~ May Energies Continue Heating Up~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, May Energies are Exciting and Intense as we anticipated! Whatever unfolds this Month it will Be in favor of the light! When we have intense energy coming in, we always have along side of this intense releases so that More Love energy can come in!  Let go Surrender, Stay Centered and Balanced, We are about to Heat Up In a BIG WAY! We will See the Impact of the Disclosure hearings in the next couple of weeks, as more and more will have the courage to step forward. The Ball is rolling and cannot be stopped! Here we Go! You can Join us In these energies today for an Exciting and Exhilarting Love Party Beginning in this Room at 1:30Pm Pacific. See You There, at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress Love The Earth Allies

2 Living ETs Working with US Government


Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada reveals:

- Some ETs Species who have visited and still visit Earth: Zeta Reticuli , Pleiadians, Orions ETs,

- Tall Whites living on US Airforce Property

- CABAL: Military Industrial Complex, Builderbergs, Cartels

- Shadow Governments, Ruling Elite, Rockerfellers, Bush etc.



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Ex-Rep. Kilpatrick ready to lead global probe of extraterrestrials


DetroitNews.com - Marisa Schultz, 4.30.13

Former U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick heard nearly eight hours of testimony on Monday.

Former U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick heard nearly eight hours of testimony on Monday. (Cliff Owen / Associated Press)

Washington — Former U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick said Monday she was ready to boldly go where others have not gone before and called for an international probe into space aliens.

After a day of hearing testimony from believers in alien life forms, Kilpatrick offered up herself to launch an effort with other countries to bring to light the existence of extraterrestrials.


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For believers, UFO truth is out there


Al Jazeera - Updated 4/30/13, Tom Ackerman



Believers in alien life call on the US government to admit that there's something out there.



UFO enthusiasts are calling on the US government to end what they say is a truth embargo over the existence of alien life.

More: Al Jazeera



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Breaking News! UFO Sightings President Bill Clinton & Hillary Investigate UFOs


Breaking News! Did President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton Investigate The UFO Phenomenon? Incredible Insight Watch Entire Hearing visit http://www.citizenshearing.org/ Permission granted to Thirdphaseofmoon from the Executive Producer Citizen Hearing Stephen Bassett.
Watch Now The Entire Film "Sirius" Click Link! http://www.yekra.com/sirius/#!/deploy...
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time. For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is "If the Congress won't do its job, the people will.

Paradigm Research Group Portal (all sites): www.paradigmresearchgroup.org
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure: www.citizenhearing.org
Disclosure Petition: www.disclosurepetition.org
X-PPAC: www.x-ppac.org
X-Conference: www.x-conference.com
Million Fax on Washington: www.faxonwashington.org
Exopolitics World Network: www.exopoliticsworld.net
Exopolitics United States Network: www.exopoliticsunitedstates.net

If you have captured anything Amazing regarding UFOs contact Thirdphaseofmoon Via Skype or Facebook!

Visit our new website www.thirdphaseofmoon.net
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/blake.cousins.3

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President Obama is Well Aware there's an ET Presence


"...and so when we successfully petitioned the White House and they had to respond is possible that they gave such a rigid fixed almost indefensible position NOT because they are ignorant but because that was the best thing they could do to help us out..i just trow that out cause these things are so much more complicated than you might think... "


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5/3/2013 -- M5.7 Solar Flare -- Eastern Limb -- not earth directed


A fairly impressive upper M-class flare occurred today (May 3, 2013) .. occurring on the Eastern Limb of the sun, not directly facing earth.

Still, a fairly cool shot of the event seen on the SDO via helioviewer.


M-Class :


Not Earth directed :



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WOW, Amazing Footage of Our One of our Scout Ships Captured April 21st 2013


Thanks to Bill Ballard


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Visitors From Outer Space, Real or Not, Are Focus of Discussion in Washington


The New York Times - 5/03/13, Andrew Siddons

WASHINGTON — While President Obama was promoting an immigration overhaul in Mexico, six former members of Congress gathered two blocks from the White House to consider what they see as the enforced government secrecy surrounding another kind of visitor: the kind who come from a lot farther away.

Rich Pedroncelli/Associated Press

Mike Gravel, a former senator from Alaska, above in 2007, appeared this week on a panel to discuss extraterrestrial life.


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Citizen Hearing On Disclosure: Pilots Testify To UFO Encounters (Live Updates Day 5)


Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 5/03/13


A panel of pilots gives testimony on the final day of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure in Washington, D.C.


A former FAA official as well as private, commercial and military pilots are on tap to testify on UFO encounters as the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD) at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., draws to a close.





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Wildfire Nearly Triples Overnight


Weather.com - 5/04/13, AP

A firefighter battles the wildfire near the farmland along a hillside in Point Mugu, Calif. AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu


CAMARILLO, Calif. -- A wildfire tearing through a coastal region in Southern California nearly tripled in size as high temperatures fueled the flames, but a fire official said early Saturday that a favorable shift in the weather will likely help crews make progress against the flames.

The fire 50 miles northwest of Los Angeles mushroomed to 43 square miles Friday as 900 firefighters used engines, aircraft, bulldozers and other equipment to battle the flames.

Video and more: Weather.com


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Heavenletter #4544 - Truth Shining Like a Star


Heaven Letters Published on: May 4, 2013

God said:

In Heaven, what is true is true. On Earth, what is true depends. In other words, what may be seen as true in the world is undependable. It depends who says it, who sees it, who wants it. In the world, truth depends on many reversible matters. Truth in the world changes according to point of view and vantage.

Many may well see two points of view or more. Many may see only one point of view, and that would be their own.

Everyone on Earth can be self-righteous, can say that his or her point of view is the only correct one. But that’s just it. In the world, many points of view can be correct, simply depending upon one point of view or one’s current point of view.

In the world, there is room for all.


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Volcanic activity worldwide 3 May 2013: Fuego, Popocatépetl, Tungurahua, Sakurajima, Nevado del Ruiz


Volcano Discovery Friday May 03, 2013 16:51 PM

Seismic signal from Ruiz this morning (OLL station, INGEOMINAS)

Seismic signal from Ruiz this morning (OLL station, INGEOMINAS)

Current seismic signal from RETU station (IG)

Current seismic signal from RETU station (IG)



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Large Tornado Hits Northern Italy (Video)


Weather.com - Jon Erdman, 5/04/13

Tornado, Huge Hail Pelts northern Italy

A supercell thunderstorm spawned at least one tornado in the Italian province of Modena, southeast of Milan on May 3, 2013. According to ModenaOnline, twelve buildings were damaged by a tornado near Castelfranco Emilia. We have the photos, video, and weather imagery from this event below.


Video: http://www.weather.com/video/giant-tornado-caught-on-cam-36539?collid=/news/top-stories


More: Weather.com





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Latest Earthquake Activity - May 4, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes



All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


May 4


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Humanity's Destiny is Set in Stone!



The Galactic Free Press Update:
Humanity's Destiny is Set In Stone


Bringing Humanity Home
Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center


The Real News and The Whole Truth


Humanity's Destiny Set In Stone

Completed 2009


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Mystical and Transformative Month of May!!! We Have Many Exciting Events this Month. On top of this We Will Have Intense Waves of 5d Frequency energy Hitting the Planet all Month Long! You thought the energy was intense in these past few months, Well Alot more is Incoming!!



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We Declare Peace On Earth ~ Love The Earth Allies




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~At the moment of quantum awakening~


~ Taken from the writings of Ken Carey ~



"At the moment of quantum awakening, change will occur rapidly, rippling across the terrestrial surface like a wave. Everything in the earth's gravitational field will be affected in some way. There will be a time of massive change, of change on a scale that has no historical precedent, though it does have antecedents in the prehistoric events of this and of distant worlds. The changes that your generation will experience before it passes the torch to another are more fundamental than those that accompanied the agriculture revolution-and those changes took thousands of years. They are more far-reaching than the changes of industrialization, which took nearly three centuries to transpire. Yet, deep and fundamental, massive though these present changes are, they will occur within the span of just a single life.


Properly understood, these changes and their coming have the ability to inspire a degree of hope and optimism unprecedented in the history of your race; for they spell the end of mankind's subconscious condition and therefore portend, as the scriptures of the world foretell, an end to bloodshed, starvation, warfare, exploitation, and needless suffering.



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Interview with the Pleiadians: Increased Energy, Expanding upon Dedication and the Various Laws of Manifestation


 by Wes Annac

Wes Annac: Hello on this day, dear friends. Per the discussion we were beginning to have as I drifted off into peaceful meditation, I would like to know about scripted nature of our reality as it plays out currently.

The Pleiadian High Council: With Love, we will be happy to provide our perspective on this matter for you and all absorbing this communication. As we were beginning to discuss with you, your reality plays out in a scripted manner, yet in one that is being Created and determined by you in each and every moment.

Dearest Wesley, we trust you remember the “choose your own adventure” stories you read as a child. Correct? (1)

Wes: Indeed I do, dear friends.

A Scripted yet Fluid Reality

PHC: Your existence on this Earth is much like the format those stories were given in.


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Oracles and Healers May 3, 2013

Click to visit the original post

Reblogged from The Creator Writings:

You will reach a point when who loves you or who does not love you is no longer important. At that time you can say, “I am love, therefore, it is enough”. ~ Creator


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May 2013 Shift ~Gateways bringing in 5D


An update on why the energies are getting intense. Apologies for the length, I have a lot to share and it's been a long month of gateway activations.

Strong photonic 5D frequencies are coming in right now and the shifts they are creating are becoming evident to the awake and ascending. This is part of the triple-eclipse gateway, and there are many things you can do to participate in a big acceleration of the Ascension process of HUmanity, the kingdoms and elementals during this time.

This is a lengthier video on the details of what is occurring -- these frequencies are coming in from Galactic Center carrying activation of the Divine HUman template, the Source Light within us and our true Creator skills. Expect Solar Heart activation and Cosmic Christ experiences as we release the core suffering within ourselves. This is an opportunity to realize the Self-as-Source; it empowers you beyond any false externally-imposed limitations.

Let us use this cosmic trigger to accelerate the Shift in Consciousness to Unity, Harmony and Unconditional Wisdom of LoveLight Intelligence right now.

I AM sending all of us so much love and supreme light during this challenging time. We are so very close to unfolding a brilliant new phase of the paradigm shift -- please don't get lost in the woes of the new light frequencies. This is a time to BE with the new light, listen to it, and anchor it into the collective with love, grace and divine purpose.

*** I feel this gateway is very important (hence the long video) and extend the Ascension eCourse at the returning client rate ($222) to anyone who has been wavering about taking the Course. You must sign up by May 10 and participate this month. As always, it's not about watching the videos, it's about your journey to freedom and empowerment.

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A Net of Love ~ The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn





Have you forgotten who you are, my child? Has the illusion robbed you of all memories of what you are? Your soul is an immortal[ Eternal] part of All-that-is. You are a part of ME and connected with me like with an invisible thread. Nothing can severe this thread, also illusion can’t. It has covered you with such a thick fog, that you believe you are alone, separated from me. Let your light shine like a sun and the fog will dissolve. You will rediscover our connection and you will also detect, that you are not only connected with me, but that you are also connected with every other Being in Creation like with an invisible net. This net is called Love, my child, because this is the substance you are made of. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/


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5-3-13 Bill Ballard ~ GateKeepers and Current Earth Energies ~ Glad April 2013


Wasn't April's Energies Fun??? NOT.. haha! WE just went through some MAJOR clearing of old energies, memories, Karma and crapola to clear from this planet... With that we have entered a much more refined and higher vibrational frequency for all to experience who wish for that experience...


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Awakened Me


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The Wilde Weekly: The Love of God




Zen-Haven May 2 2013

SW_GodlightThe love of God keeps you safe, but first this:

What we call God is a celestial light that gives rise to the myriad dimensions of heaven that are located inside the holographic fields-upon-fields. Every grain of sand contains all the heavens and hells inside it.

But very few people have ever seen the celestial light, one person in a million maybe, or maybe one in ten million, so it is hard for humans to believe in God as a light.

Humans can garner a lot of the light and then a human may become God to other humans: Buddha, Shiva, Jesus etc. But no one human can garner all of the light, for it stretches beyond this universe into a trillion other universes that no human from earth has ever been into or even seen.

Light moves at 300,000 kilometers a second; it might move even faster in the heavens. If, in one special instant in time, a human suddenly became all of the light, by the time they sat down for a cup of tea to mull it over, the light would be 200 million kilometers further away. Interesting eh? No human can keep up with the God-light, our brains are too slow and it’s too fast.


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Believe in UFOs? Highlights of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure



 by Alexandra Petri on May 3, 2013 at 8:56 am

One panelist theorized that the ones who don't look humanoid visit Jupiter instead. (Eric Draper/AP)

One panelist theorized that the ones who don’t look humanoid visit Jupiter instead. (Eric Draper/AP)

“Eye-opening, huh?”

As conversation-starters go, this is the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure equivalent of “So, what do you do?”

I nod. “I have a lot to Google,” I say.

This is true. Majestic 12. Project Mogul. Chem Trails. One thing leads to another. It’s like the conspiracy equivalent of Netflix Recommends.


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Ken Carey's Book ~Starseed Transmissions~


~Excerpt from Ken Carey's Book ~Starseed Transmissions~

~Our mission is to bring a pre-fall state of awareness to all human beings who are able to respond, however different they may be, whatever background they may have come from, using whatever conceptual structures seem appropriate. These individuals will then be instructed to translate this awareness into forms of informational exchange appropriate to their respective cultural situations.

Eventually, the psychic pressure exerted by a critical mass of humanity will reach levels that are sufficient to tip the scales. At the moment, the rest of humanity will experience an instantaneous transformation of a proportion you cannot now conceive. At that time, the spell which was cast on your race thousands of years ago, when you plunged into the worlds of good and evil, will be shattered forever. Even now, with the healing influx of new information, the spell is beginning to lift. The materalizing force fields of bondage and limitation are beginning to loose their influence on consciousness.

Do you want to know more about ET's? Do you want a definition of angels? We are you, yourself, in the distant past and future. We are you as you were, would have been and still are, had you not fallen from your original state of grace.


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~ Ken Carey Visions~ A Call For Humanity to Awaken











~In the Beginning of all the worlds, long ago, yet still, the Eternal One IS. Beyond temporal distinction, above Location, behind all manifestation, is the ALL, the Totality, the Holy Source and Creator of ALL that Later Came.



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Jamye Price ~ The Energies Of May



Crystalline Soul Healing

Transformation.  It’s here, inside of you.  Can you feel it?  Is it knocking loudly or whispering?  I find that if I can attend to the whispering I usually don’t end up with as many hard knocks! But life forms as the most beneficial for your Ascension and rather than resist the hard knocks (which is a perspective), your work is to flow as easily as possible with the changes and appreciate the transformation in whatever way it comes.  That can be challenging sometimes, especially if you’re dealing with consistent physical or emotional pain.  Yet your work is to shift into a perspective that begins to build new form.  It’s not the popular process.  It’s not the easiest process since it requires trust, patience and not controlling outcomes or others.  We are constantly balancing our internal perspective to an open, yet focused beam of Loving Light.  That takes fortitude when you see all that is going on around you in the world.  Yet something is brewing within.  You.


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~Schedule one of these Amazing Life Changing Sessions!! Today~


~Humanity we are Here for you for your Real Awakening~












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Did You Know: Natural Cancer Treatments are Hidden from You – But Why? by Paul Fassa


mnhopkins.blogspot Friday, May 3, 2013

Source:   http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ryders-Army-Childhood-Cancer-Awareness/558890637473772

By Paul Fassa

Natural Society,   3 May 2013

The recent Texas Medical Board attacks on Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who has been highly successful at curing hopeless cancer victims in his Houston research clinic, brought to mind an interview quote from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. He referred to the cancer industry’s attitude toward treating cancer outside the medical mafia’s zone of standard care. “It’s beyond a double standard. It’s more like the twilight zone,” he exclaimed.


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No Longer Bound


No Longer Bound

opalescentwords Maryann Rada


A new feeling is about to overtake the world, and every person on it. When you see the light in the sky that emanates from a new source, you will know the time is upon you for a return to your old ways of knowing, and a new way of being in the matrix of Earth. It is of this time that we would like to communicate with you today, as it is coming on the next wave of time’s relentless surge upon the shores of your consciousness. In a manner of speaking, it is upon you now. On the count of three, you can open your eyes and see it. One... two...


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Winter Storm Achilles: Historic May Snow


Weather.com - 5/04/13


Winter Storm Achilles delivered historic amounts of snow for the month of May to the Midwest and even parts of the South.

On May 2, Achilles dumped over a foot of snow from north-central Iowa to southeast Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

Video and more: Weather.com



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7-year-old's book recounts trip 'To Heaven After the Storm'


KSL.com - 9/09/12, Mark Thornhill, NBC News

Kim Hunt, Ari Hallmark and Lisa Reburm. (Photo: "To Heaven After the Storm" Facebook page)


HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — A 7-year-old girl from Alabama lost five family members in a tornado last year, and now she's sharing her incredible experience. In a book Ari Hallmark wrote, she describes seeing her family in heaven.



I the book, called "To Heaven After the Storm," Ari recounts the April 27, 2011 tornado that leveled her grandparents' home, claiming the lives of her parents, her paternal grandparents and her cousin Jayden Hallmark.


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Steve Beckow: Buildup and Release


Steve Beckow

AwfulPhoto: Awful? I thought you said an owl-ful.

It’s my private belief that some of us, or perhaps many of us, I don’t know, are being drawn through the eye of the needle at this time.

I’m at this moment going through a process that feels as if I’m like a tube of toothpaste being squeezed and everything at the end of the tube is blackness.

It’s as if everything black, everything bad, everything evil inside me from whenever it hails is gathering at the end of the toothpaste tube and spilling out.

I believe this is a time when all the things that went wrong in our lives, all the misbegotten patterns of behavior, everything we’ve been complaining about, every perpetration we ever did, every foul thing we said or thought is coming up to be re-experienced and released. Or maybe just released. Don’t know yet.

I don’t say this to alarm others. Quite the contrary. I say it to reassure them. If I can go through this, and go through it publicly, woodenhead that I am, anyone can.


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pleiadedolphininfos Saturday, May 4, 2013 by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013


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Questions re Boston Bombings - Dave Lindorff on Nation of Change


I find it fascinating how in incidents like these the Official Spin just seems to spiral out of control revealing more holes and laying bare more questions than "they" attempt to silence.  This is a very sober perpsective.

Dr Moe




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The New Human Soul Merging!



alloy energy


Demanding.  I think we forget to allow ourselves to be demanding in this life, spiritually speaking of course.  I had to reschedule 6 precious people yesterday because I was flat-out down…. again.  So many of us are sitting on the edge of our seat, wanting to know, at least a little, of what is happening within us now.  We know its huge.  We know this because of the way we feel and the way we are intuiting it all.  Tiny amounts of understanding was given as I rescheduled my first two appointments…

In my first appointment, we talked about the significance of the present sun flares and the specific energy they are releasing to all this precious world.  Then I heard the words slide off my tongue and I got sad.  It will be a three-day event to settle in.  Man!!!  I also understood there is nothing any aspect of life can do to show us what this means to us yet, because, until it is settled in and we start to make up our minds what we will do with life now, no one even on the other side of the veil, knows, at least, specifically.


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SuperSize Your Vegetables with Wood Chips & Rock Dust in Your Garden – 4 May 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on May 4, 2013

Uploaded on 7 September 2012 by growingyourgreens John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you how you can double your yields in your garden by using wood chips and rock dust. In this video John visits the Amazing Permaculture Garden http://youtu.be/GXEcjWE_Xjs to share with you exactly how they are growing super-sized vegetables. After watching this video you will know how you can start super sizing your vegetables today.


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Celebrate And Be Joyous


Sirian Heaven Posted on Mai 4, 2013 by Sirian Heaven


Reblogged from The Creator Writings

Click to visit the original post

Human emotions, linear time, movement of your human body and all that goes with it. With these moments of pure humanness, how can you say you are not blessed with one of the most wondrous gifts The Universe has to offer? Celebrate and be joyous! You have chosen well, my love. ~ Creator


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Mid-Level Solar Flare Emitted By The Sun


REdOrbit - May 4, 2013


Image Caption: A burst of solar material leaps off the left side of the sun in what’s known as a prominence eruption. This image combines three images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured on May 3, 2013, at 1:45 pm EDT, just as an M-class solar flare from the same region was subsiding. The images include light from the 131-, 171- and 304-angstrom wavelengths. Credit: NASA/SDO/AIA

Ann Albers ~Messages From Ann And The Angels ~ 4 May 2013


ann-albers_2012_smMessage from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

The question, dear ones, is never “How much God does God love you?” but rather, “How much do you love and honor yourselves?” How much love are you willing to bring love to the surface in your lives? How much do you feel you are worth? How deeply do you believe that the power that created you sees your good heart, your pure intentions, and the love attempting to surface beneath your not so pure intentions? Dear ones God – the Love that creates you and sustains you – is present in every facet of creation, in equal measure, just waiting to be allowed to come to the surface, much in the same way the potential to be an oak exists within an acorn, and the potential to bloom into a rose exists even amidst cut branches and sharp thorns. You are the ones that will decide how much of that love you will embrace and experience.


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Eta Aquarid meteor shower radiant point


earthsky.org- 5/4/3, Deborah Byrd


The radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is near the star Eta in the constellation Aquarius the Water Bearer.


The radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is near the star Eta in the constellation Aquarius the Water Bearer


The Eta Aquarid meteor shower follows so closely behind April’s Lyrid meteor shower that it tends to be overlooked each year. Don’t overlook it! The shower might be an even better one than the Lyrids since there will be less moon in the sky.


Link: Earthsky.com




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'Deathbed Testimony' About UFOs Given By Former CIA Official 2013


Published on May 3, 2013


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Somalia famine killed close to 260,000 people, report says


The Extinction Protocol, 5/2/13




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Sacred Spiral Of Light ~ Eileen ~ Bill Ballard






This video is great to watch for the swallow tail kite flying above Bill  (which is a wonderful sign! )… and his fabulous accent .. especially when he says `Exposez’  ☺.. which , I feel, is a great word for what many are doing in exposing the truth … or what David Icke calls the `truth vibrations’ … as well as what Bill Ballard actually has to say too which is very interesting particularly, I feel, what he has to say about `family’ … and also what he has to say about the current energies as what he says is how I felt yesterday when I was out and heard the words … `we’re doing this.’

The kite totem meaning:

Kites (Swallow-Tailed)


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School in Washington declares "Sun Day"


School in rainy Washington state closes for rare 'sun day' By Jonathan Kaminsky, Reuters Share on facebookShare on stumbleuponShare on liveShare on farkMore

Sharing Services(Fotolia)



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Waterspout Becomes Tornado



Published on May 3, 2013 by StormMaster17




May 3, 2013 - Near West Palm Beach, Florida, a waterspout became a tornado when it moved overland, and left behind some property damage.



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“Cycles And Rhythms. Mini-Reading For May 3, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.


Angels and Cupcakes Posted on May 3, 2013 by bella7xoxo


☽ All the Universe moves according to elegantly flowing patterns.  The tide ebbs in and out.  The phases of the moon meticulously transition and repeat themselves as they progress alongside the  passing of the days of the month.  The planets dance around the sun, the stars align, our bodies-ours and Gaia’s-reflect inwardly and outwardly the effects of these rhythms and cycles.  We are constantly in motion, forever evolving.  As there are no accidents and only synchronicities, we perform in perfect harmony to the musical heartbeat of the Universe.


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May 2013 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris


Lee's May forecast - full transcription found at www.leeharrisenergy.blogspot.com

More from Lee and info on his upcoming live events - www.leeharrisenergy.com

Music from 'Shifts' by Dan Burke (www.shiftsmusic.com)
Mandala art and animation by Dana at Nine Tomatoes (www.ninetomatoes.com)


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Heavy showers and damaging winds hammer Tasmania


Weatherzone, By: Drew Casper-Richardson, 05/04/2013


A vigorous cold front has brought damaging wind and the heaviest May rainfall in up to 13 years for parts of Tasmania.


During Friday a strong cold front blasted its way across the Apple Isle. Winds gusted over 100km/h at many locations with the passage of the front. On Friday afternoon Scotts Peak Dam gusted to 122km/h with Mt Wellington and Maatsuyker Island both reaching 109km/h. Hobart wasn't spared from the wind with a gust of 102km/h at 3:40pm. Damaging wind gusts lasted until the small hours of Saturday morning for some parts. Tasman Island gusted to 113km/h and Cape Grim 109km/h before the sun came up. At 10am, Tasman Island was still recording gust of over 100km/h.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Melbourne's coldest day since October


Weatherzone, By: Rob Sharpe, 05/04/2013


Gusty and cold southerly winds are bringing a chilly Saturday to Melbourne with winter clothing coming out of the closet. A strong cold front reached Melbourne last night dropping 2mm of rain and bringing a southwesterly change. Winds gusted to 67km/h with the arrival of the front.


The mercury is struggling to rise today as cloud and a cold air mass will keep the temperature below 15 degrees for most or all of the day. At 9am, 12 degrees felt like only nine degrees in the fresh winds.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Fires, Floods, and Heavy Snow: an Extreme May Weather Situation


Wunderground.com - 5/3/13, Dr. Jeff Masters


Figure 1. Residents look on as a back fire set by firefighters consumes the hillside behind their homes as a wildfire burns on May 2, 2013 in Newbury Park, Calif. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)



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3MIN News May 4, 2013: Highest-Energy Light Gamma Burst Ever (Apr27)



Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on May 4, 2013


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Alaska Volcano's Earthquakes Explain Puzzling Eruption


wunderground.com By: Becky Oskin Published: May 3, 2013

USGS The 2009 eruption of Alaska's Redoubt volcano.


Before Alaska's Redoubt volcano erupted with an incredible series of explosions in March 2009, the mountain kept residents on edge for months.


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Look Up for Halley’s Comet Shower this Weekend Heavy showers and damaging winds hammer Tasmania


Nationalgeographic, By: Andrew Fazekas, 05/03/2013




Halley’s Comet won’t swing by Earth for another 48 years, but you won’t have to wait that long to watch bits of the iconic comet zip across our skies. That’s because this weekend Earth smashes into a stream of material, known as the Eta Aquarid meteors, shed from the speedy iceberg in years past.


Coming through the inner solar system every 76 years, Halley melts a bit from the heat of the sun and sheds some pounds as gas, dust, and rocks break off.  All this material then gets deposited in clouds of debris which follow the same orbit as the comet.


For more on this story visit www.nationalgeographic.com


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Angel Wings and Unicorns May 4, 2013



Name means: Glory of God
Angel of Passion, grace, beauty and harmony
Crystal: Moonstone
Patron Angel of Feminine Support.

She is a nurturing mother able to care for you and create miracles. Haniel shows you how to live up to your highest potential. She can also help you find hidden talents and help you polish your skills. Haniel shows you how to honour your natural cycles, moods and rhythms. Ask Haniel to help you when you feel bad about yourself or unsure about a decision.



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In5D ~ Ascension Symptoms: DNA Upgrade ~ 4 May 2013



The following is part of a series on ascension symptoms and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. In this segment, DNA upgrades will be addressed.

The tissue of our bodies is made up of cells. The cells are made up of molecules and this goes on and on until the subatomic level is reached. At the subatomic level, the templates or blueprints are formed for our bodies. The probabilities of what we can do are created at the subatomic level. There are changes being made at this level as the Earth Changes occur and as the axis shift occurs on the planet. These changes are due to occur very soon. During this period of an axis shift, past types of behavior and past ways of arranging matter will not be available.


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UFO Sighting Report – Mundaring (20th April) – 4 May 2013


Posted by: gpryceless


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Angel Wings and Unicorns  May 4, 2013



Name means: Messenger of God
Angel of Children, Creativity and Good News
Crystal: Amethyst

Patron Angel of all who work in the field of communications, postal workers and the clergy.
Archangel Gabriel is the messenger Angel. She supports writers and journalists. Gabriel supports publishing articles and books. Gabriel also helps you tap into the power of God’s love that pours through you. She helps you feel safe in your power and protects you in all ways. Gabriel also works with mothers and children. She is related to conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting. Gabriel helps you connect with your inner child.




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Wake up Humans it’s time ~Archangel Raphael through M. Gamma ~


AARaphael-II(Translated on the 04.05.2013, original language German)

My beloved humans on earth. It’s time you realize that I’m not just a Archangel, but also a creature of God. A creature of God like you are. I am not more or less the you are. This is something you always have to understand and this is so important.


You have been left to long with wrong knowledge about us and our task’s only to misguide you about your beliefs about the church, the religion or the pope. The pope himself is only a puppet for the men that are controlling the affairs and the processes on earth. They try in different ways to manipulate and show you how weak and insignificant you are.

Soon you will realize that you are great and wonderful creatures of God. Creatures with mighty powers and possibilities to control and influence things. With control I mean this only in a positive way, I know that you are aware of that. (chuckle).

It’s about time that you realize, that the long time of oppression and destruction is coming to a end. It is important that you realize that it’s impossible to be happy in a environment like this, because there is no fertile ground, when you always destroy it over and over again.


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Angel Wings and Unicorns  May 4, 2013



Name means: Secret of God
Crystal: Clear Quartz
Angel of Spiritual insight

Archangel Raziel is the Archangel of clairvoyance, spiritual understanding, and in reclaiming your power. His aura holds all the colours of the rainbow like a beautiful prism of light. He is a wizard and an alchemist. Call on Raziel to soul travel in your dreams. Raziel can also help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways



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A Message from The Earth Allies~Real Love is Simply This...~




Real Love Simply is this…..LOVE IS REAL because it is WHOLE…Peace is Real because it is balance…GOD IS REAL because HE~SHE is Eternal…What is not Eternal,Whole, and Balanced is not REAL…It does not exist…and has no consequence at all…Our task is to Reveal what is REAL…As we do this , we Reveal the nature of what isn't…It is that simple..


Spirituality is not an escape….its function is to lead to THE TRUTH…You see even an Ego can use spirituality for its own purposes…just as anything else…Fear is nothing more than a self imposed block to the Experience of Love…In illusion Humanity chose to see themselves contrary to Who They Truly were..NOW THIS IS ALL CHANGING~


..IN TRUTH HUMANITY IS THE EXPERIENCE OF Love, LIGHT, BRILLIANCE AND TRUTH…fear [ the shadow and cave humanity has been hiding in] is an attempt to block the vision of themselves…to not see themselves as they truly are[stepping outside of the cave they will] …



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Angel Wings and Unicorns May 4, 2013


Name means: Whom God Helps
Angel of Comfort and Grief
Crystal: Yellow Calcite
Patron Angel of the Clergy.

Archangel Azrael’s role is primarily to cross people over to heaven at the time of physical death. Azrael comforts people prior to their physical death, ensures they do not suffer during death, and helps them to assimilate on the other side. Call upon Archangel Azrael for support and comfort in the loss of a loved one. Azrael supports helpers, healers and counsellors. He is patient and compassionate. Ask Azrael for assistance contacting deceased loved ones



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Angel Wings and Unicorns May 4, 2013




Name means: God is light or Fire of God
Crystal: Amber/ Citrine
Angel of Ideas and Intelligence

Uriel illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings. Uriel is the Archangel that helps with natural disaster. Call upon Archangel Uriel to help in these events, or to heal and recover in their aftermath. Defender of the element of earth and of the north. Angel of nature, visions and instruction and the custodian of prophecy, spiritual understanding, students and can be called upon to help with their tests, studies and problem solving. Archangel Uriel is the Archangel of claircognizance. He can enlighten our minds with divine inspiration. If you have repetitive thoughts or ideas that are positive, loving, and helpful, Uriel is speaking to you. Uriel wants you to know that you already know what to do. He will help light each step along the way, one at a time. The Angel of Wisdom and Ideas.
A patron Angel of literature and music



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Angel Wings and Unicorns May 4, 2013




Name means: Beauty of God
Crystals: Dark Pink
Angel of Patience, Wisdom and Illumination
Archangel Jophiel is a beautiful, loving and caring Archangel. She helps you clear spaces and make them new. Jophiel sees beauty in everything and everyone and inspires you to do the same. Spend more time outdoors to be close to Jophiel. Jophiel blesses us with grace and peace in our lives. She encourages you to savour and enjoy every moment, slow down, and appreciate life’s everyday miracles. Jophiel helps you with study and exams
Patron Angel of artists.
Archangel Jophiel is creating my heart’s desire



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