nothing is going on.
Earthquake Report for 05/31/2013
30 earthquakes
4.4 232km WNW of Farallon de Pajaros, Northern Mariana Islands 2013-05-31 18:21:55 UTC-04:00 321.0 km
2.9 77km N of Road Town, British Virgin Islands 2013-05-31 17:17:51 UTC-04:00 36.0 km
2.7 18km SW of Stella, Puerto Rico 2013-05-31 15:29:30 UTC-04:00 12.0 km
2.5 4km SW of Niland, California 2013-05-31 14:51:16 UTC-04:00 0.0 km
2.7 55km NE of Sutton-Alpine, Alaska 2013-05-31 14:33:38 UTC-04:00 22.3 km
4.8 119km SW of Vaini, Tonga 2013-05-31 10:45:48 UTC-04:00 115.0 km
2.6 47km SSE of Boca de Yuma, Dominican Republic 2013-05-31 10:31:47 UTC-04:00 64.0 km
3.3 56km E of Whittier, Alaska 2013-05-31 09:40:43 UTC-04:00 11.8 km
5.2 129km NNW of Raoul Island, New Zealand 2013-05-31 09:25:55 UTC-04:00 262.9 km
3.1 46km SW of Malibu, California 2013-05-31 09:24:52 UTC-04:00 10.7 km
~ Join us For Friday Family Movie Night~ Beginning at 4:00pm Pacific
Greetings Love Beings, You can Join us This Evening for Family Movie Night!
We are Hosting The Movie
The Movie Will Begin at 4:00pm Pacific Live at this Link:
See You there!
Love The Earth Allies
Disney to donate Lone Ranger premiere profits to Native American charity
By Ellie Walker-Arnott 05/31/13
As the studio is criticised for casting Johnny Depp as Tonto, the filmmakers promise premiere takings will be given to the American Indian College Fund
Disney are set to donate the proceeds of ticket sales from the premiere of Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp movie Lone Ranger to charity.
Believe in yourself you will succeed – Archangel Raphael through M. Gamma
May 31, 2013
Today we continue with the information concerning the topics healing and the ascension of humanity to the light. We all had a difficult week behind us. Not only my messenger or my scribe of this message but also you who was reading these messages and where hoping.
My scribe of this message and his spiritual partner Isabel prepared with the help of God the reasons for you to understand (check Message). Take this words, the help and the proposals seriously. They are important and have realy to be followed and implemented as good as possible.
The Creator Writings - Unexpected
May 31, 2013
Remember to look for the unexpected gifts.Experienced personally or witnessed from afar, they are all around you. A smile, a comfortable pause in a conversation, the way a child laughs or a loving glance between two people. They are to remind you that your existence on your Earth plane is full of miracles. ~ Creator
Food is Free: The Story of the Food is Free Project
Realfarmacy.com, 05/30/2013
The Food is Free Project is creating a repeatable model of growing food and community. It is our vision and wish to empower you with the knowledge and know-how to transform your block and neighborhood step-by-step. Using salvaged materials we are building front yard community gardens for all to share. Imagine walking down a block lined with fresh produce ready for the picking. Neighbors not only growing food together, but becoming friends and supporting one another. foodisfreeproject.org
Pacaya volcano erupts in Guatemala
the extinctionprotocol-May 31,2013
May 31, 2013 – GUATEMALA – Guatemala’s Pacaya volcano has erupted, authorities said. Sending volcanic material more than 400 meters in the air, the eruption could intensify with ash risiging as high as 1000 to 2000 meters, the Institute of Vulcanology said. This could pose a threat to Guatemala’s air traffic. “Ash could spread over Guatemala City due to the direction of the wind,” the country’s disaster response office said in a statement. The last major eruption of the 2552 metre-high Pacaya was in May 2010 and claimed the life of a television journalist. Thousands of people fled from their homes and the eruption forced the closure of the Guatemala City airport for five days. The volcano is located 50 kilometres south of the capital and is one of three active volcanoes in Guatemala. –TVNZ
Read More: http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/pacaya-volcano-erupts-in-guatemala
~Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening~
~The programmed ego mind aka unconsciousness and the Brain=Full Consciousness~
~BRAINWAVE CYCLES and The Incoming Energies~
When you are Babies, you are in a Brainwave of Delta Consciousness, which is the same or equal to, God Consciousness. This is where you return to in your sleeping state. Currently, when you go to sleep at night, you are back into and Immersed in Love, which is who you are. Where there is no more separation, and where you have not isolated yourself from the Truth of your Being, which is connected into the One. You are just immersed in Atoms, of Pure Love Energy, the Oneness Energy. This state is what you are returning too, in a Waking state [Your Awakening into True Reality], which is the same as FULL CONSCIOUSNESS.
Gamma brainwaves are at 32-64 cycles per second, this is the maximum stress the being can handle and eventually results in death. It’s like a being attempting to work 3 jobs a day, 36 hours in a day, and fries the brain, IN THIS STATE WITHIN YOUR ILLUSION, YOU MOVED SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH OF YOUR BEING, YOU STRESS OUT AND DIE.
AdaptingToGrace ~Eileen Meyer ~ Feel ~ All That’s Real
I am bursting with inspiration and knowing this morning. From communion a few minutes ago… “It is done.”
The more that we KNOW what is real and let go of what is unreal,
the smoother this monumental transition.
What is real to me?
The Child in All
Have I missed anything? Feel free to add, what is REAL to you. It is time to identify with only what is REAL.
TheShift ~ Why It's Happening. Where It's Taking Us.
With the closing of the 3rd dimensional reality many find themselves in a state of loss and confusion. For the very sands they long believed their castles were built upon have begun to shift beneath them.
But the closing of the 3rd dimension does not have to be experienced as a loss at all. In fact, just the opposite is true. It is a time of celebration as the many limitations that have long held us in bondage are being stripped away only to reveal the true, vast, multi-dimensional nature of who we are.
"The Shift - Why It's Happening. Where It's Taking Us." uses compelling imagery, words and music to highlight many key components of the shift and to point those feeling stuck in a new direction.
The Shift Ebook is a simple, straightforward, yet in-depth, explanation of what is happening now on the planet, and how to best move within these extraordinary times of change.
The Video and The Shift Ebook are our gifts to you and anyone you feel might benefit from the information provided. Please take a moment to watch and then visit our website to download your free copy.
Magenta Pixie - Lightbody Activations (Lifting The Shadow) - Transmissions for June and July 2013
Published on May 31, 2013
You stand yourself as the "Extra Terrestrial Race" - indeed this is what you are. You become "more human" upon this realisation. Resistance to the path of another is resistance to the path of self. It matters not therefore which label you embrace or reject. The issue here is that you have begun an activation.
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine speak through their conduit "Magenta Pixie".
Tornadoes, Floods, and Severe Thunderstorms Continue in the Midwest
Wunderground.com- 5/31/13, Dr. Jeff Masters
India Monsoon Onset Nears
Accuweather.com - 5/31/13, Jim Andrews
The Summer Monsoon looks set to gain a foothold on the Indian Subcontinent within as little as a few days. Monsoon onset would open the summer rainy season, beginning in southern and eastern parts of the Subcontinent. The Monsoon normally advances quickly into northern and western India during the first half of June before finally reaching most of Pakistan by mid-July.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) tracks the Monsoon advance, beginning in May, then follows its withdrawal from the Subcontinent late in the summer. The IMD have forecast an onset date of June 3 in the southwestern India state of Kerala. Normal onset date here is about June 1.
For more on this story see Accuweather.com
MSN Reports on Bigfoot
GFP Note: The GFP is pleased to report that the Beings known as Bigfoot/Sasquatch are real. We know that they can be found in the Mt. Shasta, California area and the Appalachian Mountains, for example. These Beings are reclusive but operate at a high level of consciousness. They are 5th Dimensional Beings.
MSN.com - Rich Maloof, 5/28/13
Evidence in the woods of Pennsylvania prompts a police investigation.
Important Information for Humanity's Awakening
~Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening~
~The programmed ego mind aka unconsciousness and the Brain=Full Consciousness~
It's Time to View UFOs With Our Eyes Open
Huffington Post - Fred Lundgren, 5/30/12
A 1978 United Nations report on UFOs showed that 15 million Americans had seen a UFO. A 1996 Gallup poll showed that 36 million Americans had seen a UFO. By 2010, the worldwide total had approached 100 million sightings.
In order to validate alternatives such as high tech secret aircraft or the weather balloon theory, all 100 million sightings must be wrong! On the other hand, the game is over for the skeptics if only one of these 100 million sightings is proven to be a visitor from another star system.
More: Huffington Post
The Event Is Unfolding As We Hit the Intensity of June
You can Join us Live Right Now at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2 by Aisha North.
Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2
Dear friends!
Last night, I had such a wonderful vision. I saw myself finally opening up my heart by reaching inside my chest, and lifting out my heart. I held it in my hands, and then I released it into the air, and it flew up like a bird. But then, it changed into this beautiful, iridescent blue butterfly, and it soared above me. I opened my chest even more, and I let the light flow into it and fill it completely, all the way into the deepest corners. And from my chest, hundreds of butterflies came flying out, all the same brilliant blue color as the first one. They all flew out into the world, and each one landed on a different person. I saw them landing on each one of you, on my family and on my friends, on strangers, and on my guides and family on the other side of the veil.
Now is the time--Your Other Dimensional Self!
Have you ever seen the Krishna society books that are sold on the street in a most of the big cities of the world? There is one that always peeked my interested and that was "Journys to Other Planets". I never really understood how in meditation we could consciously journy to other planets in a etheral body like form, but I wanted to try it. The Krishna society books are some of the best spiritual books out there and EVERYONE can afford or find one. For those of you who understand the truth about UFO's should remember that in the days of Krishna the skies were full of Vemana's or space ships. I highly recommend those who are into spirituality and UFO's to stop and pick up some of these Krishna society books that are out there.
It took me years to finally be able to journy to other planets as if I was walking down the street but now I spend more time in the other realms than I do in this one on the planet Earth it seems. Now is the time to take control of your other dimensional self and use it for good. the energies are such on this planet where the ability to travel in the other dimensions with whatever body you choose has become easier.
Your other dimensional body can look and be whatever it chooses and it doesnt have to look human. Mine just happens to be a male human/pliedian body, that not only do I use to travel to other realms, but to be married and have a family in the other dimensions with my twin flame, this relationship is the most rewarding, satisfying relationship I have in my life on earth. Being with your twin flame right now is EASY, we just have to open up to it. I not only have children in the other realms but homes and a loving wife that I adore more than anything on Earth.
Heavenletter #4572 - Words and Appearances
Heaven Letter Published on: June 1, 2013
What does it mean, God First? Does it mean to drop everything and do nothing but think God? Indeed, there could be a few who have this as their route, perhaps destined from birth. This route is not likely to be yours.
Certainly, your thoughts may be on Me which is the same as to say your thoughts are on the Highest, for Love is the Highest. That which you call Good is the Highest, yet what is good depends upon your perception.
Giving is the Highest, yet not always. Giving away may not be the Highest. Giving away may be an easy way out and not the Highest. It all depends, and that is the world you live in. It is called the relative world. Saying relative world is another way to say that it depends. It depends on your Willingness, and it depends upon your Motive, and it depends upon you-know-not-what.
Wilma Mankiller's Struggle to Bring Water to Cherokee Community Now in Film
Source:Native News Network 5-31-13
VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA – During the early 1980s, the small rural community of Bell, Oklahoma gained national attention when Wilma Mankiller led the struggle to build an 18 mile waterline to bring fresh drinking water to the small town.
This story is now on film in "The Cherokee Word for Water." Filmed in Oklahoma in 2011, the film will have its Virginia premiere Sunday, June 9, at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art. The Virginia premiere is part of the SkyFest Native American Festival taking place at the 17th Street Park at the Virginia Beach oceanfront.
Oklahoma City Tornado: Dangerous Twister Strikes Near State Capital
Huffington Post, 5/31/13-Sean Murphy
OKLAHOMA CITY — A violent storm formed over the prairie west of Oklahoma City late Friday afternoon, dropped a tornado in a suburb and rolled toward the state capital as viewers brave enough to remain above ground watched on statewide television.
Storm chasers with cameras in their car transmitted video showing a number of funnels dropping from the supercell thunderstorm as it passed south of El Reno and toward downtown Oklahoma City. Police urged motorists to leave the crosstown Interstate 40 and seek a safe place.
For more on this story please see the Huffington Post.
Large Fireball Meteor with Sonics Over Ohio
Amsmeteor.org - 5/31/13, Mike Hankey
Over 200 witnesses reported a large fireball over Ohio last night around 11:05 PM local central time (3:05 UT). The fireball was seen from primarily Ohio and Indiana, but witnesses from West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and North Carolina also reported seeing the fireball. Here is heat map for the event that shows where the witnesses reported from. Click the image below to review the event map and witness reports for this fireball.
For more on this story please click here.
The Gig Is Up For the Minions ~ Let There Be Light
Change your Painful Past - Using Sound!
Our voice has changed many times throughout our lives reflecting physical, mental and emotional metamorphoses. For example, our voice at two years old was different than the voice we possessed when we were ages 17, 40 or 80. Our voice is also much different when we are depressed, in love or after we land that big contract at work.
When in a meditative state imagine a time in the past. How did your voice sound then? Now, say your name aloud, while still pretending that you are in the past. For example, I would say, "I am Jill", and I vividly imagine being at a picnic when I was eight years old. I listen, feel and grasp the emotions in my words. Now select another memory, recreate the situation in your imagination and say your name again. How does it feel? Does it sound differently than the earlier voice? Our various voices contain the energy that we experienced at different times.
There are advantageous applications of this simple process. Here are some examples:
* What was the best moment of your life? What did your voice sound like? If you recreate the voice, then you recreate the energy of that moment. If you continue to express this energy in your voice today, you continue to experience the accompanying energy.
* When have you felt the closest to God? What did your voice sound like then? Recreate that voice and you'll go to that space - feeling the same, close divine connection!
* When you remember a scene from childhood and completely submerse yourself into the memory, you can speak and hear your child's voice. If you go back early enough you will hear innocence and purity in your voice. You can bring back some of those beautiful qualities by speaking as you did then.
Announcements ~ Peaceful Prayer for A Smooth Transition
[Part of the Announcements]
....We wish to share a moment of peaceful prayer to the current illusionary belief systems and send them loving energies for their complete dissolvement. They have played their roles and are no longer needed in the New paradigm.
The Russians Prove Small Scale Organic CAN Feed the World
Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 05/29/2013
If you’ve already been through an economic collapse, you might know a thing or two about how to feed your family with little money. More importantly, you might know how to do it without pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and GMO seed. On a total of about 20 million acres managed by over 35 million Russian families, Russians are carrying on an old-world technique, which we Americans might learn from. They are growing their own organic crops - and it’s working.
For more on this story visit www.naturalsociety.com
GEOMAGNETICSTORM IN PROGRESS! "source of the shock is not known" THANKS SUN! YES! ★
#GEOMAGNETICSTORM #IN #PROGRESS "source of the shock is not known" http://tiny.cc/3pa0xw #THANKS #SUN #YES ★
The Creator Writings - Bending
June 1, 2013
If you allow yourself to be bent or allow others to bend you to their will through spoken or unspoken expectation, it is a recipe for disaster and self-loathing. Stay true to who you are and what you want from your Earth-plane existence. Stand in integrity, it is the true path to what you want to accomplish. ~ Creator
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Boundaries Setting Boundaries
Angel Wisdom Saturday, June 1, 2013
Nuclear Missiles Shut Down By UFOs and An Interview With Stephen Bassett
Published on May 30, 2013 by thirdphaseofmoon
Thirdphaseofmoon is proud to present one of the most credible witnesses ever. Captain Robert Salas was present at Malstrom Air Force Base in 1967 when a ufo came and shut down 10 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles. He held onto this secret for over 30 years as he entered yet another federal job working for the FAA after his USAF retirement and then decided to tell this amazing story.
Number Sequences From The Angels by Doreen Virtue
SpiritLibrary.com by Doreen Virtue Monday, 18 August, 2008
The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: "We can't write our messages to you in the sky. You've got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life especially in response to any questions or prayers you've posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!"
Number Sequences
Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you'll look up in time to notice the clock's time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you'll be aware that you're seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.
Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2
aisha north •June 1, 2013
Dear friends!
Last night, I had such a wonderful vision. I saw myself finally opening up my heart by reaching inside my chest, and lifting out my heart. I held it in my hands, and then I released it into the air, and it flew up like a bird. But then, it changed into this beautiful, iridescent blue butterfly, and it soared above me. I opened my chest even more, and I let the light flow into it and fill it completely, all the way into the deepest corners. And from my chest, hundreds of butterflies came flying out, all the same brilliant blue colour as the first one. They all flew out into the world, and each one landed on a different person. I saw them landing on each one of you, on my family and on my friends, on strangers, and on my guides and family on the other side of the veil.
Galactic Intel: You Are A Chalice Of Light
You have balance of The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within your body. This is applicable to all male and females, gay or straight, old or young. And the more balance that is within these two energies, the more healing will happen. This is both for you, that walks on two feet, and for Gaia.
This blog post has much in it--you can skim to the link to the YouTube video at the end, which shows the unwanted influence of descruction on Gaia by the cabal amidst people dancing and finding their delight in the Energy of the Goddess in spite of it. Or if you wish, you may click on the link to the Quantum Resonator, with incredible intel by Rob Potter at The Promise Revealed, complete with photographs of actual HAARP machines and even more awful Cabal weapons. It is up to you.
I wish to heal others, bringing the very best technology that is available to us. There are links and photos to a pyramid healing chamber I was most fortunate to have Rob and Cobra let me use on others at the Laguna Beach conference.
It's all there, waiting for you, at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-chalice.html
Overcoming Fear of the Creator by Lady Vessa Andromeda Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 31st May 2013
Beloved light essence upon the Earth, I am Lady Vessa Andromeda, I am an Andromedan being from the Andromedan Galaxy in the constellation of Andromeda. You may label me as an extra-terrestrial being but I am of light and Creator essence the same as you. I am currently supporting and overseeing the service of the tenth ray of light of a pearlescent vibration and its integration with the Earth. I am devoted to being of service to souls incarnate upon the Earth, my greatest desire is for all to experience a deep oneness and contentment in their unite with the Creator. In the vibration of oneness a great volume of freedom is experienced. Everything that seemed important, essential and of great value simply falls away and one is able to feel a true resonance within and a greater experience of expansion. With and within the presence of unity it can be as if one shifts from their current dimension into a different dimension vibrational, mentally, emotionally and spiritually while remaining present in their current reality.