High Energy Day, Preparing for 10~10 Portal

Lia's picture

Blue Star/Ship UFO Report, October 5, 2012


"1951 - Lubbock, Texas - The famous photographs from the "Lubbock lights" in Texas, 31 August 1951. Years later, ignoring all testimonies and evidences, skeptics stated that these objects were... birds.

This most ridiculous explanation was typical of how early UFO photos were often explained away. Carl Hart Jr. an 18-year-old student took this famous picture with his Kodak camera.

There were at least 100 witnesses who saw the objects. This is one of the classics of Ufology."
Source: UFOCasebook.com.





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"You have the right to remain silent"




Or you may speak your truth.


What is your truth?


And is it yours?


For those of you who watch “TV,” this programming leads to the truth of another, intentionally induced in most cases. If that other was Divinely directed this would be a blessing. However if it’s based in EGO or of the dark side, this would be more of a curse. The cunning devises of the cabal/illuminati/elite or dark ones, will become more and more obvious to you all with the amounts of Light (knowledge) that is entering your arena now. “Every eye shall see.”  You are in the time of “The Awakening,” that has many titles, one other is “The Second Coming.” 


Many of you are donating your monies, efforts and time to what you believe to be worthy causes. And with that intent in mind so shall you be blessed. But let me advise you on something that many of you are somewhat if not completely unknowing of. Due to the fear that the cabal over millennia have contrived to instil in you, you dare not investigate the “metaphysical” possibilities for fear of being imprisoned, burned on a stake, or hung on a cross. Let me explain. In your now timeline these things are not as popular and mostly outlawed, but none the less your subconscious mind goes way back in timelines and the memories there of.


For those dear souls of you that have been taught that you have but one life to “live” rather than the truth of this written in your bible, “but once to “die.””



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Wow, syncronicity is afoot


I  was just drawn to, without thought mind you to a song: Life Starts Now by Three Days Grace and the experience I had was what I would call profound. If anyone can find the lyrics, please post them. I believe they can help alot in this time of seeming chaos.


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Once again I find myself wide awake at midnight and beyond. My sleeping schedule is really messed up these days! As I sat meditating in front of the fire in my atrium last night, I was pondering the subject of transmutation, which in alchemy is changing base metals to precious metals, like lead to gold. What we are witnessing in human culture is our own transmutation from a level of ignorance into the higher thoughts and realizations that we are more than what we believed we were. I would call it a paradigm transmutation from lack to abundance, from slavery to freedom. I have the sense that we will witness more and more of this shift; and everyone will be affected.


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New World Bank President Claims It Is Time to Eradicate Poverty


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  • digg

World Bank president says he will bring sense of urgency to efforts to end global poverty in exclusive Guardian interview


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Anonymous ~ BigBrother Worldwide Protest 20-10-2012


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Selacia ~ Raising Your Frequency, Healing The Earth ~ 5October2012



It may sometimes feel like you have been waiting a long time for the new Earth based on love. In reality, though, no waiting is involved when you are on your active path of ascension. This means being present and taking steps based on conscious awareness.

Indeed, as you apply consciousness to your choices, you have a tool for raising your frequency and helping the Earth at the same time. That’s because you are integrally connected to humanity and the planet – as your energy vibration rises, you uplift the whole.

What is happening now is that people like you all across the world are waking up and becoming conscious of how energy works. You are learning about the impact of your thoughts on what you manifest. You are discovering how to be more present and actively engaged with the world.

Shifting Your Frequency Higher

Each time you choose the higher path of spirit and refuse to participate in meanness, you are shifting your frequency higher. Each time you feel angry and process your anger rather than acting on it, you create more light on the planet. These things may seem simple or small when you ponder the dire state of the world – but they are incredibly powerful!


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The Galactic Free Press Update: Incoming Energies of Change and Transformation


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


 The Eagle Artwork By FatherGod


Greetings Love Beings, We have only really just begun October and already the Intensity of this Months Energies are Full Speed Ahead as anticipated. We will not be slowing down either. We are Preparing this Planet to return Her to Her Rightful Place in this Universe and this is an unchangeable event.

Energy is On the Move for transformation and Manifestation. There are No Seatbelts. We are heading into the Unknown Completely and The Outcome is Now In Love's Hands. All We can Do now is Ride the Waves of Incoming Love to Our Destiny.



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Om. Greetings. This is Lord Maitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 5, 2012


Purnaham Purnahamtaram. Om. Greetings. This is Lord Maitreya. The Earth and the Cosmos are in harmony with one another. Imagine standing on top of a Mountain. Maybe you have been on this Mountain before - Mt. Shasta, Kalaish, Everest - The top of the mountain has snow and there is a tiny lake here. Notice how here you can see the stars in the sky so brightly and in such detail. It is as if you can imagine the Mountain Top pierces through the Star Constellations. This is the plan. As the Side Real time goes by, as the stars travel across the sky at night-they intermingle with what is below. They influence what is happening on Earth that hour. There is a constant Cosmic commune between heaven and Earth.


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Volcanic activity world-wide 5 October 2012


Source: VolcanoDiscovery.com, By T, 10/5/12

Location of recent quakes (5 Oct 2012) in the TFZ

Location of recent quakes (5 Oct 2012) in the TFZ



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Activity at Lokon Volcano and the Volcanoes of Costa Rico


Lokon volcano (North Sulawesi, Indonesia): new eruptions on 5 Oct with ash rising 1500 m above the crater

Friday Oct 05, 2012 20:09 PM |BY: T
Lokon volcano

Mount Lokon volcano in North Sulawesi erupted again this evening. 3 explosions were reported at 21:37, 21:39, and 21:40 pm local time earlier today (5 Oct), as local media reported.
The explosions produced ash columns of up to 1500 m height above the crater and incandescent material was seen thrown up to 350 m above the crater. Ash from the eruption was blown to the east and north.



Volcanoes of Costa Rica: physical changes induced by the magnitude 7.6 Sámara earthquake on 5 Sep

Saturday Oct 06, 2012 09:12 AM |BY: T



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Earthquake in North Dakota raises questions


Source: InForum.com- Amy Dalrymple, 10/5/12

State says oil extraction not to blame, but other experts say there’s not yet enough data

WILLISTON, N.D. – A rare earthquake near here last week wasn’t strong enough for people to notice, but that doesn’t mean it was insignificant.

While the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources says it’s unlikely oil development caused it, some quake experts say it can’t be ruled out.

The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology detected a 3.3 magnitude earthquake about 12 miles south-southeast of Williston at 5:53 a.m. Sept. 28 under the Missouri River or along the river, said Deborah Smith, a seismic analyst.


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It is so lovely here. Something strange has happened. I no longer wish for things to happen more quickly. I have a sense of peace inside. It's nice.

Even my obsession with the twin flame process has quietened down. I watched a video that says the man always knows first. Well, then, I don't have to wonder anymore because HE will tell ME.

Love and blessings, Astreia


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What's in a name?



Pubblicato in data 05/ott/2012 da TheSpiritScience

What's in a name, what does the meaning in which a vibration hold? You ultimately get to decide that for yourself, so today we get to jam together to the tune of awareness and understanding of the infinity of the phrase "I Am that I Am". Meditate with it, get it first in your mind, and then in your heart, for you are that you are, and you are beautiful.

I love you! Have a great day :) 

Ps. Spirit Science 20 coming soon! Hopefully monday, maybe tuesday.



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Transmissions from The Earth Allies


All Aboard! - will - site

Now, Your Primary Focus as the Givers and Receivers of this Planet Earth=Heart,is to Put all of Your Focus on the Highest Truths, and then Share them.This would be Utilizing your Energy to the Highest Possible thought Equal to Experience, and then You receive more and more of Love Everywhere Present, which includes YOU!

The Atoms that make Up this Realm are just Vibrational Frequencies, of Pure Consciousness Energy. You are also made up of these Atoms. You are Just Energy. Now ask Yourself, How would you Like to Use this Energy? Our Answer [which is Always YES to LOVE] , is For the Greater Good of the ALL, in all Moments. This Experience, the same as "Love Everywhere Present", is one of always Grander and Grander, Oh,My God, Experiences! This is Source Connection, Creation. This is the Energy which is only in the Present Moment of Now, LOVE. A Co-Creation of Ever Expanding, Eternal, Grandness, never ending, just becoming Grander! Is this an OH! My! GOD?


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Get Out of Jail Free ~ help with current energies.


... or a quantum leap

Right now, we can claim our “get out of jail free” card.

The energies that have been building and really coming to a head in the last month are causing many of us who work with energy to have real solar plexus issues. Manifesting in different ways, it is like the actual nerve plexus itself is in a state of shock. It can be felt as simply as heartburn in some, right down to full abdominal melt down, with pain, constipation or diarrhoea, lower to mid back pain, and liver and kidney discomfort. Why is this so?

We are in the process of taking yet another upward step in our collective consciousness, and this step is very much about transcending lower dimensionality, and coming home to multi-dimensionality. At this time, if we haven’t released the fear and negativity we have accrued since the last upward step, we will be having a hard time of it physically. But why the solar plexus?


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Accuweather ~ Snowstorm North Dakota, Minnesota, Nearby Canada


Thank You To Lucas

Cold air, wintry winds and even the first snow of the season will sweep from Montana to Minnesota through today.

The first big blast of arctic air has arrived in the Canada Prairies and Rockies during the first part of the week and is now progressing across Montana and the Dakotas.

The cold air is being accompanied by gusty winds and even the first snow of the season for many areas.

Calgary, Alberta experienced a mixture of rain and snow Wednesday morning.

Mount Lockhart, Mont. has picked up 11 inches from the storm as of the midday hours Wednesday. Ten centimeters of snow fell on the foothills northwest of Calgary.

The cold push and rain changing to snow will then reach eastward over portions of the Dakotas and northwestern Minnesota spanning Wednesday and Thursday.


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2012: Twin Flames and Unconditional Love


Undoubtedly as we near the end of 2012 and the end of the Piscean age, we are realizing that the new age is centered in a different kind of love - Unconditional love. Our Twin Flames, if we are lucky, will teach us about this extraordinary love.


I'm hearing stories about Twin Flames meeting now from all over the Planet and it's heart-warming to hear. But from experience I can tell you that if you think you can treat your Twin Flame relationship the same as your past relationships, then you are in for a bit of a surprise.

Unconditional love is the answer to a successful Twin Flame union. This love is extraordinary! It's the stuff that dreams are made of. Imagine a love that is free from condition, free from need, free from judgment and requirement. Your Twin Flame union cannot be anything other than unconditional. This is because it's a sacred union, a union of the highest order.


Your Twin Flame union will reward you with deepest connection and bond you will ever feel with another human. And if you let it, it will blossom into something quite extraordinary. But be prepared also to face some challenges in the beginning.



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10-5-12 Bill Ballard ~ Be Your OWN Master ~ Follow No One But Your Own Self



Pubblicato in data 05/ott/2012 da pearls2u

Many persons have been coming to me acting as Im some kind of guru or teacher they wish to learn from. This seems to occur in waves and sometimes via certain articles I write or videos that I make. Please realize your own divinity, and your OWN PERFECTION! There is NO ONE TO FOLLOW but YOUR OWN SELF! Activate and add your piece of the puzzle to the rest of us working as ONE BEING in Action! Above All Else, BE LOVE!



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Divine Counterparts – Erogenous Gas Pedals and The Obstacle Course Ahead!




I find these days so extraordinary.  Every single day a new detail is being added which expands our view, brings in a few new details of what we are in the midst of and walking into.  Even as I try to find words to describe the process we are all going thru, I keep coming back to the East Bake Oven of my childhood days.  We have spent September gathering our ingredients for the new life we are baking.  By the end of September we started putting them all in a bowl for mixing and poured them into the form of our choice. As we hit the beginning of October the heat was added (the acceleration point I keep writing about) to solidify all our emotions into our next expression (freshly baked cake.)  Yesterday was very much like watching icing coming down from the upper atmosphere to enhance the cake in which we baked.   If you can look at the cake as the earth expression taking form and the icing as the spiritual energy coming in to spread across your life as a delightful sweetener.  All of it enhancing what has been created.


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US judge: No probable cause for some RNC arrests


WMBF - Larry Neumeister/AP, 10/1/12

NEW YORK (AP) - Saying the Constitution does not recognize guilty by association, a federal judge ruled Monday that hundreds of protesters were arrested without probable cause during the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York.

U.S. District Judge Richard Sullivan said in a written decision that "undisputed fact" included a video of a march in lower Manhattan showing Ware Resisters League marchers were trying to comply with police instructions when officers abruptly withdrew consent for the rally and made mass arrests without giving anyone a realistic chance to leave the scene.

To read the rest of this story, visit WMBFnews.com.


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SophiaLove - Elections in Wonderland





It’s tempting to make light of the U.S. Presidential election.  Either because in the next dimension it won’t matter who holds office, (it’ll all be love and light), or because there will be no political agenda where we are headed or because it doesn’t really matter who holds the office, all are equally corrupt and capable.


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Strange Red Object Appears In The Sky Over Malaysia – Oct 3, 2012



Strange Red Object Appears In The Sky Over Malaysia – Oct 3, 2012

Posted on October 5, 2012 



In Muar in Malaysia, residents were stunned to see what looked like a reddish object near the sun at about noon on October 3, 2012.

reddish object phenomenon Malaysia Strange Red Object Appears In The Sky Over Malaysia   Oct 3, 2012

Many thought it was an unidentified flying object or UFO.


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Mexico arrests 35 police officers for 'helping Zetas'


BBC - 9/24/12

The Mexican armed forces have arrested 35 police officers accused of having links with one of the country's most powerful drug cartels, the Zetas.

Forensic technicians remove a body from a crime scene near a wall spray painted with the "Z" symbol of the Zetas drug cartel, in Monterrey.
The Zetas were set up in the 1990s by defectors from Mexico's special forces

The officers were arrested in operations in the eastern states of San Luis Potosi and Veracruz.

A turf war between the Zetas and rival criminal organisations in Veracruz has led to some of Mexico's worst massacres in recent years.

To read the rest of this story, visit BBC.co.uk.


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~Sarah-Jane Grace ~ Hidden Treasures ~ 5October2012



The Planet Whisperer
Spirit Library
As the pace of awakening quickens, there is a growing feeling of pressure to go within to force open closed doors and expose hidden treasures. There is a feeling of impatience to get from where we are now to where we want to be, for the ‘in-between’ stage feels arduous, overwhelming and confusing. Yet, we are in this stage for a reason, so is forcing the process really the best choice?

Whilst we are keen to fully awaken and evolve, sometimes we need to trust the path of evolution and accept that forcing the process can set us back rather than enhance the process. Of course, we are keen to be liberated and free, but we need to trust our intuition to let us know when the time comes to act.
It we continue to push and prod, we could end up creating fractures within that serve no real purpose other than to make life feel more incongruent and imbalanced. Whilst inner healing and soul-level cleansing is good, we can become so focused on this that we forget to get on with life at the same time.


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City of London and Moroccow sign business agreement?


Intersting. The City of London sign agreement with Casablanca Moroccow sign a partnership agreement according the the Heraldonline.com. Looks like things are moving. Moroccow including infrastructure, better governance, global financial standards. Lot of spin also but I don't think the City would be doing this without  a lot of pressure. 4 Bankers were arrested in the UK and Banks including Lloyds and another have to raise money. Also, problems getting money from Banks. Scotland also indicates they are out of money. HMMMM?


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On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study


Berkeley.Intel-Research.net, 2/17/05

Ali Rahimi1, Ben Recht 2, Jason Taylor 2, Noah Vawter 2


Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. We investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government's invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason.


It has long been suspected that the government has been using satellites to read and control the minds of certain citizens. The use of aluminum helmets has been a common guerrilla tactic against the government's invasive tactics [1]. Surprisingly, these helmets can in fact help the government spy on citizens by amplifying certain key frequency ranges reserved for government use. In addition, none of the three helmets we analyzed provided significant attenuation to most frequency bands.

We describe our experimental setup, report our results, and conclude with a few design guidelines for constructing more effective helmets.


Experimental Setup

The Three Helmet Types Tested


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There is a partnership between yourselves and ourselves. ~ by Ron Head



Spanish        Portuguese


Today we are happy to point out to you the build-up of the ten-ten portal energy.  Those who are sensitive will already know this.  Still, many insist that nothing is happening.  It is amazing to us that so many are still in denial when there is so much happening about them to confirm what we are telling you.  Yet we understand that, for those who are locked in old reasoning, it will continue to be so for long times to come.

For those who truly are searching for the internal evidence of internal change, a very satisfying confirmation is taking place.  Arguments may be made to change the minds of those who only see third dimensional evidence.  Nothing will unchange the hearts of those whose hearts are changing.  Once one begins to feel and use the energies we talk to you about, it is impossible to convince him or her that they don’t exist.  The powerful creative force of Mother/Father God will not be denied.  You may call it whatever you wish, but deny it you shall not.


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A Message from MAX The Crystal Skull thru Donna Atkinson



Greetings, I am MAX the Crystal Skull

Today we will talk about the Moment of Impulse as I like to call it. The moment when the new Divine Blueprint will be released to form the New Earth. The activation of the 12[13] strand DNA. The Ascension Codes as they are called by some. I carry these codes within me and release them when the moment arrives. I have done this many times before, in many different places.

In the vernacular of the times you could liken this release to a complete reboot, a totally new operating system download for a new Earth. When the grid is in place, when the crystals have all been activated and the sacred geometry of the New Earth has been created in space around the planet, then is the Moment of Impulse. I will release the codes of the Blueprint into the grid.


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October 2012 For Everyone ~ A Million Points of Departure


The Astrology of October 2012 - For Everyone




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“What would you do if you knew your success was guaranteed?”



Today we would like to bring your attention to your unlimited potential. All of you are sitting on a mountain of tremendous potential but often times it goes unnoticed, unused and left on the “back burner” for the right time. Often humans wait for the right circumstances to appear before they attempt to achieve a long standing goal. We see this as very unfortunate. We say that it is unfortunate because we see just how powerful all of you truly are. We see the true potentials already manifested because in our reality they already are accomplished.


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Iconicon had an exclusive interview with MT KESHE at Ninive on the 24th sept 2012.


The interviewer is a space ingeneer Ciro Pirone that is part of an Italian independent delegation.






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MATRIX BEYOND 2012-13 [NEW] October





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Love Persists~ SaLuSa through Isabel Henn October 05, 2012



I will start with a quick update. Fortunately, I can report to you that the diverse and sometimes very heavy attacks on Lightworkers have declined sharply. Various measures on our part have been very successful. Since these measures still persist, I can not say more to it for security reasons.

Barack Obama is our chosen candidate for the U.S. presidential election. He has the full support and confidence of the Galactic Federation. Barack Obama is highly spiritually developed, and as a commander of a Sirian mothership one of my close associates. I do not want to say more at this point.

We are all aware that your Earth year is now well underway and much of what has been announced to you, has not yet occurred. There are several reasons. Although the cabal know that their rule on your planet is to end, they resist with all their remaining funds, however. Their financial resources shrink rapidly, but they still have enough followers willing to spend time and money to create fear through disinformation and false messages. Our allies are working very hard to stop this.


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'Silent Earthquakes' Ripple Under Cascadia


Source: NorthwestPublicRadio - TomBanse, 10/5/12

Credit Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

The past five weeks saw two swarms of "slow slip and tremor" in the Northwest.

Parts of Washington and Oregon are in the midst of silent earthquakes this week. You can't feel this so-called "slow slip" quake and it doesn't cause damage. Still, scientists want to learn more about the recently discovered phenomenon.

Little is certain so far, but there's a possibility these deep tremors could trigger a damaging earthquake or serve as a warning bell for the Big One.


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Drought Update: Mixed Results


Weather.com - Jon Erdman, 10/4/12

Drought Monitor

The drought improved in some areas, but worsened in others, according to this week's Drought Monitor report, issued by NOAA, the USDA, the National Drought Mitigation Center, and the Western Regional Climate Center.

While areas of wet snow fall in the Red River Valley of N.D. and Minn., and also in parts of the High Plains, any significant precipitation through October 11 is expected to miss the core of the heartland drought.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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A Quickening Going On: Get On the Train that is Coming



Podcast: Play in new window | Download (14.5MB)

Good evening, we are here. Give us a moment. It is September the 30th, 2012, it is a full moon in Aries. Let us begin.


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Heavenletter #4334 A Great Secret to Life , October 6, 2012


Heavenletter #4334 A Great Secret to Life , October 6, 2012 

God said: 


When everyone takes responsibility, blame will not exist. What is all this blaming others for responsibility that belongs to you? Taking responsibility is a freeing thing. It is not a burden. Take responsibility, and there is no burden. You fulfill it, and burden is no more. Taking responsibility is like washing dishes every meal. Otherwise, the dishes pile up. Responsibility becomes burden when responsibility is foisted off onto someone else.

When you come from the point of view that you are responsible, you take care of what is on your mind, and, then, it is no longer on your mind. When you take responsibility, no longer will you accuse. You will not accuse yourself either. You will simply take care of what needs to be taken care of, and you will be free.

When you blame others, life becomes coagulated, and difficulties compound themselves.


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Oracle Report - Saturday, October 6 - Sunday, October 7, 2012



Saturday, October 6 - Sunday, October 7, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini/Moon in Cancer

A relatively weak, but long-duration CME (B-7) was released yesterday and will reach us on Monday.  This will tire out our bodies, so get some rest in reserve this weekend.

We will be adjusting to the energy shift of Saturn in Scorpio for a few days, but most heavily this weekend.  It's especially intense on Saturday, and it will be important to take breaks.  Scorpio energy is heavy and it is a big change from the airy feeling of Libra.  You may interpret this new energy as a feeling of "lock down."  We aren't on lock down, but the shift may bring up feelings of confusion and feeling like you either need to be going somewhere in life but you don't know where. or that you are already somewhere else but don't know where you are.  Don't panic.  This will settle out and become clearer as we acclimate.  The thing that will help is the thing that always helps: going outside and grounding/connecting yourself with the Earth.  Grounding with the Earth is what will keep us sane while insanity reigns.  Remember that this month we are engaging in direct conversation with the planet herself so keep the line of communication open by paying attention to nature.


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2MIN News October 6, 2012


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Fresh protests, strikes hit eurozone countries


PressTV - 10/5/12

A municipal worker shouts slogans during a demonstration outside the parliament in Athens on October 3, 2012.
A municipal worker shouts slogans during a demonstration outside the parliament in Athens on October 3, 2012.
Clashes, protests and strikes have once again hit eurozone countries over harsh economic conditions and tough austerity measures in the bloc, Press TV reports.

Hundreds of protesting shipyard workers in Greece have broken into the grounds of the country’s Defense Ministry in Athens. The protestors pushed through the ministry gates attempting to enter the ministerial offices. The shipyard workers say they have not been paid for several months, some remain unpaid for three years. The police forces have clashed with the protestors and have arrested and injured several workers.


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Lee Harris – October Energy Forecast – New Strength Born Of Vulnerability – 6 October 2012


Thanks Lucas


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Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 6 October 2012



Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 6 October 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

We are so excited for you! The energies coming into your planet are catalytic, motivating and inspiring movement in every way within every human heart. For those of you who have been willing to look within and acknowledge what you find inside of yourselves, this can be fantastic. You suddenly realize you want to travel, and so you say, “Dear God, I love you and I want to see your glory here upon the earth.

Please assist me in finding a way to travel.” Suddenly you begin to see advertisements that validate your desire. Suddenly you are motivated to set aside a little money here and there. Perhaps someone gives you a ticket or invites you on a trip. In this instance, you have simply acknowledged the truth within you, and like a child anticipating his or her presents during the holidays you have allowed yourself the joy of truth! God Loves you! God wants to assist you! God created the stars in the heavens and wants you to enjoy the desires planted within your own hearts.

However, suppose you find this desire within you and say, “My goodness, I want to travel so badly. However, I don’t know how. I have no money. I guess I’ll never get to go.” Well dear ones in that case, you are snuffing out the flames that God has lit within your own heart. You are assuming that because you don’t have the answers neither does God. You are telling the universe, “I cannot have my dream,” and by its very design it must echo this back to you, “Ok, as you say, you cannot have your dream.”


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Play


Take time to play today

It is important to play. Playing creates joy which creates miracles and manifestation. When you play, it creates a wondrous fresh energy around you that is perfect for new ideas and solutions to come bubbling forth. We can more easily get our messages and inspirations through to your thoughts as all the 'other' thoughts that often block you from hearing our messages are not in the way.
Trust in the divine guidance you tap into after you have been playing about. Just lay in the grass and look up at the sky, the sun, the stars... take a deep breathe and then let our messages flow to you and through you. Go outside and play today!

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos

Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon Taphorn

All rights reserved.


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Matthew Ward: President Obama is a Major Factor in the Master Plan for the Golden Age ~ Part 1


2012 October 6

by Steve Beckow


Our sources have told us that the re-election of President Barack Obama is important to the unfoldment of the master plan for the Golden Age. If Mitt Romney were elected, it would not be terminal to that plan, but would present challenges. It has always been intended that Barack Obama lead America into the Golden Age and be a significant player on the world stage as well.

In this series I’d like to look at what Matthew Ward has said on subjects like the opposition against Obama and Obama’s role in coming events. Let’s look first at the nature of the opposition to the President.

Let’s begin by looking at where President Obama first became aware of the enormity of the task facing him.

“After assuming office, President Obama was briefed on information he had no way of knowing prior to that time, and to continue our analogy, each of the briefers had only a few puzzle pieces. Furthermore, Obama was faced with a dire global economic situation that purportedly started with ‘toxic’ mortgages in the United States, and he needed a knowledgeable, experienced team who could take immediate steps to prevent worldwide collapse.


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Jim Self – Keeping Pace – Fall Equinox 2012 – 3 Parts – 6 October 2012


Uploaded on 5 October 2012 by MasteringAlchemy

Thanks Lucas


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~ Space Weather Update~ EARTH-DIRECTED CME:


DRACONID METEOR SHOWER: The notoroiusly unpredictable Draconid meteor shower peaks this year on the night of Oct. 7-8. In most years, the Draconids come and go with a barely noticable peak of 10 or so meteors per hour. Occasionally, however, Earth passes through a dense clump of debris from parent comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and a meteor storm erupts. Just last year, Europeans witnessed a faint but furious outburst of 600 per hour. There is no reason to believe that 2012 is a "storm year." Nevertheless, northern hemisphere sky watchers are encouraged to be alert for slow-moving Draconids on Sunday night.


EARTH-DIRECTED CME: Magnetic fields near sunspot AR1582 slowly erupted on Oct 5th sparking a B7-class solar flare and hurling a CME toward Earth. The Solar and Heliosphere Observatory (SOHO) captured this image of the expanding cloud:


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Ground Crew! That Means You! Get On It! <3



I would rather support the education of children than subsidize Big Oil!" wrote my favorite Latino gay artist anesthesiologist friend, who used to take me to gay bars with him because he knew how much I loved to dance when we were in medical school together,  on Facebook.


For some reason, for me, as a Lightworker, that made me sense a need to draw a line in the sand. Or should I say, a line up in front of one of the spacecraft up in the sky. The three-dimensionality of that statement was stifling and limited, a total function of Duality, that it caught my breath.  This or that? That or this? My way or the Highway?


And so I cracked.


Would you like to know what I wrote back?



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Visionkeeper: Trees




Posted on October 6, 2012 


Pack up a picnic lunch and head out into nature for the afternoon. Find a large tree and sit down beneath it, lean your back squarely against its trunk and then close your eyes and wait. Talk to the tree and see if it will answer back. Do not look for words rather feel for its energy. It is so time for us to return to our connections with all the living creatures. We seem to place all of our attentions and desires on material things which offer us nothing in return except for some momentary pleasure that quickly wanes. We are quickly losing the wild things in life and they are what ground us to the earth and to ourselves. We need them for guidance and the serenity they provide. For so long we have been led to believe that things like trees are objects, nothing more. Viewing nature with this mindset has disconnected us and allowed us to turn our backs while we destroy her. We treat nature as if it has no value other than just being there for us to look at. Such reckless insanity!


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Dragon Spits Shooting Stars


National Geographic - Andrew Fazekas, 10/5/12

 Starry Night Software

Draconid meteors appear to radiate from Draco constellation in the northeast evening sky. Credit: Starry Night Software

This long weekend skywatchers get to see the annual peak of the Draconid meteor shower. While not the most prolific cosmic fireworks show it reliably puts on a nice display and this year with the moon out of the way – sky conditions are set to be ideal.

Like other meteor showers the Draconids get their name from the constellation they appear to radiate out from in the sky – in this case Draco, the dragon – which appears nearly overhead around local midnight throughout the northern hemisphere. The constellation is the 8th largest in the entire sky and is so large that it wraps itself around the North Star, Polaris. Famous neigbouring constellations include Ursa Minor and Ursa Major – the small and great bears of mythology.


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Published on Oct 6, 2012 by paradoxman316

Today's title came to me yesterday in anticipation of the meeting I was to attend last night in the Awakening Circle of the Spiritual Enlightenment Group. We discussed: Whose God Will Win? It was an amazing discussion as 18 people from various backgrounds had the opportunity to share his or her experience of the Divine. This morning I will share my own perceptions of what was discussed, and share a few of the stories I heard last night. To me, this is one of the more important topics that the entire world needs to grasp. Failure to do so will result in more of what we have experienced as a human culture for generations going back into antiquity. It's time to wake up. The gods we have made in our image are lesser gods; and the battle is born of ignorance and misunderstanding. Can we finally learn to love one another?



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Pope's butler convicted of stealing documents


Los Angeles Times - 10/6/12


VATICAN CITY -– A Vatican court Saturday found former papal butler Paolo Gabriele guilty of aggravated theft in the pilfering and leaking of private internal documents in a scandal that brought extraordinary attention to the heart of the Roman Catholic Church.

The three-judge panel senteced Gabriele to three years in prison, reduced to one and a half, because they said he had understood that he had betrayed Pope Benedict XVI and had acted under  an “erroneous” sense of loyalty.

To read the rest of this story, visit LATimes.com.


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How The 2012 Consciousness Shift May Be Affecting You



How The 2012 Consciousness Shift May Be Affecting YouDoes life seem to be getting increasingly more challenging? Have your emotions been more intense lately? Does it seem like there are more thoughts racing through your mind? Have you noticed your body tensing up for no apparent reason? Have you been feeling a vague - or not so vague - sense of anxiety? Are you finding it difficult to get a good night’s sleep? Do you seem to be compelled to keep busy? Are you feeling a mysterious sense of urgency? Do you have less patience? Do you find yourself obsessing more over things? Have your moods been shifting quickly from optimistic to discouraged - from delighted to downhearted? Does it seem harder than it use to be to enjoy life?

If you are experiencing some - or all - of these things, take heart. Believe it or not, it is a sign that something very positive is happening to you, and to the planet. These symptoms are (in most cases) a “by-product” of an extraordinary spiritual awakening - or “consciousness shift” - that Planet Earth and humanity are currently undergoing. This awakening has been prophesied for ages, and has been called “The Great Shift” — “The Planetary Ascension” — “The Quickening” — “An Evolutionary Leap” — and more recently, “Awakening to the New Consciousness.”


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1st Template Ceremony, Original Innocence



by Jiva & Juliet Carter PLUS 7 months ago

The Ceremony of Original Innocence
- 12 Foundation Circuits

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Butler scandal shines unwelcome spotlight on Vatican police


The Washington Post -Alessandro Speciale,10/5/12

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican police corps celebrated their yearly festival on Friday (Oct. 5), the feast day of their patron, St. Michael the Archangel. But after the scandals of recent months, it was a more subdued celebration than normal.

The Vatican police force, or Gendarmeria, has found itself in an uneasy spotlight during the trial of Pope Benedict XVI’s former butler.

To read the rest of this story, visit WashingtonPost.com.


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What is a Lightworker? Are YOU a Lightworker?



 The term ‘Lightworker’ has been around for about 40 years, initially used to describe people doing spiritual, humanitarian or healing work. The definition of Lightworker has evolved as our understanding & consciousness has evolved…..as we have evolved.

Today it is understood that Lightworkers are people at the leading edge of transforming human consciousness. They themselves are ‘waking up’, experiencing expanded consciousness & a reconnection to the infinite intelligence accessible to all via our inner knowing. In the process of their own development Lightworkers are influencing others & catalysing their awakening, even without consciously trying to do so simply due their increasingly clear, light & positive vibrational output. A defining quality of Lightworkers however is their conscious awareness, this is where their true power lies.


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Blockade by Earth’s Most Threatened Tribe Paralyzes Brazilian Railway


National Geographic - Joanne Eede, 10/5/12

Brazilian Indians blockade a key railway line. Copyright: CIMI/Survival

ON the forested western edge of Maranhao state in north-east Brazil lives the Awá tribe. One of only two nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes left in Brazil, the Awa have long lived in this area, which lies between the equatorial forests of Amazonia and the drier savannas to the east.  They are the most threatened tribe in the world.

The Awá spend their days hunting for game such as peccary, tapir and monkey, with 6ft bows made from the irapa tree and gathering forest produce such as babacu nuts and acai berries. Vultures, bats and the three-toed sloth are forbidden as prey for eating. They nurture orphaned animals as pets, share their hammocks with raccoon-like coatis and split mangoes with green parakeets. Awa women even breast-feed capuchin and howler monkeys and have also been known to suckle small pigs.


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97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose And Is Not ‘Junk’ As Labeled By Scientists



97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database

by Micheal Forrester, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

After thousands of years of being disconnected from higher dimensional frequencies, our DNA is finally breaking free from old patterns which have been stuck in a universal time matrix. However, humans will soon  know and understand why  97% of our  DNA has a  higher purpose  and why its transformation is leading us into  an   awakening that we never could have imagined.

The human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but it turns out that so-called junk DNA plays critical roles in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave. The discovery, considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough, has enormous implications for human health and consciousness because many complex diseases appear to be caused by tiny changes in hundreds of gene switches.


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Balance The Threefold Flame Of The Heart


The Summit Lighthouse, Publisher of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters



Threefold flame copyright www.tsl.org

The threefold flame, or divine spark, is the seed of the divine within us. It is the seed of the Inner Christ and the Inner Buddha.

The threefold flame within the heart chakra embodies the same qualities of love, wisdom, and power that manifest in the heart of the Almighty, in the heart of your I AM Presence, and in the heart of your Higher Self.  This divine spark is your passport to immortality.


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Saint Germain ~~My blessings and certainty towards you, which you are now taking over ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 06/10/2012


I greet you all from my I AM Presence, I AM Master Saint Germain. I greet you all most cordially.

Once again, congratulations are in order to all of you. I congratulate you all on behalf of myself and on behalf of our ancestors of the Light, my fellow Ascended Masters of the Light and our Higher World in the Office of the Christ, the Highest Light of the Christ. It is important to know, my beloved ones, that there is a feeling of wellbeing and pride amongst all of us towards all of you. You are walking this most difficult path using a fantastic power as a source deep within yourselves and this source does not yet give any signs of giving up. Keep on going, keep on empowering yourselves : that is our advice to you all.
The immense changes to your physical body are now taking on enormous proportions, something that my beloved Méline, can approve of in these present times. She experiences lots of pressure as a direct result of these changes, nevertheless keeping in mind that it all serves a higher purpose, is it not? So keep this also in mind, my beloved ones, as it entails the greatest, most noble purpose, which seems to be approaching now on your Earth. Without these intense changes within your physical body and within your DNA, there can be no Ascension process with the physical body. The latter has to be tweaked and must be adjusted, must be in resonance with the much higher, much finer energies of the light and must be filled to the brim with Love.

Cosmic Gaia's / Earth's Real Time Message



Hello my Beloved self, this is a note from

my total Beloved Self, 


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5th October 2012 GMT: Mercury and Saturn enter Scorpio


Awakenings Astrology for Heart and Soul  



5th October 2012 GMT: Mercury and Saturn enter Scorpio

by Sarah Varcas



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Power Path: October is Evaluate ~ Adjust –~Create By Lena Stevens


The theme for October is EVALUATE-ADJUST-CREATE.

This month is much more intellectually oriented where much comes up for review and evaluation. It will be about making decisions, being practical, and doing what you know is best. For some, this time comes as a welcome relief from the very driven energy of the last couple of months; but for some, the month will present its own challenges of confusion, resistance, ambivalence and possibly feeling stuck.

You could be evaluating almost everything this month: Finances, work, environment, relationships, career, projects, health, practices, routines, home, your physical environment, your reactions to things, your beliefs, your spiritual life etc. The big question will be, “How important is it in your life, and does it serve you?” If not, there are adjustments to be made.

In order to evaluate anything you need to have the space and time to do it. There is a breather this month as the very yang action influence backs off a bit and allows us more clarity about what we have been doing and what we have involved ourselves in. If adjustments are in order don’t be afraid to make them. This is about putting yourself first and trusting that the right decisions will lead to the creativity needed to implement them.


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The Hybrids: Human – Celestial DNA is Undergoing Quantum Magnetic Activation’s!!




I think I have come to a huge realization this morning as I put all three pieces of yesterdays puzzle (readings) together.  This acceleration point that I have been seeing consistently in all readings since September 29th is charging up our new magnetic field of energy and attraction as well as momentum forward/upward.   What we are really witnessing and understanding within ourselves and others, is a massive change out of quantum energy within our biology as well as our individual playing fields we call life.

If you can imagine, the path you are walking from beginning to end is 10 feet long, it just appears like years because of the lack of magnetic pull from one experience to another.    Let me try and make this very important fact as clear as possible.


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The Key to Humanity's Freedom~ We The People~ May these Words Ring Your "Liberty Bell"



The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.



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The Dream Time Clock


Hello all!


Below you will find an introduction and a Q/A session with Joelle of the Galactic Federation. It's about the Dream Time Clock, which I just recently was made aware of through dream state and through talking with Joelle. Content originally posted on http://www.dreamtimeclock.info . Enjoy and blessings! ~Anna






When I get ready for bed each night ever since I was a little girl, I would peer out the window for a few moments, hoping that something would come into view.  For most people the stars are enough, but for me I long for home.  My home is Sirus B a planet very far away but close to my heart.  It took many years for me to remember for which I came and for who I really am.  Some of you feel the same way as I do. 


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Reality Check~Just Say Yes TO NOW


~Real Feelings occur in the Present Moment of Now~
  The Present moment of now is about Feeling, Feelings are the only experience in the Present Moment of NOW! Feelings are Based On Truth and Real Feelings are always of Love and Joy! True Reality occurs in the Present Moment of NOW is Unlimited, and All Possibilities. HUMANITY JUST HAS TO SAY YES TO NOW!!!
In the illusion Humanity could not see anything or feel anything, because in the illusion there contained no truth. In the illusion Humanity looked outside themselves and then attempted to put truth into the illusion which is impossible. Truth can never match a lie. The same as the process of attempting to put truth in a box, WHEN TRUTH IS BIGGER THEN THE box and TRUTH only exists outside of the Box~
Being Multi-dimensional is the same as the experience "Be Here Now", Be the Experience, you cannot control it, control is what illusion attempts.Once the Being Lets Go, Chooses Love in Every Moment, then Love becomes the only Reality and Experience.


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Who Is This Higher Self?


Who Is This Higher Self? | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database


There is an aspect of ourselves that iS invisible, yet very real. This dimension of ourselves that is such an integral part of each and every one of us has been called many names. Thehigher self, the sacred self, the inner self - all falling short of sufficiently describing what this dimension really is. Along with discovering your highest and most sacred self comes an inner knowing that probably best describes this mysterious invisible aspect of ourselves. Discovering your highest self is at the heart of living a spiritual life and is the key to higherconsciousness.


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Transmissions from the Earth Allies Regaining all your Senses



You have to let go of all lower thoughts, and then you step into "The Present Moment of Now", which is the Same as "The Love Called God Everywhere Present" You/Hu=ALL. Feelings only exist in the Present Moment of Now, anything in the past or future are not feelings, therefore they are not REAL and do not exist, except in fantasies. Feelings are only the experience of Love, True Feelings are all Higher Thoughts. Love is the Conduit of Being, where the Flow to Awakening is ever increasing. Let's give this example: what occurred in illusion is that you "lost" your senses. This was done to you, to dumb you down, so that it was easier to control you. Now, through all the Medical Teams, Your Family of Light assisting you, and through Our Information of Universal Codes, we are assisting you In Regaining all Your Senses. So Now, You are Coming Alive. You have been asleep, and in a dream. Your True Being of Freedom is Awakening from out of this dream, with then there being no more dream, Just True Reality, Alive, and Living in the Present Moment of Now, which is Always Eternal Life, Forever and Forever, darkness to never exist again. All that will exist is Light, which is Joy, Love, Abundance, and Happiness. As you Learn and Remember to Love Yourself, You Recognize, Your Light, and You begin to have Feelings, Like Bubbles of Joy in your Tummy! 


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Bill Ballard – Christ Consciousness And The Path Of Initiation




Bill Ballard – Christ Consciousness And The Path Of Initiation – 5 October 2012

When we finally obtain THE critical mass number of the planetary population to this point of enlightenment as described below in the 5th initation and higher, WE as the “Christed Collective” shall, and in a single unified focus thought, repair ALL damage to Mother Earth, including the Gulf Oil Spill and that compromised sea floor continuing to leak oil, as well as radiations that continue spewing forth from Fukushima, and also the continuing gas leak occurring in the North Sea as well as any other major calamity occurring on Earth which threatens any life forms on her surface. WE certainly have a lot of these occurring now, trying to awaken the human collective from their dream of being individual and separate. WE will then finally become the sacred Earth-Keepers we were always meant to be.

This IS our mission people, to go through our individual initiation process with intent to obtain the highest possible Light Quotient and frequency we can hold. Our individual focus in turn to the collective and where we can work as ONE BEING in action! Truly, there is only ONE!

Energy follows thought. Our thought, emotion, and intent sent forth from our Heart Chakra creates the reality we desire to manifest.

It’s so simple and easy!


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