~ One day Before an intense Portal Opening

Lia's picture

Lucas - On The Brink Of Manifesting The New - 9 October 2012


It is the month of a whirlwind of changes as I have been talking about it in my article with that name.  We sweep clean that what needs to be in our personal lives as well as between groups, nations, etc. The stands are made and the points taken and some arguments and skirmish will take place, but there will be no major war anymore. We will also see the new paradigm coming in. The Awareness of not doing things anymore from solely ego, or do things with hidden agendas, do things from materialistic thoughts or have greed and power hunger as basis, it is what will bring us in that what the new paradigm represents : unity, sharing and unconditional love. 



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Belstaff by vivid and great in style



A brandname one time well-known only for sport bike plus aviation dress yourself in re-enters this marketplace, offering its first-ever runway exhibit belstaff coats the duration of Los angeles Design Weeks time now.

Canada Goose Women's Solaris Parka Blacklegacy with Belstaff is definitely sincerely seated around level of quality, yet not essentially this of your softest touching and also a lot of well known creator; fairly level of quality around safeguards, resilience plus fabric.

Ever since the brand’s beginnings around 1924,Belstaff Womens Jackets is definitely, in a way, going back so that you can it has the plant's roots; cleanse strains, timelessness, plus types which has an edginess this can come never originating from a labeled on its own, nonetheless with the sense you will enjoy while you use an element that alters sometimes the best fearful human being to a badass.


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M-Class solar flare measuring M2.3 erupted today


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Heavenletter #4337 Your Thoughts Can Do Anything, October 9, 2012


Heavenletter #4337 Your Thoughts Can Do Anything, October 9, 2012 


God said: 


When antagonism is stuck in your heart, you stuck it there. You are responsible for your own. That may not seem right to you, but that is how it is. You are responsible for yourself. You are the chooser of your own antagonism.

To know this is a very freeing thing. That you are responsible means that you can do something about it. You are not helpless. You are not a victim, or, if you are a victim, you are a victim of your own chicanery. You are the culprit.

When you feel happiness, you deliver it to yourself. You are the one who blesses yourself with happiness.

Outside does not exist. Inside you, everything exists.

Knowing this, you have a beautiful opportunity to change what you may see as fate. You are your own Fairy Godmother or otherwise.

To proclaim yourself innocent in all situations is to cast off your own freedom and sense of self. You are not a pawn in life. If it seems that way, then you are your own pawn.


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We are neither snakes nor lizards – Lady Ifegena from the Dragon Realm through EnnKa October 08, 2012



My beloved friend EnnKa asked me today to tell more about us Dragons. She is a bit curious because she can’t remember me and it is surely interesting enough for mankind to take this as topic for a message.


We Dragons are age-old Beings from a higher Dimension. Some of us are numerous thousands of years old. They are very wise and highly respected. There aren’t very much only a few thousand of our kind. Because we are now immortal there is no neccessity to reproduce steadily. It is reserved for Prime Creator to decide when an egg will be laid and who is allowed to lay that egg and what color it will have. The color of the egg specifies the color of the hatched young Dragon. The egg of my daughter Epirose is golden, therefore she will be also golden.


Dragons have many colors from green, over blue to red, brown, black, yellow, violet and very very seldom golden. We aren’t multi-colored but single-colored, at most our claws and part of our scales have varied hues.


In size there are different variations from small nearly dwarfish Dragons through middle sizes to big Dragons like me. Common to all Dragons is the ability to fly. Some are not so good but others excellent. We have four feet with sharp claws like those of raptors, which we can move separately. We aren’t toxic, but can breathe fire when we are full-grown.


Please don’t mistake us for reptilians. We are neither snakes nor lizards. Our body temperature is warm and our scaly skin is dry and warm too. Our wings are soft and sensitive. If we are not cautious, we can hurt ourselves.



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Chat Sessions Hosted By Eric - Today


Crystal Clarity Consciousness

Galactic Council Member Eric has started regular chat sessions called Crystal Clarity Consciousness.

These chat sessions are an outlet for people to share how and what they are experiencing and for those just awakening to help guide them with some of what they may be going through. ALL are welcome.


Crystal Clarity Consciousness is every Tuesday and Thursday in our regular chat room (CLICK HERE FOR CHAT ROOM) from 9:30 - 11:30 am eastern time. This is 6:30 - 8:30 am pacific time.



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Shifting dynamism: Earth’s outer layers may be drifting over molten core in polar wander


Source: TheExtinctionProtocol - 10/8/12


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Mount Lokon spews ash clouds in seventh eruption since Sept


News.com - AFP, 10/8/12

ONE of Indonesia's most active volcanoes has erupted again, spewing clouds of ash, an official has said.

The 1580 metre (5,214 feet) Mount Lokon on northeast Sulawesi island erupted at 2pm local time on Sunday with thunderous sounds heard as far as five kilometres away.

"Lokon has been quite active the past few months. This was the seventh biggest eruption since mid-September," government vulcanologist Farid Bina told AFP from the volcano's monitoring post in North Sulawesi province.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit News.com.au.


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6.0+ magnitude earthquakes strike Gulf of California and Banda Sea


Source: TheExtinctionProtocol.com - 10/8/12

October 8, 2012 – CALIFORNIA – A magnitude 6.0 earthquake has shaken the Gulf of California coast in Mexico, but there are no reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake hit at 11:26 p.m. Sunday local time (2:26 a.m. Monday EST; 0626 GMT) was centered 63 miles (102 kilometers) southwest of Los Mochis. Local officials reported some panic, but no known damage. –Sac Bee 

Strong  earthquake strikes Banda Sea: An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 struck off the southeastern Indonesia coast Monday evening, the US Geological Survey said. The epicenter of the quake, which occurred at 6:43 pm Monday (1143 GMT), was located in the Banda Sea 139 km (86 miles) southeast of the town of Ambon, USGS reported. It took place at a depth of 34 km. –Bangkok Post


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4.1 magnitude earthquake strikes near Ocotillo Wells, Calif.


Source: TheExtinctionProtocol.com - 10/8/12

A shallow, magnitude 4.1 earthquake was reported Sunday afternoon 14 miles from Ocotillo Wells, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The temblor occurred at 5:39 p.m. Pacific time at a depth of 4.3 miles. According to the USGS, the epicenter was 16 miles from Julian, 17 miles from Borrego Springs, 45 miles from Escondido and 51 miles from San Diego.  In the last 10 days, there have been two earthquakes magnitude 3.0 and greater centered nearby. –LA Times



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11:11 – Have You Been Seeing These Numbers Everywhere?



11:11 – Have You Been Seeing These Numbers Everywhere?

9th October 2012

By Linda Lubin

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

How many of you have had the 11:11 experience: Hands up. Ah, I’m seeing a sea of hands waving out there. In case you have not, let me tell you of my own 11:11 initiations.

Several years ago, I had heard nothing of planetary awakening of consciousness, or The Shift, or the Mayan calendar and other prophesies about December 21, 2012.


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By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)  

My dear friends,

while seeing and experiencing the opening, the message started to unfold ....

"You are not the body.
The chains which artificially have been tying up your free and radiant consciousness with the physical body, are being dissolved as the powers of the  controllers are fading.
The clouds of darkness are vanishing which kept you in the illusion of limitations and the identification with the body-mind.
You are not the mind.
Mind is an appearance that comes with embodiment, no matter how dense or subtle, how dark or how full of light.
The Grace of your True State is body- and mindless.
Even mind is a function only to navigate in creation, which is of the mind itself.
If you go beyond body and beyond mind there is unlimited feeling, it is free of emotion. IT IS. IT IS Radiant. IT IS Freedom.
Allow this freedom to rise “above” the body, above in the sense of releasing the body out of sight as you more and more are centering at the core and essence of what you truly Are: Divine Consciousness, Radiant and Ever-Blissful. IT is not “in” the body. The body is IN IT!
IN IT Itself nothing arises, as soon as you withdraw even your subtle mind and your subtle senses, the senses which perceive the higher worlds and  dimensions, from what they perceive.

~ Assignment Mission Earth=Heart



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Archangel Michael: The Declaration of World Peace


By Steve Beckow

Oct. 8, 2012

Peace is the cry of the soul, the song of the spirit. Peace is the natural condition of the world, the place to which all things return. Everything yearns for peace and everything rests in peace. Peace is the place to which this world journeys. Nothing can stop it from reaching and realizing peace.

There comes a time in the affairs of worlds when the forces of disintegration can no longer resist the forces of attraction, when hatred and division can no longer overpower love and peace. There comes a rebound in the councils of worlds, a pushing back from the people which none can stand against or fail to honor.

At this time, the people of Earth will see an outbreak of peace, overpowering all that divided, wounded, and killed. It has been decreed by the Highest that the Earth, after eons of wandering in the ways of havoc and war, shall once again return to the ways of peace. Against the wave of love that is sweeping the Earth, political and military leaders will prove powerless.


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The Wings of an Eagle



“My people (Ligthworker/Wayshowers and all who choose Love as Their Source of Power) will be as the wings of the Eagle in the “end times.”


Did you know that the Eagle typically lives at 10,000 feet elevations?

The Eagle has “tunnel vision,” and can see clearly for many miles. When the mighty Eagle senses a storm approaching, he will stand his ground, spread his wings and await the storm-facing it head-on. His wings lock in at a specific angle, and the strength of them makes it nearly impossible for them to bend. At this angle when the winds of the storm hit him he is lifted up, up and above the storm-where he soars quitly and peacefully in the sunny blue skies above.


The Eagle intuitively knows that he can use the “storm” for a source of power for his “up-lift-ment.”


Know that your thoughts have great power

Know that your words have great power

Know that your actions have great power

Know that your feelings have great power

Know that your attitudes have great power


Know this “Power” is Who You really Are-externally expressing This Magnificent Self.  


Think of exactly what it is that you “do” want not of that which you “don’t want, as either have identical magnetic power to draw to you what it is that’s on your mind.  


Speak only of that which is uplifting and of that which is exactly what you want to unfold into your life, speak of nothing else.



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10-8-12 Bill Ballard ~ Observations of People Who Own Their Diseases and Hold On To Life's Problems


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Bitter Herbs For Improved Health and Liver Function



Bitter Herbs For Improved Health and Liver Function

Posted by admin on October 8, 2012 

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Four bitter herbs heal the liver, gall bladder, and other ailments

by Brad Chase | Natural News

(NaturalNews) Certain bitter herbs are considered liver herbs because they stimulate, cleanse, and protect the liver and gall bladder. While Western palates are not fond of bitter tasting foods, they do stimulate and support digestion. German research shows that bitter tonic herbs stimulate bile and hydrochloric acid production. They stimulate nervous system and immune system function, as well as combat fatigue and exhaustion.

Four commonly used bitter herbs which are used traditionally and in the medical community to support the liver, gall bladder, and other ailments are milk thistle, dandelion, Oregon grape root, and gentian root, from which gentian violet is manufactured.


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The Montague Keen of Anesthesia




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Stunning Solar Flare Eruption! - October 8, 2012


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Ascension Diary W/C Monday 8th October 2012


Wow... How a week (and a bit) can completely turn things on it's head!


Last time I blogged things were on an upswing.. A new business opportunity had just entered my sphere and things were go go go...


Last week I went to see a healer to have some energy work done and assist me in moving on a blockage that I had had for a very long time (I wrote a whole separate blog on this, that, if you're interested feel free to read)... Well, since then I can only tell you I feel like I've been run over by a truck... which reversed back over me and ran over me again!


I am more tired in the last week and a bit than I have been in a very long time... A deep tired that no amount of sleep seems to shift... I'm tired when I wake, I'm tired throughout the day and then roll around bedtime I"m still tired!


Dreams are confusing and somewhat manic and I feel as though Depression is nipping at my heels waiting for me to stumble so it can wrap it's arms around me and draw me further into it's depths.


I ache.. all over... and while I spent a couple of days last week really angry (more like a rage than just anger) which has now given way to this overwhelming sadness... Yesterday as I was chatting to my partner I suddenly realised that I am not motivated, and nothing has motivated me for a long time... I have no goals and really don't seem to care which way the wind blows me or what happens day to day...


If I could stay in bed I probably would... I am not wanting to see people or talk to them I really just want to be left alone... My solace is in meditating, reading and very little else.


I look forward to this shadow moving on and the releasing to be complete as this really isn't fun anymore.


Riding the wave, and reminding myself it's with Love ~ Joy and Abundance


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Cobra Update~MAKE THIS VIRAL! DAY OF DECISION The Event Expect US~


Monday, October 8, 2012



It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on the Day of Decision at the beginning of the second Window of Opportunity:


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Fran Zepeda - Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council - Your Ascent with the Light is Building - October 8, 2012


Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ Your Ascent with the Light is Building ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 8, 2012


Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:


Hello Dear Ones. We come before you today to give you more news of your enlightenment.

So much is being said and touted about the energy downloads of late, and indeed an increase is building as we speak. So much is there for you to absorb and welcome. Please welcome it now with your full hearts, dear ones.

Never in your history has this much Light been offered to you and you are receiving it well. It may be taking some adjustments in your lifestyles and your energy, but it is so well worth it. For this is the beginning of so much you could never have imagined was possible.

It was portended to be so and you are now in the midst of an opening of proportions requiring an acceptance and a trust that you are well into being able to handle with much grace.

Take some moments now to consider your progress. Look into your hearts, dear beloveds. What is shining there? Are you feeling the energies of yourselves as well as others? Are you feeling the energies of the Universe? Are you feeling and sensing the Love that is building throughout all mankind, throughout all the Universes? Excellent. You are beginning to sense the Oneness of hearts and minds of all Creation.


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Scientists probe link between coronal mass ejections and the sun’s interior motion


Source: TheExtinctionProtocol - 10/8/12


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Emotions in Realtime


Here's all the proof you need to see how your emotions affect your heart, very interesting experiment I think everyone should try.


goto the google app store and download this free app called Instant Heart Rate




Then while using the App, think Loving Thoughts, Gratitude, Etc.  and watch the reaction, and then think of something that makes you angry, I thought about the Cabal, but it was really hard to muster Anger anymore, I'm assuming that's a good thing. LOL


Just try it out, very interesting the realtime response, it works by your camera measuring the variation of color in the tip of your finger.   Very accurate as well, because I clocked it manually. 


Just thought I would share that with everyone!


I send loving light to you all!




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SophiaLove - Battle for Bread



Battle for Bread




Fully engaged in breakfast, the gaggle barely moves with my arrival.  The lake is quiet, all are intent on eating.  One lone long neck stands above the rest, ever vigilant; when this head bends down for some food, another pops up to take its place.  Order and cooperation rule on the lake shore this morning.

A loaf of French bread, tossed in their midst, changes everything.  No longer content to search on their own for what they need; the geese now race to this gift from their human benefactor, honking and pecking to grab what they can.  The air is filled with their fighting; all memories of this peaceful morning are gone.  One after the other, they grab the loaf, which is many times larger than their beaks can hold, and run away.  It is no longer about getting enough to eat; it is about ownership and having the most. Peace does not ensue again until the entire loaf is gone and there is nothing to do but search quietly in the grass for sustenance.


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3MIN News October 9, 2012



Pubblicato in data 09/ott/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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Oracle Report - Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Leo

Today we are going to dive.  The energy is rife with complexity so when things get a little much, dive below the surface of things to the safety of the deep.  We want to go under all of the whitecaps of emotions that are being stirred.  Yesterday's picture was of the giant wave of whitewater.  Today I have chosen this picture to change our perspective to being under the surface where it is quiet and seeing only the glimmering light.  You may have to go deep inside yourself to find stillness.  "Going deep" is something we will become quite adept at while Saturn is in Scorpio.   Today the idea that superficiality does not lead to happiness or meaning is what leads the way.  We have to get under the surface of things.  Anyone who hasn't figured this out yet is going to be challenged today.

We are new to our "new" selves and we aren't masters of our new energy yet.  But we'll have the opportunity to practice today.  Lessons from the turning point will resurface and give us a chance to act within higher integrity based on what we've learned about ourselves.  What have you learned about yourself since July?  How will you apply it today?  It's ok if you don't immediately know the answers to these questions.  Mars is making us nervous today, so don't add to it by putting pressure on yourself to act or be a certain way.  Just be aware and think before you act.  This day is more about contemplation than action.  The only real action that is required is to dive below the surface.  The tendency is to opt out with a cop-out so don't do that.


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10-9-12 Bill Ballard ~ Seeing What All Is Going On From The Various Dimensional Levels


Seeing what all is going on from each of the dimensional levels it can be viewed from draws a simply amazing picture of this shift we are experiencing. There are sooo many different levels people are experiencing. Observations of the details of each level is certainly one of the greatest things we can witness and understand while incarnate at this time. Too Coo! Thank you all for being YOU! LOVE!


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Intuition Follow your intuition



Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Intuition

Follow your intuition


As you learn to follow and trust yourself and your feelings, your material needs are provided for. Cultivate this sense within yourself as it is one of the greatest tools you have. It, like any other muscle needs to be used and worked to stay strong. Take time each day to check in with yourself and ask that your intuition be 'on' throughout the day and whenever you need to make a choice, take a few moments and tune in.

The Forgiveness Prayer


I'm sharing this today because we are releasing more and more each day of what does not resonate with our future self. This prayer will help you release karma~  Blessings & unconditional love ♥
If there is anyone or anything
that has hurt me in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly, 
I forgive and release it.
If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive and release it.
If I have hurt myself knowingly 
or unknowingly, 
I forgive and release it.
For the highest loving context for others and myself.
And so it is. Amen.
The eBook called The Joy of One is the true story of my Spiritual Awakening and re-union with my incarnated Twin Flame. It is my hope that this book will help you with yours. Please feel free to leave me your comments once you've read the eBook. Thank you ~ Namaste.


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Visionkeeper: Reclaiming our lives!



Reclaiming our lives!

Posted on October 9, 2012 


If nature can reclaim her spot no matter what is in her way, we too can reclaim our spot, for we are all one, all the same. It is time now to stand up and be counted. It is time for us to reclaim our lives and our rights that allow us to be who we choose to be. No longer will we be herded like sheep into lives the dark ones have chosen for us, lives of tyranny and oppression. If we choose to sprout up in the middle of something such as the pine trees through the roof then so be it, we will! We will because we will be able to if we so desire. It is up to us to make the choice to end the insanity playing out today by the dark ones sociopathic minds. We have awakened now, we know better, we are aware of what has been kept from us for so long now. We know there is far more to life and to who we are and if we intend to partake fully in life now, it is time to consciously take back what is rightfully ours! The nightmare is ending.


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Oceans' Rising Acidity Threat to Shellfish, Humans


Weather.com - 10/8/12


IFM Geomar scientists take samples of water from large floating contraptions, that are used to predict the acidity in the oceans sit offshore the scientific outpost of Ny-Alesund on June 3, 2010. The icy Arctic waters around Norway's archipelago of Svalbard may seem pristine and clear, but like the rest of the world's oceans they are facing the threat of growing acidity.

Peering into the microscope, Alan Barton thought the baby oysters looked normal, except for one thing: They were dead.

Slide after slide, the results were the same. The entire batch of 100 million larvae at the Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery had perished.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Severe floods displace 600,000 people in Nigeria


China.org - 10/9/12

Severe flooding in central north Nigeria's Kogi State has displaced about 600,000 people, a top government official said Monday.

The number of resettlement camps for the victims had also risen from the initial nine to 87, State Commissioner for Environment Abdulrahaman Wuya told reporters in Lokoja, the state capital.

To read the rest of this story, visit China.org.


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Skydiver's Freefall from Space Set for Tuesday


Weather.com - Marcia Dunn, 10/8/12

In this photo provided by Red Bull, Pilot Felix Baumgartner of Austria celebrates after he lands at the desert during the second manned test flight for Red Bull Stratos on July 25, 2012 in Roswell, N.M. (Getty Images)

ROSWELL, N.M. — Experienced skydiver and extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner hopes to take the leap of his life on Tuesday, attempting the highest, fastest free fall in history. If he survives, the man dubbed "Fearless Felix" could be the first skydiver to break the sound barrier.

The 43-year-old former military parachutist from Austria is scheduled to jump from a balloon-hoisted capsule 23 miles near Roswell on Tuesday morning. He wants to break the record set in 1960 by Joe Kittinger, who jumped from an open gondola at an altitude of 19.5 miles. Kittinger's speed of 614 mph was just shy of breaking the sound barrier at that height.


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A Channeled Letter to the Newly Awakened


Dear Fellow Traveller:

Welcome to this Journey of the Light. You are in the process of waking up from a long sleep, the Illusion of Life which you had agreed to experience for the betterment of your heart.

All is not what it seems. Here are ten simple steps to let yourself know that  you are truly on the correct path. The Spiritual Progress that you make is allowed at your own pace, this is 'self-study', and you will have forever if you wish to be completing them.

1) You shall notice an inexplicable connection to Light

2) You shall experience changes in friendship based on a common Light Level--you will attract those into your life who are of a Higher Vibration, and release those who are of a Lower Vibration.

3) As you Learn you shall experience this 'Step Up' process repeatedly.

4) You will start wanting to have Healthier Pastimes, Diet, and Exercise.

5) Your connection to Gaia and her Living Creatures will take on a new depth.

6) In your Mind you will begin to Question, your Heart shall become an important detector of Truth (what is Right for you shall 'resonate' strongly with you).

7) Others will become drawn to you for your Light. Unfortunately, some from a Lower Vibration might find it uncomfortable to be near a Newly Awakened One, and will go.

8) Your Heart will begin to 'pick up' on the intent of others, just by being in their Auric Field, and Presence. This is normal as you begin to experience this.  Normal in every way.

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Debt crisis: Greek protests as Merkel visits Athens - live


The Telegraph - 10/9/12

By Szu Ping Chan, and Matthew Sparkes

Greek police prepare a huge security operation involving 7,000 officers, water cannons and a helicopter to protect German chancellor Angela Merkel during her visit to Athens today.

much better


hello, i apoligize for being rude in my last blog, but i loved the comments ppl put on it, it really helped me alot, although some were not so nice, my mom is friends with the people who created this website, and has been long before they even did, i have been meditating, doing color afframations, and many other things to help me get in tough with my spirituall side, but lately ive been having some negative energy towards some one who has done me rong my whole life and has come back , and that has been getting in the way of my my meditation and focusing on what i need to do for myself, listen this is my page and if you dont like my blog then dont comment on it, this is my way of helping me with my spirituall side and letting some things out so that i can be clear minded next time i blog, and to be honest i still dont got the whole thing down very well but i keep on practicing and its been helping alot, my advise is that if ppl are tired, stressed, angry, hyper, etc.. then meditate because it gets rid of those energys may may not be wanting at the moment and if you continue to meditate it will get better and better for you emotionally, once again thank you to the people who commented on my last blog, i really needed that advise


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Archangel Michael: The Returning Masters are You ~ Part 1/2


2012 October 8

 by Steve Beckow


The actual airing of this episode of An Hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael this week, was interrupted by technical difficulties so, thanks to Ellen’s skill and speed, we have the transcript available now for listeners and readers. In this episode, Archangel Michael looks at the many instances interference with lightwork from Yahoo and YouTube/Google, the impact of the video I Know Our Galactic Family is Here, the extent and nature of containment, the latest on NESARA, who the masters are who are really returning (you), and much, much more.

We apologize for the interruptions in service. Since this has happened before with Blogtalk Radio, we are looking into migrating to another radio host.

An Hour with an Angel, October 8, 2012, with Archangel Michael



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let it heal you


for many of you, you may not think that what i can do , say, or advise will do well for you, but think of this , just because iam young dose not mean i dont have the power of strengh and knowlege, dose not mean i cannot achive to great things at such a young age, im just young witch means all i have learend and experienced( witch is alot more someone my age)

will help someone younger or older to if they have questions or are lost in life, i have alot to give and alot to offer, would you think a old man is not capable of doing great things or is not smart just because he is old?

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What Will Ascension be Like? ~ Part 2/2


 by Steve Beckow

Depiction of Archangel Michael

(Continued from Part 1.)

What Dimension Will We Go to?

S: And on one side [of Ascension] we’re in 3D or 4D, and on the other side we’re in 5D?

AAM: Or higher. (1)

It is the elevator to the Fifth. And further, there will be some who simply choose to keep going [to dimensions higher than the Fifth]. But as a collective, that is the plan. (2)


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Simple Trick Removes Pesticides from Your Vegetables & Fruits




By Dr. Mercola

Howard Garrett, also known as The Dirt Doctor, has compiled a number of uses for vinegar, including recipes for both internal use and use in your organic garden, which I will share with you here.

"Vinegar is a wonderful organic tool that was discovered by accident 10,000 years ago when wine was accidentally allowed to ferment too long and turned sour," he writes.

"It can be made from many products, including beer, apples, berries, beets, corn, fruits, grains, honey, malt, maple syrup, melons, molasses, potatoes, rice, sorghum, and other foods containing sugar.

Natural sugars from these food products are fermented into alcohol, which is then fermented into vinegar."

... The product label will identify the starting ingredients, such as 'apple cider vinegar' or 'wine vinegar.' Malt vinegar is made from the fermentation of barley malt or other cereal grains. Sugar vinegar is made from sugar, syrup, or molasses.


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The Keepers On The Astro-Cosmic “Sea Change” of October 2012


a message from Rev. Irma Kaye-Sawyer


Question: We are in the midst of a big “sea change” astrologically and energetically with so many planets moving or preparing to move into different signs. What guidance can you give at this time on this? Thank you.

Answer: Beloveds, thank you for your question. The one thing we feel is important to share is the natural or organic nature of change. We liken it to the growth of a baby to an adult human being. There is nothing that the child has to “do” to grow besides take care of the vehicle, feed it, and so forth for physical growth to occur. It is the same for you. You are in a natural process of spiritual expansion and growth. There is a belief that you must “do” many things, and for some even “wake up” others. The amount of Light being directed at Gaia is and will continue to have a profound impact. Yes there are some that are a bit more attached to the 3D conflicts and dramas than others, but ultimately this will not impact the process which is ongoing. There are things that may do to support this process such as service, meditation, light work and so forth, but the process is well underway. It is also important to note that when a human being is participating in healing, it is often the physical/3D level that experiences it last as this plane is of a denser nature.


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The Morning Blessing



The Morning Blessing


by Angela Peregroff


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K.D. Lang – “Hallelujah” – 9 October 2012


Thanks Lucas


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The Newly-Discovered Comet That May Not Be a Comet At All 2012 OCTOBER 9



The Newly-Discovered Comet That May Not Be a Comet At All

2012 OCTOBER 9

Posted by Stephen Cook


This image was captured by NASA’s EPOXI mission between Nov. 3 and 4, 2010, during the spacecraft’s flyby of comet Hartley 2. It was captured using the spacecraft’s Medium-Resolution Instrument.

The Newly-Discovered Comet That May Not Be a Comet At All

Stephen: Something just tells me this comet is much more than any normal comet. In fact, I feel it possibly might not be a comet at all.

We all know how NASA has lied about the moon, it’s real place in our galaxy and what it is  – and who is really there.

So, if you wanted to cover-up a miraculous, Universal or Galactic event or presence that was imminent, what would be the best – or the most 3D – way to do it?


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Henry Seltzer ~ A Thoughtful and Optimistic Last Quarter Moon




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Lisa Gawlas - Like A Kid In A Candy Store




Sometimes, ok, quite often (smile) I feel like a little girl in the greatest candy store on earth.  Like a child who just doesn’t have the built-in restraint not to sample every single thing in the store (of course, the store clerk said she could) I run around sampling as much as I can until I develop a belly ache and somewhere a mother must be near and takes me out of the candy store for a moment.  I do believe I woke up with that proverbial belly ache yesterday.  Of course, YOU are my candy pieces  and oh my god are you yummy to taste!!

Something surely happened to the candy store while I was off hugging my loved ones for 2 weeks… you became richer, sweeter and more filling than I could have even imagined you would be… or could be!  As my day progressed (which I really want to say, digressed) yesterday, both the store clerk and that mother took me by the arms and eventually put me outside of the candy store in time out!

I knew something was going awry within me yesterday with my first reading.  The visuals were crisp, clear and detailed yet I had the hardest time opening to understanding what we were seeing.  I have a feeling I hit a codec (thanks to you) that is now opened and still very much assimilating within my consciousness for understanding and eventual use.  Obviously it has everything to do with the addition of Sirian energy these days… and then some!

But I do want to share some important things that we did get together.  She appeared on her acceleration point carrying a freshly baked cake.  The cake was still in the pan and she was preparing for this global acceleration time to fully infuse her cake with as much energy as she could integrate (I just call it icing on the cake.)  What caught me as a bit odd, she was energetic.  Her form shaped like a human, but deep golden energy.  Her cake, so flipping real… tangible, eatable even.  As she emerged thru the downpour of energy icing her cake, I watched as she cut a really large piece of cake at the edge of her acceleration point before it went downwards to her next creation, and simply held it outwards.  It was so real I could see the crumbs from having cut it.  I looked out over her landscape that is the remaining months of this year and man oh man there was a line of people, all single file, spread completely across her timeline.  I could not, for the life of me, identity these folks or even why they are lined up in her reading.  There were mostly kept in shadow energy, meaning I could not see them clearly… very much like the way I see my own divine counterpart in meditation… blotchy at best and no connection (consciousness) of the energy they represent.  At least not yet!!  They have to represent the Sirian side of life… and I don’t even know what that really means!!


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