~ Powerful Eclipse Energies Continue

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings,  We are Still Feeling the Powerful Energies of the Eclipse and New Moon. WOW.... Indeed it was powerful !!!! you can join us on the higher grid today At this Link:  http://tinychat.com/galacticpress   Flying with Father God Begins at 2:00pm Pacific But The Room IS Open! Love The Earth Allies

Alaska Endures Record Cold While Still Buried Under Snow


Accuweather.com -5/10/13, Alex Sosnowski

While winter is finally breaking over much of Alaska this week, it has be a slow start to spring in much of the Last Frontier. (Photos.com image)


The central and eastern United States are not the only areas experiencing a colder-than-average spring. Alaska is also hanging on to winter's chill and snow.

The five-week period from April 3 to May 7 was the coldest in 109 years of record keeping at Fairbanks, Alaska, according to the National Weather Service (NWS).

More: Accuweather.com




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Cold Weather May Be Cause of Sea Turtle Sickness


Weather.com - 5/09/13, AP



DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Marine science officials say a high number of turtle turtles found stranded on beaches from north Florida to Georgia may be caused by an unusually long period of winter weather.

A spokeswoman for the Volusia County's Marine Science Center says they've cared for more sick sea turtles during the past month as they did during all of last year.

More: Weather.com



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Meteor spotted in night sky in England and Wales


BBC - 5/09/13


People have reported seeing a bright light, thought to be a meteor, in the sky in parts of England and Wales.



Sightings of the celestial body were reported on Twitter in areas such as Cornwall, Hampshire, Lancashire, south Wales and Worcestershire.

Video and more: BBC



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The Cosmic Giggle (full film)



Published on 21 Apr 2013


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Photos: Winds Force Destructive Ice From Lake Into Homes


Accuweather.com - Meghan Evans, 5/10/13

Photo of the ice's destruction in Alberta Beach, Canada, taken by Farah Dhalla.


High winds howling in Alberta, Canada, on Monday night forced ice from Lac Ste. Anne into homes in Alberta Beach.

A powerful cold front pushed across the area, stirring winds as high as 50-60 mph (80-90 km/h), on Monday night.

More: Accuweather.com



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Snow Clobbers Parts of Colorado Again


Accuweather.com - 5/10/13, Alex Sosnowski

Image of Route 50 at Monarch Pass, Colo., was taken at 2:00 p.m. MDT, Thurs., May 9, 2013 and appears courtesy of the Colorado Department of Transportation.

While areas from Denver to Pueblo along I-25 were spared heavy snow this time, the high country to the west was hit with up to a couple of feet of snow Thursday.

A push of cooler, but moist air from the east was just enough to bring a heavy snowfall to the Colorado Rockies from late Wednesday into the afternoon hours Thursday.

More: Accuweather.com



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Visionkeeper - Beliefs….


One World Rising Posted on May 10, 2013



Music to read by below:


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3MIN News May 10, 2013: M3 Flare Behind the Limb




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on May 10, 2013


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Live: Severe Storms Rage Over Southern Plains


Accuweather.com - Jillian MacMath, 5/09/13

This photograph of a severe storm taken in Saskatchewan, Canada, July 3, 2011 is courtesy of CND Storm Chaser.

Severe thunderstorms will continue to diminish over the southern Plains during the early morning hours of Friday, but there will still be a few storms that can produce large hail and damaging winds. In general, heavy rain will be the biggest threat from remaining showers and thunderstorms.

The storms began Wednesday, unleashing baseball-sized hail and torrential rain, and resulting in three confirmed tornados.

More: Accuweather.com



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Rainfall Deficits in Feet!


Weather.com - Jon Erdman, 5/09/13

Contrast in water levels at Falcon Reservoir near Zapata, Texas in 2012 (top) and early 2013 (bottom). (Photo credit: iWitnessWeather/Mel Wishman)


If you're alarmed by the size of our national debt, there's another massive deficit that may boggle your mind.

In meteorology, we often discuss precipitation deficits and surpluses in terms of inches.

More: Weather.com



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'Ring of Fire' Eclipse Wows Australia (IMAGES)


Weather.com - 5/09/13, Weather.com and AP

The moon crossed in front of the sun during a partial solar eclipse in Sydney, Friday, May 10, 2013. At remote outposts across Australia, scientists and spectators gathered to watch as the eclipse castes its approximately 120-mile-wide shadow at dawn over Western Australia, before moving east through the Northern Territory and the top of Queensland state.(AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)


People waking up in the Australian Outback Friday morning, along with other parts of the Pacific, were among the lucky few to witness a "ring of fire" solar eclipse, as the moon slipped between the Earth and the sun, covering everything but a blazing ring of light around the edges.

The eclipse lasted between three and six minutes, depending on its location, and blacked out around 95 percent of the sun at its peak.

More: Weather.com


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Expressions of the Wind



Expressions of the Wind


The wind expresses its

spirit with such nakedness.

It speaks with passion,

with life.

The magic of being one

with your surroundings.

All in its truth

of the moment.

We are change, once we realize

that we are like the seasons,


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The Magic of Life





The Magic of Life!

What does that mean?

All I can say is, it is always present!

The moments that bring a smile to your face, reminds you of the beauty of life.

With these times of uncertainty we must find the constant that brings us some peace. Think about it. What is the first thing that comes to mind?

Everything we are experiencing now is more physical than ever before. We have the opportunity to really pay attention. When we feel things in our physical body, the mind awakens and gives us a reason to be aware. We have a difficult time pushing that discomfort away.


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Sky-Watchers' Guide: Solar Eclipse Thursday


Nationalgeographic, By: Andrew Fazekas, 05/09/2013


A "ring of fire" solar eclipse will darken skies on Thursday as the black silhouette of the moon will appear to glide across the face of the sun until only a bit of sunlight is visible. Though the celestial phenomenon will be visible mostly in remote areas in the Pacific, armchair astronomers can watch a live feed of the eclipse, thanks to SLOOH.


The Internet-based space-tracking service is broadcasting the annular eclipse via a telescope from Australia starting on May 9 at 5:30 p.m. ET (21:30 UT).


For more on this story visit www.nationalgeographic.com


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I'm Coming Home


After watching American Idol last night (yes, I watch regular TV) and seeing how the 3 remaining finalists were inspired after a trip to their Home towns, I felt prompted to put this new video together.


Home is where the Heart is. "I'm Coming Home", in this instance, is the assertion that God dwells within me and I am Coming Home to my God Self, the Divine within. I am claiming my Divinity and asserting my place in this world. God is Me.  I am God.  I am here to Serve. Heart = Home = GPS.


Dr Moe


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Inspiration


Angel Wisdom Friday, May 3, 2013



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Latest Earthquake Activity - May 10, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.



Map of the 6.0 quake in Tobelo, Indonesia

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

May 10


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Money and Britons join US quest for truth about UFOs


The Telegraph - 5/09/13, Raf Sanchez

A handful of British stars are helping America's believers mount an increasingly professional-looking search for the truth on UFOs, reports Raf Sanchez

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure ran for five days and took in dozens of witnesses.

In a conference room two blocks from the White House former members of Congress are being shown photographs of chopped-up cows. Specifically, cows that have been chopped up and had their organs removed by alien visitors to planet Earth.

After a handful of slides, Lynn Woolsey, an ex-congresswoman from California, tilts her head and asks the panel of witnesses in front of her to explain one more time why our extraterrestrial visitors are so interested in bits of bovine. "It's a genetic harvest," comes the patient reply.


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The Unknowing is upon us!



The Unknowing is Upon Us!


Do you feel like everything is different these last few months?

Are you trying to figure out why the way you do things

 doesn’t seem to work anymore?

Well, you are not alone!

That is the most important aspect to

 remember now and as we move forward!

 We are not alone.

We are becoming more and more aware

of the changes that are transpiring.


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Heavenletter #4550 - Dream a Dream of You


Heaven Letters Published on: May 10, 2013

God said:

Good Morning, My Creation! What a beautiful day it is before Us! There never was a day like this one before, and there will never be another like it again. Of course, the Infinite that this speaks to is a drop in the bucket next to the Infinity of the Universe! It seems that I am copying you, My children, in your comparing one day to another, one person to another, one life to another. All lives take place in the same Field of Infinity. Of course, Infinity cannot be in a field. The widest field has an end, and Infinity has none. Boundless is Infinity, and yet it seems that you bound along in it, laughing or crying and making something of it.

Nor, in actuality, does a day really transpire, as transpire is spoken of. What exactly transpires? Events? All this is mind-boggling, isn’t it? Infinity is beyond mind. Mind cannot conceive it even as it tries.


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Flowering Energies Emerge from Chaotic Events…


Gaia Portal May 9

gaia_energy1Flowering energies emerge from chaotic events, a both outer and inner. These appear as showering Gaia with “mists of emergence”. Assistance is requested of all Gaia Light Workers to coordinate individual situation energies with the current Gaia  “mists of emergence” energies.

Those viewing thus communication with Higher Vision will understand their roles.

As participation in these energies is individually accepted, global acceptance and participation follows.


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My Higher Self: You Have Graduated Already!


GraduationIn the upcoming times, a lot will come up to the surface to be released and to be transmuted.  More and more people are feeling the effects of the energies that are coming in at this time.  The collective consciousness is beginning to simmer, like in a pot, and a lot of people cannot take the heat, as it were.

But that is strictly resistance on their part.  They are afraid to let go what does not serve them anymore.  They are afraid to move forward.  That is the ego stopping them.

You must release your ego.  You must still your mind.  You are all moving into a higher consciousness that is so much grander than what you are all experiencing now.  Imagine having what you want just by thinking about it.  That is what awaits all of you.

That is what awaits all of you if you allow it to happen.  The way you allow it to happen is to surrender into the flow.  Do not fight the energies.  Allow the energies to cleanse you.  Allow the energies to take you in a river on a boat.  Do not worry where the boat takes you.  Just sit back and enjoy the views that are along the way.


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This is What TRANSITION Feels Like! LOVE Will Get You Through.


5/9/13 On the Eve of Our New Moon/Solar Eclipse–A  BIGTIME “Hit of the Day”
This particular “hit” seemed to form out of the very energies of our new moon/solar eclipse, and strike with an impact that I can only imagine is how it feels to be struck by lightning. It left me feeling weightless, disoriented, and most definitely “altered.” Even now, several hours later, I wondered if I might still be a little too shaky to put much energy into writing about it, and got the message, “Don’t write about it. You’ll be doing plenty of that later. For NOW, just tell them.”
O.K. I will. What “hit me” was that we are, with this new moon/solar eclipse, in the very midst of a major transmission. We are manifesting a complete change in the way we experience ourselves, and  one that will be irreversible. In fact, the words that actually kept coming up were “NEW LIFE.” Yowza. Major, irreversible transition? New life? This all sounded/felt awfully radical and extreme to me, until I “connected the dots,” they all came together, and I GOT it.


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Blossom Goodchild Channeling - MAY 10th 2013


Blossom Goodchild

Hello again ‘up there’! I know you are aware of the amazing Galactic Channellings translator team. Many say they feel you are with them as they translate. They have asked if they may ask you a few questions and it would be my pleasure to be able to do something in return for all that they do for ‘US.’

Good morning to you and each one. Indeed this is agreeable and we shall do our upmost to answer precisely ... to avoid confusion.

Great. Thank you. The first question concerns the experience of specific changes in our physical bodies or any symptoms that may associate with our bodies during the ascension and the speeding of the vibrative frequency, and if  you can give us any advice about the symptoms and how to treat them?


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Karen Doonan: High Council of Orion – Meditation for Release



This meditation is shared with ALL at this time in order to help you RELEASE, each one of you will have a different frequency and vibration that now calls for release and we invite you to share this meditation freely. Please do this exercise as often as you need and it may help to journal the experience in order for you to then consciously become more aware of what you are releasing and dissolving at this time.




Dear ones we come to guide and support as ALL now are asked to anchor the new vibrational frequencies and light codings that are now available. We ask for you to hold the intention to release all that no longer serves and to allow the emotions to find flow.



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Big Story Weather – May 10, 2013


RedOrbit - May 10, 2013


Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.

redOrbit Meteorologist Joshua Kelly


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High Council of Orion ~Disclosure


Dear ones we are here with you as you digest our words and process them through your heart space, for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. Many of you are now more than aware of the changes to your media and the changes within your media, the propensity for placing images of “alien” races now apparent as the distortion that it is in TRUTH. As the race that sought to contain and suppress was always well aware of this point in your human life journey, they left a legacy of distortion in relation to the actual shape and build of many of the races that share the universe with the human race. We draw your attention to the “spin” put on these races and the distortion of their intent. Now as the moon begins to strengthen and the new energies begin to increase in their frequency and vibration more will come to the attention of the general public as well as to those who are here to help prepare the human race for disclosure.


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The Oracle Report Friday, May 10, 2013


The Oracle Report

New Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus/Gemini

Ruling Mahavidya - Tara

Today's picture was taken J. Schoeppmeyer by of the Solar Eclipse over Australia and posted on spaceweather.com.

We pick up even more speed as the Moon moves into fast and airy Gemini today.  The tendency is toward carelessness, superficiality, impulsivity, derelection, and a know-it-all attitude.  We don't want to get swept up with any sort of mindset that hints of hopelessness.  So we will counter with closer attention to details, patience, and a general slowing of the pace.


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Return to Your Heart Center, That Which is Your God Self: Pleaidian Message


May 10, 2013 by Starlight


Through Caroline K.A.

We are with you again dear hearts.  We are the Galactic Federation, and we come to you today as messengers of divine truth, and guidance which is needed at this time as your awakening rapidly approaches.  Many of you continue to search within your beautiful selves, and at times from outside sources for the truth of who you are.  We say to you, your truth lies within, and only there will you find it.

We come to you as brothers and sisters; your family of light.  No matter what outwardly occurrences seemingly shake your world momentarily, we ask that you remain centered and balanced at all times.

We understand as you forego the experiences and lessons of your agreement within duality, there will be times of upwards, and downwards spirals along your journey.   Remember, above all else, the truth you seek, lies within your hearts, for this is where you will find restored faith in yourselves, trust, and above all immense and unconditional love.


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Venus and moon on May 10, with Jupiter nearby


Earthsky.com - 5/10/13, Bruce McClure




The three brightest heavenly bodies of nighttime – the moon, Venus and Jupiter, respectively – can be found in the western sky after sunset now. Jupiter is easy to see because this king of planets stays out until about an hour after dark, but the moon and Venus are harder to catch because they follow the sun below the horizon before it gets truly dark outside. But – on May 10, 2013 – you’ll have a chance to catch the moon and Venus near each other, low in the western twilight sky. Whether you see them will depend on the clarity of your sky – and the lack of trees or tall buildings in the way!


Link: EarthSky.org


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Jesus through John - The emotional issues coming up for you are your attachments


Jesus through John May 10, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

Humanity has always been enveloped by, but unaware of, the divine field of Love – all of creation is contained lovingly within it – but now the reality of this concept is breaking through into your awareness and can no longer be dismissed as delusional or make-believe nonsense by those who are fearful of anything that their physical senses cannot identify and measure.  Scorn and disbelief of realms other than the physical no longer cut it because there is far too much evidence to prove otherwise, and more is being detected daily.  Truly the first signs of humanity’s awakening are becoming ever more manifest, in fact the truth that you will most definitely awaken into your natural state as fully conscious beings can no longer be meaningfully denied.


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Lack of rain worries south-east farmers


Weatherzone, By: Stephanie Watson, 05/10/2013


Farmers in south-east NSW say they could have some of the best grass in the state at the moment. But the absence of a solid autumn break still has them worried.


Neil Waterson, a beef farmer in the Bega Valley, says all of the markets are flat because of an oversupply of cattle across the country.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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1.5.13 - Recorded during my early morning meditation and asked for my guide in the Sun to come forward.


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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - May 10, 2013





The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

May 10, 2013


Blossom: Hello again ‘up there’! I know you are aware of the amazing Galactic Channellings translator team. Many say they feel you are with them as they translate. They have asked if they may ask you a few questions and it would be my pleasure to be able to do something in return for all that they do for ‘US.’



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Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Press Release



If the Congress won’t do its job, the people will.

May 9, 2013


Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee

Seeks UN World Conference on Possible Extraterrestrial Presence

Washington, DC

On May 3, 2013 members of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee and Hearing witnesses representing ten UN member nations met at the National Press Club to draft a statement seeking United Nations review of evidence of a possible extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

The result is the following communiqué:

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Washington Communiqué May 3, 2013


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Drought policy lacks detail


Weatherzone, By: ABC, 05/10/2013


The president of the National Farmers Federation says it's time to release the details of new drought support measures. Around 17 per cent of New South Wales is in drought and 65 per cent is experiencing very dry conditions. Parts of Western Australia and Queensland are also in drought and Victoria is waiting for rain.


NFF President Duncan Fraser says the states signed off on the federal drought policy last week, but it lacks detail and governments need to be specific about the help on offer soon.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Djwhal Khul ~ Feminine Power


Terri Newlon May 9 2013


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.


Alright. We’re looking here at the New Moon with a solar eclipse and it’s right in the middle of two other eclipses poised on the Full Moon on either side of this New Moon. It’s an extremely potent time.


As we get into Mother’s Day we are also coming upon a time when we are reaching really kind of an exalted feminine power, all coming very rapidly.



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Eastern wheatbelt disappointed with rainfall results


Weatherzone, By: Olivia Garnett, 05/09/2013


Farmers in one of the driest parts of the wheatbelt are very disappointed in the rain associated with this week's cold front.


Romolo Patroni is the Shire President of Yilgarn, he also farms at Marvel Loch in the eastern wheatbelt. "Very disappointing with the way the cold front came through." "The predictions that were being made as far as rainfall was concerned we expected to get at least somewhere between 10 and 20 millimetres but I think generally the area only received between four and six millimetres."


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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The Portal of Magnetic Energy Imploded Over Night!


magentic release on earth


What strange and exhausting evening I had, and I am going to blame it all completely on my reading of the day!! (smile)  I will get to that in a minute.  By 7:30 last evening, I was not falling into sleep, but being pulled deeply into it.  I suddenly became very grateful that just hours earlier I listened to that inner voice that suggested I take my contact out and give my eyes a rest.  Normally, I rebel  this time, not at all, I popped out my contact and popped on my glasses.  I have never been so grateful for my own obedience   The moment I let go and flew into sleep, someone or something started to drill a hole in my left eye (the eye that, hours earlier, had the contact on it.)  My eye started watering like crazy and hurting like hell, but it didn’t prevent me being drug into sleep!


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New Earth Frequency Update ~ A Doorway of Opportunity ~




Challenge is the buzz word for 2013 and this month it becomes increasing more powerful.  We have been guided by the God Force that this year would represent “synchronization” and that if we did not let go of the old forces within us that it would push us into a new way of existing whether we were ready to go into that phase or not.

We did not do a Frequency Update last week as the energy was in a stillness and I could not find the right words to explain what was occurring.  In addition the Unified Whole Command asked me to take a back seat in sharing any energies.  I think sometimes we just need to flow with what we have received in order for the next phase to occur.


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Adama: Ice Cream Reality (Vanilla or Chocolate?)




>Quiet today?


>You too?

yes - evolution in the balance, we are at a tipping point as they say. So everyone here is waiting with "baited breath", it is a bit like watching those coin games, where the coins build up and build up. You add another coin to the pile, but it doesn't fall. You add another, and another... the time leading to the point where the coins tip seems like forever. Then there is a huge reward as the coins fall in a split second. And then - shall we put in another coin? Shall we start  building our investments once again? It is very difficult to put that first coin in the slot, knowing you will not see a return on your investment. But so many others contributed to your winnings.

So we're taking a step back to allow the creativity of humanity kick in and do its thing. It is only a relatively small number required to get the stone rolling down the hill.

> Will we see you guys soon? There are many of us waiting to meet you now.


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