Staying At Home To Brush Up On Energetic Clarity

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The stay at home movement that has been imposed on us due to the Covid-19 pandemic spread has had amazing consequences and tough dealings.

Nature is rebounding and some humans are feeling the pressure of confinement by escalating home brutality, politically corrected to be called "Domestic Violence". One of my neighbors generously left professionally made buns for us to enjoy. That's the spirit no law can force on its citizens.

This confinement also hit me hard. For over a decade I've worked from home isolated from others. For an outgoing extrovert, it's a difficult thing to do staying home. I look forward to my time walking to my friends' dogs. In fact, these two chocolate labs have shown me yet again how these animals are capable of such unconditional love. In fact, I've rewritten the famous Beatles song to All You Need is Love to "All you need are labs!"

But aside from the temporary diversion these dogs give me, I no longer see other dog owners at the park. If we do, a healthy distance is displayed. Some don't even let their dogs play anymore... just in case.

In the meantime, I've made sure my home/workspace is as inviting as can be. In fact, I'm inviting you to see it. The only thing you don't see is my Chinese tea kettle pouring Puer. More on that later and its amazing beneits.

As hard as this temporary confinement is and as much as it brought the best and the worse in us, Trinity Esoterics wrote a fantastic piece this morning.

"It is assisting you in your own personal shifting to not have a lot of other people’s energies in your etheric field. This is designed to help those who have not yet learned how to practice energetic clarity.

You often don’t realize just how impacted you are by other energies until you have the experience of being completely out of them for a while. It is through this discovery that many will start to see their energetic state as something that needs to be supported for their own comfort and well-being."

I highly recommend you read Trinity Esoterics as well as The Creator Writing. Both of them have inspired me for years, l never missing a beat.

It is the perfect time to use this time at home to recoup, regroup, and stay in this personal energy bubble until we familiarize ourselves with it.