- Good Friday Leads Into an Easter Eve Vigil
- When you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present!
- Visionkeeper - Happy Easter To All….
- Heavenletter #4510 - Life Isn’t the Big Bad Wolf
- Awakening to your Authentic Self
- Jesus through John - You are becoming less addicted to the illusion’s validity
- The manuscript of survival – part 293
- Stars of Radiance
- Capital city March rainfall wrap-up
- Volcanoes Today, 31 Mar 2013: Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Long Valley, Telica, Masaya, Santorini
- ~ Love Party and We are IN!~
- EN.R.ET.A from Andromeda ~ Meeting Myself ~ 32113
- Leader of Anonymous (Owner of the official Youtube Channel) died - R.I.P. Bro
- The Christed Ray: Today and Everyday, In Everyman
- Latest Earthquake Activity - March 31, 2013
- Sinkhole Round-Up
- The manuscript of survival – Part 293 . March 21, 2013
- Becky Declares Peace on Earth! Have You Declared Peace on Earth Today?
- Ocean Cleanup Array developed by 19-year-old could save millions each year, and impact human health
- WakingTimes ~Stuart Wilde ~The Global Ego ~ Resolve To Escape ~
- The Planet and The World
- 7 States Running Out Of Water: 24/7 Wall St.
- Twelve Insight Journal –~I Don’t Have To Think That Way
- Emmanuel Dagher ~ Happy Easter!
- Ariah Velasquez ~ Easter: A Day for the Divine Masculine and Feminine
- How to Deal With The Grief and Loss of A Loved One
- Happy Easter, from Wes Annac & Family
- Heaven is Within, Happy Ascension Day Brilliant Repost for Today's Energies
- April, Vortexes. Eclipses and US!!
- How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft
- Beautiful Space Art
- TODAY NEW SHOW! Soaring with Spirit Show~ Starting at 10am PT
- Mahala ~Mahalas Astrology ~ Planet Alert April
- Miracle Drink Kills Cancer Cells Too
- UFO Light-Ships -~Pleiadian Alaje ~ English Subtitle
- Transparency
Greetings Love Beings, Happy Resurrection DAY! Intense Love Energy Abounds. Everyone ON some Level can Feel It. As Anticipated We are Roaring Out of March Energetically Speaking! With No Signs of Stopping. April Will Be Quite Interesting with 3 Ecplipses in the Next 2 Months. Onward and Upward We Go! You can Join us On the Grid Today for 5d FUN with DesertGyspey and Odi Beginning at 10am Pacific and At Noon Pacific We will Have a Live Chat Session Called Awakening Sessions With Mother God and Rain. You can Join us at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart Love The Earth Allies
Good Friday Leads Into an Easter Eve Vigil
When you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present!
Johnsmallman's Blog 03/31/2013 by John Smallman
Download: 2013-03-31-saul-audio-blog-for-sunday-march-31.mp3
Humanity’s interest in matters spiritual is growing rapidly as a direct result of the new divine energies flooding the planet, which was of course the intent when they were set in motion. You all need to seriously address your spiritual side, your 99%, which vast numbers of you have neglected because of the seductive, enticing, and demanding distractions with which your egos, through the mechanism of the illusion, are constantly bombarding you. Truly, when you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present! That is all of you that your egos can access, even though it often appears to you that some people have enormous egos! Is that not amazing?
Visionkeeper - Happy Easter To All….
One World Rising Posted on March 31, 2013
If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having. — Henry Miller
Many blessings to you all and wishes for a loving day with family and friends. BE peaceful and loving and and it will spread out from you to all those around you. May you feel joy and love and may the world feel joy and love as well. Say prayers for all of those who need our support and feel gratitude for all of your good fortunes.
Blessings and love to us all…. Visionkeeper
Heavenletter #4510 - Life Isn’t the Big Bad Wolf
Heaven Letters Published on: March 31, 2013
What is your will? What do you really want, do you know? Sometimes you don’t know, and life will swing you around. Sometimes you do know what you truly desire, and life will still swing you around. All of life does not always go according to your will, to your conscious will. Somewhere, somehow along the way, you may have raised the ante. And sometimes you aren’t sure. You are partly sure. You want, and you don’t want. You don’t dare want, and you don’t dare not to want. You want life to do your bidding, and yet you are uncertain to what your bidding really is.
Awakening to your Authentic Self
Angel Wisdom Sunday, March 31, 2013
Jesus through John - You are becoming less addicted to the illusion’s validity
Jesus through John March 31, 2013 by John Smallman
Download: 2013-03-31-jesus-audio-blog-for-easter-sunday-march-31.mp3
One is the number of God’s creations, but One is not in any way limiting — it is infinite. This is a very complex concept for you to grasp let alone make any sense of; in fact, it is rather a paradox while you remain constrained by your physical bodies, so don’t even try — it is quite unnecessary. Just accept that it is so. Surrender to it and know that you are not being misled.
The manuscript of survival – part 293
aisha north March 31, 2013
As many of you have already ascertained, this being tossed to and fro in these undulating waves of energy is by no means over yet, but we do hope that you have all been able to get a mouthful of fresh air at least once during these proceedings. We venture to guess that for many of you, the effects of all of these constant surges of wavelike energy will feel somewhat different from what you have been exposed to before, and rightly so. For you have indeed been raised not just another notch this time, rather, you have all been raised to a whole new level of existence to call it that, and therefore, the effects from what is constantly being beamed onto your planet and into your whole system have changed drastically.
Stars of Radiance
Gaia Portal Mar 31
Awakening Stars within individual Hue-Beings connect to new Gaia portals within 5-7 D levels. Bodies of Radiance become visible to these Beings, and become visible to others with Higher Sensitivities.
Such Stars of Radiance become commonplace among Gaia planetary teams as Higher Level missions are acknowledged and accepted.
This occurs in the Now moment.
Capital city March rainfall wrap-up
weatherzone Drew Casper-Richardson, Sunday March 31, 2013 - 14:25 EDT
March saw a mixed bag of rainfall, ranging from over triple the monthly average to only half.
Four of the eight state and territory capitals recorded above average rainfall during March. Perth was wettest compared to average with over triple their usual 18.9mm falling. Despite such a big difference, the western capital only recorded two extra rain days. Rain fell on six March days this year compared to the average of four.
Brisbane in the Sunshine State didn't live up to its name during March. The city recorded 177% of their normal March total with rain falling on 17 days. The total of 170.6mm makes it the wettest March in at least 8 years. In the Top End some late March rain pushed Darwin over their monthly average to finish on 373.2mm. Those in Darwin could be forgiven for thinking it was wetter than this though with at least some rain recorded on 28 days during the month.
Volcanoes Today, 31 Mar 2013: Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Long Valley, Telica, Masaya, Santorini
Volcano Discovery Sunday Mar 31, 2013 13:29 PM |
Current view of Etna (INGV webcam)
Typical explosion from Fuego yesterday
~ Love Party and We are IN!~
Greetings Love Beings, Love is Here, the ships are surrounding us! You can Join us In this Continued Intensity for a LOVE PARTY!! WITH THE FAMILY OF LIGHT!
Join us Live NOW!
EN.R.ET.A from Andromeda ~ Meeting Myself ~ 32113
What I am about to share with all of you here. Is exactly what all of you will experience at one point in your ascension or another, but you will all experience it regardless of your present beliefs, conditions and understandings. The reason I am sharing my experience here with you now, is to help all of you understand that what you may already be experiencing on ethereal plane is real. You are not dreaming. You are not imagining. You are not making any of these things up. IT IS REAL. It is happening NOW. You might just not be fully aware of it yet because your physical mind is blocking reality from you, and so I am sharing what has happened to me yesterday.
Yesterday, I have met myself, the real me, the one that knows everything about who I am, and what I am here to do. She has explained everything to me, as to how I ended up here on planet earth in the first place. What is to come. What has been. And most importantly what IS NOW.
Leader of Anonymous (Owner of the official Youtube Channel) died - R.I.P. Bro
Published on Mar 29, 2013
The Christed Ray: Today and Everyday, In Everyman
The Story of Easter and The Christed Ray: What the Sweeping Winds Truly Bring
Just as rumor, suspicion and upheaval spread throughout Rome in March in the Year of One, so too have the energies been stirred up in March in the Year of 2013.
For what is the nature of a sweep but to clear all settled particles of dirt, debris, skin, and waste; the discarded of humanity? Yes, that has been the intensity of the energies this March.
In Roman times, rumor of Christ as a threat of power to the Church and state was such that conspiracies and plans were made amongst all ruling factions. What to do with such a threat to power? What to do with such an uprising of all that was once settled?
Even among Christ’s own circle, the unrest began, leading up to the last supper, a moment suspended in time when Christ’s disciples heard the news he had been betrayed. The reaction is in all the faces in the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. Most telling of all being the face of Christ himself; calm, knowing, shining in his Ascended Mastery and knowing the script that would change everything forever—the reason for his walk on Earth fulfilled.
Yes such was the sweep of energy of the Ides of March, the setting of the stage, Act II, preparing the world for the greatest and final Act, The Physical Death and Resurrection of Christ into the Christed. Thus bringing to Earth the Christed energy, The Christed Ray, The Ray available to all inhabitants on Earth. The Ray and the Way for Man’s Ascension.
Yes, Christ and the Resurrection, the Easter Story, the greatest of change to sweep through. Still sweeping and still radiating the Glorius Christed Ray into all men and turning All Hearts into Golden Christed Rays.
Channeled by Giselle Koy
www. gisellekoy.com
Latest Earthquake Activity - March 31, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the 5.6 mag quake in MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
March 31
Sinkhole Round-Up
GFP Note: Sinkholes appearing out of nowhere are the new norm! This phenomenon is part of Mother Earth and Humanity's cleansing process and representative of what we are going through right now - walking the line between Reality and illusion while most of humanity is resistant to change.
Check out the following links. There are some amazing photos and vids in these articles.
Giant sink hole appears in front of mall
Security Camera Captures Moment Sinkhole Swallows Guard
The manuscript of survival – Part 293 . March 21, 2013
The manuscript of survival – part 293 . March 31, 2013
As many of you have already ascertained, this being tossed to and fro in these undulating waves of energy is by no means over yet, but we do hope that you have all been able to get a mouthful of fresh air at least once during these proceedings. We venture to guess that for many of you, the effects of all of these constant surges of wavelike energy will feel somewhat different from what you have been exposed to before, and rightly so. For you have indeed been raised not just another notch this time, rather, you have all been raised to a whole new level of existence to call it that, and therefore, the effects from what is constantly being beamed onto your planet and into your whole system have changed drastically.
Becky Declares Peace on Earth! Have You Declared Peace on Earth Today?
Thank you for standing up in
LOVE and LIGHT, Becky!
And thank you 1LoveLightOneness1
for bringing us this messge!
We LOVE You!
Have you declared Peace On Earth today?
Ocean Cleanup Array developed by 19-year-old could save millions each year, and impact human health
- The Watchers
WakingTimes ~Stuart Wilde ~The Global Ego ~ Resolve To Escape ~
WakingTimes – Stuart Wilde – The Global Ego – Resolve To Escape – 31 March 2013
My ol’ teacher said that before you are born you choose your parents and that you have an overview of the circumstances and beliefs that you are to be born into, he even said you have a comprehension of the defects or inabilities of the future body you will inhabit at birth, your DNA karma say.
It is a very original idea because your birth and the mindset you inherit from your parents overwhelmingly dictates the nature and circumstances of your life’s initial journey. It is our first karma to be born into the restriction of a physical body that is sometimes frightened and it moves slowly, and the second karma is the family imprint that is emotionally embossed upon us. Our third karma develops as we grow up and we go out and test our embossed-self up against real life and other embossed, sometimes warped souls, and we learn through action and reaction.
We are the Nephilim and we are here to further guide and support as mother earth now aligns fully with ALL THAT IS and ALL BECOME ONE. We draw your attention to the astrological alignments that are coming into place and also the 3D overlay of the EASTER celebrations which are predominant across much of planet earth in your linear waking time frame.
The time of RESURRECTION is upon the human race, those who sought to contain and suppress now realising that there RAIN is now over. Those who walk as our children in human form now taking their places for all is now in position, for ALL ARE and ALL JUST IS. The time of galactic harmonisation between the human race and ALL is NOW. We ask for you to understand the cosmic alignment and the outpouring of energies that will now flood across and within planet earth, helping ALL at this time to release all that no longer serves and to come back into balance and alignment with ALL THAT IS.
7 States Running Out Of Water: 24/7 Wall St.
The Huffington Post-3/30/13, Alexander E.M. Hess
From 24/7 Wall St.: The United States is in the midst of one of the biggest droughts in recent memory. At last count, over half of the lower 48 states had abnormally dry conditions and are suffering from at least moderate drought.
More than 80 percent of seven states were as of last week in “severe drought,” characterized by crop or pasture loss, water shortage and water restrictions. Depending on whether the hardest-hit regions see significant precipitation, crops yields could fall and drought conditions could persist for months to come. Based on the latest data provided by the U.S. Drought Monitor, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the seven states running out of water.
Twelve Insight Journal –~I Don’t Have To Think That Way
Larry Larson ~ Twelve ~31 March 2013
When you create with thought—and you are always creating with thought—you develop habitual patterns. Some of these are quite good, you see, and you are quite familiar with them—the blue sky, the green sea, the clouds in the air, the rain that falls. However, some of those patterns you have developed are not so friendly; patterns of poverty, sickness, lack. You can change the patterns at any time that you wish and are willing to take up the determination to do so. They won’t just go away by themselves.
The patterns of thought that are following you about are there because you thought them into being at one time or another. And you can’t just indulge yourself in thinking that way if it’s something that you really want to change in your experience. There are different ways to think about everything, and you are not required to think in any particular way.
You are not required to think about the things that you think are the cause of lack in your experience, as so many of you do. You don’t have to think about anything that causes you discomfort. And you certainly don’t have to indulge in anything like worry. When has that ever cured anything?
Emmanuel Dagher ~ Happy Easter!
Magnified Manifesting March 31 2013
Hi my wonderful friend, Easter to me represents a time of renewal & rebirth. During this special time, I would like to express my deep gratitude for your presence in the world. Thank you for being miraculously you!
May this brand new era bless you with an abundance of bliss, peace, pristine health, prosperity, love, laughter, creativity, balance, and your greatest vision for your life.
I love you,
Ariah Velasquez ~ Easter: A Day for the Divine Masculine and Feminine
My first instinct was to look at the pagan roots of Easter since so much is distorted now a days by many organized religions. And of course, the name Easter comes from the Goddess E0stre who’s totem was the rabbit which represents fertility. She is said to merge today with the divine masculine (the SUN), and then birth her child in the winter solstice. This is all symbolic for spring of course and the growth that comes with connecting with the sun. So how can you merge today with your heart and ask for growth spurts in your life? Call in the Goddess Eostre of the light to bring in those gifts and activations today for the energies are strong for this to occur. I recommend doing this in a calm space for 11 minutes.
Now today, I woke up and immediately felt summoned by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ. And so I knew I was to share about Jesus today and what my feeling is the true message of Easter. I do work with Jesus as well spiritually and find “him” to be an amazing light being who helped anchor powerful energies here. It is unfortunate how his lessons and words have been distorted by some of humankind.
How to Deal With The Grief and Loss of A Loved One
Only Life Exists in Nature!
Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below:
My Website: http://infinitewaters.net
Happy Easter, from Wes Annac & Family
Posted by Wes Annac
Happy Easter to everyone reading this who will be celebrating today. With every holiday comes much collective focus and joy, and we can magnify the positive vibrations being emanated by so many today by learning to treat ourselves and those around us with Love, warmth and kindness. We are Co-Creating a new paradigm based in the interests of each one of us and on days like this, it is good to reflect upon what has been established and built-upon while celebrating good times with family, as we prepare ourselves to face the next challenges that our collective evolution and our building of Nova Earth will have for us.
Take some time to sit and Be in the energies of this day, if it feels pertinent to do so.
With so very much Love,
Wes & Family
Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vH9BmrdE0qY/TbQ8sG5bX0I/AAAAAAAAANA/ieo_Qxh01Cs/s1600/easter-eggs.jpg
Heaven is Within, Happy Ascension Day Brilliant Repost for Today's Energies
Heaven an awakened dream manifesting before our eyes...Just a Fantasy
most believed by the old controllers of the game... Now is Real and is
coming in.... as the New Stage of creation.... A Garden of Eden Now all
may play....and re-member each as Divinity and Magical Celestial
beings....The Truth of Real Love will burst forth this treasury...this
Love gift for all of Humanity.... Eternity becomes the new Name of the
game and death will no longer exist as it now is in the Dual
reality....Heaven is a state of HEART in which you see...pleasure and
perfection inside of ones being...True freedom and Living Life
spiritually. ..The Highest Possible outcome is being called from within
our inner beings...as the Old story ends....and a smooth transition
has been requested for a Supreme Divine plan which is this....All
Karma[ego/mind] and Negativity is to be forgiven with Grace and
Forgiveness. ..This is the Law of Love and of Light...Humans must
realize that they have all come here by contract all are Angels in
Disguise...and everyone came to earth for this Grand opportunity. ..all
April, Vortexes. Eclipses and US!!
First let me surround everyone with the joy of celebration of the Christ Consciousness – Ascension energy. A day that should be celebrated for achieving such a goal on planet earth without dying physically first!! Now this is a season to celebrate and dance with!!
This is going to be a short sharing (woke up late again) but there were some things I did want to share today. I got to witness (from a relative distance) the energy of the field yesterday sucking you into the 2nd quarter energies of this year. The first two people I attempted to read for, I drew a complete blank. When I asked the field what the hell is this all about… instantly I was shown the last girl of the day prior, the intense winds blowing her in the face and I realized we are now all in this position, the whole earth is. Thank goodness the field protects me from intense windstorms (smile) cuz I so would have loved to put my face in all of y’alls light… but noooooo!! By my third appointment, I already knew I was not going to see her, but I did a little peaking anywayz, and within a second and a half she went from the end of march and super slurpeed into a funnel of energy at the gateway of April.
How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft
Boyan Slat (@BoyanSlat, Delft, 1994) combines environmentalism, creativity and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. Currently working on oceanic plastic pollution, he believes current prevention measures will have to be supplemented by active removal of plastics in order to succeed. With his concept called Marine Litter Extraction, Boyan Slat proposes a radical clean-up solution, for which he won the Best Technical Design award 2012 at the TU Delft.
Where millions of tons of plastic kill ocean life and poison food chains, Boyan sees opportunities to combat this. While researching ocean plastics during school holidays, he performed analysis on various fundamental topics (including particle sizes, plastic/plankton separation and the amount of plastic in the oceans), leading up to the first realistic concept for cleaning up the world's oceans.
Now a first-year Aerospace Engineering student at the TU Delft, Boyan has always been passionate about applying technology in an original way (at age fourteen he set a world record with launching 213 water rockets), and as an (underwater)photographer and videographer witnesses environmental degradation through his very own eyes.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Beautiful Space Art
you can check the rest of Gary Tonge's work at:
TODAY NEW SHOW! Soaring with Spirit Show~ Starting at 10am PT
For the newly awakened and merely curious
With Desert Gypsy and Odistar
Join us for some FUN and LAUGHTER
LIVE in our Tiny Chat Room
Our first Show Theme
Happy 5D Easter
...The new energies have risen!
The future's so bright we gotta wear shades!
the more outrageous, the better!
~~Prize for Best Sunglasses~~
"A free mini-reading"
Mahala ~Mahalas Astrology ~ Planet Alert April
It’s spring and it is beautiful where I live. It’s warm and sunny and the flowers are starting to bloom. The Daffodils are out and the tulips will soon start blooming. I just love spring. It is so beautiful outside that I choose to ignore the energy from the planets and just enjoy nature. The planetary energy is very intense.
This past full moon the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus were all conjunct each other in Aries. This group of planets made a 90 degree angle to Pluto. Mars square Pluto causes impulsive action; power struggles, the need for self-regeneration, and attempts to forcibly remake others. Countries may be aggressive and angry during this period. Power struggles involving political or military affairs are likely at this time. Look at what North Korea is doing. Mars and Uranus together bring explosive, unexpected action.
Mars conjunct Uranus also causes a desire for independence and impulsive behavior. There is a desire to change the status quo, which in some cases can lead to revolutionary attitudes. Look at the actions of the new Pope. I never thought I would see a rebel Pope who wants to change the world and help poor people. And I never thought I would see a Jesuit Pope. Wonders never cease to exist.
Miracle Drink Kills Cancer Cells Too
Miracle Drink Kills Cancer Cells Too
Before It’s News March 29 2013
This miracle drink has been circulating for some time. A celebrity (Mr. Seto) swears by it. Mr. Seto had lung cancer. A famous herbalist from China recommended he take this drink. He drank it regularly for 3 months. Now his health is restored and he is ready to take a pleasure trip, all thanks to this drink. He is bringing the recipe to the attention of people who have cancer or otherwise would like to improve their health. The drink stops bad cells forming in the body and/or restrains their growth.
Sirian Heaven Posted on March 31, 2013 by Sirian Heaven
Reblogged from The Creator Writings:
On transparency; this may be the easiest thing you have ever done but, oftentimes, ends up being the most challenging. Standing in your truth and letting others ‘see’ you for who you are takes a great deal of strength. On the days where you do not feel totally up to the challenge it is OK to remain quiet and peaceful, riding the waves as they come. Always remember, you are loved and appreciated for your courage in being one of the few that step forth first. ~ Creator