~ WOOHOO~ Welcome to GRAND APRIL!~

Lia's picture


~ Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to A Grand Month of More Intense Energies Coming Our Way. As Anticipated we ended March a roaring Energetically speaking! Its Only Going to Become More Intense from this Point and there is no going back! The Ethics Train[ LOVE] is Full Speead Ahead! You can Join Your Family of Light Today LIVE Beginning at 10:30 Am Pacific as We discuss, What is Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?




We are Headed for a Planetwide Awakening! Thank You for Participating!


FYI, You Will Be Effected Upon entering this Room as the 5d Frequencies are Overflowing, YEEHAW! See You there! Love The Earth Allies

Foggy Pileup Claims 3 Lives in Virginia


Weather.com - 3/31/13

Photo taken by Virginia State Police Sgt. Mike Conroy at the scene of the crash.

Virginia State Police are on the scene of a multi-vehicle crash in the southbound lanes of Interstate 77 in Carroll County that has claimed three lives and injured more than 20 others.

Foggy conditions and hilly, treacherous terrain created treacherous travel conditions along the interstate in the area of Fancy Gap Mountain.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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March 2013 Tornadoes: Fewest in Decades


Weather.com - Jon Erdman, 4/01/13


The persistent, stubborn March cold in the Plains, South and East has had at least one benefit.  

March 2013 is poised to be one of the least tornadic Marches in the U.S. in decades.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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News Landslide: Before and After


Weather.com - 3/29/13

Home Page

Image credit: Washington Department of Ecology

Here are before-and-after aerial images of the area near Coupeville, Wash., on Whidbey Island. The before image shows the area in 2006. Move your mouse over the before image to see the after image taken Wednesday, March 27, after a landslide that severely damaged one home and threatens more than 30 others.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Live your lives in joy and unconditional love for all that is – Jesus through Isabel Henn ~ March 31, 2013




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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 1, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.3 mag quake NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 1




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How a Storm Became Big Enough to Span the Atlantic


Weather.com - 3/31/13, Douglas Main, livescience.com


There is currently a massive storm churning over the Atlantic that spans the entire ocean basin, stretching all the way from Canada to Europe, and from Greenland to the Caribbean.

It's the same weather system that brought a massive spring blizzard to much of the United States and Canada earlier this week (on Tuesday (March 26), 44 of 50 states had some snow on the ground), and which has now ballooned in size, according to Jason Samenow, chief meteorologist with the Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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There goes Peter Cottontail: Iconic rabbit facing extinction


NBC News - 3/31/13

Credit: Lou Perrotti / Roger Williams Park Zoo

A cottontail, not Peter.


By Sofia Perpetua, Writer

The grass is not that green for the New England cottontail rabbit anymore, as its habitat is disappearing — and if there is no intervention the Massachusetts famous rabbit could become extinct, experts warn.

This rabbit species was once so popular that it inspired Peter Cottontail, Thornton Burgess children’s story character, a century ago, as well as songs, comic strips, movies and television specials.


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DNA is Influenced by Words and Frequencies


Waking Times October 29, 2012 | By admin


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Swarms of Locusts Tormenting Middle East, Madagascar


Wunderground.com - 3/28/13, Sean Breslin

A swarm of locusts fly over the Negev desert near the Egyptian-Israeli border on March 12, 2013 at the Beduin village of Bir Hadage, Israel. (Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)

A modern-day plague of locusts have been swarming the Middle East in March, and now, they're even turning up elsewhere.

Millions of the crop-destroying insects were first reported in Egypt, but quickly crossed over into neighboring Israel, where images of the biblical plagues resurfaced. They showed up by the millions, just before Passover, forcing a rapid response to exterminate the critters that are notorious for reproducing and growing their swarms at an alarming pace.

To read the rest of this story, visit Wunderground.com.


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83 Miners Trapped in Tibet Landslide


Wunderground.com - 3/31/13

Tibet Landslide Traps 83

Rescuers lead sniffer dogs while searching through rock and debris at a gold mine after a mudslide in Gyama village, in Maizhokunggar County of Lhasa, Tibet, on March 30. (AP Photo)

BEIJING — Authorities in Tibet said Sunday that chances were slim that any survivors would be found after a massive mudslide at a gold mine buried 83 workers in piles of earth up to 100 feet deep. Searchers have found 11 bodies and were searching for the remaining missing.

The landslide Friday has spotlighted the extensive mining activities in the mountainous Chinese region of Tibet and sparked questions about whether mining activities have been excessive and destroyed the region's fragile ecosystem.
To read the rest of this story, visit Wunderground.com.



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Time, Consciousness and the Imagination


                    Design Consciousness



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~ The First Contact Ground Crew Team!~



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The Ascension Process Underway~ Thank You For sharing!


An Important Message from The Earth Allies ~ Ascension Process ~
Humanity is In Some Very Exiting and for some, Uncomfortable Moments of the Ascension Process , as we are in the final Process's, of Releasing all density within the Body Holograms and this includes Mother Earth, to prepare for Unity Consciosuness. This event is Multi~ Dimensional, as this will also result in all the so called dark ones, non~ existance. More: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreep...


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Layers of Energetic Clouds are being Removed


gaia_energy1Layers of energetic clouds are being removed from the Inner Gaia at this moment. The process is coordinated with the humanity so to allow as many opportunities for Higher Awareness, prior to the end date. “End date” being flexible as required.

Post-layer-removal brings clarity of Higher Thought, Higher Purpose, Higher Awareness. And will feel to the Higher (and 3D) Senses as a clear, bright sky, and cool breeze.

Gaia Ascension Process is in full movement at this time.

We encourage releasing of all prior concepts regarding the nature of Ascension. “Allowing” and “accepting” and “conscious participating” are key.



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❤ Pleiadian Message. “We Are What You Are Becoming.” By, Bella Capozzi.





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-Parliament, "Mothership Connection"

ART: "Happy Easter Island" by BurrelloSubmarine, (Jonathan Burrello and J. C. Stephens), http://alternativechronicle.wordpress.com/secretkeys/

Isla De Pascua - Easter Island/Easter Island/Easter Bunny
Easter Bunny



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Re~Hearter: Chat Session at 3 pm Eastern





To Join us Use the Link Above!

heartAwakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)

Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)

Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!

~ Love, Mother God and Rain




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Poofness – Now the Phoenix Rises – 3/31/2013


Oracles and Healers March 31, 2013

poofGreetings and Salutations;

So, I see some of you had your heads blown about some mis/dis…put out by a couple of the talking heads, one is certain to be a talking head for the cheney group. Therefore, we’re still looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I bet when he passes and get’s his karmic payment for deeds done, he’ll be arguing for his rights to tell those lies. What happened to ‘debt doesn’t matter?’ Common sense says it matters to they you owe. Mr wanta has backup to getting that 27T spread out. The other signatory is setting on ice right now, ready to initiate the reagan/mitterrand protocols. Because they’ve tried to kill the man on a few occasions, he thought it best to remain where he is until the all clear is sounded. As the phoenix rises, the eggs will start cracking open and you’ll notice, the world will notice…one thing that will be noticed is folks exchanging their dinars and dongs. RVs Have to happen, new banking system based on precious metals, the rvs happen accordingly.


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Montague’s Message for Sunday, 31st March 2013




My dear, I was delighted to be able to organise one or two surprises for you this weekend. I wanted to say thank you for your devotion to our work. It is important for you to spend time with family and special friends this holiday weekend. You need to relax and put work aside for a few hours.

Important connections are being made and the right people are being brought forward. Significant information is being shared. You were told an important connection with Canada would be made, and within hours, such a connection was made. All the sacred sites around your world were once connected, but this connection was temporarily destroyed and this left you in darkness. Now, you are hearing of good people across your world who are aware of this and are busily reconnecting these sites. This will create the energy necessary for the light to remove all the evidence of darkness, forever. We in spirit, work with these people. Their sole purpose is to restore the light.


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Sophia Love - No Waiting


Sophia Love 03./31/2013



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Language of Light Stargate (Love and Joy - triggers to creativity and communication



Published on Mar 31, 2013

The Language of Light is a universal cosmic language presented, if you will, in the form of energy fields, wave forms and particles - or we could say the movement between frequency bands or radio waves - yet these waves and energies are multidimensional and exist outside of linear space and time. An MP3 meditation related to the contents of this video is now available for download at http://www.magentapixie.com/

Images c/o Stock.Xchng, footage c/o stockfootageforfree, music c/o Kevin Macleod.
Video edited by Catzmagick Productions.



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~ Greetings Love Beings~ You can JOIN US! The Pheonix Is Rising!



Greetings Love beings, You can Join Father God and I Live In this Intense energy for a Sunday Night Resurrection Love Party The Phoenix is RISING! Love is Here! You can  Join Us Live Beginning NOW 5:00pm Pacific till?....... You can You Join us at this Link http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


Love The Earth Allies


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The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology For The Age Of Light Part 1


Part 2 



Noted astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow channels the voice of Satya, a Pleiadian goddess. Satya describes the huge cosmic drama taking place simultaneously in nine dimensions, with Earth as the chosen theater...... http://www.handclow2012.com/



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Severe Storm Recap from Easter Sunday


Accuweather.com- April 1, 2013-Kristina Pydynowski


Easter Sunday brought the month of March to a close with severe storms across the Deep South and Texas.

Severe thunderstorms with a history of producing hail and damaging winds continued to race southeastward across the central Gulf Coast in addition to southeastern and central Texas well into the evening.

To read the rest of this story, please visit Accuweather.com



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Coldest Easter on Record in United Kingdom


Accuweather.com- April 1st, 2013- Eric Leister 


The lowest Easter temperature in recorded history across the United Kingdom occurred in Braemar, Scotland, as the temperatures fell to -12.5 C (9.5 F) Sunday. This broke the previous record of -9.8 C (14.4 F) set in 1986, according the the Met Office.

Meanwhile, the low temperature fell to -2.8 C (27 F) in London, well below the normal low of 3.9 C (39.0 F).

To read the rest of this story, please visit Accuweather.com


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Here Comes The Sun! ☼ Mini-Reading For April 1, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.


Cupcakes and Angels Posted on April 1, 2013 by bella7xoxo


Welcome to April! From the moment I got up this morning,  I’ve been aware of a clear shift in energy – and I mean this in the most positive sense.  The inconsitencies of March seem to have passed, and in it’s place is a fiery brightness.  I’m getting the sensation of fast movement, of more structured change and the potential to see more physical, tangible, clear-cut results from all of the hard work that we’ve been doing.  The sun is rising over a brand new paradigm, with it’s rays shedding light on everything.  Nothing can remain hidden in the bright Light of day.   The darkness has finally passed. April has the potential to be a month of decisiveness and action; action that we ourselves are being motivated to take in order manifest our long-anticipated shift into 5th dimensional reality.


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The Oracle Report Monday, April 1, 2013


The Oracle Report

Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in


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Special Message from Jesus for Listeners of 2013


 John Smallman Message from Jesus:
Listeners to this program 2013 – Hope for Our New World, are all involved directly in holding and extending the divine energy field enveloping Earth to assist in humanity’s imminent awakening.
The love burning in your hearts, and that you extend so willingly to all on Earth, is an extremely powerful and irresistible force that, added to the power of many, many others all over the planet who are intending that humanity awaken and leave the illusion to dissolve into nothingness, is far more effective than you can possibly imagine.
Your prayers and meditation are an essential part of humanity’s awakening process, so regardless of any doubts you may be experiencing, please increase rather than reduce the time you spend quietly and silently holding your Light, as you intend that our Father’s plan for humanity be magnificently fulfilled. And know that no other outcome is possible or required.

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Killer Waves: How Tsunamis Changed Histor


Wunderground.com- 4/1/13, Becky Oslin




In a jumbled layer of pebbles and shells called the "Dog's Breakfast deposit" lies evidence of a massive tsunami, one of two that transformed New Zealand's Maori people in the 15th century.

After the killer wave destroyed food resources and coastal settlements, sweeping societal changes emerged, including the building of fortified hill forts and a shift toward a warrior culture.


For more on this story please see Wunderground.com.


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Benjamin Fulford ~Plasma Ball Spotted Over MT Fuji, HAARP Attack Suspected


benjamin_fulford_3A powerful plasma ball was spotted over Mt. Fuji and photographed by this writer. The photographs clearly show the plasma burning over the massive volcano.


The photograph above and the one below were taken from Shinjuku, near the Tokyo government office buildings.


The photographs have raised suspicions of a HAARP attack by the cabal aimed at setting off an eruption of Mt. Fuji.

To prevent this attack on Mt. Fuji from escalating, retaliation has begun with the stimulation of volcanic and earthquake activity around the Atlantic Canary Islands using highly classified technical means.
Scientists have noted that if the La Palma rock formation in the Canary Islands falls into the ocean, it would trigger at 100 meter tsunami that would hit the East Coast of the United States, large parts of Southern Europe, West Africa and South America.


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Ronna Herman ~ Archangel Michael: Traversing the Upward Passageway Into the Future


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-04-2013

Beloved masters, I greet you this glorious day and send to you, through this transmission, great waves of loving energy and words of encouragement to assist you through these wondrous times of transformation. Many of you are thinking, “They do not seem so wondrous to me. What am I doing wrong? I am not worthy enough to move forward, to graduate, and to become enlightened as you have promised. Will I be left behind? Why does my world seem to be so chaotic, in such turmoil? Where is the peace and joy you said would be forthcoming?”

Let me ease your mind and help you understand the process. You will not fail. You are exactly where you should be—you are perfect the way you are. You have all the help you need and all the answers to your problems, if you will just allow your Higher OverSoul Self to OverLight you as you strive to refine your emotional, mental and physical bodies.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Release


Angel Wisdom Monday, April 1, 2013


Allow for the Transformation


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The Energies of April - Jennifer Hoffman


Enlightening Life April 1, 2013

about Jennifer Hoffman


This Easter Sunday was much different from those of the past few years for me. There was a new brightness in the air that fueled the feeling of anticipation and excitement I have had for the past week. I was sitting in church this morning, listening to the sermon and thinking about Easter’s symbolism and then a new realization hit me, this is the “Second Coming” we have been waiting for. And in April we find an opening door, support from every angle, and a Universe poised to see what we are going to do next.

The second coming of Christ, which has been anticipated for centuries as when we would be released from our human bondage on earth, was always thought to be a time when Jesus would come down from heaven, in physical form, and take us back with him (or some version of that). I think that many of us had a secret hope that it would be a combination of Ghostbusters and Terminator, the final battle between the good guys and the bad guys, with us standing on the sidelines, cheering on our rescuer.


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Volcanoes Today, 1 Apr 2013: Etna


Volcano Discovery Monday Apr 01, 2013 11:04 AM |

Sample of the White Lava erupted during the 16 Mar paroxysm (OPEC)

Sample of the White Lava erupted during the 16 Mar paroxysm (OPEC)


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Moscow Records Highest March Snow Depth in 20 Years


Accuweather.com - 3/31/13, Vickie Frantz

Russians cover themselves from a blizzard as they walk outside Moscow's Kremlin, Russia, on Sunday, March 24, 2013. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

As of March 26, 2013, the snow depth in Moscow, Russia, was 30 inches, their highest March snow depth in more than 20 years.

"A previous record snow depth of 29 inches was recorded March 19, 1994," said Senior Expert Meteorologist Jim Andrews.

To read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.


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Easter bunny brings biggest rains to Top End


weatherzone By Andrew Thompson, Monday April 1, 2013 - 22:36 EDT

ABC image

The Easter holidays have seen the Top End break its dry spell. - ABC


A bumper burst of Easter weather has delivered the Top End's largest amount of rainfall so far this wet season, the Bureau of Meteorology has said.

This season had been unusually dry, but parts of Darwin have received up to 130 millimetres over the past few days.

To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone


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3MIN News April 1, 2013



Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 1, 2013


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Visionkeeper - The $64,000.00 Question….


One World Rising April 1, 2013




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Heavenletter #4511 - It’s a Beautiful World


Heaven Letters Published on: April 1, 2013

God said:

So much of what occurs in the world depends upon your view of the world. There, I have said it.

There is a tendency for the children of My heart to feel that they are inconsequential. I understand that the world may overlook you. The world can and too often does, but that’s the world for you, and so feel overlooked, unnoticed, unimportant if you must. However, I AM your Creator. The world is not to recreate you. I created you, and now you create your own view of the world and your place in it.

I tell you that you have a prominent place in the world. I am not feeding your ego. I would not feed your ego. What am I saying has nothing to do with ego. It has to do with your Spirit, and it has to do with your responsibility. Don’t feel burdened by the thought that you play an important part in the world. You can hold the world up instead of putting it down.


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~ Whats Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live




~ Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to A Grand Month of More Intense Energies Coming Our Way. As Anticipated we ended March a roaring Energetically speaking! Its Only Going to Become More Intense from this Point and there is no going back! The Ethics Train[ LOVE] is Full Speead Ahead! You can Join Your Family of Light Today LIVE Beginning at 10:30 Am Pacific as We discuss, What is Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?




We are Headed for a Planetwide Awakening! Thank You for Participating!


FYI, You Will Be Effected Upon entering this Room as the 5d Frequencies are Overflowing, YEEHAW! See You there! Love The Earth Allies



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White Cliffs collapse: Tons of chalk fall into the Channel near Dover


The Extinction Protocol-3/29/13



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Giant veil of “cold plasma” discovered high above Earth


The Extinction Protocol, 2/3/13




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Portal 2012 Sunday, March 31, 2013

L1DNLSIP complete, L1UPLSIP in progress, Overlord 2 in progress. Isidic security breach ongoing, HVBN retrieved but unstable. M=3.

Posted by Cobra at 10:40 PM



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Message From The Council Of Light ~ April Energy Update : What If…?


Meredith Murphy 


Beloved Family of Light,

At this time the dawning of the New Age is being increasingly felt by each of you.

You notice this in the sublte ways your emotions are different — less dominant in your experience.You notice this as you sense incoming energies amplifying your presence.You notice this as you feel the familiar sense of loving energy around you, this sustained ongoing awareness of the deep connection you have with All-That-Is.These are all reminders of your awakening, your remembering and they are increasingly available as the energy evolves within your field and the energy of the crystalline grid shifts and opens into a new expression of planetary consciousness. All of life, in all kingdoms, is opening to this newness at the same time, in an interwoven dance of light and upliftment. It is a grand time indeed to be human and experiencing Earth. And it is a grand time to be in the stands, so to speak, watching and smiling with joy, humor and knee-slapping delight as you discover your capacites once more.

The newness in your experience is your own leading edge.


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How Changing Your Personal Frequency Changes Everything


The Healers Journal Posted by admin March 31, 2013

HJ:  We are always tempted to rearrange those things outside of ourselves — our job, our clothes, our location and so on — in the hopes of resolving some inner dilemma or conflict.  The irony is that more often than not, the solution to the problems and challenges we face is to make internal changes in our perceptions and beliefs.  There are situations in which external changes are appropriate and necessary, however, ultimately internal shifts are the only ones that bring the lasting change and happiness we seek.


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Jesus ~ Easter Message: We are God (via Sitara)



I am your brother Jesus.

Today is the day when many on this planet set aside “time” to acknowledge the message of wholeness.

Even though they mistakenly “worship” a person who they believe is apart from them, outside themselves, they will come to know the reality of oneness.

But the energy manifested today is most important because it brings a great peace and heart opening across this planet. It brings a portion of the peace which can only be found in an open heart.

My teachings of love, peace and brotherhood have been taken to heart by millions. My message that each is an aspect of God has been suppressed for control, power and gain.

On this day of celebration of resurrection and ascension, let us once again come together in the knowledge and realization that we ARE God…and that we are one, united, inseparable from God. All else is illusion.


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Irma Kaye ~ Cosmic Weather (R) ~ Monthly Snapshot Of April


Irma kaye sawyerLove recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. – Maya Angelou (Sun in Aries)

Hello friends. When I did the yearly forecast for 2013 back in late 2012 I got the feeling even then that I would have to take each month as they came, and treat them even more individually than in previous years. In a year of “(Water) Snake Medicine,” I knew we had our work cut out for us, and that this year for everyone (especially for those with eyes to see,) would be a deep initiation on several levels.

It is also a continuation of the process that was started at the Full Moon in Libra last week as it made all of those contacts to Mars, Uranus and Pluto. Yes indeed, change is still afoot dear ones, and with these aspects it’s most likely to be more long-lasting as opposed to the minor or relatively superficial, though there will be changes in those areas as well. Astrograph called the Fires of April “subtle,” and I would tend to agree. However, just because they are subtle does not mean they are not capable of destruction and great changes. It’s all about *management* of these energies, and staying as grounded and present as possible. We already did the “bulldozer” effect back in February/March, and if you’re anything like me, you’d like to move on to another strategy. :)


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Live your lives in joy and unconditional love for all that is – Jesus through Isabel Henn ~ March 31, 2013


As seen at pleiadedolphininfos Monday, April 1, 2013


In this year too, you are celebrating Easter, the day of my Resurrection. You have been told much about it and much has been withheld. You celebrate me as a hero, who has sacrificed his life on the cross and who has died for you. As the savior of the world. This is not who I am. I am not a hero and no savior. The cruxificion was painful and I was doubting if it was the right way, but it had to be done because it was the only way to bring my message nearer to you. Not I will salve you, but you yourselves, you alone will save yourselves. The help for this, the teachings, I have given you through my whole life and my death



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Your most powerful dreams will include everyone, dear hearts. ~through Ron Head





Was that not a tumultuous weekend?  Pleasant for you, dear friends, we trust, but full of energy contrasts, as well, we are sure.


Now you are into April itself.  It seems as if things have settled down.  And yet you feel as if something is afoot.  Something has not quite happened yet.  Your consciousness is cautiously feeling around trying to discover what it might be.


Well, you are almost correct.  Your sole error is in the thought that things have settled down.  They have merely settled into a steady current which will continue to build.  Spring is now here, at least in your northern hemisphere, and change will come.  And this energy is saying, “Change WILL come!”



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