The Galactic Free Press Update: The Galactic Alignment of 2012! An Inevitable Event

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Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Earth Ally Reane's Rainbow Orb~ Let Love Pour IN!


Greetings Love Beings, The current energies are continuing to swirl about the Planet in intensity which were maginfied through our Last Eclipse, these energies will continue to increase in intensity. The Energy of Heaven is Here! This is also creating those energies which are not in alignment to come up for review. We are witnessing this now reflected in the middle east and in Greece. What is occurring in these area's, is multi~ dimensional, and is serving Humanity in many ways, whether you can see it or not. Since our Last portals and Powerful Solar Eclipse, The Planet has Lifted In Vibration at a Very Quick rate and everyone Now must rise to meet this energy as Well. There is no going back. This Incoming Energy is Requesting Love and Peace for Planet Earth and this is the Inevitable Outcome.


Mike Quinsey and Salusa "We notice a great upturn in the amount of Light upon the Earth, and that is to your credit and dedication to have brought so much to it. To some the energies are proving to be too powerful and disorientating. However, as they learn what is actually taking place, they may be able to flow with the energies and experience a higher degree of consciousness. They may otherwise experience feelings of impending change, without being able to determine what is happening... We monitor the rising levels of consciousness and they are absolutely speeding up at an incredible rate. That is what we like to see, as it is opening more hearts... as to what is going on, after all you may be individual souls but you are also part of a group consciousness....All will proceed as planned, and continue well after Ascension as you benefit from the new energies...." End of Quote

 We are currently Getting Alot of Help from Our SUN! WOW! The Humongous Explosion yesterday was not earth directed but this energy will be affecting the subconscious or unconscious on the Planet.


HUMONGOUS ERUPTION: A truly gigantic explosion happened on the sun today. Magnetic fields snaking halfway across the sun's southern hemisphere erupted in tandem, producing a prominence so big, it doesn't fit inside this image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO):


The blast hurled a CME into space, but the cloud does not appear to be heading for Earth.

RED AURORAS: Auroras are usually green, and sometimes purple, but seldom do sky watchers see much red. The geomagnetic storm of Nov. 13/14 was different. It produced auroras with a distinctly rosy hue. David E. Cartier, Sr. photographed the phenomenon near Marsh Lake, about 40 km east of Whitehorse in Canada's Yukon Territory:


"I was amazed by the deep scarlet color, which was immediately recognizable to the unaided eye," says Cartier. Similar splashes of candy-cane red were spotted over Norway, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

The apparition might be related to rare all-red auroras sometimes seen during intense geomagnetic storms. They occur some 300 to 500 km above Earth's surface and are not yet fully understood. Some researchers believe the red lights are linked to a large influx of low-energy electrons. When such electrons recombine with oxygen ions in the upper atmosphere, red photons are emitted. At present, space weather forecasters cannot predict when this will occur."


Earth Report from Earth Ally Rain "Weather appears to be calm worldwide but Italy is still dealing with flooding that has now reached Rome.
A parade of storm systems will plow into the West Coast of the U.S., starting today, delivering multiple bouts of rain, mountain snow and wind through the week ahead.

A powerful 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck along the Pacific plate boundary, near the Tonga trench. No tsunami warnings were issued for the region.
Today’s 6.1 earthquake is the ninth major earthquake to strike the planet in the last 9 days. The current string of seismic activity began on November 8, with successive earthquakes striking Vancouver Islands, Myanmar, Guatemala, the Gulf of Alaska, Aisen and Coquimbo Chile, Mexico, the Kuril Islands and lastly, the Tonga Region.
Mount Rokatenda volcano in Sikka regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), is spouting volcanic ash. Hundreds of people have been evacuated and six or more people have been treated for respiratory symptoms. End of quote

We should anticipate many more of these types of events in the incoming energies to release and cleanse the density off the Planet. The More who awaken will lessen these releases. If the energy escalates in the middle east we could see a massive release. This is up to Humanity how this occurs.


  Another aspect to what is unfolding in the Middle East is also a reflection of Humanity's inner turmoil resistence to the Love Energy arriving. This is held unconsciousness or density and its a block to the flow of the real energies coming in. This is also how the cabal continue to manipulate the sleeping ones which is their food. This will be severed. One way or the other this energy will release off the Planet.This is needed for Her and Humanity to Embrace the Incoming Energies from the Upcoming Galactic Alignment.

The Planet is Preparing for ascension and all unconsciousness or density must be released to continue to Move forward into the Center. We Send the Highest Love for the Highest Outcome for the Greater Good of All in no matter what this Looks Like! Many Angels are here, they are Stationed and Placed perfectly.  Whatever will occur, how this occurs will be a Step Forward in Planetary Peace and An Awakened Planet.


Quoted Laura from Salusa "What has been behind the conflict in Jerusalem, is far beyond the imaginable and pre-dates any officially recorded historical episodes.

The conflict is likely to escalade and spill to other nations, who also have hidden interests in Jerusalem and particularly in the Dome.


Do not allow yourselves to go into fear mode. Know that your power is immense and the power of love is even greater. Although the situation looks at its worse right now from so many perspectives, know that this a created and planned situation by the cabal to ensure the spread of negative vibrations on Earth’s surface.


In order to overcome the challenges ahead, in the remaining few weeks, the Earth’s population will need to unite and awaken from the slumber it has carefully been engineered.


... We do encourage you to send loving thoughts, prayers, and help any practical way end the war in the Middle East. However ensure that you are not taking sides and are not judging those who are the mere puppets of the cabal.


We send our love and light to you all as usual, and wish to assure you that you have a very important part to play in Mother Earth’s final Ascension Chapter, dear ones. This remains to be discovered by many of you yet.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and assure you that we keep monitoring the situation on your planet, as well as dealing with much of the loss taking place right now. Our part to play, as Ascended Masters, is to serve the divine. Although we understand that the divine’s way is often difficult to understand at times like these for many of incarnated souls." End of quote


11-11 @ 11:11 After meditation this picture in the outback was taken

Sharing the Love ~*~ photo By Tho


Bella Capozzi "Ascension is happening.  It is happening everywhere you look, everywhere you go.  You have need only to open up your hearts and your eyes to know that this is true.

Seek out the good in each of your sisters and brothers, and dig deep to uncover the life-lesson in every situation.  Reach out your hand.  If nothing is ventured, then nothing is gained.  Be bold.

Step out of your box and go out into the world.  Go out as a friend, a teacher, a Wayshower, a bringer of The Light.  Engage with the persons around you, and care not a whit as to whether they are “awakened” or not, or that they are at a similar “level” of spiritual enlightenment as yourself. [ Love is the Only Answer Now, from Here On Out!]...Acknowledge that what is left of the illusion of time has sped up to such an astonishing degree that most of Humanity is cramming entire lifetimes of experience into a span of merely months!  So extend a hand in greeting, uncomfortable though it may be at times.  Heal those you meet with a kind word and a smile...

You are the living, breathing embodiment of The Creator.  You are here now, at this time, to do The Creator’s bidding – which is to lift up dear Gaia, and all who dwell upon and within her, to an entirely new state of being.  Choose not to shift your consciousness out of 3rd density for scheduled pockets of time, but instead exist and be in a perpetual state of 5th dimensional unity and bliss.  Be in a state of walking~meditation from this moment onward.  View the glass not as half empty but as completely full, and in so doing you shall cease to be affected by any havoc being wreaked around you.  For there shall indeed be times of chaos as your world transforms, just as there shall be times of apparent stagnation – it may seem as though there is nothing important happening at all.  But we tell you, do not view the absence of “events” as meaning that the Ascension is not moving forward.  Rather, see this as confirmation that it is moving forward, that it is in fact already here!  Your new world is one of tranquility and peace and simplicity.  And on that note, we conclude this transmission until next we speak.  Go forth in harmony. End of Quote


Its Truly All Happening Now and Many can feel theis taking place on all levels throughout the Planet. Its a Feeling which goes beyond words. There have been many attempting to explain how this incoming event will occur and change the Planet, and what we can share with you is, its beyond 3d human comprehension.


Quoted from Shannon "My Brothers and Sisters, I love you all so much! I feel compelled to write just a few more blogs before the Event occurs....

... I have a higher guidance, and higher assurances that EVERYTHING is about to change. Not just a little mind you, but ALOT. This change is so far reaching that to discuss it in current terms does it no justice. This type of change is the type where I can safely say that all you know is about to be transformed! Anything not of higher intent will disappear!.... There is a type of shock I'm saying will happen on a global level in a very short time. Even the members of the CABAL will have their breath taken away at the suddenness with which this EVENT changes everything..... there will be no one more surprised than the CABAL, when in a seeming instant they are brushed aside and made absolutely irrelevant! Following the news, and the stories, has its merit, but If you really want to be fully prepared, just realize that very soon, all of this will change so significantly..., none of the stories will matter on the level where you will suddenly perceiving....How would business as usual be possible if everyone were given that gift in one beautiful moment of love from our creator? What could the CABAL do when those who work for them suddenly were to know how evil their thoughts were, and what their intentions truly were even for those that served them? What could the CABAL do when each man, woman and child KNEW they were family, and remembered their connection to GOD? IT'S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE! OF THIS I AM CERTAIN. PREPARE. " End of Quote


Love Energy is the Most Powerful Energy in All Of Creation. This Energy is Spiraling around the Higher Grid and Arriving into the Planet preparing us for the Galactic Alignment. Everyone is made of this Energy of Love, and is the very energy which will be released in A Most Powerful way during this event of the galactic alignment, Which will Change Everything!


AS this Event Occurs, The Center of the Earth including the center[Heart] of Everyone On the Planet will all be aligned as ONE with this Entire Universe. Then there will be an infusion of this Energy into the entire Planet with highlycharged Light Particles or God Consciousness.

This will Create Energy Movement for Where the inner transforms to the OUTER which reconnects everything and everyone into The Oneness Energy Again. Inside of the Earth is all Plasma Meaning Pure Consciousness Energy. During the Galactic Alignment this Energy will be connecting with the Center of Earth connected all To Planets and This Entire Universe. These Combined energies and this will Move Mother Earth To Take Her Rightful Place at the Center of this Universe. This will birth a New Energy on this Planet which will emitt out into the Entire Universe in a continual way. Then We Say Welcome to Eternity!


Quoted from andromedacouncil "The electromagnetic particles that will be flowing & interchanging between the planets during the 12.21.12 alignment will be highly magnified and highly supercharged when they reach Earth. They will penetrate the crust, through the Earth and down into its core. At the actual moment of alignment it will cause the Earth to pause, and this process will completely transform the core of our planet to a completely new kind of energy source. This will be the first time cosmic transformational event of this type ever... for a planet. Time will begin to go away, and Earth will continue her evolution & transformation process into becoming a higher dimensional world.[Planet]" End of quote


….(Jose Arguelles)On December 21st 2012 The human race will unify as a single circuit.  Solar & galactic sound transmissions will inundate the planetary field. A current charging both poles will race across the skies, connecting the polar auroras in a single brilliant flash.”  end of quote



This Massive Light Energy Aligned with the Entire Universe will All Be connected on December 21st, 2012! This is an Unstoppable Event. This Energy will move and birth through the Heart of Mother Earth and Directly Into Yours and will be Just Like How a Baby takes its first breath. The New Earth is Born!


Decreed by Heaven~ We Intend the Highest Outcome to Occur for the remaining density or unconsciousness on this Planet to be released. The food source to the cabal will be severed.This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


 Join us Live today for THE LOVE PARTY IN these Intense Energies, to assist in a Smooth Transition in the release of the denser Energies, High Love Today!~ Thank You for Participating~Preparty begins at Noon, Love Party starts at 1:30pm Pacific



 ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


 Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!


  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


Join us Live Today Saturday For an Intense Lightfilled Love Party, we are Lighting the Way Home For Humanity! Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific. A Preparty will be occuring prior to this time if you would like to Join!

You Can Join Us at this Link: Thank You for sharing with Others, the More who gather in the Oneness energies together The Quicker our Events Manifest!


 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:


Our Least favorite task on the Press is having to ask for donations.. However, for us to keep going it does require funds.

 Thank You for Sharing and Paying the Energy Forward. If We are assisting You A Simple 5$ or 10$ will help.  If everyone shares we will make this goal quickly!

October Funding Goal $3000

Total Shared this Month $ 1669.79


  Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues which is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~

 Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.


Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party.  Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays[ Council Meeting] and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

At this Same Link We will have a One Hour Staff Meeting Every Monday at 10:30am Pacific. All are Welcome! We are also in the Planning stages for a Live Room for people to come into to receive Love and Support.

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:


If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At


~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~





 WE Love You With The Highest Love, Honor and Respect, for this is How we View Ourselves, and the Brilliance We Are. We are Your Examples of Love and Truth in Action, We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra, All Your Angels, All within the Inner Earth, All The Elementals,  and All Beings Throughout Creation.


Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue...
999 ~ Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.


