Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings,WOW Exciting High Frequency Energies Incoming~ We are Already beginning to feel the Solstice Energies, Coming In Like Waves of Intensity! AS Intense Electrical Currents throughout the body!!! .... and they have only just begun, more arriving! An Incoming Wave of the Most Light this Planet has Ever Experienced is Arriving! The Astrological Chart for December 21st, the clear Message was EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! Anything could Happen, TRULY! Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart! WOOHOO!
Quoted from Caroline Aguiar ...." My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere.
I feel urged to write about it because I’m so sure, without the slightest sliver of doubt what is transpiring within all of us, is coming to a boiling point, like a volcano waiting to explode. This friends, is a volcano of love, and indeed it’s ready to explode...... BREATHE"
At the Above Link[ which is Open daily for Support and Connection with Other Like Vibration beings] we will be hosting a Solstice, Portal and Planetary Birthday Celebration Meditation beginning at 9:10am Pacific Portal Meditation and the Solstice Meditation at 1:11pm Pacific On Saturday December 21st ! Celebration will be happening ALL DAY! JOIN US LIVE! In Love, Joy and Laughter
If The Galactic Free Press is Assisting You In Love, Truth and Joy Thank You for Your Support and Honoring our 24 Hour Service to You! We are Supported only by all of You as this Represents the New Paradigm of supporting and sharing with each other!
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