- AGARTHA - The Inner Earth.mp4
- Are we being programmed by “soft disclosure” now?
- [minions] crimes are now being reported in the mainstream media!
- 7/19/2012 -- Severe weather = Tornadoes, Hail, Damaging winds = NE, SE, N, S, NW, SW
- SaLuSa to Me ~ We are Part of the One Water of Life ~
- The Vatican Leaks Scandal Rumbles On
- Scientology's Biggest Accomplishment Is Tearing It Apart
- Starchild Skull For Dummies
- Vortex Energy part 29 - 2012 Olympics, Crop Circles, The Olympians and the Consciousness of Humanity
- The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~19~12 We are In Exciting Moments On Planet Earth=Heart
- Nazi War Criminal Laszlo Csatary Taken Into Custody in Budapest
- Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 7/20/2012
- Man protests TSA by stripping naked
- Guy strips naked in protest of TSA
- Illuminati Kick Bricks! DIS-INFOWARS.COM is Here!
- 528hz Delta Binaural Beat (2hz)
- Why does the Twin Flame Run?
- To Be Truthful Heavenletter #4256
- Number Vibration Mandala 7/20/2012 = 5
- DailyOm: Changing Roles As We Ebb and Flow through Life
- How the Mormons Make Money
- Universal Timing ~ Life’s Natural Rhythm
- Mayor of London Calls Upon Sun God Ra - For Change In Olympics Weather Forecast
- ~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-19-2012 ~Everything Everywhere!~
- REPORT: Media Prioritize Animal Attacks, Tom Cruise Over Huge Bank Scandal
- Lucas – Our Hearts Deepest Wishes Are Beginning To Manifest
- Seattle again, with family, July, 2012, day two: the folks and the nukes
- Lucas - Our Hearts Deepest Wishes Are Beginning To Manifest - 19 July 2012
- Five Year Old Shuts Down Armed Soldiers.
- FT .com-Video Bird Fortune-banks,bonuses and bust.flv
- Misconceptions of the Galactic Federation ~ Full Report
- M7.7 Solar Flare - Sunspot 1520 | July 19, 2012 05:58 UTC
- Astounding Archaeological Discoveries: Canada’s Stonehenge
- UFOS over Nuclear Plant Russia FEB 2012
- CrossLinking of Square Grids over Select Regions Allows Appropriate Containment of Explosive Energies
- Towering "Atomic" Cloud in Houston, TX - July 17, 2012
- Release The Old ~ Welcome The New
- ~ A Special Message from The Earth Allies~ No Matter What~
- Bank of Dave:How to Open a Bank
- The Universal Laws: The Law of One
- Canada's Stonehenge
- UFO Sighting Near Russian Nuke Plant (Video)
- The Oil for Gold Trade. Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
- 2 Minutes News – 20 July 2012
- Crooked Bankers Are Corrupting Government: The Real LIBOR Story
- Oracle Report ~ Friday, July 20, 2012
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Powerful Use your power with love
- PRG~Update July 20, 2012 News Release Open Memo to President Obama
- New Earth Group Meditations - Love
- NASA cant find MIR space station amongst dozens of UFO"s
- The money trail . . .
- Space Weather Update~ Inside a Radiation Storm
- Wes Annac – Cahokia: An Ancient American Metropolis With Cosmic And Galactic Ties – Part 2
- Colombian Indians evict soldiers
- Infinite Waters – Impossible Is Nothing—The Power Of The Human Spirit…Defy The Odds! – 20 July 2012
- Sponsor Scandal Rocks Olympics – 20 July 2012
- Solar Proton Storms Electrifies the New Energy of Earth Into LIFE!!
- Ask your hearts what is true for you, and live by that. – Michael by GLR Ron Head
- Light Workers Awakening
- CONFIRMED AT LAST: The attempted cover-up of how JP Morgan torpedoed Lehman Brothers
- Common Dreams – Austerity Protests Erupt In 80 Cities Across Spain
- The manuscript of survival – part 170
- Reynolds Star Gate Activation Ceremony
- UFO weekly photo sighting reports #8
- Blossom Goodchild’s Happy Human Day!
- Suzanne Lie – Mytria/Mytre – Opening The Portal – Perceiving Reality From Within – Pleiadian Ascension
- Laughter is the Best Medicine!
- Spanish workers hold biggest-ever rallies
- Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Blogtalkradio – 13 July 2012
- Euro Hits Record Lows Against Australian Dollar
- Top UFO Sightings of the Week (Video)
- Protests flare again at Olympic Dam
- At centre of Tibetan troubles, fiery protests continue
- Saudi Arabia sacks spymaster
- Chemtrail Spraying And Weather Warfare On The History Channel -- Full Documentary
- Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: The Sacred Mirror
- Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Fluoridation
- The White Hats Report #46 ~ Critical Information
- How To Live From The Heart? (Ask Teal Episode on Living From Your Heart Instead of Your Head)
- ~ Lets Collectively Free the People from Bondage~ Through the Lions Gate
- The Council Of The Venus Ray. ~ “The Balancing Act.” ~ By AuroRa Le. July 20, 2012.
- Our Song
- Now is the time to deal with our issues once and for all!
- The Way Of Love
- Kauilapele: Neil Keenan Press Release of 7-13-12, from Drake
- Connections by Suzi
Greetings Love Beings, Yesterday we announced the Grace Light was being reintroduced to the Planet as we head towards the Lions gate Opening, the Olympics, the Anniversay of the Second Fire The Grid Event, and the Anniversary of Mother and Father God's Divine Marriage 8/8 at the First 3 Stupas in the Western Hemisphere! These are where all Of Humanity's Prayers of Love Were stored and Activated for NOW! We are in Very Exciting Moments! This Grace Energy is Unique as its arriviing in Rainbow Colors. This will be interesting indeed. We will Have More about this In Our Next Update. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Are we being programmed by “soft disclosure” now?
Are we being programmed by “soft disclosure” now?
GLR~ Ann Kreilkamp
While being herded up a stairwell through I think it was the Minneapolis airport last month on my first summer trip to Seattle, my eyes happened to glance at an enormous advertisement that had a disk-shaped UFO in it, large and plain as day. Can’t remember the subject matter of the advertisement, but I do remember regretting later that I didn’t take a picture of that advertisement with my iPhone. I was just so stunned to see the UFO in it, that my mind went temporarily blank.
Here’s one of the 88 comments (so far) that refer to the latest cryptic Cobra message,
Scott Mowry
July 17, 2012
Thank You to Nancy B. Detweiler
Light vs Dark – The Final Battle Is At Hand
Scott’s article is jam-packed with news!
[minions] crimes are now being reported in the mainstream media!
You can skip forward to 2:00 min in, in order to get to the part about “libor”, that is when the story begins.
Part 1: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-july-18-2012/international-banking-actuality-part-37
SaLuSa to Me ~ We are Part of the One Water of Life ~
SaLuSa to Me ~ We are Part of the One Water of Life ~ 19 July 2012, Message by Laura Tyco | 2012 Indy Info
Laura: good evening, one facebook friend has asked if it would be possible to receive advise for those of us worrying.
SaLuSa: Worry is a form of energy waste, a negative side of creation of imagination. Please do not ever forget the law of attraction. When one feels worried and imagines negativity or fear, the outcome is responding to these kind of vibrations.
Perhaps the worries are founded sometimes, and perhaps there is an appropriate response to legitimate worrying. Try sitting down with your fears and worries, analyse the worse possible outcome, and then realise that even the worse case scenario is not so bad as long as you remain master of yourself, master of your destiny, as long as there is still freedom inside.
The Vatican Leaks Scandal Rumbles On
Harrison Preston
July 18, 2012
Since the end of January this year, the State of the Vatican City has been rocked by a series of leaks to Italian media organisations and journalists. Once famed for its Omerta-like code of secrecy, the leaks have demonstrated that all is not well within the walls of the Vatican, or indeed in the wider world of the Catholic Church.
Known as “Vatileaks”, the scandal started when an Italian television program broadcast private correspondence from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a former deputy governor of Vatican City, to Pope Benedict XVI and his Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.
The letters concerned allegations of corruption and cronyism against Cardinal Bertone and others inside the Roman Curia, the official name of the Vatican administration.
Scientology's Biggest Accomplishment Is Tearing It Apart
Ashley Lutz
Jul. 17, 2012, 12:05 PM
Since the early days of L. Ron Hubbard, Scientologists have tried recruiting celebrities. But now the strategy has backfired in the form of media scrutiny spurred by the divorce of Tom Cruise.
They promised them connections and A-list roles in exchange for their endorsements. In return, the church imagined they'd get credibility and serious cash, Janet Reitman wrote in her book "Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion."
But with the highly public split of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, that strategy has backfired. Media outlets are paying attention—and the public is weirded out by what they learn about the religion.
Starchild Skull For Dummies
Published on Jun 26, 2012 by OfficialLloydPye
The Starchild Skull presents credentials as an bona fide extraterrestrial. Includes DNA, physical anomalies, and critical analysis. To learn more, visit http://www.starchildproject.com
Vortex Energy part 29 - 2012 Olympics, Crop Circles, The Olympians and the Consciousness of Humanity
Published on Jul 13, 2012 by GRIDKEEPER
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~19~12 We are In Exciting Moments On Planet Earth=Heart
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~7~19~12
Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update We are In Exciting Moments On Planet Earth=Heart
Rainbow Hued Crystalline cruiser, heading south from Mt. Shasta, Photo Earth Ally Yojman
Greetings Love Beings, There are few words to describe how Excited, E"LIGHTED", we are about these Moments we are In on Planet Earth=Heart. The Reason We are Excited, as it was 4 years ago, in which we Planted the seeds of Love Everywhere Present into The Collective Consciousness, for Our Divine Events to Manifest Here On Planet Earth=Heart into Physicality.
Nazi War Criminal Laszlo Csatary Taken Into Custody in Budapest
Nazi War Criminal Laszlo Csatary Taken Into Custody in Budapest
By Dragana Jovanovic, ABC News – July 18, 2012
The past may have finally caught up with a 97-year-old Nazi war criminal when Laszlo Csatary was taken into custody today in Budapest.
Csatary, who has been convicted in absentia and sentenced to death, was picked up early today, Bettina Bagoly, spokeswoman for the Budapest prosecutor, told ABC News.
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa - 7/20/2012
Mike Quinsey –SaLuSa 20-July-2012
posted by GLR Laura Tyco
Man protests TSA by stripping naked
Written by
2:46 PM, Jul 19, 2012

PORTLAND, Ore. (NBC) - A man arrested after he stripped naked at Oregon's Portland International Airport was found not guilty of public indecency at a trial Wednesday.
John Brennan, a frequent-flying businessman from Portland, set off an explosives wand in April and stripped naked to show Transportation Security Administration screeners he was not carrying a bomb.
At Wednesday's trial TSA officer Steven VanGordon testified that "he started taking clothes off quickly, I mean he whipped them off pretty fast."
Guy strips naked in protest of TSA
Published on Apr 20, 2012 by NewsfixHouston
A 50-year-old business traveler claims he felt harassed by TSA workers at Portland's International Airport, so he took off all his clothes at the screening line in protest.
Illuminati Kick Bricks! DIS-INFOWARS.COM is Here!
Published on Jul 7, 2012 by JonnyDontPlay
http://dis-infowars.com/ Check it out guys and girls!
528hz Delta Binaural Beat (2hz)
Video: - (2hz) Beat Frequency - - (528hz) Base Frequency -
Delta Brain Waves Information ( O.5 to 4Hz) :
•0.5 Hz - Relaxation, helps soothe headaches
Why does the Twin Flame Run?
Angel Message from the Seven Great Archangels regarding the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion and the KEY to understanding the polarities in patterning and programmes in relating on the 3d Earth Plane. As we are transitioning in a new consciousness of Unity, these Sacred Reunions create the deepest potentiality for inner wholeness of Unity consciousness and therefore Ascension. Liora is a Master teacher of Light and is able to feel your frequency patterings in channeled soul sessions and tell you the "wording" of your unique Soul Signature that you share with your Twin Flame, giving you your CORE issue and therefore the KEY of your patterns and CORE belief system, your SOUL purpose, and the DREAM you share with Your One True Beloved Twin Flame.
Channeled by Liora
To Be Truthful Heavenletter #4256
To Be Truthful
Heavenletter #4256 Published on: July 20, 2012
Do not dissemble. Do not make statements that are not so. Do you think you create harmony when you tell a sales clerk you will come back later when it is the case that you have no intention of coming back later? What makes you think that by slurring over the truth that you are being kind, or do you perhaps think you are being clever?
Number Vibration Mandala 7/20/2012 = 5
Number Vibration Mandala
Friday 20th July’s date (20+7+2+0+1+2) = 32/5.
DailyOm: Changing Roles As We Ebb and Flow through Life
Changing Roles
As We Ebb and Flow through Life
by Madisyn Taylor
July 20, 2012
We all change throughout life trying new and different things, but the core of who we really are remains the same.
As we bob and weave with the ebb and flow of life our roles change, but our true self remains constant. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we go through many aspects of humanity in one lifetime. Living in the material world of opposites, labels, and classifications, we often identify ourselves by the roles we play, forgetting that these aspects shift and change throughout our lives. But when we anchor ourselves in the truth of our being, that core of spirit within us, we can choose to embrace the new roles as they come, knowing that they give us fresh perspective on life and a greater understanding of the lives of others.
How the Mormons Make Money
By Caroline Winter on July 18, 2012
(Updated with magazine version. Removes an earlier reference to a Twitter account that is not Thomas S. Monson’s official account, and corrects the title of Sheri Dew's book.)
Illustration by Labour
Late last March the Mormon Church completed an ambitious project: a megamall. Built for roughly $2 billion, the City Creek Center stands directly across the street from the church’s iconic neo-Gothic temple in Salt Lake City. The mall includes a retractable glass roof, 5,000 underground parking spots, and nearly 100 stores and restaurants, ranging from Tiffany’s (TIF) to Forever 21. Walkways link the open-air emporium with the church’s perfectly manicured headquarters on Temple Square. Macy’s (M) is a stone’s throw from the offices of the church’s president, Thomas S. Monson, whom Mormons believe to be a living prophet.
To read the rest of this story, visit BusinessWeek.com
Universal Timing ~ Life’s Natural Rhythm
Universal Timing
~Life’s Natural Rhythm~
By GLR Madisyn Taylor
Slowing down and listening to your own natural rhythm can quickly connect you to the Universe.
Mayor of London Calls Upon Sun God Ra - For Change In Olympics Weather Forecast
July 17, 2012
Comment: All things considered, this is a VERY interesting editorial piece by Mayor of London Boris Johnson from The Telegraph.
~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-19-2012 ~Everything Everywhere!~
~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 07-19-2012 ~Everything Everywhere!~
I guess today's (and yesterday's) update comments itself... everything everywhere!
One Heart, One Love.
Thank You for BEingLove.
REPORT: Media Prioritize Animal Attacks, Tom Cruise Over Huge Bank Scandal
July 19,2012
Instead of covering one of the largest banking scandals in history, American television news outlets have focused on the divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, shark sightings, and a chimpanzee attack.
Last week, we documented how television news outlets are practically ignoring an emerging controversy over whether major financial institutions have been manipulating the LIBOR, a key interest rate banks use to borrow money from each other that is "used as a benchmark to set payments on about $800 trillion worth of financial instruments." MIT professor of finance Andrew Lo told CNN Money that the LIBOR-manipulation story "dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scams in the history of markets."
Lucas – Our Hearts Deepest Wishes Are Beginning To Manifest
Lucas – Our Hearts Deepest Wishes Are Beginning To Manifest – 19 July 2012
Amongst the beginning to awaken and awakened people the longing for things to change and happen is strongly felt. Energies creep in places you never imagined. They bring you the incentives for change within and the start of your inner change. It opens for some also the for long still closed vaults of darkness of the own self. All needs to transform and things that not suit your new energy signature anymore have to let go of.
Seattle again, with family, July, 2012, day two: the folks and the nukes
Seattle again, with family, July, 2012, day two: the folks and the nukes
It turns out that I can do this blog in my folks’ apartment at Mount. St. Vincent’s which is run by the Sisters of Providence. And now that I’m still stoked from the Sisters of Earth Conference, I’m much less surprised then when last here at the palpable love that binds together everyone who works here with the endearing people they serve. Really. I had no idea that a large institution could hold this kind of energy in its atmosphere, like a thick, strong, sweet light permeating the walls.
Lucas - Our Hearts Deepest Wishes Are Beginning To Manifest - 19 July 2012
Amongst the beginning to awaken and awakened people the longing for things to change and happen is strongly felt. Energies creep in places you never imagined. They bring you the incentives for change within and the start of your inner change. It opens for some also the for long still closed vaults of darkness of the own self. All needs to transform and things that not suit your new energy signature anymore have to let go of.
Still we hear people's voices cry for hearing the change or seeing the change with their own eyes. They seek tangible evidence. But there is no need for this call. There is no need to doubt and not see the things already happening around you. You just have to go inside and see the change is already in you. The world around changes accordingly. But still you say show me! Give proof. If you open up you will see things are beginning to manifest in the flooding of the news as what was hidden is being shown and that what was concealed is exposed. Nothing can stop this anymore. Mother Earth is having also her cleaning and we see that is brings also some discomfort and trouble for us in quakes, floods, wild fires and sink holes, storms, etc. This needs to happen and is contained as best as can be to do as little of damage possible.
Five Year Old Shuts Down Armed Soldiers.
http://www.facebook.com/akyastv What are you waiting for? Now is the time to STAND UP for yourself, to be BOLD, be CREATIVE, be RADICAL To Dream BIG, IMAGINE, Feel the fear but DO IT! Anyway its time to Question Expert Authority, ASK hard questions, PROPOSE and DEMAND solutions. To Participate and AGITATE. DISOBEY if you must. To VISUALISE and Organise. To KILL the fear spreading Media - EDUCATE and INFORM yourself and Others. NOW is the time to invest in HOPE.
To cultivate LOVE To Give Thanks for what we have and to help those that Haven't. We Must DANCE, PLAY, ENJOY ourselves. TRANSFORM your situation no matter how bad it is. It can be done, EAT WELL, REST, MEDITATE. PROTECT yourself. BECOME a SOUL WARRIOR. Don't Apoligise for being a DREAMER - we need MORE DREAMERS. PERSIST Resist and ignore the begrudgers, hold firm to your vision. Don't make up excuses or get caught up in Blame. In the Game of them and Us RESPECT Everyone, even if you dont like them. Enemies are Great Teachers. TRANSCEND, RISE, Reach for the STARS.
Don't take yourself too seriously. LAUGH at yourself. LOVE YOURSELF. You are WONDERFUL if you let yourself BE. ABANDON JUDGEMENT, Age, Roles, Stereotypes. Take RISKS. Drop LEFT RIGHT and RELIGIOUS Dogma. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Take control of your Diet, Money, Home, Family, Work Spend Time in NATURE. Listen to your Gut, Instinct, Intuition, Heart. Go offline to get ONLINE. Take QUIET TIME for you, to WRITE, DRAW. EXPERIMENT. Learn a SONG, Call a Meeting, Start a Petition. BUILD COMMUNITY. See what happens. SHARE. Take your time. Slow Down - Small and Slow are POWERFUL and BEAUTIFUL. Wake up to REALITY. It's not that bad. If it is THEN CHANGE IT. Don't wait for others to do it. TELL OTHERS, JOIN them, ASK for HELP.
FT .com-Video Bird Fortune-banks,bonuses and bust.flv
From 2009 British comedy show Bremner,Bird and Fortune.Dead on satire about the banks and the bonuses
Misconceptions of the Galactic Federation ~ Full Report
Misconceptions of the Galactic Federation ~ Full Report
Posted by pocahontasbrandy
It can be noticed on the internet that in some spiritual circles, there are some who are still uncomfortable with the notion of extraterrestrials assisting us in our evolution as a planet. There are some who are weary of a message purported to come from a Galactic Federation of ascended and advanced beings who are not from our world, and many misunderstandings and misconceptions can be noticed in relation to our brethren within the Galactic Federation, that should perhaps be cleared up.
Astounding Archaeological Discoveries: Canada’s Stonehenge
2012 07 17
Compiled by Elizabeth Leafloor
"The discovery of a 5000-year-old Sun Temple and its exquisite "time machine" -- a Stone Age calendar -- led scientist Gordon Freeman to ground-breaking discoveries in Stonehenge. During field work and research from 1989 to 2006, Freeman found striking similarities between the surface geometry of the two sites. These similarities push back the boundaries of written history and have far-reaching implications for North American and European history. Gordon Freeman’s new book, Canada’s Stonehenge outlines these discoveries using dramatic photographs and maps which throw new light on the genious of the First Peoples of North America."

CrossLinking of Square Grids over Select Regions Allows Appropriate Containment of Explosive Energies
Gaia's Portal Update CrossLinking of Square Grids over Select Regions Allows Appropriate Containment of Explosive Energies…
Square grids over North America, Great Britain, Australia, are temporarily cross linked to contain potentially explosive burst energies coming from those regions.
Essentially this is a re-gridification of the previous square grid which was too flexible for next steps. This is a rigid-izing of necessity, since potential explosion points in those regions have been detected, pinpointed, and now neutralized, with assistance of the newly rigid-ized grid.
This will, at the appropriate time, be reconfigured to a 5-grid, or pentagonal grid, appearing visually similar to the World sport, football, pattern.
Towering "Atomic" Cloud in Houston, TX - July 17, 2012
Published on Jul 17, 2012 by Sheilaaliens
http://sheilaaliens.net/?p=952 First clip is courtesy of Chauncy at http://iwitness.weather.com
The rest are from Houston webcams via http://www.wunderground.com/webcams
Music- Not sure the name of the song or artist but here is an upload of the song:
~ A Special Message from The Earth Allies~ No Matter What~
Love always give Love back to itself....This is Creation
Bank of Dave:How to Open a Bank
In the first episode Dave learns how banks operate.Almost everyone he meets in banking tells Dave to forget the idea.But the people of Burnley still support him and Dave presses on.
The Universal Laws: The Law of One
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal)
Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff
In the New Age and Spiritual communities, the axiom that ‘all are one’ has become somewhat of a cliche– a stereotype even. Popular culture has co-opted this law using it as a sort of catch-all representation of New Age/Far East philosophy. This has simultaneously exposed and numbed the masses to this truth/law, unfortunately. At the macro level of perception, it does not seem as if all are one. We can clearly see divisions between ourselves objects, animals, people, and any other number of things. This is the default, limited 3rd dimensional mindset that cannot (or perhaps will not…) understand that which is not obvious. Yet ask a physicist if ‘all is one’ and they will almost surely reply with a resounding ‘Yes!’ if they are even remotely clued in to the modern study of quantum physics.
Canada's Stonehenge
Uploaded by lyncadence on Jun 16, 2009
The discovery of a 5000-year-old Sun Temple and an ancient time machine—a Stone Age calendar—in Canada led scientist Gordon Freeman to ground-breaking discoveries in Stonehenge. During field work and research from 1986 to 2006, Freeman found striking similarities between the surface geometry of the two sites. These similarities push back the boundaries of written history and have far-reaching implications for North American and European history.
UFO Sighting Near Russian Nuke Plant (Video)
by Tom Rose
A UFO video on YouTube shows what look like two glowing orange orbs hovering in the twilight sky over a Russian nuclear power plant. As the video plays, each of the objects wink on and off. They don't look like conventional aircraft, so, what are they?
In the video it sounds like a Russian mother is talking to her child and looking out the window as she films the mysterious, unidentified flying object hovering over what is described as a nuclear facility. The poster of the video says the film was shot in February. It certainly looks bleak enough.
Crooked Bankers Are Corrupting Government: The Real LIBOR Story
by Richard Eskow | July 12, 2012 - 9:45am
A new survey showing the extent of bankers' criminal inclinations, together with the "LIBOR" scandal, gives us more insight into how deeply corrupt the banking industry has become.
Big banks have metastasized into a kind of "Financial/Industrial Complex" which is distorting and engulfing our economy. And they've captured the critical government functions designed to stem the corruption and keep them in check.
Washington, we have a problem.
Scandalous Survey
Oracle Report ~ Friday, July 20, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
New Moon Phase - Moon in Leo
This picture was taken from the International Space Station of the lights over the southern hemisphere last Saturday. It is quite beautiful, isn't it? This is what the energy of the Turning Point looked like.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Powerful Use your power with love
Friday, July 20, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Powerful
PRG~Update July 20, 2012 News Release Open Memo to President Obama
PRG~Update July 20, 2012
News Release
Open Memo to President Obama
Mr. President
There is a matter before you which calls out for your attention regarding events at or near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947. Please consider the following:
Philip J. Corso (1915-1998) - Lt. Col. US Army; WWII and Korean War Intelligence officer; Chief of the DoD's Foreign Technology Desk; President Eisenhower's National Security Council staff (1953–1957); Warren Commission staff (1964).
New Earth Group Meditations - Love
Connection time as given by Rakhealle - 1800 Sunday 22nd July 2012 (UK time GMT + 1)
I am Rakhealle and I come through now with the second group meditation in this series. The focus today dear ones is love.
I am asking you to make yourselves comfortable. Send out greetings to the group and any higher beings who wish to participate. Give thanks to each other and for our presence here now.
I am asking you to place you awareness above you and with God. Connect to pure divine love and light and draw it down through you crown chakra and send it out of your feet and down into the earth's crystalline core.
Go within and connect with and feel the love frequency you naturally vibrate at. Feel this frequency amplify then radiate away from you.
Feel the love energy been generated by you project from your 3rd eye. Ask for the love to be projected to the most appropriate place on earth.
You will feel and you will know when the meditation has ended and the love has subsided.
Namaste Rakhealle
On August 4 at 11:11am Linda and Reynolds will perform a Star Gate Activation Ceremony by the Lion outside of the MGM Hotel, Las Vegas: Reason: To Free People from Bondage, so they ascend, then experience the Six Sacred Portals in Las Vegas, and healing sessions...1st photos are from the June 23, St Louis Arch, StarGate Activation...Please join us, and bring your family and friends, share this video to the world. Places will majorly impact: Germany, U.K., Italy, Arizona, Hawaii, New Zealand, Argentina, Mexico, and All waters,
Star Family Reunion
NASA cant find MIR space station amongst dozens of UFO"s
NASA cant seem to find the MIR space station amongst dozens of UFO"s along with some NASA clips.From the documentary "Secret Space".
Space Weather Update~ Inside a Radiation Storm
MARTIAN MARATHON: More than 8 years after landing on the Red Planet, Mars rover Opportunity is still running. Indeed, mission planners say the tireless robot is poised to complete a full marathon--the first ever long-distance race on an alien planet. [full story] [video]
RADIATION STORM: A low-level radiation storm is underway as solar protons swarm around our planet. Ranked S1 on NOAA space weather scales, the storm poses no serious threat to astronauts or satellites. Nevertheless it is a nuisance. Minor radiation storms can cause occasional reboots of computers onboard spacecraft and add "snow" to spacecraft imaging systems. This SOHO coronagraph image of the sun, taken during the early hours of July 20th, is a good example:
Wes Annac – Cahokia: An Ancient American Metropolis With Cosmic And Galactic Ties – Part 2
Wes Annac – Cahokia: An Ancient American Metropolis With Cosmic And Galactic Ties – Part 2 – 20 July 2012
Continued from Part 1
Elizabeth Agnes Cassley discusses the symbolism of these [Birdman] tablets as well as the similarity between Cahokian culture and development, and the culture and development of other ancient civilizations that experienced the same rapid growth in nearly the same timeframe as Cahokia, while suggesting a possible Mayan connection.
“Raptors were powerful symbols of the sky world. In the upper world, they controlled the sun . . . life! They were the ones that decided whether or not you existed. (…) In North America, many differences existed among the Indians of the Southeast and the Southwest, but there were also ways in which they were similar. It appears that all of the southeastern Indians as well as some outside the Southeast shared basic assumptions and thought patterns. This includes notions of how the ‘cosmos’ was put together, as well as very general theories about why things happened. They also shared a fundamental social transformation that began occurring among them at about A.D. 900-1100. Perhaps they were descendants of the great Mayan culture?” (8)
by Anthony Gucciardi
When examining the body of research on alternative cancer treatment methods and substances, it is quite easy to find a multitude of research highlighting the anti-cancer effects of many ‘super’ substances such as ginger and turmeric. The latest research on the subject shines a light on just how powerful the combination of gold and tea can be in conquering cancer, and even the mainstream media is reporting on the amazing results. While the process ignores countless other peer-reviewed alternatives and even adds a radioactive quality to gold nanoparticles, it still manages to heavily outperform chemotherapy.
Infinite Waters – Impossible Is Nothing—The Power Of The Human Spirit…Defy The Odds! – 20 July 2012
Uploaded on 20 July 2012 by Kemetprince1.Letting Go Off Society’s Expectations!!
Thanks to Lucas
Sponsor Scandal Rocks Olympics – 20 July 2012
Uploaded on 19 July 2012 by PressTVGlobalNews
Thanks to Lucas
Solar Proton Storms Electrifies the New Energy of Earth Into LIFE!!
I am finding it quite interesting how our sun and what it is doing to earth is being reflected within the readings. I am also realizing those moments in readings when I am trying to understand why I am seeing what I see that the field seems to fall silent (more than likely with a shit eating grin on its collective face too!)
Ask your hearts what is true for you, and live by that. – Michael by GLR Ron Head
Ask your hearts what is true for you, and live by that. – Michael by GLR Ron Head
July 20, 2012
Today you continue on in the rising frequencies of which we have been speaking, with the addition of having just moved into those of the new moon. We know that you are able to recognize these sensations now and that you are becoming able to connect with them at will. It is not that you are connecting with the energies at these times, but that you are learning that they are always there in the background of your new senses.
Light Workers Awakening
Somewhere,in the distance a light was born.....its a light-worker! Light-workers are souls that carry, since birth,The strong inner disire of expanding LIGHT (Knowledge,Freedom,Love) throughout the planet.
CONFIRMED AT LAST: The attempted cover-up of how JP Morgan torpedoed Lehman Brothers
July 15, 2012 · 10:20 am
As an early propagator of the allegation that JP Morgan Chase deliberately hastened the Lehman collapse, the Slog finds itself vindicated three years on by a successful regulator action against JPM, and contemporary documentation.
“And then when you have the suckers by the balls, you squeeze just like this”
Common Dreams – Austerity Protests Erupt In 80 Cities Across Spain
Common Dreams – Austerity Protests Erupt In 80 Cities Across Spain – 20 July 2012
Spanish parliament passes $80 billion austerity package
Anger over austerity measures spilled into the streets across Spain on Thursday after parliament passed an $80 billion austerity package. Tens of thousands of protesters across 80 cities demonstrated against the imminent cuts, which include pay cuts for civil workers, an increase in sales tax, benefits cuts and a raise in retirement age.
The manuscript of survival – part 170
The manuscript of survival – part 170
•July 20, 2012 •
Let us just begin this missive by saying that you have all started to master old skills by now, and although your mind has yet to grasp this, you have entered the halls of old wisdom and started to tap into the rich deposits of knowledge that resides there. Not much of this will be apparent during your waking hours just yet, but it will start to seep through into your consciousness as the doors will start to open more and more between the different states you currently inhabit.
UFO weekly photo sighting reports #8
Published on Jul 19, 2012 by fdex
I decided to make a video every week with the most interesting and significant photos of UFO sightings, reported all around the world over the week.
Mainly photos with metadata information !
Any opinions most welcome.
Suzanne Lie – Mytria/Mytre – Opening The Portal – Perceiving Reality From Within – Pleiadian Ascension
Suzanne Lie – Mytria/Mytre – Opening The Portal – Perceiving Reality From Within – Pleiadian Ascension – 20 July 2012

Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Posted on Thursday, 19 July 2012
Original Article : HelpGuide.org
The Health Benefits of Humor and Laughter
Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.
Dis-InfoWars Grade : +1
Dis-InfoWars Comment : Sometimes in our hectic lives, we forget the very simple, yet very effective formulas!
Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Blogtalkradio – 13 July 2012
Geoffrey West – Cosmic Vision News – InLight Blogtalkradio – 20 July 2012
The show is in the USA -Central 17.00 PM 20 July 2012 – and in EST- Mainland Europe 21 July 2012 01.00 AM
Direct link to the radioshow is.
Call in to speak with the host : (323) 784-9697
CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded secret, and yet the most important event to improve the human and planetary condition.
Euro Hits Record Lows Against Australian Dollar
On Wednesday, July 18, the euro hit a record law against the Australian dollar, falling to A$1.1881, the lowest level since it was introduced. This was a result of traders reacting to a media report that German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she couldn't be sure the European project would work.
Last week, the euro fell against the American dollar, to USD 1.2185, the lowest level since June, 2010. This was also an indicator that markets are concerned about Europe's debt crisis.
Top UFO Sightings of the Week (Video)
by Tom Rose
The good folks at fdex on YouTube have compiled the best UFO sightings reported to M.U.F.O.N. for the third week of July. What's new?
First of all, it seems Missouri is the current hotspot. Almost half of the sightings were reported from the "Show Me" state, living up to its motto once again.
M.U.F.O.N is the hub for worldwide sightings and their researchers are the best around. But the majority of their reports are filed with just photographs, so there's not much movement in this collection, which is always the best way to sift the hoaxes from the truly unexplained.
Protests flare again at Olympic Dam
Updated: 18:56, Thursday July 19, 2012

Protesters at Roxby Downs have chained themselves to a truck on the main road. Picture: Ben Hyde Source: AdelaideNow
Five people have been arrested after renewed protest action at the Olympic Dam uranium and copper mine in South Australia's north.
The arrests on Thursday brought to 18 the number of people taken into police custody since about 350 anti-nuclear activists converged on the area on Saturday.
The official protest was scheduled to wind up on Wednesday but up to 100 people remained in the area.
At centre of Tibetan troubles, fiery protests continue
Ananth Krishnan
BEIJING,July 19, 2012

At noon on Tuesday, Tibetan monk Lobsang Lozin stood in front of the Gyalrong Tsodun Kirti monastery, an important centre of learning in China’s south-western Sichuan province.
Saudi Arabia sacks spymaster
Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:48PM GMT
Citing a royal decree, the official Saudi Press Agency announced on Thursday the replacement of Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz with the former envoy, Prince Bandar bin Sultan.
“Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz has been deposed from his current post and appointed as the king’s advisor and special envoy,” the Saudi state TV reported.
Chemtrail Spraying And Weather Warfare On The History Channel -- Full Documentary
Uploaded by LibertyArchives on Feb 11, 2011
History Channel - Weather Warfare - Weather Modification - Chemtrails - HAARP - ELF Frequencies - Aerosols, heavy metal spraying - Geoengineering - Terraforming - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Between Two Ages - Technetronic Era - Climate Change/Global Warming/Cooling Fraud - Global Dimming - Eugenics - Depopulation - De-development - World government
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues of ecological and humanitarian significance. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. lf you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: The Sacred Mirror
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: The Sacred Mirror
The Sacred Mirror
Through Gillian Macbeth-Louthan
July 2012
We are ancient galactic of birth, We are Sirian of Origin. We are beyond your measure of time and space. We are beyond your understanding of what is genetic. We are what the light yearns to become in awareness. We are genetically encoded within the body of all earth. We live deep within the ancient flesh of human beings. We come forth at this time as the alignment of the heavens and stars usher you into a Trans-portal of self.
There comes a solar dimensional instability. All of the holographic nature of earth fluctuates and fades in and out of perception and sight.
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Fluoridation
Communities across the US add fluoride to the water supply. Mainstream experts believe it prevents tooth decay, but conspiracy theorists think there's something sinister afoot. Tune in to learn the craziest fluoride conspiracies in this episode of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know.
The White Hats Report #46 ~ Critical Information
The White Hats Report #46 ~ Critical Information
How To Live From The Heart? (Ask Teal Episode on Living From Your Heart Instead of Your Head)
In this episode of Ask Teal, The topic addressed is: Living from the Heart.
In this episode, Teal explains that living from the heart means to emanate your true essence. It means to become the embodiment of love, equanimity and freedom.
~ Lets Collectively Free the People from Bondage~ Through the Lions Gate
On August 4 at 11:11am Linda and Reynolds will perform a Star Gate Activation Ceremony by the Lion outside of the MGM Hotel, Las Vegas: Reason: To Free People from Bondage, so they ascend, then experience the Six Sacred Portals in Las Vegas, and healing sessions...1st photos are from the June 23, St Louis Arch, StarGate Activation...Please join us, and bring your family and friends, share this video to the world. Places will majorly impact: Germany, U.K., Italy, Arizona, Hawaii, New Zealand, Argentina, Mexico, and All waters,
Commentary from Galactic Free Press~ Reynolds and Linda are Earth Allies being instructed by the Agarthans. Interestingly, they have been instructed to be In Vegas where The Lion is, Reference the Lions Gate Opening July 26th, and closing August 12th, 2012. The Following is information about the Lions Gate Through Celia Fenn
In the Syrian cycle of Stellar time-keeping, July 26th is also the time when the Star Sirius begins its helical rising in Egypt, signifying the rising of the Nile and the flooding of the land to bring abundance. This was also symbolic of the new wave of "Cosmic Water" or Light that would flood through from the Galactic Center to the Earth and bring waves of blessings and the New Codes for Planetary evolution and growth. These New Codes will be activating and electrifying every cell of every being on the Planet with the New Information for the Divine Plan for the Coming Year.
The Council Of The Venus Ray. ~ “The Balancing Act.” ~ By AuroRa Le. July 20, 2012.
The Council Of The Venus Ray. ~ “The Balancing Act.” ~ By AuroRa Le. July 20, 2012.
● Over the past few days, I’ve been focusing my energies on doing some long-neglected personal healing and clearing. As Lightworkers, we often are so focused on Gaia and on the healing of others, that our own needs can get pushed off into the background and forgotten. It’s been ages since I’ve taken the time to focus on myself, and to say that the results were amazing would be a huge understatement! We all need to do this on a regular basis. Just think of how much better we’ll be able to serve when our own channels of communication are clean and unblocked, our vision clearer and our auras bright and sparkling!
Our Song
It is time for you to love. This is the answer to every question.
There is a way to love militarily. There is a way to love between nations, cultures, religions and individuals. All this is evident when your answers internally resonate. There is no force more powerful than truth.
As One we move through life, travelling the path of space and time, speaking our belief. As One, our actions could spell out the depth of our self loathing. There are destructive acts that in their allowance only further push us, as One, towards our own demise.
This is the voice that rings throughout the heavens – the song of humanity – the sound of our soul. We are speaking with our blind obedience to a master who dictates self worship. Once we release our subservience to greed and observe and follow love, our world changes.
This can only happen with wide open eyes and an attitude of strength of conviction. You must trust yourself. This comes naturally when you love yourself. Loving yourself is the thing each of us can do right now that will change the world. As you love, you will not allow lies, deceit or other activity that could diminish you in any way.
You are here to flourish. You do not expect flowers to grow without sunlight and rain. In the same fashion, you must be watered and placed under the nourishing rays of the sun in order to grow. This is a necessity. Rather than being beaten and lorded over with rules, restrictions and negativity – it is time now to nourish and support.
Now is the time to deal with our issues once and for all!
Nuri Burrows
Nuri runs the Live in the Heart blog from Holland and reports on the impact of the new energies on himself.
Now is the time to deal with our issues once and for all!
Nuri Akyol, Live in the Heart, July 18, 2012
They are pouring in alright! My god! Although it was announced, nothing could have really prepared me for this. At first, I was only exhausted but now I am feeling it, throughout my body. It comes and goes like waves going through every fiber of my being. And this is only the physical part.
I catch myself staring. People passing by might think that I have become apathetic, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I am feeling, I am processing, I am letting everything go without judging it. Easier said than done sometimes, but hey, isn’t all of this just a big learning school?
The Way Of Love
Short film about awakening humanity and hence the collective consciousness to a blissful state of simply BEing LOVE.
Kauilapele: Neil Keenan Press Release of 7-13-12, from Drake
Neil Keenan Press Release of 7-13-12, from Drake…
This article appeared on AMN two days ago (the letter is dated 7-13-12), and was mentioned by Drake in yesterday’s show. I wanted to post it here, as Geoffrey West may be including information about this in tomorrow’s Cosmic Vision News show(7 PM EDT; 2300 UTC).
From what I recall of yesterday’s Drake show, he said that the liens against the big banks are still valid, and the banks are in default.
Connections by Suzi
Connections by Suzi
The guidance that I’ve been getting consistently whenever anything shows up that would put a ripple in my calm waters is just to let things be. Shifting into observer mode is a big relief, actually.
It feels to me like letting go of 3D and stepping back and away from the emotion of the moment. Our hearts know that none of what transpires here is as important as how we feel about things, because the collective vibe matters most right now, in my opinion.
A reader wonders about channeled massages in which humans are admonished to take responsibility for the condition of the Earth when we have also been told of the ways in which we’ve been manipulated over time.