~ Huge Victories for the Light Appearing Everywhere~ Yeehaw!

Lia's picture


As we decreed in a Previous Update, the severing of the main food source[ fear] for the cabal had to be accomplished and this has been successfully severed. This occurred during the Giza Alignment on December 3rd. This is a HUGE Accomplishment and Victory for the Light. Their food source which were pockets of intensely held dense energies through various Locations around the Planet were identified and as a team of earth allies we accomplished the Task of dissolvement and The Release of Light. After this Was completed the Ceremony to Complete the Circuit for Oneness was Performed!

Update from Cobra:The Omega Grid


Thursday, December 6, 2012
Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ No Matter What, The Light Has Been and Will Continue to Be Victorious. The food source for them has been cut off, we will share more about this event in our Upcoming Update. Love The Earth Allies
Tactical readiness of the Light forces on the surface of our planet to trigger the Event was reached on November 22nd at the opening of the eleventh gate of the 11:11.
The first crucial factor to achive this was a general decision of the critical mass of key people within positive surface groups that they will cooperate with Resistance surface operatives when the Event will be triggered. Therefore we now have enough consensus within top echelons of positive groups on the planet.


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Could be useful


          The never ending of infinity is the end of infinity, with that said. Beyond the never ending of infinity is the Eternal as the beyond of eternal is the

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Archangel Michael ~ Wayshowers have a special mission at this time. - channeled by Debbie Visser


Greetings beloveds! I come to you once more this day through this beloved channel. She has agreed to continue channeling for me even though it makes her uncomfortable.
Today I would like to discuss the topic of how to raise your level of consciousness in time for the 12.21.12 Ascension portal. The raising of consciousness cannot be forced, nor can it be learned. It is something that comes naturally with time. The problem is dear ones that we are running out of time. The higher you can raise your level of consciousness, the easier your Ascension will be.
With the incoming energies the raising of your level of consciousness becomes one of the easiest things you can do in order to make your Ascension process an enjoyable one. I would like to take the time today to show you exactly how to do that. 
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to raise your level of consciousness. With meditation you can access the highest part of your Self and he or she can help raise your consciousness level by helping you integrate the energies that are being released with each portal. These energies contain the light codes that are helping to raise the level of consciousness of every person on the planet at this time.  
The Light Codes contain crucial information needed for raising your consciousness levels. The codes also help to awaken within you information forgotten or buried deep within your sub-conscious mind.


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Some information I had written down in summer, From my higher self


One of my writtings of Earth

It's a little book almost sry for that, but when information start's flowing in you want to wright it in the most upright complete way




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The 12~12~12 Portal Energies



So many people have been questioning about why certain events have not occurred yet.  That's easy....time is not linear...it is all energetic and it has to do with experience.  We have currently been utilizing the time matrix that you are currently in to our benefit.  Allowing large waves of energies to come through during certain days which are the opening of the portals.  8-8-88, 9-9-99, 10-10-10, 11-11-11 and currently the upcoming 12-12-12.


 These portals and waves have been coming in in synchronostic means since we know that many of you will be gathered and hold significance to numbers.  You understand numerology and sacred numbers/geometry.  You see how all the pieces seem to fit together and how experiencing one allows you to flow into the next.  Supposidly 11-28-11 was supposed to be "The big day" not so....the 12-12-12 portal had not been activated yet.  How could that occur....ahhh but many thought that the 11-11-11 was the culmunation since it represented twin/flames and Universal Consciousness.  Yet that was not the ending.  There was still more yet to come.


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Valerie Donner – The Groundcrew – Lady Nada – Moving Into Cosmic Consciousness


Source: The Golden Age Daily - 12/06/12


The Ground Crew

Dear Ground Crew:

First I want to thank all of you who prayed for me, sent me healing, tapes, contributions, kind words, energy, poetry and acknowledgement after I asked for your assistance in recovering from a devastating loss. I can’t tell you how grateful I am with your generous responses. You mean the world to me, ground crew. You are gifted, talented and amazing Lightworkers and I feel honored to be a part of the ground crew.


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Interesting Post from The Universal Voice…



Image of The Creation Tree - Create Your Reality
The Creation Tree by Energy Artist Julia Watkins
Commentary from


Posted on Drake’s Universal Voice Facebook page… take it for what you will… we are all creating our long-promised future now.

I had promised everyone that today or tomorrow I would give an update to my post on Monday by Wednesday (today) or Thursday.This is too important to sit on right now. I waited out of respect for the Resistance Movement. As this was given by a source they are not aware of, but that has been accurate in every instance so I know it is accurate and am very comfortable with these words.

I was told on Monday, that Beings all over the Universe were “smiling and happy” – each in their own way. The reason was very clear. The Breakthrough of Light has been achieved!!!!!


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New to Woo? This is for YOU!


Are you newly awakened to the Light? Welcome! This is your time! (Everyone's codes are being activated at the time their Light Work is to commence--it is soon to be YOUR time to go 'live' with your Lightwork.). Just be open to Inner Guidance, it is the best navigator you have--right there in the center of your chest!


Here's all you need to know as a first step at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/12/to-newbies.html


Namaste, and WELCOME to your Galactic Family of Light!


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~Amazing!~ Join US!



Love Wins Everyday and its Amazing!

You can Join us Live Right NOW!



Love The Earth Allies!

Love WINS!



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Latest Earthquake Activity - December 7, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


December 7


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Strong earthquake M 7.3 struck off the east coast of Honshu, Japan – multiple strong aftershocks followed


GFP Note: The tsunami warning has been lifted.


Source: The Watchers - 12/07/12, By Adonai


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Heart Song for December 7th 2012


The Heart Song for November 7th, 2012 is Computer Love by Zapp and Roger. 
This song came out before there were personal computers. I Love this song and now I understand why. To Pingala from Ida (madulla oblongota post) .  Smile
Computerized (Digital love)
Oh, baby
A beautiful love

Computer love {Computer, computer love}
Computer love {Lookin' for my computer love}
Computer love {Hey}
Computer love {Computer love}

You know I've been searching for someone
Who can share that special love with me
And your eyes have that glow
Could it be your face I see on my computer screen

Need a special girl (Ooh, yeah)
To share in my computer world
I no longer need a strategy
Thanks to modern technology

Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop [I wanna love you, baby] computer love
Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop my computer love

You know I've been around
From hot sexy mamas to cool Prima Donnas
I wanna share your treasure, oh, so rare
'Cause it's your face I see on my computer screen

Oh, won't you keep me warm tonight
You are such a sweet delight
I will cherish the memory of this night
Yes, I found my computer love

Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I wanna love you
Shooby doo bop [I wanna love you, baby] computer love


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Hidden light worker's light warrior's


We have great potential when awakend, but keep on getting attacks from dark entity's. This is a reason we are known to work this way. It's not in our nature, it's a complex struggle but we still manage to attain unconditional love when we break free it is not as easy as some but it's possible, peace be with you namaste! :)


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Jesus: Do not downplay your expectations of what lies ahead for you



Do not downplay your expectations of what lies ahead for you

December 7, 2012 by John Smallman



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By Ute Posegga-Rudel


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch the Video (recommended)  

My Beloved Ones, 

Like a Mighty Lion’s Head I Am Rising in these days suddenly from the hidden and unconscious Depth of Reality into the Light of your Awareness.
And yet, at the same time, with Infinite Gentleness and Tenderness I Embrace your feeling heart.
I Am Rising and Rising to take My rightful Seat in and as the Very Being of the Human Race.
It is My Inherent Seat, the Seat humanity has been denying Me for so long.
But now, as I AM Rising to Satisfy your whole Existence with My Presence, many of you are not yet even aware of this Glorious Event, although I Am your most intimate Beloved, your Very Home and you  tend to think that you  feel only a new warmness in your heart.
If you would knew Who I Am, you would open the floodgate of your heart to let Me Swell up and Fill your whole Being until even your Expanse by Me would Float thoroughly IN Me.
You all need to open the gates of your heart, the gates of each and all your body-cells, the gates of your very skin, the gate of your adoration and devotion for My Unfathomable Love, to overwhelm your up-to-now fences of separateness.
I Am Rising now with My Very Presence of Infinity to Embrace what Appears to be finite.
Is there – in this Fullness – anything else to report? Because all what you need is Myself, the very Source in Which you are arising.
From there – and Only from there, I Say – you may go after your daily business and enjoyment. Yes, enjoyment, because without Me there is no true Enjoyment in all your endeavors.

Dog Communicates With Baby (VIDEO)


As seen on Huffington Post Good News Posted: 12/06/2012 11:00 am EST

"Mother of God."

That was the reaction of many when a video emerged last week appearing to show a dog and a baby engage in a full-on conversation. No, really.

Using their own mix of howling, whining and googoogaga-ing, the communicative pair quickly earned themselves thousands of views on video sharing sites like Ebaumsworld and the Chive.


To read the rest of the story and view the video visit Huffington Post Good News


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December 6, 2012

This is an urgent update from Rob and Cobra regarding the worldwide meditations and the state of affairs in Egypt.

Firstly, Cobra will be releasing intel on a new protocol for the worldwide meditations in two days.  Stay tuned for that update!

Secondly, here is AN UPDATE ON THE AFFAIRS IN EGYPT for those who are going to the Cobra Conference in Egypt or thinking about going.

Hey folks!


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2012 The Welcome Home Letter Into The New Earth



Pubblicato in data 06/dic/2012 da GalacticCentral


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December Events-Time's Up! Lights On


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Lucas ~ Racing Towards Zero Time ~6 December 2012


Time's up
Time's up (Photo credit: Tom Raftery)

It is awesome to see things moving into accelerated time in the counting toward zero. Yes, nothing,  Zilch, Nill, Nada. I see people still letting go of all the things in a faster way than ever and also those bumping their head in ego and ego and ego again till the message is understood. It is all played out as it needs to be and all is fine. People are now having in shortened time sequences the last ego bits and issues of duality on their plate to let go of.  The choice is to clean up or t0 get it all again, but now in a tougher version, on the same plate. 



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12-6-12 Bill Ballard ~ A Great Difference Between Activists & Lightworker ~ Light Warriors



Pubblicato in data 06/dic/2012 da pearls2u

Sometimes others force me into a corner trying to get me to fight. If it were physical, I'd say lets tango, but when it is coming from Ghosts of the 3D world who attack others and then hide behind their excuses not even considering that they do, and the effect of vibration it has on the planet, then I must make a choice to fight or be abused. Ha... there is another way, delete and block. The activists who are so insistant of focusing their intent upon others, as the Food Illuminati has done, must be released to the world and vibration of their own making, attracting Like to Like while the rest of us Lightworker Light Warriors continue to shift this planet through our focused intent and true LIGHT... Such a great difference between the comprehension at the various levels of vibration as all goes through their awakening process... I still send love to those who I have had to distance myself from, but will no longer take the abuse they focus upon others. Be LOVE!



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Satan and Christ


Eye of the Beholder - Vision at Dawn - site

I'm going to present a much different version of this conflict and instead of externalizing it, I'm making it deeply personal. Christianity is supposed to be based upon Judaism, yet if you look at the Jewish ideas about Satan, you see something vastly different than how it's portrayed in Christianity. While different Jewish sects has different views on Satan, I'm going to focus upon their interpretation of Satan as our "temptation to do wrong".


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You are approaching now a world in which you not only can trust your Creator, but yourselves and each other



You are approaching now a world in which you not only can trust your Creator, but yourselves and each other. – by GLR Ron Head

December 6, 2012 

Universe     Spanish        Portuguese


Abundance is our topic for today, but in a more basic way than we have discussed before.  We are certain that every one of you who has even the most basic daily routine of prayer, meditation, grounding, or what some of you call earthing, is now very aware of the immense change in the energy you are immersed in at his time.  Even when you think back a short period of time you must realize the change that has been happening.

This is the light, the frequencies, the energy of which we have been speaking for almost a year through this channel.  It is the reason also that many unaware ones around you are acting rather strangely.  Sooner or later, they will ask what is going on.  Let us focus upon yourselves.

What can you do with this?  Do you want a short answer?  Very well.  Everything!  We chuckle.  We see you want a bit more explanation.

This level of intensity is allowing you to feel the unconditional love of which we have spoken for so long.  This is the ‘stuff’ of which everything is created which is created.  Very, very complex or very, very simple… your choice.  It is, therefore, what you are and what everything around you is.  It is what the stars are.  It is what sub-atomic particles are.  And one step smaller, it is the field of energy from which those particles emerge and into which they merge once again.  But what makes them become what they become when they become something?  What causes the immense array of continual becoming that you observe?  Why does it keep making what I am looking at?  Why does it not change shape or color or move about?  What has all this to do with me?  Well, you see dear friends, it is shaped by consciousness.

Many scientists have said this for quite some time, but because they were unable to follow that up with an explanation of how, their ideas were put aside.  You, however, do not need any approval from any scientific community.  And you are the ones who do the assembly of this do-it-yourself kit.


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Stunning light phenomenon in different parts of Finland!



Stunning light phenomenon in different parts of Finland! 




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Yesternight I went to bed at 6pm, and I stayed asleep, except for a couple awakenings which were mere interruptions, until this morning at 6:30am. I woke up feeling neutral. Not blank. Just neutral. Neutral curiosity. Feeling like a master.


Today I have begun to address my house. Two weeks worth of dirty clothes, in a heap, waiting for a little help, over here, the pile has called to me. And today, the mess, the tangle, the clutter, it feels so de-tangleable. And so it has been.


Here's a bit of fun. I put enough dirty clothes in my basket to fill four washers, I thought. So I filled two washers, started them, and then moved on to the next two washers. I started a dark and a light machine, and then figured I'd go upstairs and gather the rest of the clothes, since they were not full enough to run. Funny, I noticed, that after loading the last two washers, the timer on the first two seemed stuck on 29 minutes, the amount of time the washer allots itself to do its work. Many minutes passed as I fiddled with the two remaining washers, and as I am wheeling my empty basket away, going to get more, I look once again at the washing machines, still reading twenty nine minutes.



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Gaia Portal Update: “Winding Energetic Roads” Being Made Straight



“Winding Energetic Roads” Being Made Straight



what we would call “Winding Energetic Roads” are being made straight. Energy pathways of complex configuration are being straightened in preparation of the 12-12-12 gateway. each Hue-man will be able to comprehend and feel this “straightening”.

Complexity is simplified.

Discontinuity is rectified.

Discord is harmonized.

Uncertainty is clarified.

Energetic patterns to be “solidified” via the 12-12-12 permit direct pathways to Higher Self Awareness and understanding.

Grids of Iridescent Blue bring in the new.


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The Magic Mountain


Philip Coppens.com by Philip Coppens

A mountain near Rennes-le-Château is becoming a focal point for unwanted 2012 hype. But the true mysteries and enigmas of Bugarach are fare more interesting, with a real-life Indiana Jones character who dug for the Ark of the Covenant!

On December 21, 2010, the English newspaper “The Daily Telegraph” drew attention to the tiny French village of Bugarach, population 200, and the saga of the end of the Mayan calendar which will occur on December 21, 2012. The mayor of Bugarach, Jean-Pierre Delord, announced that his tiny village was becoming a refuge for “esoterics” who believed that the village played an important role in the 2012 scenario, maybe as a place of salvation, or where the apocalypse might be played out, where alien beings might intervene or even rescue those present. He and the locals were unhappy with this development, which was upsetting the villagers’ tranquillity. As France has a sad past of cults committing mass suicide, Delord felt people should hear his warning that these “esoterics” might do something similar in the near future.


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ET-FIRST-CONTACT RADIO: tonight's guest: Richard Richard Hoofs



Tonight on ET-FIRST-CONTACT RADIO: Richard Richard Hoofs an international speaker in the UFO FIELD. To listen live go to www.bbsradio.com and choose station 1. Then choose a player. Time: 1 pm Pacific / 9 pm gmt / 22:00 central European time. Be there folks this will be interesting! Love and light!


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One Million Fireworks Explode


On December 5th, Royal Fireworks ignited one million firecrackers in Liuyang, China. The company used more than five tons of gunpowder to produce all of these explosions.


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Frequency Update ~ December 3rd through 9th, 2012




YOU MAY VIEW THIS IN VIDEO FORMAT, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqM3tAai xwI


After the activations of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse last week, we are still processing the changes we are going through.  Some individuals are feeling it differently than others but each of us is being challenged and prodded to be more of our Higher Self and I AM Presence within the physical body.  It is now time for us to continue working through the activations as we are being prepared for the activation of 12-12-12.

On December 3rd there was a planetary alignment of the planets of Mercury, Venus, and Saturn with the Giza Pyramid which means that it is the first activation of December creating an electro-magnetic pathway from the center of the universe to the Great Pyramid – opening a Gate that has been closed for 2,737 years.  It is a very subtle energy but aligns within the planetary system to create the opening of the Christ Consciousness to be fully activated by December 21st, 2012.

This energy will take us a step closer in activating our Higher Self and I AM Presence to be more fully integrated within the physical body.  This can cause more disruptions if we are not ready to receive the higher frequency, but the good part is that it is being engineered through our Higher Self/I AM Presence essence.  Please know that each individual will only receive what is being programmed from their Higher Essence.  This means that we need to delve deeper into our tools, work with the higher realms to receive the assistance that we need in order to feel the balance that it is necessary.  We are being asked to stand amongst the first group of individuals, we call the Torch Bearers, to be a reflection of light to the Ones that will be following in our footsteps.

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End of a Cycle, Beginning of the Real Dream for Planet Earth


The Instant Vibe Being,

Bring To The Surface That Which Needs To Be Healed

> Sleeping in the Light

*       ***       *******           *******       ***       *

Enter, stage left, our friends from Orion, a distinctly reptilian-like race, cold-blooded, self-serving, and without much or any emotional content.
In short, a race much in need of the lessons of mercy, forgiveness and compassion itself.
Enter, then, those beings who would play out the projected and externalized abrogation of our own power and authority, who would play out the godspell of the last 13,000 years, who entered into a legally and lawfully binding contract, a treaty if you will, allowing them, within this [dIsToRtEd] free will zone, to create a holographic reality and control system in which the crucible of all the elements of our collective consciousness would be forced to deal with itself and achieve the true prize of the ages…



and an opening of the heart centers to allow the divine nectar to flow of mercy, compassion and forgiveness.



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Lucas – Racing Towards Zero Time




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2012 Arctic Report Card – Dramatic changes in the Arctic


Source: The Watchers - 12/07/12, By Chillymanjaro


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Japan earthquake sparks tsunami scare


BBC News - 12/07/12


A 7.3 magnitude quake has struck off Japan's eastern coast, triggering a small tsunami and sparking evacuations.

A one-metre wave hit Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture and many people heeded calls to move to higher ground before all alerts were later lifted.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit BBC News.


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What Should We Expect Dec. 12 & Dec. 21-22, 2012? by Patricia Cota~Robles




December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, and December 21-22, 2012 are dates we have been hearing about for decades. Since Harmonic Convergence, which took place August 15-17, 1987 people have intuitively sensed the importance of this moment in time, and predicted everything under the Sun. Speculation has run the gamut including everything from the end of the world to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth. But what should we realistically expect?

In Truth, for the past 25 years, since the quantum leap in energy, vibration, and consciousness the Earth and Humanity experienced during Harmonic Convergence, we have been through myriad influxes of Light. These influxes have included rare Celestial alignments, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, powerful Solar Flares, and literally hundreds of Global Activities of Light that were orchestrated through the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven. Each and every one of these events bathed the Earth in Divine Light and accelerated the frequency of vibration in Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies at an atomic cellular level. Many people were consciously aware of these influxes of Light, but the vast majority of people evolving on this planet went through these experiences without any conscious awareness.


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Lisa Gawlas – The Greatest Food of Life: Unconditional LOVE!



unconditional love


My path on this wild and wonderful journey called spirit starting at exactly 7:30 pm EST on Nov 11th, 2000.  Thanx to my own willingness to do something I would normally never have done (played on a Homemade Ouija Board) and a very very determined spiritual guide named Jill who seemed to move heaven and earth to find a way to get very needed messages to me to completely and forever change my life.


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Visionkeeper: An act of Kindness…



An act of Kindness….

Posted on December 7, 2012 


I feel it is always important, but especially now,  to engage everyday in the act of offering kindness. We should take the time to stop and offer our caring, be it to man or animal. We all need to feel loved and cared about and a small outpouring of concern to another can mean so much. It takes such little effort to reach out to another and the rewards are so great! Not only do you bring a smile or a purr to somebody elses life but you bring joy to your own life as well. Once you stop and make the effort you will find you want to do it again and yet again. It is a gratifying feeling to make another person smile, to change their day from being unhappy to feeling good and all it takes is giving them a moment of your time. These small acts have huge consequences and when the majority of humanity is partaking in such acts, the world changes!


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Oracle Report - Friday, December 7, 2012



Friday, December 7, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Virgo/Libra

Take a look at this video of a magnetic filament erupting from the Sun yesterday and the reason for yesterday's madness will be graphically understood:


The eruption was like two arms of the Sun opening out to deliver bounty.  Anytime one of these magnetic filaments becomes unstable and erupts, events on Earth follow suit (because we live in an electric universe).  Yesterday morning someone asked me the astrological reason for the intensity of the energy and I said that I could find none.  Now we know it was because the Sun was ready to erupt.  Everyone here should know that we are beyond the astrology now.  It plays a factor, but there is much more happening.  We are coming into closer communication with the planet (and therefore the universe) so we can feel what is happening before we have the scientific facts to show it.  This alone is a great lesson.


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SophiaLove At the end of the lens



The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “12-12-12: Reclaiming What Is Already Yours.” By, Bella Capozzi



The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “12-12-12: Reclaiming What Is Already Yours.” By, Bella Capozzi. December 7, 2012.

400289_303151283062932_1856169778_n☆ Greetings, Cousins.  We trust that on this day we find you well and brimming with optimism and joy.  These are brilliant times, believe us when we say so.  The future is sunny, the present a tranquil, glassy sea.  And the trials and tribulations of  the past are truly buried, dead and gone.  Oh happy, happy days swoop down and in and are upon us now!

☆ So, what does the upcoming 12-12-12 gateway signify, you ask?  In a nutshell, it is the opening of yet another magical doorway, leading you further out of duality and into the blessed state of unity with All.  Through this doorway come the Light Codes.  Yes, more Light Codes.  Simply put, this coding will serve to further jump-start the activation of your 12-strand DNA.  It is most crucial that this happens.  The benefits are too numerous to count.   Have faith that the results of this activation will not be subtle, but quite noticeable to most of you within the short span of only a few weeks.  And what does this mean to you on a more practical level?    Ah, sweet Cousins, it means you will have more.  More of everything!  More open a connection with Source and your Star Brothers and Sisters, and with all amongst the higher realms;  the communications becoming quite clear, crisp and concise.  It means more abundance, more manifestational ability, more telepathy and intuition, more health, more contentment, more of a heart-connection within yourself and with others, more peace of mind, and best of all – morelove.


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Saint Germain ~ The 12-12 activation of your Higher Self and Being, emerging as one ~ By Méline Lafont



Saint Germain ~ The 12-12 activation of your Higher Self and Being, emerging as one ~ By Méline Lafont



Greetings, beloved souls and friends of mine. As usual I am always at your disposal, just like in these days leading up to the portal of the 12-12 activation of yourselves. I welcome you all most cordially and I am very grateful for this moment.

I would be most pleased to bring you to your enlightenment during this portal where the activation of many beings for their Ascension process will occur. Consider this portal as your first initiation towards Ascension after a long waiting period and after the many changes and preparations you have done. Consider this portal your first enlightenment 
 leading up to the full awareness of your wisdom and your being. 

This portal is an activation as it were of this upliftment of your consciousness since everything will be brought gradually, but at the same time also rather intensely, to its rightful conclusion that you have, personally and as the human species,  toiled for to reach throughout all those years of incarnations here on Earth. Popularly, during these last years of life, everything has led up to reach this reality because it is during these last years that there was a doubling of the intensity, of what normally can come to pass in one or more lives.


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Heavenletter #4396 Receive God’s Love, December 7, 2012


Heavenletter #4396 Receive God’s Love, December 7, 2012 

God said: 


Do you feel My hand in comfort on your forehead or your cheek? My hand is on you. This is one way I know to comfort you.

Now that I have told you, can you feel My love?

Can you feel My love soaking into your eyes?

Can you feel My love filling your blood vessels? Can you feel a stream of love running through you in this way from head to toe?

Do you feel My love running over your hair? Can you?

Sometimes, good feelings seem to come to you, or the sense of good feeling comes to you, and you know not from where. You may not be able to define the feeling. You may have only a hint, and, yet, you are aware, even if only a little aware.


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Spacecraft Above Sun!!


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12/07/2012 -- 7.3 and 6.2M earthquakes strike off the Coast of Japan


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Transformations You are in a time of accelerated growth



Friday, December 7, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Transformations

You are in a time of accelerated growth



Welcome each new development that happens in your thoughts, your feelings and your physical body as these are all becoming more sensitive. Ask your angels to assist you if at first you feel uncomfortable with the changes that are taking place. Be open to the changes and know that things can only get better from here. Remain open to the energy, even if it is not comfortable at first.
You are ready to soar in new ways. Remember that the death to a caterpillar is life for the butterfly and you are ready now. Emerge from your beautiful cocoon and know that you are supported as you enter this new stage in your life.


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What Should We Expect Dec. 12 & Dec. 21-22, 2012?

by Patricia Cota-Robles


December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, and December 21-22, 2012 are dates we have been hearing about for decades. Since Harmonic Convergence, which took place August 15-17, 1987 people have intuitively sensed the importance of this moment in time, and predicted everything under the Sun. Speculation has run the gamut including everything from the end of the world to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth. But what should we realistically expect?


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Light Artist Janosh

Lord of the Seventh Ray - Violet Ray
Hierarch- The Aquarian Age "Dawning Golden Age"
Divine Qualities - Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation

Twin Flame is Portia- The Goddess of Justice


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UK braces for more snow as cold snap continues


The Guardian - 12/07/12, Press Association

Overnight frosts will continue throughout next week, with increasingly wintry showers turning from sleet into snow

Winter weather

A woman walks her dog through snow in Goathland, North Yorkshire, on Wednesday. Photograph: Anthony Chappel-Ross/PA

The cold snap gripping Europe shows no sign of letting up as the UK braces for snow next week.

Overnight frosts will continue throughout next week, with increasingly wintry showers turning from sleet into snow.


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Record Warmest Year a "Virtual Certainty"


Weather.com - 12/06/12, Chris Dolce

First 11 Months of the Year

A number of 118 (dark red shading) represents the warmest first 11 months on record and a number 1 would indicate the coolest. 18 states have had their warmest year on record through November. 24 states were among their top 10 warmest.

It's a "virtual certainty" that 2012 will be the warmest year on record for the United States, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported Thursday in its November "State of the Climate Report."

The existing record for the United States' warmest year on record was 1998, covering 118 years of data. The record covers the Lower 48 states.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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The Morning Blessing 12.07.12



The Morning Blessing


WAITING FOR THE SIGN by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan



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Victory of The LIGHT Rainbow!


Seen on 12/7/12 at 7 am eastern, in West Ocean City, Maryland: Victory of The LIGHT Rainbow!

It was so big I could not capture this circle (appearing as a huge semicircle on my horizon) in one shot. And there wasn't really any sun or rain, just a cloudy morning. This rainbow was a message from The Bird Tribe.



Thank you to The Company of Heaven
for this wonderful gift.


To see these larger and to see the  rest of the photos, visit My Photoset.


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Tropical Cyclone 03S formed in southern Indian Ocean


The Watchers - 12/07/12, by Chillymanjaro


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The manuscript of survival – part 234



The manuscript of survival – part 234


 •December 7, 2012 •

Today is another auspicious day dear ones, as you will once again receive another important upgrading into your system. As you have already noticed, this is indeed an almost continuous process now, and it will continue to increase as we approach the onset of the full exposure to these life-enhancing energies. You have come such a long way, but you still have quite a ways to go, but this will be accomplished in a very short timespan even after your measurements. For now, the floodgates are well and truly opened, and what will come in will take you all by storm.


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Raumschiff mit Späherschiffen Scout Ships der GFdL bei der ISS 2012 07 03 11h21m41s


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Lightship flying with ISS 2012 08 19 10h48m57s


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3MIN News December 7, 2012: 7.3 Quake - Japan



Pubblicato in data 07/dic/2012 da Suspicious0bservers

All Images and Information found at the Links Below, with gratitude.

State of the Climate: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/
Record Heat: http://www.weather.com/news/warmest-year-on-record-noaa-november-20121206



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The Beeping Box


Today, as I hit the snooze button yet another time, my consciousness rose up and thought, 'why am I interacting with this box like this?'. I noticed throughout the course of my day, there is a parade of boxes which I interact with throughout my day. 

This shiny glowing computer box is my favorite one of them. So I wrote about it. If you wish to have your computer box display what words I have written on this line of thinking about the experience of Duality from a Higher Perspective, here is a link. Namaste.



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Animal Parents And Babies Will Make Your Day Better (PHOTOS)


As seen on Huffington Post Posted: 12/07/2012 8:54 am EST


Like humans, many animal parents look after their offspring with tender care, giving them hugs and keeping a close eye on their little ones.

Animal babies are pretty cute on their own, but it turns out they are even more adorable when photographed with their family.

Don't believe it? Then see how many slides you can make it through in the gallery below before letting out an "aww."

They take naps together. (Image via Flickr)



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The Galactic Free Press Update: Huge Victory for The Light has Occurred!


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Love Written In Stone  Earth Ally will - site



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Sarah-Jane Grace – The Cusp Point



Sarah-Jane Grace – The Cusp Point



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SaLuSa, December 7, 2012



SaLuSa, December 7, 2012

We feel a calmness beginning to encircle the Earth, as those who are preparing for 12.12. are already relaxing and bringing a level of peace into their lives. Hitherto, there had been a degree of frustration and even impatience, at the delays being experienced. These have given way to the acceptance that your immediate Ascension is the most important event in your lives. What follows will be able to take place in a more settled atmosphere, and proceed unhindered or delayed by outside interference. These will be ideal conditions, and allow us to ensure that you are fully aware of what is planned. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they will be sensational times, when progress will go speeding ahead. Just to be released from the grip of the dark Ones, will create an immediate change of attitude between people.


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Hello Dear Ones, It's been a wild and strenuous week, to say the least.  Rest up, stay strong, stay in your heart...  Here is my latest post:



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We Declare Peace on Earth! Volume 8


We Declare Peace on Earth!
Please enjoy and share our latest video.


Source: YouTube.com


Thank you All for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT!


Please send in your Declaration of World Peace today. You can send a video clip, an audio clip, or a written statement. Contact us if you have questions. The address is:


In case you missed any of our Peace Vids, here they are!



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FromYouToYou: "The One and Only Choice"


"The One and Only Choice"

Denial leads to creation[1], creation leads to failure, failure leads to suffering, suffering leads to humility, humility leads to open mindedness, open mindedness leads to receipt, receipt leads to acceptance, and acceptance leads to happiness.

Thus do you choose between the acceptance or denial of the Love of God and the Truth of Reality. Its acceptance leads to Joy and its denial leads to Fear and therefore your attempt to create what you believe to be lacking. When Love is Yours and God is Here, what need be done? When Love is Yours and God is Here, what need be created? And when Love is Yours and God is Here, what need be changed?

Thus is the Reality of Heaven and of your Natural Inheritance. The only choice, and there is but one, is whether or not to accept what is rightfully yours: The Kingdom of Heaven and Eternal Life.

However, to accept this gift and to give this gift is one act. For if you deny this gift to your brother, then you must, by definition, believe yourself undeserving of it. And this is indeed true, for if you deny your brother what is rightfully his, then you are not deserving of it.

This is not due to some flaw or sin, but simply due to the misperception of what you are. If you believe Heaven can be yours but not your brothers or your brothers but not yours, then you do not understand Heaven, your brother or yourself. And thus it is not that you have become undeserving, but that you believe yourself to be.

It is only in this one belief that your receipt or denial of Heaven and Eternal Life rests, and that is the belief of What You Are. If you are worthy, then it is because you have given your brother and all of creation what is rightfully theirs. If you are not worthy, it is because you have denied them their natural inheritance.


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Self-Compassion Opens The Door To Self-Healing


               Well Being Alignment.com



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Heavenly Rainbow - Anna Lena Cilmi - ©

The Threefold Flame - Devine Power, Devine Love, Devine Wisdom

The Fires of God's Will, Devine Illumination for every Government, of all Nations


Legions of Power and Protection -Devine Service to Transmute all negative force in every Government of all Nations.


Goddess of Liberty,Justice Freedom, and Victory and Silent watchers - Invoked to bring in 5 Dimensional frequencies of Violet Transmuting Flame of Forgiveness and forgetfulness. Transmuting disruptive Negative energy everywhere.


Golden Fame Invoked Activated - Plan of the Will of GOD, Purifying All, Restoration, Unifying, Forgiveness


Flames in use for all work- Platinum, Violet, Blue Gold, Rose Pink


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Wolfgang R, Austrian Bus Driver, Returns Half A Million Dollars Found In Bag


As seen on Huffington Post Good News by

Reuters  |  Posted: 12/06/2012 11:25 am EST

VIENNA (Reuters) - A Vienna bus driver who found a bag with 390,000 euros ($509,700) in cash inside handed the money over to police, who tracked down the elderly woman who had inexplicably left her fortune behind.

The driver, identified by the Vienna transport authority only as Wolfgang R, was inspecting his vehicle at the end of the line when he found the bag in a seat behind the driver's.

"At first I thought it was shopping or medicine," the Krone newspaper quoted him as saying. However, when he opened the bag he found a collection of 500-euro notes staring back at him.


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