~ An Exciting and Intense Month ahead of This!~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, April is all ABout Momentum energy for the Light! We are jam packed with events for the Next three Months! We will reheart you that its important to stay connected, centered and balanced a the New Earth Energies continue to Increase. For this In The Flow Enjoy the RIDE! We will Have more about what is unfolding In our Next Udpate of Sirus and Citizen dislcosure. You can Join us On the Higher Grid Today for Chat Sessions On 5th Dimensional Living begnning at 11am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress   Love The Earth Allies


Slim Chance of Life after Mudslide Buries Miners


Weather.com - 4/01/13, APTibet Landslide Traps 83

Rescue workers conduct search and rescue work at the site where a large-scale landslide hit a mining area in Maizhokunggar County of Lhasa, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region on March 30. (AP Photo/Xinhua, Purbu Zhaxi)

BEIJING — Searchers were continuing to look for miners buried when a landslide swept through a gold mine in an extensively cleared area of Tibet, but authorities said chances were slim any survivors would be found. Twenty-one bodies have been recovered from the mudslide that buried 83 workers in piles of earth up to 30 meters deep.

The landslide Friday has spotlighted the extensive mining China has encouraged in the mountainous region and questions have been raised about whether the activities have destroyed Tibet's ecosystem.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Pollen Count, Allergies On The Rise


Huffington Post - 3/26/13

Pollen Allergies

From Mother Nature Network's John Platt:

Spring has sprung, and allergy season won't be far behind. But if you think last year's allergies were bad, just wait until a few years from now when climate change will cause pollen counts to rise dramatically. According to research by allergist Leonard Bielory, pollen counts will average 21,735 grains of pollen per cubic meter in the year 2040. The average in the year 2000 was just 8,455.


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Ever-Bigger Algae Blooms on Lake Erie: Report


Weather.com - 4/01/13, John Flesher

This Oct. 5, 2011 satellite photo from a NASA website shows algae blooms swirling on Lake Erie. A study released April 1 said the warming climate and modern farming practices are creating ideal conditions for gigantic algae formations on Lake Erie. AP Photo/NASA

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — It was the largest algae bloom in Lake Erie's recorded history — a scummy, toxic blob that oozed across nearly one-fifth of the lake's surface during the summer and fall of 2011. 

It sucked oxygen from the water, clogged boat motors and washed ashore in rotting masses that turned beachgoers' stomachs.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Green Meteorite May Be From Mercury, a First


Weather.com - 4/01/13, Miriam Kramer

This green meteorite that landed in Morocco in 2012 could be from Mercury. Stefan Ralew/sr-meteorites.de


Scientists may have discovered the first meteorite from Mercury.

The green rock found in Morocco last year may be the first known visitor from the solar system's innermost planet, according to meteorite scientist Anthony Irving, who unveiled the new findings this month at the 44th annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 2, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.3 mag quake OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 2


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Tornado Damage Confirmed In Sequoyah County


News9.com - 4/01/13

Photo of tornado damage near Sallisaw. [National Weather Service]

SEQUOYAH COUNTY, Oklahoma - The National Weather Service Office in Tulsa confirms an EF-1 tornado touched down south of Sallisaw in Sequoyah County late Saturday, March 30, 2013.

National Weather Service meteorologist Steve Piltz says the tornado was 250 yards wide and traveled about a half mile.

To read the rest of this story, visit News9.com.


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Drought forecast: Bad to worse


CommercialAppeal.com - 4/02/13

The Texas Panhandle was the center of the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s. Scientists say the 2013 drought season forecast has eerie similarities to the worst droughts in U.S. history.

The Texas Panhandle was the center of the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s. Scientists say the 2013 drought season forecast has eerie similarities to the worst droughts in U.S. history. Associated Press

Drought conditions in more than half of the United States have slipped into a pattern that climatologists say is uncomfortably similar to the most severe droughts in recent U.S. history, including the 1930s Dust Bowl and the widespread 1950s drought.

The 2013 drought season is already off to a worse start than in 2012 or 2011 — a trend that scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say is a good indicator, based on historical records, that the entire year will be drier than last year, even if spring and summer rainfall and temperatures remain the same.


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Volcanoes Today, 2 Apr 2013: Etna, Stromboli, Telica, El Hierro


Volcano Discovery Tuesday Apr 02, 2013 11:04 AM |

White sandstone xenolith from the 16 Mar New SE paroxysm

White sandstone xenolith from the 16 Mar New SE paroxysm

Current seismogram from Telica volcano (TELN station INETER)


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Louisiana sinkhole swallowed 25 more trees and well pad access ramp



The Watchers - April 2, 2013 - ChillymanjaroAccording to the Assumption Parish Police Jury, giant Louisiana sinkhole swallowed 25 trees and a well pad access ramp, so now the collapsed area grew to 13 acres in size. The Office of Conservation, in consultation with Assumption Parish Police Jury, advised the public on March 28, 2013 that the Oxy 3/sinkhole monitoring alert status has been raised to Code 2 – requiring all work directly in and over the sinkhole to cease until further notice. Monitoring is constantly ongoing in the area and Conservation will continue to advise the public of significant changes in subsurface conditions. Code 1 has no restrictions Code 2...

Re~Post: Your Divine Role - If You Are One of the 5,000...



There are 12 million Ground Crew members of The Galactic Federation of Light stationed here on Mother Earth right now. We came to help move Humanity and Mother Earth into 5D and become a Blue Star Nation/Galactic Citizens.


Of those 12 million Ground Crew members, five thousand will come together to form the transitionary government that will help to move humanity into 5D.



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Sheldan Nidle Webinar 35: Battling Dimensional Fatigue-- Preview: Body Healing Me


Sheldan Nidle

Published on Feb 8, 2013

Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar 35 -- Battling Dimensional Fatigue
To see the complete Webinar: http://www.paoweb.com/webnarch.htm



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The Morning Blessing 04.02.13


Today's note is the last I'll write as your spiritual mentor. I'm moving into my son's company and will be involved in bringing consciousness to younger minds and bodies with his healthy vending business.

During the last six weeks of 2012, from Halloween to the Winter Solstice, a reshuffling of priorities was unfolding and I began to feel the completion of my work with The Morning Blessings. The winter's cloak of hibernation and solitude afforded me an excellent time for rest and reflection. During those months I've moved toward the new avenues of Light and followed the direction Spirit was leading. The new "work" I am being charged with is exciting and engaging. I wondered if I could possibly keep both going? However, the Spring Equinox energies have aroused clarity and now new ideas and inspiration are bursting forth with vigor and vibrant confidence. I must use the new building blocks the Universe and my Higher Self are offering if I am to stay true to everything I know.


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The manuscript of survival – part 294 - April 02, 2013




The manuscript of survival – part 294 – 02 April, 2013



Time is flying by, and the days keep getting longer and longer in the northern part of your hemisphere as the sun’s rays are prolonging their stay on the surface. And as such, much light will continue to pour onto this little sphere floating out in space. And with this light, comes so much you have hoped for, but mayhaps also some things that you would rather be left forgotten. For the light is throwing doors open within you all and whatever the light seeks out, cannot hide anymore. And as such, this spring cleaning can be more than a little taxing at times for some of you. But again, we say, all is well and indeed just as it is meant to be. For this shake up is a thourough one, and as we told you earlier, this is indeed the last in a very long line of such shake ups, but this time, we intend to finish the job if we may put it as bluntly as this. Or rather, we intend for you to finish this job, as all we can do, is to assist you in any way we can. And so we will contiune to do that, even at those intervals when you feel bereft of any support at all, and you feel like the loneliest person alive in the universe, nay, in All of creation, you must still know that we are here, by your side, every step of the way.




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Light Language Transmission with Jamye Price ~ April 2013


http://www.JamyePrice.com. For more information on April Energies, visit http://www.crystallinesoulhealing.com...

Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, teacher and student of life. She channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are ancient and universal languages.


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The PLEIADIAN SOUL SYMBOL Used In Atlantis & Lemuria: Now Held In Agharta (Inner Earth)!


Today I wanted to share something very beautiful with you!
 A symbol and a beacon/portal of Light!
For those of you who had previous incarnations in Atlantis and Lemuria the following may prove VERY special!
<span class="font-size-4" style="font-family: 'book antiqua',

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Andy Bojarski: My Higher Self ~ How To Raise Your Energy Vibration Level



Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for April 2013




Astro Connections Blog  April 1 2013

April is highlighted by a transformative Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. It is the first of three eclipses over the next two months. A new moon and several planets still in Aries hold the promise for new beginnings. Later in the month a grand water trine brings new clarity and support.

During the last part of March and early April, a planetary pattern appears called a yod. This pattern is composed of Saturn in Scorpio in sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, with Jupiter in Gemini at the apex. This pattern can expand our knowledge and vision, but requires some adjustment to find the right balance. At this time we may be drawn to information (Jupiter in Gemini) that can take us off on new and intriguing tangents. The challenge is to perceive what is of real value to us and the effort required to incorporate it into our daily lives.

On April 6, Venus will align with Mars in fiery Aries, which strengthens our passions and drives in relationships. New connections can be made at this time, along with a renewal of feeling in existing relationships. A challenging aspect with Neptune brings in a tendency towards deception and confusion. However, this energy can also be used to begin creative and healing activities.


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 1 April 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted April 1, 2013


March 31-April 6, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As you continue to release old patterns and cycles of thought and behavior, you are finding yourselves feeling more sure and confident in yourselves and your abilities. We see that you are constantly reminding yourselves of the Light that you are and steadfastly holding to it. This is very important as it helps to reinforce the greater field of Light that now surrounds your planet and allows you to tap into it. Those of you who have been receiving a great influx of cosmic energies in the past week are now in the process of fully integrating these energies into your energetic system. This is how the process works in order to safely allow all of Humanity to have the opportunity to absorb as much as possible of the new and higher energies in order that the changes within can take place.


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Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance ~ The Landing Party, Part 4





Mytre Speaks:

I must apologize for our story moving through different periods of time. You see our Ship has entered the mid-fourth dimension of your planet Earth. Therefore, our broadcasts to you are greatly disrupted by the time differential between the fourth dimension and your third dimensional physical world.

Furthermore, your third dimensional physical world is expanding its essence into the fourth dimensional expression of your reality. Some of you are able to follow the expansion of Gaia’s consciousness into the higher frequencies of multidimensional Earth, and some of you cannot.

Therefore, we are only in communication with those of you who can expand your consciousness enough to calibrate your attention to the mid-fourth dimensional version of your reality. We know that this expansion of your consciousness may be somewhat confusing to you because you are also holding a physical form in the third dimension.


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~ A Message from the Earth Allies~ ~The Journey Has Begun~




~Spirit Consciousness has Awakened on Planet Earth=Heart and Therefore, Love is Everywhere, Within and Everywhere,this includes Humanity.This is an inevitable event Unfolding Now, which was Originally Called forth from Mother Earth, and Her Ascension Home into the Light. All of Humanity is just here for the JOY RIDE!!


This means Unconditional Creation HAS Awakened, into the Highest Possible Thought of Energy That Could Ever Occur. This will be Unfolding for All Eternity, In Every Moment, With Every Moment of NOW, Forever and Forever. This is Creation... Always More...=The ALL Given To Creation, To Create More in Grander Ways, as Atoms Move Towards More of the Love that Created them.This is How Love and Creation Move with the Atoms of Love. This Energy merges Humanity with US in Spirit, This is the Wedding of Humanity to God.~


This is an unstoppable Moment within Creation. Mother Earth with Humanity has Birthed a New Paradigm and through this, the world of illusion is dissolving and quickly. It's now becoming increasingly impossible for these Energies to exist together! Something's gotta Give, and will. Resistence is futile... Love Has Already Won!



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Scientific Study Shows a Small Group of Companies Have Enormous Power Over the World


Taken from alternet.org:

A major scientific study identified a number of companies with outsized control over a huge portion of the earth's economy.
In October of 2011, New Scientist reported that a scientific study on the global financial system was undertaken by three complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. The conclusion of the study revealed what many theorists and observers have noted for years, decades, and indeed, even centuries: “An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.” As one of the researchers stated, “Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it’s conspiracy theories or free-market… Our analysis is reality-based.” Using a database which listed 37 million companies and investors worldwide, the researchers studied all 43,060 trans-national corporations (TNCs), including the share ownerships linking them.

Full Story


The top 50 of the 147 superconnected companies...


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Pope Francis Uses Easter Address to Denounce ‘Greed Looking for Easy Gain’



Pope appears to put uncaring capitalism on a par with the armed conflicts traditionally deplored in the annual Urbi et Orbi address

By John Hooper in Rome,  The Guardian – March 31, 2013


Pope Francis gave an unexpected twist to the annual pontifical appeal for peace on Sunday when he used it to denounce “greed looking for easy gain”.

In his Urbi et Orbi address, which translates as “to the city [of Rome] and to the world”, the Pope – who has sought to make himself the tribune of the poor, disabled and disadvantaged – appeared to put uncaring capitalism in the same category as the armed conflicts his predecessors have traditionally, and forlornly, deplored on Easter Day.


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What’s up for April 2013


The Watchers - April 2, 2013 - ChillymanjaroJPL released another video guide for skywatchers, introducing sky events in April 2013. Jupiter’s moon Io crosses Jupiter’s face on April 3, followed by its tiny black shadow. Comet PanSTARRS will pass 2° west (lower right) of the Andromeda Galaxy, M31 on April 4. They may appear about equally dim low in the northwest just as twilight is ending, for observers at fairly high northern latitudes. Saturn’s north pole is now tilted towards Earth, giving us the best view of the rings since 2006. By April 20, Saturn will be directly opposite the sun in the sky. It will sit on the boundary between the...

The manuscript of survival – part 294


aisha north April 2, 2013


Time is flying by, and the days keep getting longer and longer in the northern part of your hemisphere as the sun’s rays are prolonging their stay on the surface. And as such, much light will continue to pour onto this little sphere floating out in space. And with this light, comes so much you have hoped for, but mayhaps also some things that you would rather be left forgotten. For the light is throwing doors open within you all and whatever the light seeks out, cannot hide anymore. And as such, this spring cleaning can be more than a little taxing at times for some of you. But again, we say, all is well and indeed just as it is meant to be. For this shake up is a thourough one, and as we told you earlier, this is indeed the last in a very long line of such shake ups, but this time, we intend to finish the job if we may put it as bluntly as this. Or rather, we intend for you to finish this job, as all we can do, is to assist you in any way we can. And so we will contiune to do that, even at those intervals when you feel bereft of any support at all, and you feel like the loneliest person alive in the universe, nay, in All of creation, you must still know that we are here, by your side, every step of the way.


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New Images of the 2013 Arctic Sea Ice Mega-Fracture


Wunderground.com- 3/29/13, Angela Fritz



Satellite image of the large fracture in Arctic sea ice in the Beaufort Sea (north of Alaska). Image from NASA, acquired February 23, 2013.

New images of 2013's Arctic sea ice mega-fracture have been posted on NASA's website. Sea ice fractures are not uncommon, though, according to NASA, the extent of this one is. Two things have combined this year to create the mega-fracture:

1) Arctic sea ice is not what it used to be. It is becoming thin and fragile, whereas thick, multi-year ice (ice that is around for many years and is much more stable) has declined. Arctic sea ice extent has plummeted since 1979, and reached an all-time low in September 2012. According to the
National Snow and Ice Data Center, through 2013, February sea ice extent has declined at a rate of 2.9% per decade compared to the long-term average. This represents an overall reduction of more than 606,000 square miles from 1979 to 2013, which is equivalent to more than twice the area of the state of Texas. Scientific consensus points to global warming from fossil fuel emissions as the culprit of the Arctic's decline.



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Christine Day ~ A Loving Message From The Pleiadians




Christine Day April 1 2013

Beloved ones we greet you, We bring you news of the changing dimensional settings that are taking place within your physical structure at this very moment. Because of the new planetary energetic alignments that are taking place aligning you with the rest of the Universal energetic principals there is a quickening that is opening up through your cells of your heart center. This brings you into a place of experiencing an emotional vulnerability within you and some personal confusion. Through this process you are being energetically moved to align more directly into the energetic setting of your mission so that you can fulfill specific destiny aspects within your projects.

This is part of your unfolding of Self, allow this reconstruction process by simply not holding onto anything. Let go and allow.


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Heavenletter #4512 - When You Feel Heartbroken [I]


Heaven Letters Published on: April 2, 2013

Sometimes you feel abandoned in life. Know I do not abandon you. It is you who abandons belief in Me, for you become discouraged for one reason or another. You can always find a reason, My beloved. Life isn’t adding up the way you thought life would. There is a setback. Life isn’t turning out the way you thought it would, and you take it personally, very personally. You have been let down. There is something you thought you had to have, and, if you do not have it, you feel desolate. You may feel that all is lost. You have an expectation that did not fulfill itself. In your mind and in your heart, you thought it had to. Because you thought it had to, you are bereft now. Now you feel that all is lost. Now you feel that I have let you down.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Senses


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The Oracle Report Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The Oracle Report




Written by Lena Stevens

APRIL 2013
The theme for April is MOMENTUM.

When something has momentum it takes more of an effort to change its course, and less of an effort to move it in the direction it is already going. This is a tricky month as momentum will take hold in whatever direction you happen to be putting your focus and energy.

For example, if you are in a bad mood, that mood is in danger of gathering momentum. If you are focused on a creative project of your choosing, it will also gather momentum. It is very important that you are focused on the things you want in your life at this time for they are the ones that will gather momentum.

This is a highly creative and productive time. The challenge will be to stay directed and to have the discipline to move yourself out of situations and away from negativity that you would rather not be gathering momentum around. This will take discernment, the use of good boundaries and a commitment to some truth telling about what serves you and what does not.


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Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ A Revelation. – By Debbie Erasmus


Before I even had a chance to open my eyes this morning I was hearing these words “There are no guarantees in life. You want guarantees? Then create them because that is what you are. A Creator. You create what you see around you. You’ve created all of it. If you don’t like what you see, then change it.”


Omg! Where did that come from?


From Creator.


Don’t start that again, please!


Okay, it came from me. I put those words into your head so that you would have something to think about.


Why? I have barely woken up!


Because I want you to get up and start writing our conversation for today.


You’re kidding!


Yes I am! How did you know? I miss you…


Me too darling… When are you going to come into my dreams?


Soon my love.




Yes darling.


When is soon? Before New Moon? Because you don’t have ‘time’ up there on your ‘ranch in the sky’, so how do you know what soon means?


[Lol] It will be soon beloved.


Okay. By the way, you didn’t plug those words into my brain for nothing. Where are you going with this?


You know me well beloved! I want to talk about this subject today and I want you to use my name.


No way are you serious!


Yes I am! It’s time people know who I am.


I don’t believe it! Why now?


I told you. I want people to know who your Twin Flame is.


But why now? Why not before?


Because you were not ready before. You had some doubts.


And I don’t anymore?



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Konstantinos: About my Twin Flame and a message from two ascended beings



[Hello dear friends and I'm heading right on the subject: I found at last my Twin Flame (-_-)!

Back in November of 2012, I had trusted to a few that I had received that my Twin Flame is incarnated and she is currently in England, she's the same age like mine and has many common interests and experiences with me. I had received from other beings since then,even a future self of mine, that I would meet her. When I was asking them 'Will I meet her in 2013?' they would answer ' yes '. This was even coming out many times frequently in the card reading too, where you are not aware which card will come up next.

So, with these information in mind and daily praying every night before I sleep, I was trying to give myself strength to move on. I know there are more reasons in life to give you the motivation to move on, but this was something for which, I was so longing for many years, actually since I learnt about the Twin Flames matter. From September till November 2012 it was my most intense period of sadness regarding that issue. I had this wish in every lonely walk of mine, which in my case is almost every time. Don't feel like going out with other people usually. They don't understand me.


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~Brilliant ReHearter to Assist Everyone In these Intense Energies~




Artwork By Father God

The Following are Recommendations to assist In the New Earth Energies and The Reconnections with the Twin Flame Connections!


The Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface for many. Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Some as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another




With Great UNDERSTANDING=OVERFLOWING= Grander Responsibility

IN THE FIELD OF NOW =FOREVER  WE will meet you there



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Fortifying Your Foundation and the Importance of Consistency ~ Message from Archangel Gabriel



Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for making the commitment to come and anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room but also those who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet at a later time.

Bask in the blessed energies of this high holy holiday of your Easter weekend. This is a profound day, Dear Ones. There is a massive influx of Christed energy that occurs on this high holiday. It is infiltrating the energetic grids of your planet. It is securing the higher dimensional frequencies that are part of your ascension process. In a sense, you have been in a waiting period since the pivotal alignment of Dec. 21, 2012, waiting for this now moment, for these energies to enter, to become part of your reality. You might consider this to be the anchoring in of the fifth dimensional consciousness and beyond.


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