~Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart!~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings,WOW Exciting High Frequency Energies Incoming~ We are Already beginning to feel the Solstice Energies,  Coming In Like Waves of Intensity!  AS Intense Electrical Currents throughout the body!!! .... and they have only just begun! An Incoming Wave of the Most Light this Planet has Ever Experienced is Arriving, Here we GO! The Astrological Chart for December 21st, the clear Message was EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! Anything could Happen, TRULY! Love is Going to Explode Across Planet Earth=Heart! WOOHOO!

Quoted from Caroline Aguiar ...." My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere.

I feel urged to write about it because I’m so sure, without the slightest sliver of doubt what is transpiring within all of us, is coming to a boiling point, like a volcano waiting to explode. This friends, is a volcano of love, and indeed it’s ready to explode...... BREATHE"



At the Above Link[ which is Open daily for Support and Connection with Other Like Vibration beings] we will be hosting a Solstice, Portal and Planetary Birthday Celebration Meditation beginning at 9:10am Pacific Portal Meditation and the Solstice Meditation at 1:11pm Pacific On Saturday December 21st ! Celebration will be happening ALL DAY! JOIN US LIVE! In Love, Joy and Laughter

If The Galactic Free Press is Assisting You In Love, Truth and Joy Thank You for Your Support and Honoring our 24 Hour Service to You! We are Supported only by all of You as this Represents the New Paradigm of supporting and sharing with each other!  

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Table of Contents

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Acceptance




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Breathe, People Breathe! ~Caroline Aguiar



Open-the-intuitive-heartBy Caroline Aguiar

No matter how far out this may seem, there is an in-depth reason for this particular post which will be short, and to the point.  My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere.


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A Message from The Earth Allies~ Truth Transmissions~ Incoming Energy





Time as it is referred here in this Realm, is everyday now Moving Faster and Faster. If you do not Let Go Now,[of ignorance or the lower self] you will not be able to Keep up with the New Energy. You will not be able to hold onto the illusion.



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~Lovelylinda~ Think Better of Yourself!


I was in a discussion with a friend when he responded to a comment that I made with the following: “I will have to think better of myself if I am to believe that.” YES!!! Think better of yourself in every moment! Let go of all internal criticism, know that it is your job to love yourself, no one else’s! We are equipped with loving hearts that desire nothing so much as to radiate that love to ourselves. Our hearts dance in glee to shine our light upon ourselves! How often do you allow your heart free rein? How often do you let your heart go on a rampage of self love? Try it, it is the most fun you can have. There is no thing external, no one who can light up your heart as powerfully as you can.


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~Desert Gypsy~ Do Not Feel Sorry For Me



Do not feel sorry for me..

Can you not feel my Joy!

My flowers reflect your beauty.

The grass beneath your feet radiates pure Joy!


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VIDEO: Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Allowing The New

Video Link


By: Jamye Price, 12/19/2013


The Weekly LightBlast is a written, channeled topic of self-healing for Ascension for Lightworkers. You can participate in the meditation etherically at 9am MST on Saturday, or anytime you like. Read it here: http://weeklylightblast.blogspot.com/...

Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, teacher and student of life. She channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are ancient and universal languages.


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Planetary Birthday Party ~ Celebrating One Year of Progress in Growing a Global Culture of Oneness


Although some were fearful that 2012 would mark the end of the world, many chose to joyfully see it as the beginning of something truly wonderful: a new global era that is peaceful, sustainable, healthy and prosperous – one in which we learn to thrive!


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Record-Breaking Warm Temperatures on Tap for East, New York City, Washington, D.C., and Atlanta


By: Chrissy Warrilow, 12/19/2013

Saturday's Highs

After several weeks of brutally cold temperatures, eastern residents are in for an early Christmas gift this weekend: The thermometer is forecast to go UP, not down!



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~Desert Gypsy~ Angel Card Reading for December 19, 2013


Angel Card Reading With Desert Gypsy


I call in the Light! 

I call in the Angels and Archangels for assistance.


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Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast - Allowing the New


By: Jamye Price, 12/19/2013


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Winter Solstice 2013 ~ Astrological Report


those living in the northern hemisphere of the planet celebrate *winter solstice* when sun enters into the sign of capricorn on saturday,december 21 at 5:11pm GMT.

living by natural cycles of time means living by solar cycles and lunar cycles,hence in this regard,the solstice moment is said to hold a significant geometrical coding describing suns plan for the winterseason (in the northern hemisphere)/summerseason (in the southern hemisphere) and by examining the solstice astrology we can detect in upfront what archetypal energies are present during the coming months.


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Is your smartphone keeping you awake at night?


By: Kshamica Nimalasuriya MD, MPH, 12/18/2013


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Fracking protesters park bus across Salford IGas drilling site


Theguardian.com, By: Adam Vaughan, 12/18/2013

An orange bus blocking the Barton Moss oil drill site operated by IGas


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~ Always Love In Action~


This Internet Room is For All Love and Light Beings On Planet Earth=Heart! We are Family and there is Lots of Love in this ROOM! You can Always Join Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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California doctors revolt against Obamacare; 70 percent say they will boycott


By: J. D. Heyes, 12/18/2013

An estimated seven out of every 10 physicians in deep-blue California are rebelling against the state's Obamacare health insurance exchange and won't participate, the head of the state's largest medical association said. "It doesn't surprise me that there's a high rate of nonparticipation," said Dr. Richard Thorp, president of the California Medical Association.



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~ Vision Keeper ~ Oh Yes! Change Is A Coming…..



I loved hearing this latest news. It is yet one more example of how we are changing how we live our lives and for the better! We just have to keep the pressure on and embrace the changes as they are put before us. No fearing change, let your heart sing with it, more importantly help promote the change!


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~ Meredith Murphy ~ Solstice December 2013. New Earth/New Human: Qualities Of Being – Part 1


Message from Archangel Michael, and the Council of Light with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Archangelic League

Greeting Dear Friends and Family of Light,

The new energies are opening up for you new qualities of being. You have been tasting these on and off for some time now, but at last the reformatting of your bodies, is for many of you front-of-the-pack awakened ones, reaching resonance with sustained experiences of these qualities.

With this availability emerging, we felt — the Council of Light, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Archangelic League — it was time to come together and speak to the New Human’s qualities in way that is clear and will distinguish this for you, from previous versions of human expression.

5 Distinct Qualities of the New Human

The New Human has 5 essential qualities of experience, which are now available almost entirely sustained, for those capable of also generating sustained resonance. These experiences are:

  • Sovereign Energy Fulfillment
  • Neutral Perception
  • Loving Awareness of Eternalness
  • Passion, Creativity and what you call “Purpose”
  • Exquisite connections with life in all spheres of experience.


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~ Tom Lescher ~ Astrology Forecast for the Week of December 18, 2013



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Thailand protesters plan more rallies



Press TV - 12/18/13, MM/HJL


Anti-government protesters rally on a main road leading toward the Government House in Bangkok. (File photo)


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"Mission accomplished" in Afghanistan says David Cameron: what planet is he on?



Stop The War Coalition - 12/17/13, Chris Nineham


Even the Daily Express, hardly a friend of the anti-war movement, says David Cameron's declaration of "mission accomplished" does not stand up to scrutiny".

David Cameron visits troops in Afghanistan


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4MIN News December 19, 2013: Star Studies, Shield Genesis, Spaceweather

Video Link




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How Rev. Billy Graham Taught the Republican Party to Sacrifice the Poor on the Altar of Big-Business



AlterNet - CJ Werleman, 12/17/13

Graham turned biblical Jesus into a supply-side economist.



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Guilt – A Powerful Trap of the Past


Guilt Action Nowguilt


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~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 19 December


Welcome to you. I would firstly like to open my heart in Love to you ... DONE! ... and secondly, inquire about the beautiful magenta Pillar of Light that was captured on a photograph recently. ( See blog post http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/) This, for me, is so similar to the image you showed to me way back in 2011 when you first brought it up. Would you please confirm as to whether this is what you were speaking of ... or something else?


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Don’t be Fooled by Mainstream Media Journalists, “Independent” Experts and the CIA



Global Research - 12/17/13, By Global Research


Image: Anthony Freda



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~ Shanta Gabriel ~ The Gabriel Messages – Can You Hear What I Hear?


Receiving the Gifts of This Holy Season
Dear Ones,

Hark! The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? They are inviting you into their midst. The Angels are calling you to rejoice in the Divine Love and Light streaming onto the planet during this special time called Christmas.

Can you hear the Angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your whole being to be receptive to these Divine Messengers who have watched over you throughout your soul’s existence. They are here now with one voice singing the idea of Unity within all beings. Making a joyful noise, they offer you the gifts of Divine Light and a Love beyond your understanding. Receive it into your heart and shine this blessed Light out into the world.


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Richest People in America Received Over $11 Million in Government Subsidies



Intellihub - 12/17/13, John Vibes

50 billionaires received over $11 million in government subsidies, including David Rockefeller, the Walton Family, Charles Schwab and others.



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Italian government feels fury of disaffected as 'Pitchfork' protesters march on Rome



The Telegraph - 12/18/13, Nick Squires


People take part in a demonstration organised by


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Chat Session At 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern ~ ALL Are Welcome!



Please join us this afternoon!
ALL are welcome.



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CRASH: Bitcoin Collapses After Major Blow From China



Business Insider - 12/18/13, Joe Weisenthal


The latest is that BTC China, the big Bitcoin startup there, announced that it could no longer accept deposits in the local currency.


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Dissolving the Make-Believe Matrix



Source: Wake Up World - Zen Gardner, October 2013


These power crazed would be rulers don’t own the earth. They don’t own you and me. They don’t own all their stupid secret symbols. They don’t own the present, they don’t own the future. They don’t even own themselves.


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Corruption scandal swirls around Argentine leader



Salon - Michael Warren, AP, 12/17/13


New corruption allegations are swirling around the Argentine president, who ordered her personal secretary to read a blistering statement Tuesday accusing the nation’s leading newspapers of lying and defaming her “in the best style of fascism.”


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Activating New Chakra's


A very, very, very good friend offered to facilitate a Raindrop Technique session on me today since my back has been sore for 3 weeks and I allowed that to happen.  Raindrop Technique is a process of applying essential oils to the feet, spine and back to assist with cleansing bacteria, viruses, etc., from the lymph nodes along the spine and removing toxins and other reminants from injuries, etc.  While packing my essential oils, I was inspired to grab some other oils that are not typically part of the process.  Off I went to meet her.

We are like grade school girls together, all giddy, giggly, happy - which is one of the reasons why I love her so much - other than we've been together many lifetimes before and we just reunited earlier this year once again.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust




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High Time to Tell the Truth







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The Creator Writings - Breathe In Experience



The Creator Writings


Take a very deep breath, my lovely one; this is YOU having a very human experience. Do not be so anxious to leave that you miss the beautiful moments around you. Instead, revel in the joy each brings because your soul is learning amazing things! ~ Creator



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~Ascension Symptoms~



Ascension Symptoms

rainbow line rainbow line

Some of these ascension symptoms are ones I’ve lived with for many years now and have gotten familiar with how they cycle in and out, year after year, becoming less intense the more I transmuted and released. As I’ve said elsewhere over the past few years, your mileage may vary, because we each are dealing with and transmuting slightly different emotional energies, karmic/polarized energies, past life energies, and varying degrees of lower negative vibrating energies across time on earth. Some of us have been processing not only our own stuff and junk from this life, but ALL of them, and also doing transformational bloodline family work, and also planetary clearing of specific lower stuck (dark or negative) energies done by people across time on this planet. That is what Starseeds do, and more.




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~Symptoms of Inner Peace~ Are You there Yet?


by Saskia Davis

Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to inner peace and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

· A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.

· An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.



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~5D Room ~ Galactic Love Party~~


  You can Join Your Family Live in Love at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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~ Very Important Information About the Events of this Weekend~


Quoted from Cobra" We will be having our Return To Innocence activation this Saturday."


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~ Galactic Love Party Underway as We Prepare for a HUGE Influx of Energy~


You can Join the Earth Allies this Evening for a galactic Love Party going on Live right Now at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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Aisha North ~ A short update on the energies


By: Aisha North, 12/18/2013


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~ Cobra ~ Return To Innocence Activation and Event Update


We will be having our Return To Innocence activation this Saturday. The more people participate, more will we be able to transcend the karma mind programing as a collective, release our imaginary debts to the Archons and help creating the right conditions for the divine intervention at the Event. 



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~ Gaia Portal ~ Sensitivities of all Gaia inhabitants attain High Points…


https://gaiaportal.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/gaia_energy11.jpgSensitivities of all Gaia inhabitants attain High Points, prior to commencement of next phase.

This is a vital step on path to global Ascension.

Corollaries are now abandoned; primes are on point.

Flash points have been reached; required sparks follow in short order.

Release of all projection-with-resultant-fear scenarios  is primary at this moment.

All is at Peace with Gaia.


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Earthquake Report for 12/18/2013




25 earthquakes



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Ten Reasons To Buy Local Food


Waking Times, By: Brenton Johnson, 12/16/2013

Flickr - Farmers Market - rooftop65


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Small Town Declares All-Out Offensive Against Tar Sands Port


Common Dreams, By: Lauren McCauley, 12/16/2013

(Photo: 350maine.org)


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How Big Pharma Markets to and Profits from a 'Can't-Pay-Attention Nation'


Common Dreams, By: Jon Queally, 12/16/2013


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good morning it is with great honor that we sit here on top of the great horizon of opportunity. there is much to discuss; however do not feel that this is some thing that will cause you great discomfort. we can feel there is many subjects on which to speak about, but first we want to congratulate you on succeeding our network of communication. you'll notice that it is of great value to be in constant communication with the real you. the you that we have come to know and love. there is nothing that you need feel ashamed about the YOU that we know.. everything about you is magnificent. we know it's a challenge to be in a constant stream of appreciation however there are so many benefits in doing so.


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~ Jullie Miller ~ El Morya: YOU are Already MORE than ENOUGH!


YOU are Already MORE than ENOUGH!
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ December 17 – 24, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
December 17, 2013



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By Earth Ally Soul Intent

Earlier this year, I had a very unhealthy, stressful corporate job that I hated as they felt it appropriate that employees be 1000% available when they called.  It was ruining my life.


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100′s of Studies Prove this One Plant Compound Kills Cancer, Protects Against Radiation


Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/18/2013

Fucoidan ocean 263x164 100s of Studies Prove this One Plant Compound Kills Cancer, Protects Against Radiation


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4 Natural Solutions for Anxiety Relief


Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/18/2013

chamomile 263x164 4 Natural Solutions for Anxiety Relief


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5 Tips for Naturally Staying Well and Flu-Free this Winter


Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/16/2013

tea sick flu 263x164 5 Tips for Naturally Staying Well and Flu Free this Winter


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