~ For the Next 3 Days we are Preparing for a Huge Influx of Light~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love BEings, For these next few days we will be preparing for some Intense Energies and Deep cleansing comes with this. Be Gentle With yourselves and Each Other! We are preparing the way for the Powerful 12~12. Through November 28-30, will also be extremly Powerful! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

Cobra on the Event and the Spiritual Liberation of the Planet Highly Recommend


NewEarth   Alan Steinfeld of New Realities talks to Cobra, a code name for a freedom fighter contactee from the Pleidians working for the liberation of the light forces on planet Earth...  His voice is also disquised because he needs to keep his identity secret at this time.



Part 1 - Cobra talk about how "Our reality is about to shift and changes will affect everybody."  This interview is about the ultimate preparation for this extraordinary time. For more about Cobra go to: 

 Part 2-  is an interview Deborah Peitsch and some of her energetic downloads of higher frequencies for the planetary ascension. Deb's website is: http://www.WakeupShiftIsHappeningtv.com

 Cobra's talk includes:
Quarantine Earth and Archon

Forces of Light and forces of darkness

Resistance Movement
New financial system

*New advanced technologies

*Galactic superwave

*Joining the Light forces

*Planetary liberation meditation


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Cobra’s Laguna Beach Conference a Success


American Kabuki shared a little about the COBRA conference yesterday in a post. Thought you might like to hear what he had to say.



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Visualization for the New Earth ~ Archangel Michael, St Germaine, Council of Angels, and the Pleadian Council of Light




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POOF for Nov. 25: Change Is Here



Nov. 25, 2012 | RMN

Greetings and Salutation:

Listen very carefully to the words of this song ["Change Is Here," video below], if you can get pass needing to hear a banjo or ‘spoons’ in everything.

Folks are out plowing thru everything said by somebody in the web. Conspiracy stories are everywhere . . . mass confusion. There is no need for it, just because you can’t decipher the players, be cool. All is in order.

Time was always on our side. The losers can always be spotted by their bad behavior. As long as the old folks stuck to the plan, they’d take a shot of oxygen and do their jobs. Who knew it would take so many D9′s to keep the runway clear?

Many folks lost their power and freedom in the last few weeks, you just didn’t hear about it. There are many ways to skin this cat, with out making a public spectacle of it. No need for the chaos of getting the masses all tripping when it’s all being handled.


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How to make Rick Simpson's Cancer Curing HempCannabis Oil (Mirror)


Cannabis has an ancient history of ritualistic use for spiritual exploration. According to one description, when the elixir of life was produced from 'samudra manthan' or 'churning of the ocean', Shiva created cannabis from his own body to purify the elixir (whence, for cannabis, the epithet angaj or body-born). Another account suggests that the cannabis plant sprang when a drop of the elixir dropped on the ground. Thus, cannabis is used by sages due to association with elixir and Shiva.

Source You Tube





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The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!



The Planetary Grid Transmissions
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse!
Wednesday~ November 28,  2012     

With unified meditation, receiving and
transmitting during 4 synchronized times:


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm
Country of India: 8 pm
Paris, France: 8 pm
New York, USA: 9 pm



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Meredith Murphy: Orienting Transmission from the Omni Heart of Creation




Telepathic Transmission ~ 24 November 2012 Invocation: I call upon the Infinite[Eternal] Oneness, the Omni Mind[Heart] of Creation, for insight and wisdom, transmissions of energy and information relevant to Earth’s unfolding newness and to our participation here with mastery and grace.


Divine Being of Light,

I speak to you as one speaks to themselves; as a powerful inner orienting voice of truth and wisdom, love and affiliation.  It is within the wholeness that we are that you know yourself best, and all experiences which you have that you find difficult are because you feel other than who you truly are.  It is this true knowing which binds us together as you enter into the difficult terrain of form and it is this knowing which expands as you give your allegiance and your recognition to it.


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Dailymotion Girl Has Crystals Coming Out Of Eyes, a video


Lebanon June, 1996

A 12 year old Lebanese Girl Has baffled medical experts by producing crystals from her eyes   Coming at the rate of seven a day, the crystals are razor sharp, but do not harm her eyes. 



Source You Tube


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If interested may read on truthout.org


Truckin’ to Treason: The Hot Air of Secession

Secession activity in Pennsylvania, mildly interesting appearance for those who like to watch such things


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The L*O*V*E * B*O*M*B - Nov 28th





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The Emerging Science Of ‘Collective Intelligence’ – And The Rise Of The Global Brain



IO9 – George Dvorsky – The Emerging Science Of ‘Collective Intelligence’ – And The Rise Of The Global Brain – 26 November 2012

Over at the Edge there’s afascinating article by Thomas W. Maloneabout the work he and others are doing to understand the rise of collective human intelligence — an emergent phenomenon that’s being primarily driven by our information technologies. We may be on an evolutionary trajectory, he argues, that could someday give rise to the global brain. And amazingly, he’s developing an entirely new scientific discipline to back his case.


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 11 November 2012



Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 26 November 2012

Beloved Ones,

It is the time of aligning within your own true selves, a time to spend in contemplation and meditation of what it is that you are to bring into the World, your gifts, your Light, to shine brightly without hiding any longer. It is most appropriate to allow yourselves as much introspective moments as is possible in the next weeks. There are still many layers of cleansing yet remaining, however, this will not be as intense to those who have been steadily and methodically doing the work of facing their dualistic nature, recognizing those traits within themselves, and releasing their limiting influence in their daily lives.


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Powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse In Gemini Nov/Dec 2012 – It’s All About Perspective – 26 November 2012


Thanks Lucas


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Heavenletter #4385 A Dance of Ascension



A Dance of Ascension

Heavenletter #4385 Published on: November 26, 2012


What is in your heart this moment? Let Me rephrase My question. What are you aware of right now in this moment that is in your heart?

If you find worry and turmoil, will you kindly bring your heart back to its natural state? You can truthfully do this by having confidence. Have confidence in Me, and have confidence in you. Picture before you a scene you would like to have before you.

Whatever the picture is that you picture it is a projection of love, is it not?

Now you know how to come back to Me. Frame a picture of love, and your heart will rise, and you will settle in a state of peace. Peace by any other name is love.

Peace and love are coming closer to the horizon before you because they are resting in a picture you have projected into your heart. Oh, how your heart likes this picture. It is as if you have given your heart a downy quilt to lie on, to be bolstered in, to be buffeted in, to be restored in, to be returned to from whence it came.


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knew a man called michael finnegan

out the door and then come in again

got a splinter in his chin again

poor old michael finnegan begin again


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Greetings from Galactic Heart~ Reflect, Release, Re-Align


As many people have noticed, Galactic Heart has not been sending out any postings this past week. I didn't know in advance that I was going to take a week off from the computer but that is what happened.

It seems Spirit had a plan. I was to take a break from the computer. I was guided to spend this past week reflecting, releasing and re-aligning~~the 3 R's.


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From My Ab (Heart)










Excerts for NOT THE TIME by Marvin Sapp.


Gospel has been one of my Comforters since my Grandma used to sing Rock of Ages every morning  before I went to school; thank you Annie Groogie.


Annie Groogie was a nice White lady who would give poor kids christmas gifts every year when my grandma was a child. My Grandma was nicknamed Annie Groogie because she was always giving or doing something for someone. It was a joke at first and it became her identity. I hope that she is proud of me. Rest in Peace.


I love this Special Place.


Love Nageeta


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BenArion: L.A. Updates - Interview with Ilya & Neil @ Temple of Light


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Twelve Journal ~ Source Will Always Send You Exactly The Right People, Places, And Circumstances To Bring You There


Larry Larson ~25 November 2012


Dear Twelve,
Something recently happened at my job that necessitated me leaving there immediately.  A person that I have to work with is unbalanced and out to ruin my reputation and certainly my happiness.  I cannot work there any longer.
I have been more connected to the God Source without her in my energy. But I have been off of work for a week and am having waves of fear about “what is going to happen to me?” Can you speak a little about fear for one’s self when one is alone, discouraged, with virtually no family?

If you are feeling more connected to Source, then this is exactly where you should be. And part of the reason you are feeling fearful and disconnected is the manner in which it happened. So we would invite you to reconsider the idea that that person was out to get you, and consider that the Universe sent them to get you out of a good place and into a better one. In other words they are your friend even though they are unpleasantly disguised.


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The Group~Steve Rother ~ Awakening the Child Within ~



Awakening the Child Within



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Battle-hardened double amputee to prospective congressional foes: 'Bring it'


US News on NBC.com Posted 11/25/2012 By Bill Briggs, NBC News contributor

Jason Reed / Reuters

Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., U.S. representative-elect for Illinois' 8th Congressional District, is pictured with other female members of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington on Nov. 14. Duckworth, a helicopter pilot in the Iraq war who was shot down and lost both her legs in the attack, is the first disabled woman to be elected to the House of Representatives.

When Tammy Duckworth steps into Congress this January for her first term, she’ll be carried by two prosthetic legs – and the potent notion that if she can survive a grenade blast while piloting a chopper, she surely can endure any political flak on Capitol Hill.


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Further Musings on Accessing the Greater Light of Our Self


Posted by Wes Annac

The following was written for the conclusion of this week’s Aquarius Channelings Weekly Newsletter and reinforces the previous article I wrote on this subject. I will continue to write on this subject because I feel that it is important for us to realize our ability to access our inner-held Light and mend all densities easily as we ascend onward to purer perspectives and planes of consciousness.

When one is fully immersed in the blissful, meditative energies of the higher realms, one cannot be bothered with the densities and hardship of the Earth experience. All trials and tribulations fade away in the face of our greater Creator Light, which we can now access with much more ease than has been so for much of our history since the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria.


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The Laughing Philosopher


I believe this information comes from DEMOCRITUS (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy). I need to write down the title first, then copy and paste. Im tryin.





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Captains Log~ Stardate Now~ The Sign Reads Welcome Home Earthlings~










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WOW~ Broken String feat. Charlie Chaplin ~ As One


Earth Ally M, Wrote this Brilliance For All Of Humanity!!!!

We Have Made It, New Earth Is Being Born!


Published on Nov 24, 2012 by MBrokenString


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Angelic Council of Light: Disconnecting from the Old Paradigm is Part of Ascension


 Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com
Your body and life are adjusting to the higher frequencies now which are increasing with exponential speed for you and your planet and all those sensitive beings.. You are one of the very sensitive ones you came into earth in this life in this time as an extra sensitive person as this would allow you to tune into the higher frequencies that were and are scheduled to be arriving on and in and throughout your planet and atmosphere at this time indeed this is happening all over the universe it is a “system upgrade” to use your computer terminology for the entire universe at this time and yes there are many beings and angels and ascended spiritual masters who are at this time assisting your planet as this will be the first time a planet has ascended into the higher octave dimensions while its inhabitants are still living on it.
What can those of us who are aware do to prepare for this upgrade?


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Take a deep breath for the final stretch my dears ~ Archangel Gabrielle



 through Isabel Henn November 25, 2012


My beloved, I am so excited about your success with the recent global meditations on the portal openings. You worked so beautifully and anchored even more light on the earth. Gaia shines in her almost original splendor in your solar system and still very much further. Her transformation from a planet to a star is almost complete. Please do not weaken now, so difficult it is for you after this yet so busy and demanding year.


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Earth Ally Nathan Ticehurst~ Humanity's Plight


Strength without sorrow
certainty of foot
the winds of change
are blowing out lifes soot

forces for right
naturally kind
it wasnt our fault
we arent naturally blind

Humanitys Plight
Planned from the start
engineered by ourselves
to develop OUR heart

were the crimes against man
all part of our plan?
as we rise against the plight
that we cant understand
the wool over my eyes now unjustified

ichoose truth
release me
we are one


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 *by Caroline Myss*


 The other day I flew to Newark, New Jersey, to give a benefit lecture on

behalf of the Trenton Soup Kitchen. I have been involved with the TSK for

five years now and I consider the work this charity does to be absolutely

magnificent. Anyway, I arrived midday and was met by a lovely, middle-aged

driver. Within minutes we were in his immaculate car heading to our

destination, which, according to his GPS, was an hour away. My first

reaction was, “Ugh, that’s half the flight time from Chicago.” My second

reaction was, “I hope this guy isn’t a chatterbox because I need to make

notes for my talk.”


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Dog adopts orphaned tiger cubs in Russia (Video)


The Telegraph Sunday 25 November 2012


Three orphaned tiger cubs have found an unusual mother figure - a white Swiss Shepherd dog, called Tallim.


To watch the video visit The Telegraph


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Ascension Update 11. 24. 2012 ~ We Are in Code Purple


Channeled through Giselle Koy

Ashtar Command


Greetings Dear Ones.

At your readiness. Plans are going smoothly. The more steady and smoothly one holds themselves in the Ascension Energies, the greater the guarantee of passage.

It is soon. Time for complete focus for it is coming in a blink. Be in the greatest of relations with self but have a “buddy” for the darkness. Not necessary but will make things so much easier.


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~ Message from Montague Keen~ The Plans of the cabal are being Blocked



The propaganda machine is no longer able to fool the people. Every day it is being exposed for what it is. Their game is up ! Now, they will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. They have destroyed much of what was good in your world. You are gathering the right people around you now to enable you to complete your mission. It will be done. My last words to you, on the night that I passed to Spirit, were "When the timing is right". It is, of course, our timing, not yours.

We guide you every step of the way. We bring the right people in, to give you the strength and the benefit of their knowledge and skills. Your team is growing. They are specially chosen to blend together as one when the time comes to move and bring to a conclusion what was planned nearly 2000 years ago. The enormity of your task is only now being realised by those around you. They must support and assist you through these difficult times. It will bring peace to humanity. Enough people are aware that they must desire peace in order for peace to become a reality.


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Camel Escapes Circus, Runs Amok Through Streets Of Glendale, Calif. (VIDEO)


As seen on Huffington Post 11/24/12 05:45 AM ET EST AP

Camel Escapes Circus

GLENDALE, Calif. -- It wasn't a typical jam up that slowed traffic Southern California's Glendale – it was a runaway circus camel.

KCAL-TV reports that a camel escaped from Ramos Brothers Circus Friday and began galloping down Glendale Boulevard with handlers in hot pursuit.

The circus says that "Atula" was about to be taken into the circus ring for an exercise but for some reason decided to break free.

Handlers eventually caught up with the rambunctious animal and led her back to the big top, but not before the sight of the exotic beast brought traffic to a stop.


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Cosmic Awareness: The Spiritual Energies are Greatly Intensifying as Ascension Approaches


Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness


Welcome, Cosmic Awareness. We are wondering if you have a message that you would like to give to us tonight.

That this Awareness, this Cosmic Awareness, is indeed available tonight to share a thought, to give information, to provide insight in these most interesting times. That this Awareness declares that It is indeed the time of the ending or that which has often been referred to as the End Times, a phrase that has historical precedence. This time period does indeed mark the final phase of a journey that has lasted thousands and thousands of years. That the experiment into dualistic reasoning, dualistic reality, dualism of mind and heart, is now complete. And that, indeed, these times, these interesting times, mark a great success in the experiment of the negative force being stronger than the force of Light, or that which would be understood to be the essence of God. This experiment was designed to see what would occur if those of spirit who descended into the body did not realize their fullness of being, did not truly evolve to a point where they understood that they are indeed spiritual beings having a physical existence.


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<p>♥lshhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/c0.0.403.403/p403..." height="403" width="403">


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Light Artist Janosh



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Missions are Complete, Prepare for Planetary Awakening



Pubblicato in data 26/nov/2012 da GalacticCentral

Greetings Love Beings, WOW and More WOW! We are really almost speechless as to what is Currently Unfolding On Behalf of The Light and Truth On This Planet since Yesterday's Portal Opening with Oneness Energies Pouring in. The Messages of Success of this part of the Mission also Came Pouring Out of The Galactic Free Press Today. Love is moving in Quickly! Humanity is awakening. This Planet is transforming Into Light! Embrace Yourselves for the Brilliance of Truth On Planet Earth=Heart to Light US UP Forever.

to read the full Update:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-...



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Leaders Without Followers



Jennifer Hoffman – Leaders Without Followers – 26 November 2012

The Indigo generation represents the new leaders of the world and while their courage, vision, determination and commitment equip them for the task, other aspects make this very challenging. They are leaders who lack a pioneering spirit and with it the confidence that is required of those who charge ahead, at the forefront of enormous change. They are often leaders who have no followers and unless they can come to terms with this, they risk abandoning their mission for what can feel like a less lonely and less challenging path. They risk becoming followers, when they really need to lead, even if they lead, for a while, in isolation.


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Bill Ballard – Incoming Energies – Apology To Deepak For Incomplete Info In Last Vid


Uploaded  on 26 November 2012 by pearls2u WOW! Solar Flare Barrage Incoming… Boom Boom Boom as the Light Explodes around us, within us, changing All That Is washing old negative and lower vibrations with it’s intensity! More CMEs are being released from the Sun and those wont get here for another 3 days with several already on their way! WOW! Yes, these are hitting me hard too and observing what is going on is truly amazing! It is purging us to the core, but that level depends on each individual and the level of mastery they themselves wish to obtain and the intent, focus and work they put into their individual process… For me… I feel like Im glowing while still dumping old energies! Whew! And it’s getting ready to step up again as another CME is just now hitting Earth! Whew! LOVE!


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Daniel Declares Peace on Earth!



Thank you, Daniel, for standing up in




Source: YouTube.com.


Please submit your Declaration of World Peace today.

Email it to:



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I Choose To Stay


Every since I came here in January, I had a desire to leave this Universe. I cried and cried to be removed from this (WAS) god forsaken place. I throught I had found my exit, and, I was daily looking in the sky waiting on the ship to pick me up. I dreamed I tried to commit suicide and only wound up in a coma and that was worse than dealth to me. Thank Spirit for the dream.


Today, in this NOW MOMENT, I Love this place and wanna stay. My beautiful grandchildren (12, 11, 9, 6 and 10 months, 4 boys 1 girl; I aint nobody but God/Goddess baby smile) are one of my greatest inspirations. When I think of leaving them, its very painful. I know that I will leave them one day, but, I must stay long enough for them to know LOVE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. They Loved me in spite of those things I was going thru. They loved me when others told them they should'nt.  How many times I was ready to give up and a hug or a kiss from one of them would give me hope, give me power to continue. They are my energizer bunnies.


I Love you Nana's "Poopeez". They call me Nana cause I explained to them who and what I AM, years ago. They laugh as I sing songs in Language and even know some of the songs I sing in language. Smile. One of my grandsons does what we call Kundilini (I need to learn the correvct term so he will know what he is doing) when he gets upset, and he's only 6.  He already reconizes his desire to be positive and  not negative. Imagine when he get older.


God/Goddess gifted me with them and I AM oh so grateful.  And, let me not forget my nieces and nephews, for, I AM Nahnah to them too. Yes, those little bitty people. They will LOVE you when you can't love yourself.


Love Nageeta




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Visionkeeper – The new world feels close now



The new world feels close now….

Posted on November 26, 2012 


Well the count down clicker is clicking loudly now. The planet alignments of 12/21/12 are almost upon us and everybody seems to be feeling something going on within. Anticipation, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, twirling in the stomach, you name it and it is going on. I think perhaps one of the most difficult parts of what we are all experiencing is the uncertainty of everything. We are walking into the abyss of the unknown but with deep trust and faith in our hearts. We are the crew of the Enterprise embarking on a journey where no man has ever gone before. It’s exciting, it is exhausting, it is beyond comprehension at times, it is the biggest test of faith we have ever had to face and yet we seem to be going along with a deep conviction about where we are headed. It is truly remarkable to think about that. The fear has been shed and our new being is charging ahead not knowing what in the world to expect, if anything at all! People seem to think because the Mayans said it is so it will be, but is that true? We don’t know do we? My point exactly, we don’t know and we need to be ready for whatever does or does not transpire in the closing hours and days of 2012.


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Oracle Report Monday, November 26, 2012



Monday, November 26, 2012


Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus

Today the Sun is located at the degree of one of my favorite Sabian symbols: an old owl up in a tree.  We certainly know how to handle today's energy!  Even if the Sun weren't located at this degree, the mission today would be to be the wise owl up in a tree because the energy is building in intensity in advance of tomorrow.  Since we know the mission for today, I will talk about tomorrow's energy now so that wise owls in earlier time zones will have foreknowledge and advance preparation.  There is a lot going on tomorrow (but it will begin entering today):


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 228 Tension is Building


Aisha North

Tension is starting to mount in so many of you at the moment, and the reason for this is simple indeed. Your very core is almost roaring with frustration because it is longing to tear itself free from any restraints that are holding you back from thrusting yourself headlong into this immense project of immeasurable importance. You see, although you have all started to build the foundation for your new world, you know deep in your heart of hearts that your contribution to all of this will be so much larger than the one you are currently immersed in. Hence, the growing feeling of impatience in so many of you. This is only normal, because you see that your gifts are sorely needed, so the frustration of being held back as it were is only getting more and more pressing for so many of you. Again, this is only to be expected, but it is also something that needs to be endured, as you all are being kept in check with good reason. Let us explain.


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High Council of Orion message for 26th Nov 12 New Earth is Based On Truth Only!



Greetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to further support ALL at this time of major transition and shedding of what has been taught as TRUTH. Many of you may now be in the midst of chaos and the midst of shedding layers of “who you thought you were”. This is vital in the transition process into the new earth for all that exists is TRUTH and much of what the human race has been taught is NOT TRUTH. The ability to go within and to allow this process to unfold is vital at this time. For as you begin to dissolve the layers of who you think you are you unfold that which YOU ARE IN TRUTH.

As the lenses that you have placed upon your inner vision are dissolved then you are able to see the earth and the human race in new ways. The ability to see beyond the veils increases dramatically and we guide for all to be aware of this. There are many who have now moved way beyond where they started and we send much LOVE and many blessings for their continued TRUST in the process.


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What I know is baseless and meaningless, against the backdrop of the Creator's Love. To fear any person, any outcome, or any insidious rule, or ruler, is a conscious decision that I am making NOT to love in that moment. When I choose that path, my heart suffers. My heart feels sick. My center, which is myself, hurts. When Jesus said, "Love is the way," He meant just that! He was not speaking in metaphorical terms. His wisdom is alive in those words at this very moment. "Love is the way". Which channel Out there today has yet to speak better words, or convey a better idea? In each moment we choose, and regardless if it is a personal experience, or reading the news, or hearing it second hand..., if we choose fear..., we are making the wrong choice. There is nothing to fear period!!! What event or problem can love fail to solve? Who has greater wisdom to share than Love is the way? Love will take us home. Love will fix the world. Love will solve every problem IF we stop choosing fear. Fear and love can not ever co-exist because they are polar OPPISITES. Once you choose fear in any amount you have excluded love. Jealousy, insecurity, envy, hatred, anger, are ALL derivatives of fear! Thus they must exclude love. There is always a choice..., so choose wisely my brothers and sisters. We are all one in the body of love! Any other idea is a lie, or a choice for believing a lie(illusion), which is a sickness. Love takes us home. Think on these things. All my love. Shannon


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Knowledge Trust yourself



Monday, November 26, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Knowledge

Trust yourself


Within each of you is a spark of creator light, that is a piece of energy from the Creator and so within you is a link to all that is. You are connected to the trees and the stars and therefore Divine and precious, just as they are to your world. Everything you see before you is supposed to be there. It is meant to help you grow, to enjoy your life and to be a part of a very unique experience.
Be in harmony with your world. Walk hand in hand with everyone and everything around you and realise you are all an important piece of the whole. Understand that the dramas and trials are to help you grow and so ask yourself when you are uncomfortable with something, "How can I grow beyond this experience into something that brings me joy and happiness?" and release expectations and be open to the opportunities that come your way. There is truly something available to you that can help you, you must take the time to stop and listen to the guidance of the little voice within.


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~Mike Quinsey ~ Salusa Ascension is a quantum leap in your vibration


SaLuSa, November 26, 2012

Each day now may provide the first real evidence of what has been happening behind the scenes, that will convey to you the ongoing changes. The media will not handle the “good” news regrettably because it is still controlled. However, your Internet is so vast that you will have no problem in finding references to Disclosure and other anticipated events, and often from those who have a genuine source of information. Yet you still have to beware of some authentic looking websites and reports that are put out to confuse you. When the true announcements are made there will be no doubt in your minds as to their truthfulness. Disclosure is for example of world wide importance, and accordingly it will be down to your leaders to handle it.



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A thankful Bemidji grocer shares his success with his employees


Article by: LARRY OAKES , Star Tribune Updated: November 23, 2012 - 8:22 AM

Like most mornings, Joe Lueken began this one at 4 a.m

BEMIDJI, MINN. - Joe Lueken spent 46 years becoming a successful grocer and community benefactor here. Finally, at 70, he's ready to sell the business, travel the world with his wife, Janice, and reap some of what they've sown.

So when he strides into his south Bemidji supermarket and 2 1/2-year employee Maria Svare smiles broadly and asks him, "How do you like my store today?" it might sound like a joke.

But it's not. And that's part of why hundreds of Bemidji residents are thankful this holiday season for Joe Lueken.


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More Amazing Music From Dr. Moe



Dr. Moe's amazing music is a big hit.

Please enjoy and share these
wonderful songs from Dr. Moe.


Occupy Your Heart 2
Source: YouTube.com


 Diamonds in the Rough


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Heart Song for November 26th 2012


The Heart Song for November 26th is "Let Me Love You

(Until You Learn To Love Yourself)" by Neo



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Floods in UK: Storm front expected to move north


BBC - 11/26/12

North-east England and north Wales are braced for possible flooding as the weather front which brought heavy rain to southern England moves north.

Many parts of the UK are already under water

There are about 210 flood warnings and 300 flood alerts in England and Wales, and two flood alerts in Scotland.

This weekend 816 homes were flooded, mainly in south-west England.

To read the rest of this story, visit BBC.


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Volcanic activity world-wide 25-26 November 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery, By T, 11/26/12

Mt Tongariro erupting earlier this month.


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3MIN News November 26, 2012: Watches Begin, more CMEs on the way


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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead: 11.26.12



Morning Blessing: 11.26.12
Moonbeams Soothe The Self 


 "I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning."- J.B. Priestly.



Expanded awareness is an absolute must for making sense of what is occurring in today's world and beyond. Interesting, awesome and strange shiftings have become an every day event, but this week the mists of evolution that enfold us are of a harmonizing culmination. While all energy transpires on multiple levels of reality, producing numerous probable outcomes my guess is that by the time we are witnessing the full Moon lunar eclipse (11/28) later this week we will be able to say, "it's a good week". The lunar shower that is arriving will bestow Gaia with a "spa effect" of vitality and rejuvenation. She is ready to step into that space of deep relaxation and total peace that happens when we pamper ourselves. To be in harmony with her this week I suggest creating pampering of your own and avoid any undue stress. Take each day as it comes and flow through your week as a component of Universal Harmony.


Along the way notice the responsibility you have to serve yourself, learning to receive as much as you give. That can be a challenge to embrace and embody as you have been taught that it is selfish. Consider though that selfishness is not the same as serving self. Selfishness does not consider every soul in the experience but serving Self does nothing but that. You have a responsibility this week to assimilate the balancing harmonizations that have settled upon us recently. If you make dedicated time over the next weeks to give yourself what you need your earthly experiences will be lived with a great sense of ease and embodiment. Pay attention to what is happening within you and around you and allow your internal authenticity to balance the external. 
In my home country last week we celebrated Thanksgiving. For many of us it was a day of appreciation and gratitude for the blessings in our lives. As your ambassador of cosmic castings each week I would urge you to also include a thank you this week for the galactic adventure we are on as we follow the tracks of the Sacred through the vast regions of Ascension. I know that I can wholeheartedly give thanks for the forever technology coming through my House of Light (the body) that is anchoring the foundation for the Age of Peace. And I appreciate of all my Spirit-Soul friends that have also commanded It in. Together we have created a flurry of excitement in Universal realms as we have worked to allow our internal experience to balance our outer realities. As a result, Divine creation is pulsing like never before and Ancient portals are steadily opening to manifest properties of Divine Connection that have never been experienced by the human element before. Not that we have never ever ascended before; o-o-o-o-hh we have that knowledge, we have just not done it in the manner we have mapped out this time around. 

Which is why our species is living in disordered times that can be complicated, distracting and demanding. Tasks always feel awkward when done for the first time.Remember your first attempt at riding a bike, or driving a stick shift car? And when you have an emotional investment that highlights the event you can become quite discombobulated about the whole thing. Remember your first sexual encounter? It's the same now, you just might not be aware that your Soul has quite an investment in getting the allotted Ascension taken care of in a heavenly manner and as graciously as possible.  

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Cyclone Medusa Heads for Italy


Medusa cyclone headed for Italy, 5 regions on alert

Medusa Royal Palace Turin.jpg

Head of Medusa, gate of the Royal Palace of Turin
Source: Wikipedia


"...beginning on Tuesday, November 27, European weather systems will be affected by the Medusa cyclone, fed by two extremely heterogeneous air masses - i.e. cold air coming off Arctic latitudes and hot air in response from inland Tunisia."

More: AGI.it


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Latest Earthquake Activity - November 26, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake in SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


November 26



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Blossom Goodchild ~ November 26 2012.


Source: BlossomGoodchild.com - 11/26/12


So … another week has whizzed by … ever closer to the end of the year … and My! How this year has flown by. I’m just leaving it up to you … You know best I FEEL …

The warmest of greetings to each one. You speak of time flying by and we agree that this is the case for you. Yet in the New time it shall seem to be even quicker ... Much more as if there is NO time. For time is of the old paradigm and will become of less and less importance as ‘time' moves on. The coming weeks shall be as if a day is a minute.

There already is so much Love streaming through … unnoticed by some ... yet gaining in momentum by many. Let it be Dearest Ones … that your hearts be welcoming and open to the influx of energy that showers into your planet.

Remind yourself constantly that YOU ARE LOVE and that the time is now upon you to FULFILL the self with itself.

You may FEEL a little confusion as to what this actually means and we are aware we have spoken of this many times before … yet we just continue to remind. For when the penny drops the lottery shall be won!

From each souls perspective … depending on where that perspective lies … there shall be a wave of exhaustion prior to The Event … we simply state this as to recognise. This has a secondary outcome as it is preparing the self for the Higher energy that is to come . 


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Re-Hearter ~ Frequently Asked Questions/Ascension Primer ~


Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am reposting this link in case any of you have not had a chance to read our Primer or in case you did not know about it. Please check it out and let us know if you have any questions.

Here are a few paragraphs from The Primer, followed by a link to the document. Enjoy!


Your Mission - What is my mission?

Your mission is to be LOVE in action.

Beyond that, everybody on Earth now is here to be of service. It's time to step into your Divine Role. As you become more conscious, your Divine Role will become more apparent to you. If you’re not sure what to do, ask for guidance. Ask, “How AM I meant to use my unique gifts to best serve Humanity and Mother Earth at this time?”

Dive in! Try something. If it turns out that that something is not your mission, try something else.



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Scientists say new signs of global warming in Russian Arctic


Source: Phys.org - 11/21/12, AFP

Herders round up reindeer on snowmobiles near a farm in Lovozero

Herders round up reindeer on snowmobiles near a farm in Lovozero in 2010. The Russian Arctic is losing ice cover and being inhabited by species from the south in the latest sign of climate change, according to a group of Russian scientists.


The Russian Arctic is losing ice cover and being inhabited by species from the south in the latest sign of climate change, according to a group of Russian scientists.


The scientists spent three months in the Arctic's Franz Josef Land.


"We have explored 42 of the archipelago's 191 islands and concluded a reduction of the ice sheet from the last Soviet expeditions in 1957," said head of the expedition Maria Gavrilo, an ornithologist.


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Aussie scientists un-discover Pacific island


Source: Phys.org - 11/22/12, AFP

An island in the Coral Sea  shown as Sandy Island on Google Earth and Google maps does not exist say scientists

Photo illustration of Google Earth. A South Pacific island identified on Google Earth and world maps does not exist, according to Australian scientists who went searching for the mystery landmass during a geological expedition.


A South Pacific island identified on Google Earth and world maps does not exist, according to Australian scientists who went searching for the mystery landmass during a geological expedition.


 The sizeable phantom island in the Coral Sea is shown as Sandy Island on Google Earth and Google maps and is supposedly midway between Australia and the French-governed New Caledonia.



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Human brain, internet, and cosmology: Similar laws at work?


Source: Phys.org - 11/20/12, By Jan Zverina

 Similar laws at work?


Simple mapping between the two surfaces representing the geometries of the universe and complex networks proves that their large-scale growth dynamics and structures are similar. Credit: CAIDA/SDSC

The structure of the universe and the laws that govern its growth may be more similar than previously thought to the structure and growth of the human brain and other complex networks, such as the Internet or a social network of trust relationships between people, according to a new paper published in the science journal Nature's Scientific Reports. Ads by Google Tesla GPU Workstations - 8 Tesla C2070 GPUs in one quiet Workstation platform - www.velocitymicro.com/hpc "By no means do we claim that the universe is a global brain or a computer," said Dmitri Krioukov, co-author of the paper, published by the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA), based at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego. "But the discovered equivalence between the growth of the universe and complex networks strongly suggests that unexpectedly similar laws govern the dynamics of these very different complex systems."



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Reaching Personal Strides, Affecting the Collective and Unleashing the Light Energies


The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes

 by Wes Annac


Energetic upgrades and strides continue to be reached by the collective of Earth, and we are here before you all to give yet another happy energy update. We have only good news to display to you dear souls but as always, you have been going through the [most difficult] of the cleansing that has needed to take place within yourselves and within your outer world.


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~ Space Weather Update~ CME Impact and a Huge Sunspot


CME IMPACT: A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 26th at approximately 0500 UT (Nov. 25th @ 9 PM PST). The weak impact did not cause a geomagnetic storm. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

PRESTO! A HUGE SUNSPOT: Yesterday, sunspot AR1620 was barely visible. Today it is a behemoth wider than a half-dozen planet Earths. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the sunspot's rapid growth in a period of less than 20 hours on Nov. 25-26:

AR1620 has a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for strong flares. Because of the sunspot's proximty to the center of the solar disk, Earth would be in the line of fire of any eruptons. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of M-class solar flares in the next 24 hours. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

Strengthening and Stabilization of Gaia Ascension Grids is Occurring



Strengthening and Stabilization of Gaia Ascension Grids is Occurring…



Strengthening and stabilization of Gaia ascension grids is occurring at this time, concurrent with unveiling and release of tenuous and outmoded structures.

Individual and collective emotional and mental bindings releases accompany this process. Strong at times these are, yet necessary for Hue-manity unfoldment.

Grounding with Gaia and conscious alignment with the strengthening and stabilizing Gaia Ascension grids allows smoother release process on all levels.

Attunement to Higher Self Discernment is recommended.


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The Celestial White Beings And The Galactic Council Of Twelve ~ December 2012 Climaxing Of Ascension


Natalie Glasson ~26 November 2012


It is with the purest vibration of love and peace that we send our energy to greet you; we are the combined essence and consciousness of the Celestial White Beings of the Cosmic level and the Galactic Council of Twelve who oversee spiritual matters and evolution from a Galactic Level. It is our purpose to come forward in love and guidance for you at this most sacred time on the Earth. We first wish to reassure you that all is well and that you are achieving your ascension process on the Earth with divine perfection, guided as always, whether you are conscious or not, by the will of the Creator. It is important for us to share with you that there are no set rules or expectations on our behalf for the time we are all experiencing now. Each person may have different experiences triggered by the divine will of the Creator and their personal perspectives and intentions.

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Lisa Robinson ~ Message Archangel Zadkiel ~ December 2012 ~ Receive The Light


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we come to you from the Violet Ray of Transmutation and Transformation.

Beloveds, we welcome you to receive the Light.  You have journeyed far and wide to progress on your path of ascension, and now it is time to receive the Light of expanded consciousness.  This is a time of rejoicing, for you are shifting into a higher state of awareness.

A higher quality of Light is being sent to you and your planet during these times of accelerated ascension.  This Light has a higher frequency and potential than what has previously been available.  Therefore, many opportunities are there for you to incorporate and work with this higher vibration in order to assist you in your personal ascension.

The Rays of Light are being infused with higher-level Christed Light, and this will bring about an upshift in your vibration and chakras when you focus on this Light and transmute and balance any old energy that you wish to release as you go forward.  Using the Violet Flame to transmute this old energy can help you prepare your chakras to receive this refined Light.


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Heroic Dog, Geo, Saves 10-Year-Old Essex Boy From Speeding Truck (PHOTO)


Huffington Post By Sarah Medina

Posted: 11/25/2012 9:17 am EST Updated: 11/26/2012 11:17 am EST

heroic dog geo

Geo sustained a broken leg, broken spine and internal injuries, but the veterinarians caring for him told iTV News that Geo will make a full recovery.

Seven-month-old puppy Geo is being hailed as a hero after he pushed a 10-year-old boy out of the way of an oncoming truck and took the impact himself.

Carly Riley, from Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, was out for a walk with Geo, a German Shepherd-Collie mix, and her three sons, Charlie, Josh and Ben on Thursday when disaster struck, reported HaloPets.com


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Generate love for all !!! (a vision from AA Michael and a reminder of an old Kryon Channeling (by David Brown))



I asked Archangel Michael how to help my beloved ones during these tuff times? And I got this wonderful vision
AA Michael invited me to dance with him on ice we were basically doing a figure skating dance. And each time we make circles while dancing, the ice crumbles beneath our feet and transforms into beautiful white flowers and flew up words (the flowers have the same appearance of the white flowers coming from the big old tree in the movie Avatar).
Then I saw myself dancing alone and more flowers were coming out from the ice and a beautiful music started to play on the background. My beloved ones were kneeling on the ice and absorbing those flowers and at some point an amazing thing happened, a wonderful shining beam of white light went out of their hearts to the sky and I got the message that they are transforming and opening their hearts to LOVE. They were released. Finally they realized what they were looking for …LOVE.

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Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller The Elephant Whisperer, bravely rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageous rescue of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003 . On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony died. . He is remembered and missed by his wife, 2 sons, 2 grandsons & numerous elephants. Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs. Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved man-friend'. A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 12 miles to get to his South African House.



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Graham Hancock: On the significance of December 21, 2012 His Perspective


Commentary from Ann Kreilkamp

"To me, Hancock’s conclusion, that the significance of December 21, 2012 is a massive cyclic shift away from the hierarchical, centralized “state” as organizing principle for society, may also prove to be the central “take-away” from the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square (2012-2015).

So many signs point in that direction:

* The Secession Movement in the U.S., with all 50 states now registering petitions.

* Small portions of European states wanting to secede from their nation-states, e.g. Catalonia, from Spain.

* Super-state EU beginning to fracture.

Re: the U.S. Secession Movement, you might want to read this cautionary post:


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Lisa Gawlas ~ Three Day Workout Underway: New Feet, New Tools, New Skills!! ~


I have spent this whole year peering into the Light of change, the Light of accelerated Love and never have I seen what is happening now.  Granted, we have all seen where the energy changed so much a three-day period was needed to let it find its new form, and of course, that happened with us on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th… but now, a whole new twist has been added.  Everyone in a human suit is going thru a three-day adjust period from the 25th thru the 27th.  However, what did remain in every reading was the area of the 22nd thru the 24th it was both shielded off and yet still radiating the intense energy outwards.  Let me explain:

My first lady showed up on the field, on the ground of the field, jumping rope.  Not just any rope, but a rope made of Light.  I watched her jump rope all the way thru her reading.  As I watched her jump rope in place I started to realize this was her exercise.  I was given the analogy of a boxer, they will jump rope to get their feet used to quick and fluid movements.  In her case, it was a rope of Light and the rhythm of light in her life is going to be fast-moving with twists and turns that she must follow.  She will be “practicing” this jumping rope… jumping thru the element of Light for the next three days.


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