~ Yeehaw~ Energies Continue Moving Us Into Alignment

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, We are In Prophized Moments on this Planet Currently. We continue to have tremendous energy Movement and We will Begin Feeling the Effects of Our Global Meditation which Rocked this Planet!!! Love has Truly Won, The Announements are being released. Not in the way everyone thought they were, but none the less it has begun!!! A Planetary Upgrade is still in process. We will Have More In Our Next Update! Love The Earth Allies PS, If You need Assistence in these current energy Moments we have awakening sessions to help!  http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/schedule-one-these-amazing-life-changing-sessions-today

Earthquake strikes near Sichuan, China; 8 injured


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 2/21/13

February 21, 2013 – CHINA - Eight people were injured in an earthquake near the border area of China’s southwestern Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, local authorities said today. The 4.9-magnitude earthquake, which occurred at 10:46 a.m. yesterday with an epicenter 6 km deep, toppled 72 houses and damaged 949 others in Yunnan’s Qiaojia County, the county government said. The injured, including two people in serious condition, have been sent to local hospitals, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. “Many people ran out of buildings when the quake came, but there was no falling debris.



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Latest Earthquake Activity - February 21, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.8 quake OFFSHORE COLIMA, MEXICO

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

February 20




And have a seat on the same old bench

To watch the children play

You know, tomorrow is their future

But for me, just another day
They all gather around me

They seem to know my name

We laugh, tell a few jokes

But it still doesn't ease my pain
I know I cant hide from a memory

Though day after day I've tried\

I keep sayin' she'll be back


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The Morning Blessing 02.21.13


In our Science of Mind studies we are reminded over and over again of the power of the "yes factor". The word "yes" is like a mirror of the universe. The way it works is that all of our thoughts and beliefs are brought into our experience, because the universe always says "yes" to them. No matter what the real truth of the matter may be, the universe will always reflect back a "yes," just like a mirror. Our personal consciousness operates behind the scenes to produce factual events that the universe verifies for us. If you desire to be loved and yet hold your focus on the void of that love then the universe can never deliver that experience to you. It's impossible. The power of the universe to affect change on your behalf starts from within your own mind. In ordinary language, you must have faith in the truth and reality of what is wanted rather than what is not wanted.



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"Please release me let me go"


“For I don’t need you anymore”


I don’t use you anymore and you may not use me anymore. To be upfront with you I must say that you make me puke, ill, tired, and sick, you get me in trouble over the most meaningless issues. You turn them into major fall-outs, break-ups, heart breaks, altercations, dramas, sorrow, pain, fighting and even war.


You are about to become powerless.


With your use, you have placed me in states of shame and guilt, you have made me loose connections with wonderful Beings, you have cost me jobs and careers, you have cost me large sums of abundance in many ways, you have been the most unproductive motivation in my entire life.


I AM a Being of pure white Light, and now that I have made this Higher Self discovery, I’m going to tell on you for what you really are, and I’m going to tell the entire population of all my brothers and sisters so you no longer interfere in my relationships with them and myself any more. Yes, it is discloser time for you.


This is due to the fact that I have seen you use every one of my brothers and sisters, as they have used you. Now it’s time for you to pay the piper as I hereby “pay-it-forward” to those that I Love beyond what could ever be measured.


I know that you are a sleigh, clandestine, dirty rotten scoundrel, and that you hide behind many titles and disguises, but “NEVER THE LESS NOT MY WILL BUT THAT OF THE HIGHEST ORDER BE DONE.” So I will now name you to all.



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Breathtaking Electromagnetic Solar Surface Event - NASA SDO/AIA



Published on Feb 19, 2013



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Volcanic activity worldwide 20 Feb 2013: Etna, Santa María / Santiaguito, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Shiveluch


Volcano Discovery Wednesday Feb 20, 2013 17:54 PM

Etna during the 3rd New SE crater paroxysm

Etna during the 3rd New SE crater paroxysm


Small pyroclastic flow from Shiveluch on 19 Feb 2013 (KVERT webcam)

Small pyroclastic flow from Shiveluch on 19 Feb 2013 (KVERT webcam)



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Forecasters Say Tornado Spotted In Northern California


CBS SF Bay Area - 2/20/13

An eyewitness spotted this tornado touching down in Tehama County near Red Bluff on February 19, 2013. (CBS)

An eyewitness spotted this tornado touching down in Tehama County near Red Bluff on February 19, 2013. (CBS)


RED BLUFF, Tehama County (CBS / AP) — The National Weather Service said a tornado was sighted in Northern  California as a winter storm passed through the area.

According to the weather service, a “weak” tornado was spotted north of Red Bluff on Tuesday shortly after 1:30 p.m.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com.



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Hand of God in Weather


Weather.com - 2/21/13, Jess Baker

In the Wake of Disaster

Mother Nature is volatile and violent, with the power to change lives in a matter of moments.

In the wake of disaster, it's not uncommon for people to say they saw the hand of a higher power at work. Survivors will often tell friends and family that "someone was watching over" them and protecting them from the worst of a storm.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Strong winter storm dumps 20 inches of snow on northern Michigan


The Times Herald - 2/20/13, Associated Press

Marlene Decio enjoys a snowy walk with her Welsh Terriers, Max and Rudy, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013, along the John and Dede Howard Recreational Trail in St. Joseph, Mich. (AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell)

Marlene Decio enjoys a snowy walk with her Welsh Terriers, Max and Rudy, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013, along the John and Dede Howard Recreational Trail in St. Joseph, Mich. (AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) / AP


MARQUETTE — A strong winter storm has dumped more than 20 inches of snow in parts of northern Michigan, forcing officials to close some roads and many schools in the Upper Peninsula.

State police say snowdrifts of up to 8 feet and 40-mph wind gusts led to the closing of a stretch of M-28 between Marquette and Munising, and it remained closed indefinitely Wednesday night.


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Etna volcano current activity: new paroxysms from New SE crater


Volcano Discovery Thursday Feb 21, 2013 11:11 AM


The characteristic tall tremor peak of Etna's tremor signal

The characteristic tall tremor peak of Etna's tremor signa


A 4th paroxysm from the New SE crater just ended. It followed the previous one with only about 18 hours interval. It will be interesting to see how long Etna will keep up this busy pace.


Lava fountains and flow from the lower fissure of Etna's New SE crater

Lava fountains and flow from the lower fissure of Etna's New SE crater


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LOVE WINS! ~ Part Two ~ Continued Announcements





LOVE WINS! En-joy!


http://www.activatejoy.com/wp-content/themes/infocusv31/infocus/lib/scripts/timthumb/thumb.php? data-cke-saved-src=http://www.activatejoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Activate-Joy-Logo-497x400-Crop.png&w=600&h=340&zc=1&q=100 src=http://www.activatejoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Activate-Joy-Logo-497x400-Crop.png&w=600&h=340&zc=1&q=100



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James Gilliland~ECETI News Shifts, Changes and 2013






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Speech of a Pleiadian Starseed: I am part of the Alliance on Earth.


I am no one in power, no one known to others. I am just of a different kind, the lonely cold skin kind, a kind called Starseeds. I woke up in my teenage years, remembering that I had a mission, remembering that I came from beyond far from another star. As I grew up, I developed abilities non normal to Humans, such as knowing their minds, Astral Projections and Access to memories of the past. I realized that I had a Mission; I knew that there were Aliens Forces out there who were trying to save the Human race, forces that are fighting the Dark ones rulers of this planet. I realized that I was an assigned a mission and it was to inform Galactic Knowledge and History of our Kind the Pleiadians.

When we look back in time, this planet was a library of life. A planet where species from different parts of the galaxy would contribute their existence together, survives, and spiritually evolve away from the Star Wars. If we look back in time, this Star system was reached and became part of the Star Battles; it was taken over by the Dark Forces. Our ancestors tried hard to defend it, heroes who sacrificed their fleet’s battle after battle, but it was lost. We did not win, Now the new owners are still ruling keeping their existence unknown to humanity but operating the planets control by a hybrid or artificial race we call rulers of the planet nations, called The Illuminati.


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Fast-growing Sunspot 1678 poses threat for M-class and X-class solar flares



SOURCE: THE WATCHERS - 2/20/13     




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Mt. Etna is waking up – new eruption produced lava fountains and lava flows



SOURCE: THE WATCHERS - 2/20/13     


In the first true paroxysm at Mt.Etna in Italy, after nine months, volcano gave birth to new lava fountains and lava flows from the New SE crater. The strombolian activity rapidly increased and merged into lava fountains on February 19, 2013. INGV Sezione di Catania reported a lava flow reached about 2600 m elevation on the slope north of Sierra Giannicola Picola and descended into Valle del Bove.   A strong phase of strombolian activity took place over night on February 17, 2013 at the New SE crater. The strong strombolian activity started on February 18, 2013 and progressively increased and merged into lava fountains by February...


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Deadly landslides and floods across Indonesia



Source: The Watchers - 2/20/13     





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RAISING CONSCIOUSNESS ~The Shift from Separation to Oneness by Patricia Cota-Robles







During this Love-filled time when people all over the world are focusing on Valentine’s Day and the Love they have for the special people in their lives, we have the perfect opportunity to initiate the next vitally important phase of the Divine Plan for the Earth and Humanity.



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~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ Trusting Who You are Becoming





The Liberation and Freedom of the Soul is your road to full consciousness. This is a quantum leap forward, a paradigm shift and a vertical learning curve all at once, from out of illusion and into True Reality.


We are those who have walked before you and are in Full Consciousness. We are living inside out in Freedom And Love, and we come to you to share some very grand understandings. So you too, may Free yourselves into Eternal Joy.


Fully Conscious beings can see Truth from fiction=illusion. When you choose the lie (all illusion and ignorance is a lie, because it promotes ignorance and isolation), the choice stems from choosing illusion. Illusion+=fear also equal to unconsciousness. As this choice is made the more isolated and separated you feel. To transform this into consciousness you first have to be aware of the illusion=fear. Awareness transforms into Consciousness=Spirit. The more you are aware of the unconsciousness aka lower thoughts, you can easily transform these thoughts into Real thoughts=Full Consciousness, that are only of Joy and Love.



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Belief Assessment: It is what you don't know....


Today, I am thinking...no, receiving deeply in my heart-of-hearts that “you/me/we simply must acquire a truer and clearer understanding; a wise-knowing base, to anchor ourselves solidly into "the quantum real" in this New Year Age of 2013!” I am being told via the Inner-Divine that "we should continue to diligently work on being clear, as humanly possible, about the personal and global ramifications of the extreme extraterrestrial and inter-terrestrial energies that this year is rapidly shepherding in!”

Children of The Divine and Earth Mother know that what a vast number of us still need is an operational “Accurate Belief Assessment List”! We especially need this type of list now: As it is our personal and collective beliefs that will either sustain us, or, inadvertently cause our folding.

Many of us have spent years working on one or more self-improvement/self-actualization spiritual and/or personal life-path goal(s). We have also spent lots of money, valuable time and energy "doing the healing work". We give thanks to those teachers and mentors that came into our lives unexpectedly but always just in a "synchronicity perfect” moment in time! We own an enormous debt of honor and gratitude to those Divinely sent beings that came into our lives to help push/kick/guide us toward succeeding in that ultimate goal.


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From Jennifer Farley


Oracles and Healers February 20, 2013

here I am

Others may tell you what they feel you should be, you may tell yourself what you feel you should be. The word ‘should’ is the sticking point. Be who you are…….there is nothing better than you. ~ Creator


(via https://www.facebook.com/ThetaHealingByJenniferFarley)


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From Golden Age of Gaia… “Bhutan To Be First Country to Go 100% Organic”


Kauilapele's Blog  Posted on 2013/02/20

A few months ago, I posted an article from Steve about Bhutan entitled, “Major Paradigm Shift?… Happened 40 Years Ago in Bhutan…’The Economics of Happiness’“. Now here is another “Great Nova Earth News” from Bhutan (link). I feel the organic seed planted “over there” is going to rapidly grow “over hyah” (South Park, for “here”) in the US, as well as all around the world.


Bhutan To Be First Country to Go 100% Organic
Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society, Feb. 18, 2013




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The Meaning of Colors in Dreams


Not sure if this or true or not, but, its interesting.  Take what you need and leave the rest. 


The Meaning of Colors in Dreams


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Christine Meleriessee ~ New Earth Frequency Update ~ The New Reality Of Light




Another week has arrived and we are probably at the most powerful surge of energies that are coming into the planet since 12-21-12.  There has been some talk from the Masters through our weekly calls that February would represent a pivotal point of understanding within each of us as we are being asked to go into the deeper levels of our core existence.  I know that many people just want it all to happen NOW and get it over with, but in actuality, we are not prepared for the event to occur on a massive scale across the globe.

We don’t really understand on a humanly level exactly what is happening within GAIA except that the changes are massive and creating either higher levels of bliss within individuals or massive thoughts of destructive energies.  This is the separation.  Many of us thought it would represent going to another planetary existence and allowing the ones that still needed to understand their role in society to deal with it all.  This is not true.


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Source: One Billion Rising


One Billion Rising is the beginning of the new world ignited by a new energy. It is not the end of a struggle but the escalation of it. NOW is the time to enact change. This is NOT an annual holiday, we are not waiting until 14 February 2014. NOW is the time to harness the power of your activism to change the world!



We celebrate these victories, and we hope you do too. Now ask yourself WHAT CAN I DO IMMEDIATELY TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS - and then go out and DO IT!

One Billion Rising was always conceived to be a catalyst and a wind rather than a new organization. So use it to fuel your next activities. Plan local actions for International Women's Day, 8 March. Stay tuned for tips and actions!!

If you want to know where to direct your energies right now, you can stage a
V-Day benefit in your community - visit vday.org/our-work/college-community-campaigns today!


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The 6 Most Common Ego Traps on the Spiritual Path


The Healers Journal Posted by admin on February 19, 2013

spiritual masks

HJ:  The frequency with which the following ego manifestations are showing themselves nowadays is on the rise as humanity collectively begins to embrace its spiritual nature and more than ever individuals are waking up to higher levels of awareness.  Before the spiritual seeker tames the ego, it will simply transform itself along with the focus of the conscious mind.  It will shift shapes to embody a new set of ideals and outward expressions that mirror the seekers new spiritually oriented perception, however, the same core issues feeding its existence are still present.  Furthermore, those on the spiritual path often are fooled or mislead into thinking they have transcended the ego or that the discovery of the spiritual path in itself means that they have conquered the ego.  This is a trap or test, if you will, and is a lesson most of us must learn at some point.

Being aware of these common ego traps on the spiritual path helps us to loosen the grip they have on our lives.  The first step is awareness.  The second step is acceptance.  This then naturally leads to transcendence…


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Massive Sunspot Rapidly Forming on the Sun


Wunderground.com-2/20/ 2013





A giant sunspot that's at least six times the diameter of Earth has formed on the sun in less than 48 hours, according to NASA.Sunspots form when the sun's magnetic fields rearrange and realign. They tend to be unstable and can lead to solar flares.


According to a news release, scientists from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory watched the sunspot rapidly grow on February 19 and 20. The agency says it could even be larger than six times the diameter of Earth "since the spot lies on a sphere not a flat disk."


For more information on this story click here.




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Visionkeeper - Judge Not…


One World Rising Posted on February 21, 2013




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The Oracle Report Thursday, February 21, 2013


The Oracle Report

First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer

Today is the day of the "giveaway."  We want to give away some of our time, energy, resources, or attention for the benefit of another or others.  Anything that is undertaken through collaboration with others will yield much better results today.


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Experts pool knowledge to tell the complete history of Scotland



GFP Note: This is a follow-up to a story we posted in July: Doggerland: The Real Atlantis, Just Off Scotland.


AllMediaScotland.com - 2/03/12

Telling Scotlands Story uses comic-book style to bring archaeological mysteries to life, including a prehistoric North Sea tsunami

Telling Scotlands Story uses comic-book style to bring archaeological mysteries to life, including a prehistoric North Sea tsunami

EXPERTS from a wide range of disciplines are pooling their skills and knowledge in a bid to piece together a comprehensive record of Scotland’s past.


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Simple view of gravity does not fully explain distribution of stars in crowded clusters


Phys.org February 20, 2013

A simple view of gravity does not fully explain the distribution of stars in crowded clusters


Hubble Space Telescope image of the young star cluster NGC 1818 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. KIAA researchers found to their surprise an increasing fraction of binary systems as they looked at increasingly larger distances from the cluster center, as illustrated graphically in the inset. Credit: Peking University

(Phys.org)—Gravity remains the dominant force on large astronomical scales, but when it comes to stars in young star clusters the dynamics in these crowded environments cannot be simply explained by the pull of gravity.


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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Multidimensional Success – 21 February 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on February 21, 2013

digital 3

Success comes in the form of 6 billion flavors. It is not just vanilla or chocolate with a few sweet sprinkles. It is not something that can be defined by a dictionary, a teacher, or a parent. For the very essence of success is so multidimensional it reaches far beyond earthly understanding. 2013 redefines the word success some days counting the seeds other days counting the bounty.


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3 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path - In Deep Shift - Oprah Winfrey Network




Published on Feb 5, 2013


Jonas Elrod says we are all on a spiritual path, whether we know it or not. On every spiritual journey, he says, there are three basic stages: breakdown, breakthrough and integration. Watch as he explains what these stages mean and what we can learn from them.

For more Super Soul Sunday, visit http://www.oprah.com/SuperSoulSunday


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It is a wonderful thing and great gift you are being given.~ by Ron Head



central sun1



It is our purpose this morning to discuss with you your opening to communications of these kinds.  In your rising states of consciousness it is becoming more and more common for you who think of yourselves as lightworkers to discover that, in one form or another, you can become the recipient of our thoughts.  This is a wonderful occasion which we enjoy quite as much as you do yourselves.


There is, however, a tendency to be so enthusiastic in the discovery that the simple basics of personal protection are forgotten or left unlearned.  There will come a time in the near future when that is not a problem, as negative energies and beings are just no longer a possibility where you are living.  Regrettably, however, this is not yet the case.


Every reliable teacher of methods to begin these types of communication includes information urging beginners to clear themselves and their surroundings, and most are wise enough to urge their students to always begin each session, or each day, by reaching at least as high as the divine level of consciousness before allowing any communication to take place.


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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Being One ~ 21 February 2013


JamyePriceThe strength of your heart is renewing with each blessed awareness.  You call them Aha! moments as you breath in the ahh and exhale the haa.  What grace of connection that moment brings!  This is your work, to connect All Things; be it a physical experience, a mental concept, an emotional chasm or a spiritual Truth. Connection is what opens the door to the next connection, or what offers the next dimensional awareness.  It is by examining, understanding and giving Life to the unseen that you become a conscious participant in dimensional living beyond 3D.  It was always there, yet your awareness brings it into your experience in a way that you connect and interact.  This new dimensional interaction is available to you through the lens of connection.  As you realize that you are One with All Life, you open to Fifth Dimensional expression. 


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Tropical Cyclone Haruna spinning southwest of Madagascar


thewatchers.adorraeli.com-2/21/2013, Chillymanjaro



Tropical Cyclone Haruna (16S) in South Indian Ocean, is forecast to increase in intensity in the next 24 hours to a peak of 100 knots, gusting up to 125 knots. Increasing vertical wind shear and land interaction will begin to weaken the system in the next 24 hours.

According to latest report by Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC), Tropical Cyclone Haruna is located approximately 380 nm southwest of Antananarivo, Madagascar, has tracked southeastward at speed of 03 knots, generating 7.6 meter-high (25-foot-high) waves. Animated infrared satellite imagery shows the system continued to deepen as it maintained a large and symmetrical 30-nm eye. Upper level analysis indicates the system is just to the west of an anticyclone in an area of low (05-10 knot) vertical wind shear and excellent radial outflow.


For more information and some great pictures on this story click here.


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Re~Post: 'Invisible' UFO Sightings in Laredo, TX Get a Closer Look (Video)


gather.com -  By Tom Rose, July 03, 2012 04:55 PM EDT


Has Laredo, Texas replaced Roswell, New Mexico as UFO central? According to the organizers of an annual conference in that fabled town, Laredo may hold the key to the future of unidentified flying object sightings.

A group of intrepid hunters, known as the Laredo Paranormal Research Society (LPRS), has been collecting video proof for several years that the town is the new hotbed, and their claim to newfound fame is an entirely new classification of sighting: the "invisible" or infrared anomaly.

With the advanced cameras and imaging tools which affordable technology puts in the hands of amateur skywatchers, it's becoming obvious that a new kind of UFO is flying through the skies, one that has never been detected before, simply because they're not visible to the naked eye.


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4MIN News February 21, 2013





Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Feb 21, 2013


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Storm system moves over Arkansas, about 4K lose power in severe storms


The Republic - 2/18/13, AP


LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas — Lines of storms moving across Arkansas destroyed a house and barn in Bismarck and knocked out power to about 3,700 electric customers.

The National Weather Service issued several tornado warnings in south Arkansas.

To read the rest of this story, visit The Republic.


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Heavenletter #4472 - In This Eternity of Heaven


Heaven Letters Published on: February 21, 2013


God said:

Well, dear Children of Mine, what are you thinking of today? Where is your heart, and where is your mind? What are your thoughts on? What myriad of things are you thinking about?

Your heart and your mind are often in tandem. When you think of bills, for example, your heart may sink. And when you think of Me, your heart may rise. In Heaven, nothing is known as heart-sinking. In Heaven, only heart-singing is known.

In the same vein, in Heaven, in this Eternity of Heaven, death is not even thought of, and yet it is said that angels greet you when you leave your body and you come here, heart and soul. Angels do greet you, yet it is more like this: An angel sees you and says: “Happy to see you! Where have you been?”


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NASA Unveils First Radar Video of Asteroid Flyby


Wunderground.com-2/20/13,Tariq Malik



NASA has revealed the first radar video of an asteroid flyby that sent a space rock half the size of a football field buzzing by Earth last week.


The new asteroid flyby video, released today (Feb. 19), shows the asteroid 2012 DA14 as it headed away from Earth over the weekend. The asteroid zipped close by Earth on Friday (Feb. 15), when it approached closer to the planet than many communications satellites.


For more information and video click here.


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Tropical Depression 02W developed near Philippines




The second tropical depression of the northwestern Pacific Ocean season formed on February 19, 2013 and the system is soaking the central and southern Philippines. Early on February 19, 2013, the low pressure area designated as System 98W organized into a tropical depression and was renamed “02W.” Tropical Depression 02W formed south of Mindanao, the Philippines. TD02W is referred to locally in the Philippines as “Tropical Depression Crising.” TD02W is currently experiencing moderate vertical wind shear, as high as 20 knots (23 mph/37 km/h) which is keeping the depression from getting better organized. That is expected to change, however, once TD02W moves west...


The second tropical depression of the northwestern Pacific Ocean season formed on February 19, 2013 and the system is soaking the central and southern Philippines. Early on February 19, 2013, the low pressure area designated as System 98W organized into a tropical depression and was renamed “02W.” Tropical Depression 02W formed south of Mindanao, the Philippines. TD02W is referred to locally in the Philippines as “Tropical Depression Crising.” TD02W is currently experiencing moderate vertical wind shear, as high as 20 knots (23 mph/37 km/h) which is keeping the depression from getting better organized. That is expected to change, however, once TD02W moves west into the South China Sea.



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Pavement buckles, closes US 89 south of Page


KPHO.com - 2/19/13, Steve Stout

 Arizona Department of Transportation) A 150-foot section of U.S. 89 about 25 miles south of Page collapsed early Wednesday morning.

(Source: Arizona Department of Transportation) A 150-foot section of U.S. 89 about 25 miles south of Page collapsed early Wednesday morning.


PHOENIX (CBS5) - A 150-foot section of U.S. 89 south of Page that buckled and sunk four feet Wednesday might have been caused by a "geologic event," according to the Arizona Department of Transportation.

The road collapsed at mile post 526 just 2.5 miles north of the intersection with U.S. 89A, about 25 miles south of page, according to an ADOT spokesman. He said the incident was not related to the weather.

To read the rest of this story, visit KPHO.com.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Motivation


Angel Wisdom Thursday, February 21, 2013


Communicate your visions


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Floating In the Presence Of a Master


by Miles
Webmaster, PAO

The waiting room was almost empty. Only a few of us remained to have an audience with the Master. My turn finally came, and I was ushered into a huge room lit with softly diffuse light and polished floors.

On an elevated platform, in a high-backed chair behind a desk, the master sat, waiting for me. He motioned me forward and I lifted my eyes to meet his welcoming smile. But, when I tried to ask him why announcements and disclosure were taking so long, the words stuck in my throat. I could not speak. It was a struggle just to breathe normally and maintain eye contact. All the while the master smiled, emanating his benevolent, joyous light. He descended to meet me at floor level. Close-up,
I could see that the master was light brown-skinned, with short, cropped hair and the physique of a wrestler.


We stood face to face. Then, suddenly, I was floating. I found myself gliding around the room, suspended by the master’s joyful light energy. My whole being seemed permeated with a sensation of blissful peace. I thought how perfectly natural it felt to float freely, beyond the realm of 3D.


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Astrology Forecast


Tom Lescher·

Mother Nature is forever calling me home,
She speaks through the crystals, stones, and bones,
If I can be still and turn off my phone,
I will see that I am never really alone.
May the mysteries of Pisces reveal themselves to you this weekend and through the Full Moon Monday. This is a time to be very aware that Spirit is working in your best interest when things seem to go crazy. The message is to listen to the voices in the wind, the music in the trees, and the song in your heart. The Spirits rejoice when we pay attention and respond with surprises when we least expect them! Open up to the unpredictable and let yourself be lifted!... In Lak'ech


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THE IN-BETWEEN OF ALL As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, February 21, 2013


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TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ What If There Was No~One But You


womanawalkingIf every thing you saw, experienced, every other being was only a manifestation of your dream?

If every one was simply a way you created to experience another fractal of your self, another fractal of infinite creational experience? Simply another fractal in the space/time realm of a dream.

What if you Knew! it’s only You?

Finally, when we dream during night time… there’s only us. No matter how many beings we dream of, when we wake up… we’re the ones that dreamt of them. And the dream is gone. Just a few sensations, colors maybe, some emotions or sounds… for a while… then we go back to life.

Or to another dream… to The Dream. The Dream of One that fell asleep and forgot it’s dreaming. A dream that can only end when the Dreamer wakes up. Being aware makes it a lucid dream, waking up makes it end.

How important is the dream to keep fighting for it?

It takes only One to wake up.


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Meredith Murphy ~ There Is A New Tonality Shaping You


MeredithMurphyMessage from Shambhala, through Nehru with Archangel Michael and the Council of Light

Channeled by Meredith Murphy http://www.expectwonderful.com

Telepathic Transmission – 20 February 2013

As you listen to your own heart, you hear a deeper tone sounding now.

This tone is your resonance with the New Earth.

It follows you throughout your day, alerting you to openings, to subtle yet very real possibilities and to your alignment, which when you shift out of, you will notice more acutely.


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Cobra - Two Short Updates Today


2012 Portal Thursday, February 21, 2013


HVBN VTXPOS realigned

Posted by Cobra at 7:45 AM



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Zen Gardner ~ Synchronicity And The Singularity ~ 21 February 2013


event_horizon__midnight_sun_2__by_monkl-d2yxrwn1-640x359It’s amazing. It’s wonderful. And it’s so significant! I am experiencing and observing the most exponential increase in synchronistic events and communication I have ever witnessed. Writers, posters and internet information sharers are networking at such a consciously connected level it’s just fantastic!

I know for myself, I no sooner write or read or post something on a subject but bam, there’s related stories, videos, articles or personal comments coming into my own and the general information field like a flood! And it continues to increase.

Of Course It Does!

That’s how it works. Especially now as the awakening soars into critical mass like an event horizon. There’s a lot of encouragement to be derived for all of us here. We know we can’t trust the media, we have our hearts to guide us, and favorite sources we each have found and turn to. But the key to all of this is the Source and getting the best connection possible.


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Life is But A Dream...




That moment when you're in a dream and things aren't going quite your way. You're experiencing fear and panic. You don't know which way to go. Then suddenly, you remember this is your very own dream (creation) and you're in control. From that moment until the end, you are the master of your world. Anything you see or experience is completely up to you. You are aware of this so you have fun with it.



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Re-Hearter! Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon. ALL are Welcome!


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain



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The Melting of the Reality Construct’s Fuels the Turbine Engine called YOUR Life!!



It is rare that I actually dream on any given night, well at least dream and keep the memory of it.  So I have got to really pay attention when I have the same dream two nights in a row!  I woke up again this morning being taught how to harness that energy… that energy I call frustration, only without being frustrated.  We must have been working hard because I woke up with a doozy of a headache!!

Yesterday, while writing my blog within my own silence, I felt sooo great.  I didn’t cough prit near all morning and that was a reason to celebrate alone.  That is, until I attempted my first reading of the day.  The moment I tried to use my voice, my lungs and throat threw a hissy fit and launched me repeatedly into coughing jigs.  But with the intense coughing I realize my lat’s hurt sooooo bad (the muscles on the sides of the body) as if they were severely overworked.  I didn’t have this discomfort the day before.


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