Breathe, People Breathe! ~Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture


Open-the-intuitive-heartBy Caroline Aguiar

No matter how far out this may seem, there is an in-depth reason for this particular post which will be short, and to the point.  My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere.

I feel urged to write about it because I’m so sure, without the slightest sliver of doubt what is transpiring within all of us, is coming to a boiling point, like a volcano waiting to explode. This friends, is a volcano of love, and indeed it’s ready to explode.

I’m in contact with my Higher Self. We’re all in contact with our Higher Self, and what has transpired within my personal experience, is that I’m able engage in conversations with it (me), at all times of the day to which I receive active responses in the way of feelings, and a deep inhalation of breath, and songs playing in my head.  My thoughts are heard.  My Higher Self is guiding me, and the integration is ongoing.

Breath work has become a focus for me. I’ve found during meditation time, or any other time, it helps to stay centered, and balanced within my heart, and my being.
This morning during meditation, I felt the presence of my Higher Self who guided me to take extra deep breaths, deeper than usual.  A great love swelled in my chest, and as I released myself to this love, I also released all resistance.  I felt complete, and total trust. With each breath, I went deeper, and deeper into my heart, and myself.

As I breathed, I felt myself moving into my physical body with incredible waves of love, which nearly brought me to the point of tears. It seemed as if at that moment, I was no longer part of my physical body.  My Higher Self was with me all the time, and while I floated inside my body, there was absolute bliss, and peace.

What I’m saying is, breathe people, and breath deep.  Focus on your heart center, and go deep within.  This is the time to merge with YOU, if you chose to do so, and release all resistance.

The Love wave, our awakening, is here. We’ve been hearing this constantly from our guides, the Ascended Masters, the angels, and our families of light.  For the first time in I don’t know how long, I said to myself, I LOVE YOU, and I meant it with all my being.   So, with much love, I encourage you to breathe!

With Love,




Thank you

mandy's picture

For sharing this. For the past 2 or so weeks i've been getting the sudden sharp breaths. At first I just thought my body needed air, but realised after several times it is always when I'm in my heart space or just still, not thinking but being. I didn't know what it was, only that it was significant. So thank you so much for telling me what it is. Love to ALL. M



gaiasdaughter's picture

Thank you for sharing.

I've often gotten (and get) pieces of songs, lots of time, funny, ironic pieces.

Or, I will get 'inside jokes' that only I know the meaning of.  I try to stay in my intuition and consequently, my timing is often really good, (not always! and when it's OFF, it's really off)

Or the current book I am reading will have an extremely 'coincidental' synchronicity, which mirrors my own life.

I love the interaction but would love to have them happen in the physical with my space family..SOON, I hope!

