~ Movement has Occurred~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings,  The Release was a Success and We will Continue to see the effects of this Movie in the weeks and Months Ahead! Seeing the interviews with the Director of the Movie Sirius and the Narrorator Was Brilliant. They revealed many code words, which were Important for the Lights Movement. Such as the Biggest Conspiracy On this Planet are ego's!!!! They also felt this Movie was the very beginning of Disclsoure and we Agree! Here We Go Everyone!


If You have not made a donation this month, thank you for sharing and keeping us going. We are still over 1350$ Behind and 7 days remain for us to Make our goal.  We are Soley Supported By All of You!  http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate


Earth Day the Canadian way: A drum circle and bonfire in Innisfil



Tonight at eight o'clock EST we turned off all the lights in the house, even going so far as to unplug the TV, and grabbing our hand drums and tambourines off the wall, we headed over to next door neighbour Gary's house. There in the backyard, at the end of the garden, his fire pit was glowing and crackling with a roaring fire, while the steady sound of drums could be heard from his CD player.

Gary wore his First Nations jacket and a cowboy hat. He practically lived at the fire pit at the end of his garden, where he had built a 'man cave' out of old pieces of wood and plywood. Ever since his heart attack Gary says he can't sleep indoors. On all but the coldest nights he sleeps in the cabin, where a little space heater and the heat from his nightly fires keeps him toasty warm.

Inside his sleeping bag he says he doesn't feel the cold too much. His wife, inside the house in their warm modern home, has long since given up on trying to get him to come inside. He just likes it better out at the little cabin, where he can sit by the fire and watch the night sky and listen to his songs, he explains. And he can't breathe inside the house...ever since the heart attack he can't seem to breathe so well when he tries to sleep inside.


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Upcoming appearances by Dr. Greer:


Upcoming appearances by Dr. Greer:
Washington DC - April 29, 2013
7pm at the National Press Club

Dr. Greer will speak and then the Sirius Film will be shown at 8 pm 
Admission is free - first come / first serve.
There are only 250 seats. 

VA Premiere of "Sirius" in Charlottesville VA with an introduction by Dr. Greer
May 9, 2013 - 7:30 pm 12th anniversary of the National Press Conference Event that set Disclosure in motion - The Paramount - 215 East Main on the Downtown Mall 
Tickets available: click here.


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Sirius Movie - Live Premiere

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Sirius Movie, Facebook


Just went onto the Sirius page on Facebook, and this is what one person said:   Today is o4-22-2013 = 4+2+2+1+3 = 4+4+4 is the number of the matter universe = 1+2+3+4=10 = the pythegorean tetraktys = the whole unit of universe = God.  Sounds pretty 555-ish to me   (Angel number of the Day)  Love and Joy, Belinda...


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 23, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes
Map of the 5.5 quake in KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 23




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Winter Storm Zeus: More Rockies, Midwest Snow


Weather.com - 4/22/13, Chris Dolce

Joel Krochalk, clears his driveway Friday morning, April 19, 2013 while surrounding by deeply drifted snow in his and neighboring yards, in Duluth, Minn. (AP Photo/The Duluth News-Tribune, Bob King)

We are now a month past the official start of spring and some parts of the central United States can't shed the feeling of winter. 

Specifically, in the last two weeks we've seen three named winter storms (Walda, Xerxes, Yogi) spread significant snow in parts of the Rockies, Plains and Upper Midwest.

Video and more: Weather.com


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4MIN News April 23, 2013: Eclipse Thursday




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers




Published on Apr 23, 2013


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Volcanic activity worldwide 22 Apr 2013: Stromboli, Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popoc...


Volcano Discovery Monday Apr 22, 2013 18:23 PM

Webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

Webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

Current seismic recording from Nevado del Ruiz (OLL station, INGEOMINAS)

Current seismic recording from Nevado del Ruiz (OLL station, INGEOMINAS)


Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): Magma stands high inside the conduits. A small overflow is occurring from the NE crater. The lava flow reaches about 100 meters length at the moment. Tremor and explosion signals are moderate to elevated.


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Visionkeeper - We Must Open Our Eyes….


One World Rising Posted on April 23, 2013



Reading music below:


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More Rain Headed for Midwest Flood Zone


Weather.com - 4/22/13, AP and Weather.com

Louisiana, Mo.

A restaurant sits surrounded by floodwater Saturday, April 20, 2013, in Louisiana, Mo. AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

GRAFTON, Ill. (AP) -- The Mississippi River is topping out at some problematic spots, but there is growing concern that spring floods are far from over.

The river was at or near crest at several places Sunday between the Quad Cities and near St. Louis. Some towns in the approximate 100-mile stretch of river from Quincy, Ill., to Grafton, Ill., reached 10-12 feet above flood stage.

More: Weather.com.


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Yeshua ~ Keep Steady Amongst the Turbulence and Ride It Out Into the Calm of Peace and Love


~Fran Zepeda ~

Note from Fran:  A big huge loving Thank You for all the support, love and healing energy so many of you have given me recently. I have felt it deeply and my heart overflows with your generosity and friendship. I am happy to be returning once again to channeling! Much gratitude to you and to Yeshua, who gives us a message below ♥.


Hello dear ones. I greet you yet again with all the Love in my heart.  I bring you this message today so you can further clear yourselves and proceed further on your chosen path. You have reached a period of deep refinement along your path of ascension and creation.

There comes a time when assessment must be made as to clarity of purpose and intent, dear ones.  You are beginning to see from a much wider perception and so adjustment must be made, as always, and with new acceptance, in order to expand your impact upon your lives and upon the world around you.


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The Rule of the Ten Thousand












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Fulford: Three More Major Terrorist Incidents Threatened After Boston and Texas


DEUS NEXUS Posted by Deus Nexus on April 22, 2013

Reposted From: Benjamin Fulford.

A member of the Japanese Yakuza was contacted by members of the cabal last week and told to inform the White Dragon Society that “after Kennedy and Bush would come Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and one other.” Since the Boston terror psy-ops included a bombing of the Kennedy Library and the missile attack in Texas took place close to the Bush ranch, the warning seems to be a hint that some major attacks linked to these two other presidents and “one other,” were planned for the near future.

Somebody has also placed a $1 billion bet on a major US stock market plunge this week in what may be a sign of foreknowledge of further major terrorist events, according to an MI5 source.


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Kryon - World Affairs - 4/20/13 by Anna Merkaba


pleiadedolphininfos Posted April 22, 2013


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Sirius Premiere - Ustream - VOD - DVD




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I am a much different creature than I was only a week ago. I know that, and everyone I encounter knows it. I walk into a room, and people ease. I want to see people whole, and I do, and it's fun to walk around in a no-shame zone. I like it. People respond very well to the absence of shame. It's like a little light goes on in their eyes when they get it, around me. There comes a little spark of unexpected permission, and then, there it comes, there it comes shining forth, the naughtiness dispelled, and then, for a minute or maybe even longer, we are in a safe place, and we are just two folks who just know something nice, and the two of us are saying this to each other, over and through and under what is being said are done: You can't do it wrong. You are awesome as is, just like this, and You're pretty funny, and, by the way, You're awfully good looking.


And I like it. And others do too.


Now, this peace has been accompanied with visions and lots of awesome light shows, for which I will always have deep gratitude. I made it plain about two weeks ago: BE OBVIOUS. I put it out there that from here on, I want to KNOW what is going on, I want to be TALKED TO, I want lots of visits and talking, and I want as much slidy magic as biggermind knows I can tolerate without having to check into a psych hospital. I won't have to go to the hospital if I know what the fuck is going on so, big as day, I declared that I want it hard and I want it fast, but I want it all subtitled.


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Blazing river~ Just Let Go


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Sirius Premier Movie Tonight - free live stream.


wordpress banner
April 22, 2013

Please post and circulate widely

Steve Greer
WE DID IT with your help!  THANK YOU !

Today is the long awaited Premiere for Sirius.


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Receiving Your Star Glyph - Lord of the Great Bear Star System


Lord of the Great Bear Star System - April 15th, 2013


Clarion Temple of Oneness Transcript, Dated April 15th, 2013.    To receive the transcription from Divine Mother and Father God see, http://cosmic22oness.com; to purchase the MP3 Download or participate in the live calls, see http://walkingterrachrista.com/tele-calls/.  This transcript is directly related to the Meteor Show of Love that is appearing around the world on April 22nd, 2013.  There is a powerful activation occurring within our planet starting on this date.  So take a moment to reflect whether you see the meteor shower or not.  Blessings, Mel and Mike.


My Dearest Ones, what a divine pleasure to be here with each of you.  I encompass the dimensional frequencies of the higher realms of your stars of the inter-planets and all the inner galactic of the Christed universes.  We come tonight as the Divine Pleasure to be able to share with you our Light in this manner through a voice this is very exciting for each of us.  I have with me Beings from the Andromedeans, Beings from the Sirians, Beings from Arcturus and Pleiades and many others you may see.  There are many different species here that fill the stage; and we arise your energies and our friends are in the Temple amongst each of you which is the beauty of our energies.


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Heavenletter #4533 - What God Did Instead


Heaven Letters Published on: April 23, 2013

God said:

Many questions do not bear a Yes or No answer. In terms of the relative world, the true answer to many questions would be: “It depends.” That is how it is in the relative world. Some of the laws of the land leave no leeway. There are no exceptions. There is no room left for heart to enter.

Adhering becomes a question of practicality and consistency. Should a clerk in a particular situation have the discretion to change a law according to her judgment and common sense and the love in her heart? Or must she follow the rules? The law of the land says she must. Because of this, there is the expression: The law is the law. Exceptions are frowned on. The Supreme Court is a court of last resort in the world. Yet who wants a court to decide his or her fate?


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Wind easing and showers clearing for TAS and VIC


Weatherzone, By: Brett Dutschke, 04/23/2013


Victoria and Tasmania experienced more windy and wet conditions overnight after a noticeably dry start to the month.


A blustery change moved through Tasmania and Victoria overnight bringing more wet weather to the states. The change brought wind gusts over 80 km/h and widespread rain up to 10 mm for each state. Tasmania's Cape Grim received the brunt of the strong winds gusting up to 116km/h with Wilsons Promontory producing gusts of 85 km/h in Victoria. The greatest rainfall occurred in eastern Victoria and north western Tasmania reaching around 30 mm in some areas.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Daily Tarot Reading: The Magician ~ 4/23/13


Well, I'm back to doing the daily reading. I feel like the daily reading was much more accurate, and fits into my schedule better. Today's card is the magician:





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Sunny end to a wet month in Sydney


Weatherzone, By: Rob Sharpe, 04/23/2013


Sydney has had its second wettest April in 14 years, but the sun should shine every day until the end of the month.


At the start of April many people were shocked by the return of wet weather in Sydney after a warm and dry March. Rain has fallen on 16 of the past 23 days with more than 10mm falling on five occasions. Most of this rainfall has been due to high pressure systems positioned to the south of Sydney, directing moist onshore winds before an east coast low brought rain on Saturday.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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TheOne~DreamDreamer ~Choosing Doors ~ 23 April 2013


There are two distinct Doors inside of each one. They both have the same word on it.

Love and love. There’s One Key for the Love Door and many keys for the love door.

To open the love door one can choose amongst many keys: loving their friends, relatives, children, neighbors, the need to change the world for the future generations, love god, love the enemy… be compassionate and open minded, be of service to others and sacrifice all one has to get in it. It opens with all of those keys and many more… It’s a long journey, many paths, many outcomes, many lessons, many achievements. Slow evolution.

To open the Love Door one must use the Key of Self Love. It’s the only one working. It’s solid, there’s no way one can get into it without the right Key. On the other side of that Door… All. And God. For to truly Love Ones’ Self IS TO LOVE GOD and thus ALL THAT IS. Including your friends, neighbors, relatives, children, enemies… No One can be left out once it is understood that to Love One Self IS to Love All at once. Behind that Door?

All That Is, You included, God included.

One Path, One lesson, One Outcome (All possibilities), One achievement: God expressing it Self on earth through You/Me. Peace, Freedom, Harmony and Joy.


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Sophia Love - Earth Day Manifestation


Sophia Love 04/22/2013



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MS patients increasingly use alternative treatments to improve lives


Naturalnews, By: Sherry Baker, 04/23/2013


(NaturalNews) Although they often don't let their mainstream medical doctors know it, large numbers of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) use alternative treatments such as dietary supplements, acupuncture and herbal medicine to improve their lives. Thanks to researchers at the University of Copenhagen, for the first time a major research project has been undertaken to map the use of these alternative therapies by MS patients. It's a subject of special importance to Denmark which has highest incidence of the disease worldwide.


The results of a new study were just published in two scientific journals, the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health and Autoimmune Diseases. The researchers gathered information over the course of three years from 3,800 people with MS in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland.


For more on this story visit www.naturalnews.com


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Joy


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Find pleasurable moments


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Big Story Weather – April 23, 2013


RedOrbit - 23 April 2013 - Joshua Kelly 


Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.

redOrbit Meteorologist Joshua Kelly



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The Oracle Report Tuesday, April 23, 2013


The Oracle Report


Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Libra

Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta

Today's energy produces the longing for people, places, and things.  Desires run high and our eye for beauty is keen.


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Forgive – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 23, 2013


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, April 23, 2013



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Solar Dynamics Observatory: Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes


The Watchers - 23 April 2013 - by Adonai

In the three years since it first provided images of the sun in the spring of 2010, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has had virtually unbroken coverage of the sun’s rise toward solar maximum, the peak of solar activity in its regular 11-year cycle. This video shows those three years of the sun at a pace of two images per day. SDO’s Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) captures a shot of the sun every 12 seconds in 10 different wavelengths. The images shown here are based on a wavelength of 171 Angstroms, which is in the extreme ultraviolet range and shows...


In the three years since it first provided images of the sun in the spring of 2010, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has had virtually unbroken coverage of the sun’s rise toward solar maximum, the peak of solar activity in its regular 11-year cycle. This video shows those three years of the sun at a pace of two images per day.
SDO’s Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) captures a shot of the sun every 12 seconds in 10 different wavelengths. The images shown here are based on a wavelength of 171 Angstroms, which is in the extreme ultraviolet range and shows solar material at around 600,000 Kelvin. In this wavelength it is easy to see the sun’s 25-day rotation as well as how solar activity has increased over three years.


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Sandra Walter ~Journey Of Light : Sedona Update



Week three of this Journey of Light brought a strong connection to my interdimensional, multidimensional Self. I AM very blessed to be one of those lucky people who was shown my expressions up through the higher dimensions. That was a small percentage of my Self, and I AM enjoying getting to know the true me as this journey unfolds.

Admittedly I AM feeling fatigued from all of the energy work, travel, and adjustments to different climates/habitats/community energies. The service is key, and apparently related to the upcoming Wesak Full Moon and alignments in May, connecting Shasta, Sedona and many grid systems. We can prepare for this by doing the work, clearing our subconscious baggage and ignoring any nonsensical distractions.

In this video I discuss the work, the galactic self, the effects of interdimensional amplifications and the goal of our April/May workload: ACCELERATION of the Shift to Unity Consciousness, Unconditional Love and Source Light Intelligence. More videos later this week covering multidimensional awareness, timeline play, clearing and a whole lot more.



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I AM MARY OF MAGDALENA as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday April 23, 2013

I am she who comes upon the wings of light I am Mary of Magdalena. In the days of old, many of you were in the Sacred Order of Magdalena. It was not a last name. It was a title. It was a crown. It was a knowing. In my time of living I endured much hate that was placed upon my being because of my position and training. I endured arrows of poisons that came from the eyes of others. I endured angry words. I stood high in my Light and the sacred teachings of my order. I did not trip upon my path but kept a strong heart of love. I did not beg for mercy for I knew that I stood in a light so grand and so beautiful that nothing could cause distress or cracks in my world or in my heart. I saw my light as solid, not as filaments that waft and weave in every changing breeze, but solid as a mantle.



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The Pleiadian: The Proof You Need Lies Within Your Hearts




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The Bounty of Life Reflected Thru New Choices, New Energy.


bounty of life


I do believe, we as a collective, hit the G spot of LIFE and we are now resting (or buzzing) in the afterglow!!  (smile)  For as long as I have been seeing the eclipse energies, they have always appeared equal to each other, different, but the same width and height on the field of Life, until yesterday.  But, I’ll get to that in a moment.

My first lady showed up, suitcases packed, heading off into a new direction that not only took her off her center path, but looping out to the edges of the eclipses.  I realized there is something much bigger to seeing people show up on what I will call the farther ends of the eclipses than those who are heading straight into the middle and it all seems to come down to choices.  Putting real energy into the choices of change.

This lady owns a home in Texas and has made the choice to go house sit for someone her in New Mexico for several months, the choice itself is disguised by the need to return to her acupuncturist that is in Santa Fe.  She felt the need to see him again, the moment she wondered how she can do that, she got a call to house sit.  Doncha just love when life falls together in your lap!!


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Celia Fenn ~ Archangel Michael: The New Earth Energies



Beloved Family of Light, in this time of intense Shift and Change, and Emergence, you are feeling the Turbulence of the Birthing of the New Galactic Human within the New Golden Rose Galaxy. You are becoming accustomed to the New Energies and the Frequencies of the New Reality. We would like to say to you that coping with this New reality is very Simple if you remember just One Thing – that Everything is Energy and Frequency!

It’s All About Frequency!

Finding your bearings in this New Reality and finding Peace, Harmony and Abundance is a Simple Matter of Frequency. It is a matter of Aligning with and Resonating with the Frequency of Divine Love and Compassion, the Frequency of Divine Creative Intelligence that flows from the Divine Heart.

This is not something that you have to work hard to achieve, or to study for, to suffer for or to be good enough for. You do not have to heal yourself or remove blocks, it is your birthright and you simply have to make a Choice and Step into It! It is a Frequency that is Within You, and you simply have to find it within your Heart and align your being with this Frequency.


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Awaken to the truth of who and what you are. Through Ron Head


dawn over the horn



Our focus today will be on focus.  For a very many reasons this is important for you at this time.  It is a critical tool in your toolbox, both for achieving your objectives of raising your energy and frequency, and for your protection, allowing that to happen in the best and easiest way. 


We ask you to focus, to a much higher degree, upon your path and upon your intent to always, in every moment, be feeling good.  We ask you to focus on finding more and more ways to feel good about yourselves.  We ask you to focus more and more on feeling unconditional love for all around you.


Why, other than the obvious reason that it is what you need to be doing to create a better life for you and others, do we ask this now?  We said it concerned your protection.  We wish you to focus so exclusively on these things that you do not have time to give any attention to the negative things which are occurring outside the sphere of your own particular world at this time.



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The manuscript of survival – part 302


aisha north April 23, 2013


The storm has subsided somewhat now, and the waves have quieted down compared to the much more intense surges many of you experienced only last week. This is all a part of the natural cycle of things, and you have all more or less become rather familiar with how this works by now. And this time, we think you will all feel the need to take some deep, deep breaths and savour the stillness that will follow in their wake, for this time, you have certainly been through the wringer in more ways than one. Let us assure you all that you will have become so much strengthened by this ordeal, for contrary to expectations, these intense energetic upgrades do not leave you totally floored for long now. Rather, you will feel an instantaneous relief when they subside, and not only that, you will also simultaneously feel an urge to literally get up and go. For, as usual during these very intense bouts of adjustments, anything concerning the future, whether it be imminent or more distant, seems almost impossible to even contemplate. But now, as this mental fog seems to have dissipated along with all of the physical symptoms, you will find yourself eager to set things into action.


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Suave Saturn


Eyes on the Sky- 4/22/13



There are few sights in the night sky that cause people to audibly gasp at the eyepiece of a telescope; craters on the Moon, Albireo, and a few others are up there on the list.  But almost without fail, the one object that tops that list?


With its majestic rings floating silently against a velvety black (or even slightly orange from light pollution) background, this planet evokes the wonder and awe inside many observers minds unlike other planets can.  At opposition this coming weekend, the planet will become a mainstay of evening observing from now through the end of summer.  Look for Titan, the Cassini division, and the subtle shading of the cloud tops - all covered in this video, along with observing tips on how to see this best-of-the-planets solar system object.




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Sirius Film Feat. Dr. Steven Greer By Emmy Winning Amardeep Kaleka Opens April 22



Inspired by the work of Dr. Steven Greer, directed by Emmy Award winning Amardeep Kaleka and funded by the highest documentary crowd-funding in history, 'Sirius' introduces a DNA sequenced humanoid of unknown classification to the world and sheds definitive light on the scientific reality of UFO's, ET's, and Advanced Alternative Energy Technology. 'Sirius' is narrated by actor Thomas Jane (HBO series 'Hung').

The Atacama Humanoid, from the documentary film, 'Sirius'


Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 23, 2013


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Damaging major flooding in Illinois as Mississippi River crests


Wunderground.com- 4/23/13, Dr. Jeff Masters


Figure 1. Thursday, April 18, 2013: Aerial photo provided by the U.S. Coast Guard shows the dam in Marseilles, Ill., after seven barges broke free from a tow and came to rest against the dam. (AP Photo/Courtesy of the U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 3rd Class John Schleicher.)



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