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13:20: Hado! Water IS a most EXCELLENT JUDGE!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE, Evokes Visionary Experience, in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF JUDGMENT, with UNCI HANHEPI WI The Grandmothers/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major with MATO MANI, Walking Bear, MATO WICHAPI TANKA, Big Star Bear, and UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI, Grandmother Star Spider/
AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MORYA, UNIVERSAL EYE, and MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation and

Dreamspell: Kin 86, WHITE GALACTIC WORLD-BRIDGER, Dog-Guided (Heart), Equalizes Death, Overtone 21, Silio

13:20: Multiplying Resonance of Red Between Earth & Moon; Schumann Resonance UP

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: HINHAN UNCI Grandmother Owl, Guardian of the Moon, Awakens Inner Wisdom and Remembrance, Speaks of Our Circle of Light & Mystery, with UNCI HANHEPI WI The Grandmothers/AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MOYRA, and UNIVERSAL EYE, MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 85, GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL DAY, RED RESONANT SERPENT, (Earth-Guided), Survives Life Force, Overtone 20, Limi

Tzolkin: CABAN, Earth, East, Synchronous Connection to the

13:20: Wise Grandma Weaves Yellow Flowers!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI Grandmother Star Spider, Weaves Cosmic Strings, with UNCI HANHEPI WI The Grandmothers/AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MOYRA, and UNIVERSAL EYE, MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 84, YELLOW RHYTHMIC SEED, (Self-Guided), Targets Flowering, Overtone 19, Alpha

Tzolkin: CIB, Owl/Vulture, South, Wisdom of the Ancients, Intense, Profound Insight into the Essence of All Things, Tone 10

13:20: In the Hush of the Night, Spirit is Still There

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: HEHAKA WICASA Elk Man, Direct and To The Point, Teacher of Love and Guardian of Earth, Spiritual Protector, Teaches Love of Service, with UNCI HANHEPI WI The Grandmothers/AK, Universal Law of Breath, Infinity, with TATE The Wind, EL MOYRA, and UNIVERSAL EYE, MATO WAKAN WICAHPI OYATE Sacred Bear Star Nation/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 83, BLUE OVERTONE NIGHT, (Monkey-Guided), Dreams Abundance, Overtone 18, Kali

Tzolkin: MEN, Eagle, West, Intermediary between Heaven and Earth, Soaring, Brings Hope and Fait

13:20: Maenad a.k.a. Bacchae; "Ain't Nothin' but a ★Party★!"

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATURE, (The Natural Way of Things), with HOLY BOY--The Power to Be, Harmony in Light Relations, Invokes the Flame Imperishable/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 82, WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND, (Mirror-Guided), Communicates Spirit, Overtone 17, Gamma

Tzolkin: IX, Jaguar/Death, North, Tied to the Source of All Earth Energy, Feminine, Healing, Extreme Intelligence Often Paired with Clairvoyance, Great Strength of Character/Tone 8

13:20: Looks Like Mama's Here!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: SPIRITUAL LAW OF KARMA with HOLY BOY--Invokes Cycle of Cause and Effect, Opens Doorway to Transcend and Transmute Karma, The Mirror of Self/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 81, RED ELECTRIC DRAGON, (Serpent-Guided), Nurtures Birth, Overtone 16, Seli

Tzolkin: BEN, Reed/Cane/Staff, East, Spiritual Essence and Guiding Light of Family and Home, Wields Great Authority and Respect, Tone 7

13:20: The Road Home is Lit with Love!

hollyirenecardoza's picture
Earthstar Peace Calendar: UNIVERSAL LAW OF JUDGMENT, with HOLY BOY--Evokes Visionary Experience, Invokes Cosmic Judges to Resolve Interdimensional Issues, Balances Karma and Aligns Sacred Path/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 80, YELLOW LUNAR SUN, (Human-Guided), Enlightens Universal Fire, Overtone 15, Dali

Tzolkin: EB, Road/Grass, South, Bear of Time, Conductor of Destiny, Supremely Devoted to Human Beings, Gives Guidance, Opens Pathways, Tone 6

Tonalmatl: KALLI, House, Our Home, Refuge & House of Thoughts, Safe Place for Reflection & Regrouping for the Comprehension of All Living Beings/KECHOLLI, Arrival of The Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL, the Hunter/AKATL, Reed

13:20: Oh Boy! That Monkey-Man's Breath Creates QUITE A STORM!!!!!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

Earthstar Peace Calendar: SPIRITUAL LAW OF INTUITION, with HOLY BOY--Heals Emotional Body and Heart, Opens Wellspring of Creative Intuition, Change through Thought Alchemy/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 79, BLUE MAGNETIC STORM, (Self-Guided), Catalyses Self Generation, Overtone 14, Silio

13:20: The Howling of a New Vibration

hollyirenecardoza's picture
Earthstar Peace Calendar: UNIVERSAL LAW OF LIGHT, SOUND AND VIBRATION, with HOLY BOY--Awakens Inner Wisdom and Remembrance, Atones Self to Celestial World, Awakens One to Cosmic Community/UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF REALITY, Manifest Realm: Essence, Ursa Major/VEH, Spiritual Way of Consciousness, Plane of God Attunement, Orion

Dreamspell: Kin 78, WHITE COSMIC MIRROR, (Wind-Guided), Reflects Endlessness, Overtone 13, Limi

Tzolkin: OC, Dog, North, Collaboration, Team-Spirit, Sensual, Steadfast Fidelity, Reliabilty & Bravery, Tone 4

Tonalmatl: ZIPAKTLI, Crocodile, Beginning of Evolution of All Living Things, Initiator, Number 1 /KECHOLLI, Arrival of The Birds with Beautiful Feathers, Time of MIXKOATL, the Hunter/AKATL, Reed

Who should be evicted?

ellion's picture

The old power people, portray Occupy Wall Street people,  as a group that dirties the world.  but the evidence is clear.  It's a controlled opinion that has the stage at the moment :)




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