~Everythng is changing quickly!~

Lia's picture

Compassion and Unconditional Love for all beings



Compassion and Unconditional Love


A little tiger was found starving and brought to this monk. Monk took care of the tiger. In the coming months and years many more tigers found him. Today he is feeding hundreds of wild animals under same roof. some come eat and go. some come, stay forawhile and go. some come and dont leave.



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What's in a Name? Frankenstorm vs. Sandy


Weather.com - Doyle Rice, USA Today, 10/27/12

In this image taken by NOAA on Friday, Oct. 26, Hurricane Sandy is seen in the center bottom. When Sandy becomes a hybrid weather monster some call "Frankenstorm" it will smack the East Coast harder and wider than last year's damaging Irene, forecasters said Friday. AP Photo/NOAA

What do you get when you mix a huge hurricane with another big storm, add a full moon, and sprinkle in Halloween? Frankenstorm!

The name came, unexpectedly, from James Cisco, a forecaster with the typically staid federal government's Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (now there's a catchy name!) in College Park, Md.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Sandy on Track - But Is the Message Getting Out?


Wunderground.com - Bryan Norcross, 10/28/12

Bryan Norcross' Official Blog

Sandy the super-unusual, combo hurricane/nor'easter on the unheard-of track is coming together as forecast. The computer forecast models predicted that the winds would spread out in the nor'easter part of the storm, and the hurricane part of the storm would struggle a bit then recover. Tropical-storm force winds have spread out to the Virginia coast, and the tropical part of the system looks only so-so on the satellite.

Normally we would say the fat lady has sung, and get ready to fold up our hurricane hunters and go home. But, those same reliable computer models are saying that Combo Sandy is going to get reinvigorated by the jet stream while still getting energy from the Gulf Stream tomorrow and Monday, and get stronger and bigger. And then pounce on the Northeast.


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Hawaii Under Tsunami Warning


Weather.com - AP, 10/28/12

This image shows one of the tsunami forecast models, illustrating how the tsunami is pointed at Hawaii. PTWC

Emergency sirens sounded around Hawaii late Saturday warning about an oncoming tsunami, after a powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Canada.

Even as 120,000 people along Hawaii's coast rushed to higher ground, officials downgraded a tsunami warning to an advisory for southern Alaska and British Columbia. They also issued an advisory for areas of northern California and southern Oregon.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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My Solution To Homelessness


The way that I would help to eraticate homelessness would be to first inventory the houses that are boarded up, unkept and just there. Then, a commitee would be formed to research the property, location, ect. Inspectors would then be called in to evaluate the property, to see what would be necessary to bring the property up to standards. Contractors would be matched with properties. People would then be considered for the program. Men or women with skills would help and they themselves would be considered for the program. Thier services would save money also.


Those who have addiction issues would be offered a opportunity to try a new form of recovery, where Spirituality and not religion would be the base.


First to be considered for the program would be women who carry the burden of raising thier grandchildren because of addiction, and mothers who desire to be all they can be for thier children. Race would not even be considered, but need.


The land was NEVER meant to be possessed and sold for pure profit and it should be returned to its rightful owners.


This would build self esteem, utilize the abandoned houses, and promote self sufficiency. Teaching our young to value themselves, knowing they have  responsibility to teach these simple yet very valueable ways. People can then grow thier own food, promoting health. They could generate wealth also buy trading and bartering with the products grown on thier land. Why do farmers get funds to grow crops to destroy or get paid to not grow crops? It just does not make sense.



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Opposite behaviors? Arctic sea ice shrinks, Antarctic grows


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 10/27/12

October 27, 2012 – CLIMATE – The steady and dramatic decline in the sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean over the last three decades has become a focus of media and public attention. At the opposite end of the Earth, however, something more complex is happening. A new NASA study shows that from 1978 to 2010 the total extent of sea ice surrounding Antarctica in the Southern Ocean grew by roughly 6,600 square miles every year, an area larger than the state of Connecticut. And previous research by the same authors indicates that this rate of increase has recently accelerated, up from an average rate of almost 4,300 square miles per year from 1978 to 2006.



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2 Star Ships revealed them selves to us on the night sky of Malaysia



ON 26TH night of October, on the beach of Cherating -Malaysia, after making a crystal-stone-shall grid and chanting with the intention of connecting the universal light into heart of mother Gaia, we watched the sky. 1 round and 1 triangular starship showed themselves very clearly and shortly.


we watched them with joy and great excitement.


Thanks to our Galactic Brothers and Sisters


pictures from that night


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Tsunami warning in B.C. after earthquake


Calgary Herald - 10/28/12, By Kirstin Endemann, The Ottawa Citizen


Tsunami warning in B.C. after earthquake

A tsunami warning is in effect for the British Columbia coast after a 7.1 earthquake struck the Queen Charlotte Islands region at about 8 p.m. local time Saturday night. Photograph by: Image courtesy , Earthquake Canada

OTTAWA — A tsunami warning is in effect for the British Columbia coast after a major magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the Queen Charlotte Islands region at 8:04 p.m. local time Saturday night.

But a National Research Council spokesperson said the coast will probably not see waves of the magnitude experienced in Japan in 2011.


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The Fractal Cube


                          The Hooded Sage   

 By Khris Krepcik                  


The Fractal Cube

Consciousness is not limited to the confinements of your chubby little head. Consciousness is inside of you and all around you. Consciousness is considered to be invisible, but what if you could actually see it? Consciousness is considered to be of the mind, but consciousness transcends the limited human mind.


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Mexico’s mercurial Popocatépetl volcano records 70 emissions in 24 hour period


Source: The Extinction Protocol, 10/27/12


October 27, 2012 – MEXICO – The Popocatepetl volcano unleashed about 70 emissions of low to moderate intensity, several of which were accompanied by ash expulsions reaching a height of 1.5 to 2 kilometers. A night glow was also observed during the night and some of the fumes emitted incandescent fragments near the crater. According to the monitoring system of the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), the Volcanic Alert Level remains at Yellow Phase 2.


It involves the likelihood that present moderate exhalations, some with ash emissions, sporadic bursts of level low to moderate probability of emission of incandescent fragments, may occur within walking distance of the crater. An incandescent light in the crater of the volcano is also distinctly observable during the night.



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Volcanic activity world-wide 26-28 October 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery.com, By T, 10/28/12


Kilauea volcano sat by (C) NASA.

The lava lake at Kilauea volcano on Hawai'i within Halema‘uma‘u crater remains at high levels, althouth the inflation-deflation cycle has now entered deflation and the lake level has slightly dropped. Elevated earthquake activity continues to appear beneath the upper eastern rift zone.


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The beauty of this orchestration we're witnessing does not escape me.


It occurred to me that what we're seeing now is as complex as a Beethoven symphony and as intricate as a ballet. Just imagine the dynamics involved to arrange the forthcoming events, it amazes me to no end:

(1) We have the largest known Hurricane/N'oreaster storm combination swirling to a crescendo in the most populated part of America. A slow moving monster that could flood, freeze and dump mountains of freezing rain and snow, the likes of which have never been seen in the modern era.

(2) We've had a 7.7 earthquake in British Columbia that has already rung-out 14 aftershocks the smallest of which was a 4.1, and has forced out tsunami warnings all across the Pacific.

(3) We've had a large CME yesterday that is now barreling through space with an arrival time of approximately October 30th. Right about the same time Hurricane/N'oreaster Sandy is visiting the crap out of New York.

(4) And the cherry on top?, Full Moon. The Hunter's Full Moon in fact, which is slated to make its entrance on October 29th. And bring along his friend High Tide to keep things interesting.


It just doesn't get any better than this.

 - Tighten up the ropes to yer skivvies mates, it looks like we're going for a ride! Take care.




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10/27/2012 -- West Coast Canada 7.7M Earthquake -- several buoys in event mode



Pubblicato in data 27/ott/2012 da dutchsinse

From what I can find -- NO tsunami warning issued, only localized events reported

Buoys in event mode: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/

West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center:


Pacific Tsunami Warning Center:




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~ Love is on the Move~ Join us For A Love Party from out of this world!



 You can Join us at this Link beginning at 1:30pm pacific:



A Preparty is Happening NOW!


Love is Unstoppable, we are changing this Planet Forever! Join us and Participate in The Love Overflowing on this Planet~ This is a Love Story FOR ALL!




Love Is on The Move on Planet Earth=Heart, a Blessing In Disguise has occurred!



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From Fear to Oneness=Love


For the last couple(or three) years I have not been able to do a lot as a result of lingering medical issues. About 2 months ago I found a weekly meditation to go to and met a wonderful Yogi and we have become friends. She took me out last night which is the first in a while as nights weren't my best, but I adore her. I AM was introduced to the most wonderful group of healers. What a gift. My friend had seen a astrology chart she really wanted but couldn't afford. Anyway, we got to this store which sells unique things and she showed me the most cool hand made astrology chart made with pieces of metal detailing each sign on a big heavy round piece of finished wood. I didn't know why but checked to see if I had the money and bought it as it wouldn't be there long. This morning I woke up and realized I had purchased it for her. She has taken me into her heart and led me to people who I felt at ONE with which has been a long time. I unknowingly was able to return something she loves and wanted very badly. I get to give it to her tomorrow!  Since the 10/21/12 portal it just seems that LOVE keeps pouring in and is not being stopped up. I AM has been in a daze with all the changes and after reading the article earlier about planetary portals think I have found a group to help with this. When the student is ready the teacher will appear and my guides have never let me down.

PS-Is anyone else finding they are having some problems hearing regular people? Not all the time and not everyone but it is kind of like the ringing is different but my hearing of "normal" people is now off also?













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Lucas - A Release Of Dark Energies Has Been Felt That Has Been Transmuted Into The Light - 27 October 2012


After  my usual talks with lots of people about things going on in the world,  I have been feeling this afternoon the residue disperse of the dark energy that was released from the planet last night.  It has been transmuted and it is transformed and is not gonna be harmful in any way anymore.  As lightworkers and lightwarriors we still get confronted with those people who consciously still have their 3D/4 D experiences in duality by letting their EGO matters be prevalent to their own opening up of their heart and the feeling of love and Oneness. Instead they are doing rituals and dark magic. Also those that still have (spiritual) EGO and duality issues will respond accordingly to them being called out for what they are, not being in the heart where they find unconditional love and unity.



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Hurricane Sandy Is Coming. What Should We Do?


Fear is a Lie


So Hurricane Sandy is coming to the U.S. Everybody is saying it could be a destructive storm. What should we do?

Simple. If you are in path of this storm, prepare. If you are not in the path of this storm, observe events but don't worry about it.

This storm appears to be part of Mother Earth's cleansing process. More labor pains. They will pass.


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Its Time to Reveal All Our Colors!~ Truth does WIN!



When you first meet me on the street you may not know my name....I am your reflection in the ~Grand scheme of things"~...you are me.....Just a reflection of what Grand is becoming to mean...A light, A truth,of Un-conditional love in action.....for what I give to you in those moments is me....Naked and Free, Gentle and Kind, honest as can be....Just A reflection of the miracles to come, the future we have all been dreaming of...this beautiful Love..connecting like notes of a beautifully written song....and its true we are heading for magical times....you and I.....Just a reflection to heal and to love...to leave all hearts open....and truth to flood the walls....We are a reflection no need to hide....its time to reveal all of our colors for we are all the light....Healing each other as we look into the eyes...the Windows of our souls is now being realized...we have chosen Love over fear...Just a reflection of the abundance beginning to flow..like giant rivers flooding into eternity...together and free....We see the Truth you and I of the brightest light from above....I see the God in You...I must see it in Me



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LIBOR Scandal Expands, 16 of the World's Largest Banks Now Implicated In Fraud


NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A state investigation into whether some of the world's biggest banks manipulated key global interest rates has widened to 16 institutions, according to a source familiar with the matter.

New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued subpoenas to nine banks in late August as part of an investigation into alleged manipulation of the London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, according to the source, who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The Libor process generates rates, based on a survey of banks, that are used as benchmarks for roughly $10 trillion of loans and some $350 trillion of derivatives.

Full Story... (cnn.com)


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LIGHT MY FIRE ACTIVATIONS, with ANITA BIST...chakraoflight.com


Archangel Metatron wants lightworkers everywhere to step into the magnificence of their being. Many times lightwokers feel called to serve others but neglect their own God Self by putting themselves last. You were meant to have Divine Abundance for are you not Mother/Father God expressing themselves through you? So claim your Divine Power! Blast through being stuck, feeling unloved and lacking in resources or direction. Lord Metatron's "Light My Fire" Activations specially designed for lightworkers will connect you to your Infinite Source of Wisdom and deep hidden talents creating miracles in your life. For more information, please visit www.chakraoflife.com/productsprograms/metatronslightworkerpackage/


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Big Quake 7.7/Outbreak!



Pubblicato in data 27/ott/2012 da MrMBB333



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Make my wish come true, let darkness slip aside. (Hurricane Sandy)

Make my wish come true, let darkness slip aside is what is happening today. God has spoken and wished for this to happen. Now it is happening. We are in the 72 hour period before the storm hits. On Monday night, the storm will hit land. It is the night of the full moon. When I was outside from coming from a dance, I saw the moon was almost full. The light spectrum was circling the moon perfectly. From red on the outside to Christ Light circling the moon. Around the outside of the red was a shape of a hurricane. A perfectly formed hurricane. This guided me to feeling this is the storm that will change everything. The storm that has been talked about for years is happening right before our eyes. The moon is the eye of the storm which is surrounded by Christ Light which is surrounded by the Light Spectrum. Earlier today I noticed part of a rainbow in the sky. The Light Spectrum was looking really good earlier today. From what I seem today, I feel and know the storm will manifest the divine plan into 3D reality so much, people that are still asleep will wake up! Love to all!

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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!!


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I Dont Get Bored Anymore


"Im bored" used to be one of my favorite sentence used to do something stupid. Today, the good report is I no longer get bored. When I first started coming here in Jan, the one thing that immediately felt natural to my Spirit was regaining a relationship with nature, the Galactics suggested this. As a child, "go out side" was the constant command. After being stung by the bumble bees I attempted to catch and chased by the chickens in the back yard (every Easter I got bitties who became chickens, and they remembered me constantly pulling thier wings and torturing them and  chased me when I went outside heeheee), I never wanted to go outside again. The books in the bookcase became my best friend, and those little swirling lights that would look like Tinker Bell. I kinda forgot about nature until coming here.


The little squirrel who runs and jumps up and down the trees, has been named Speedy. The little rabbits name is Hapi (also an Egyptian gods name), he just has so much fun. The little purple man who sits in the bird feeder that looks like a little chair, his name is Iglu. At times that little chair just swings away.  And that tree that allows me to be energized by the sun with the leaves and branches creating a web like shield from the ultra violet rays, his name is Love.


Thank you Galactics for teaching me to put bordem in its perfect resting place.

Love Nageeta


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8 minor quakes jolt Surigao del Norte town in a day


Inquirer News - 10/28/12

MANILA, Philippines – Eight earthquakes, many of which occurred within an hour of each other, were recorded east of Burgos town in Surigao del Norte on Sunday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said.

A 4.1-magnitude tremor which has a depth of 21 kilometers was felt in the eastern part of Burgos at 6:20 a.m. At 9:43 a.m., a 4.8-magnitue quake was recorded 137 km east of Burgos at a 62-km depth.

To read the rest of this story, visit Inquirer News. 


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Latest Earthquake Activity - October 27, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


October 27





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It is All Available to Each of You at All Times ~ Archangel Michael via Ron Head


Michael Greetings, dear friends.  Let us begin a conversation on the subject of communication.  You are at both a disadvantage and a marked advantage in your communication with us.  On the one hand, you have no material source that you can point to and say, “This is where the information comes from.”

On the other, you are learning the true source of all ideas and concepts, and also how to tap into the infinite field of knowledge and wisdom that is available to all of you. Those who read this should understand that they are capable, as well, of receiving information in this way.  There are many, many variables involved, not least of which is the mental, emotional, and spiritual states of the one tuning in, so to speak. 


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The Intense Build Up Of Energy Before The Liquid Fields of November Open.




I find it very interesting what is happening weather wise, earthquake wise and the “pile up” of energy in the readings.  Even yesterday, we are still being held back from fully moving into (what I call) November energies via the field of Light/Readings.  So, this morning I took a look at the whole breadth of what is happening on earth, phew baby, we have a busy earth!!  Besides the mammoth storm of Hurricane Sandy, a Nor ‘easter that is merging with it creating an 800 mile wide storm system, there is a cycle on the Western Pacific (Philippines) called Son-Tinh packing winds of up to 110 miles per hour.  Last night, Canada made a serious earth burb (7.7 earthquake) in British Columbia triggering a (smaller than expected, thank goodness) Tsunami in Hawaii.  All in time for the full moon tomorrow.


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MOSTLY QUIET WITH A CHANCE OF FLARES: Solar activity is low. With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's x-ray output has nearly flatlined--for now. Strong flares are still a possibility. Sunspot AR1598 has a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class eruptions. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

BE ALERT FOR MOON HALOS: The Moon is waxing full and the northern hemisphere is experiencing the deepening chill of autumn. That means it's time to be alert for Moon halos. Martinsh Taube photographed this specimen last night in Valmiera, Latvia:

"We were on a late night walk through the city when we saw it," says Taube.


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Linda Robinson ~ Message From Archangel Zadkiel For November 2012 ~ Balance ~


 28 October 2012


Greetings My Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with my counterpart, Holy Lady Amethyst.  We represent the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine aspects of the Seventh Ray of Transmutation and Transformation.  Together we represent the balanced aspect of this ray.

We wish to speak to you about the importance of balance in these great times of ascension.   

You have made very rapid progress on your path.  You have received and integrated many higher energies.  This has allowed you to move to higher levels of awareness and progression.

As you move to higher and higher levels, it is important to achieve and maintain balance in all areas of life.  Balancing the masculine and feminine aspects is especially important because they have been out of balance for a long time.


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Goldman Sachs Director Gets 2 Years in Prison


Rajat K. Gupta, the former Goldman Sachs director, was sentenced to two years in prison on Wednesday for leaking boardroom secrets to the former hedge fund manager Raj Rajaratnam.

Mr. Gupta, 63, who ran the consulting firm McKinsey & Company and served as a major adviser to the philanthropic efforts of Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, is the most prominent figure to face prison in the government's sweeping crackdown on insider trading. The court also ordered Mr. Gupta to pay a $5 million fine.

"He is a good man," Judge Jed S. Rakoff said of Mr. Gupta on Wednesday. "But the history of this country and the history of the world is full of examples of good men who did bad things."

Appeal in Insider Trading Case Centers on Wiretap (Oct. 23, 2012)
At Wednesday's sentencing, Mr. Gupta appeared more haggard and strained than he did during his monthlong trial in May. After the sentence was issued, he sat expressionless, flanked by his lawyers."* Cenk Uygur breaks down Gupta's sentence and how much punishment he may actually receive.

*Read more from Peter Lattman/New York Times:


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Children of the Sun: The Rite of Divine Love







Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...  


The Rite of Divine Love  

  This is also the unified focus for the Planetary Grid Transmissions this Full Moon Monday, October 29 










The Rite of Divine Love  
The actualization of Divine Love is one of the most important initiations that we are taking as an evolving group consciousness.


Every progressive renunciation and revelation brought forth through the previous Rites have been specifically purposed to assist us in creating the ideal inner conditions that allows for the full expression of the limitless, transforming power of love.


The purpose of this Rite is to comprehend the significance of Divine Love and to clearly interpret this intelligent energy in terms of the group field versus the personal self. This initiation is expressed according to our role in the unfolding Divine Plan.


The Universal Law of Love aims at the transmutation of the desire nature to link us up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the great mental plane of unity consciousness. We are accessing this plane through the clarity of our Divine Intuition. 

As we enter into this greater alignment, we are remembering our choice to be love's willing instruments to help raise and redeem all life upon the Earth.


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Whenever you feel attacked, you are allowing the unreal to affect your mind



Whenever you feel attacked, you are allowing the unreal to affect your mind

10/28/2012 by John Smallman

One of the many delightful things that you will discover when you awaken from your rather long sleep is how bright, clear, and enthusiastically alive everything appears to be, and this will not just be due to appearances, for those are of the illusion.  And as you become more in alignment with being fully awake, fully conscious, the strength of those sensations will intensify as your ability to experience them grows.  It will not be an instantaneous awakening into the full brilliance of God’s Presence because that would be overwhelming for you at first; instead the brilliance will increase gently at the pace that is most suited to your growing abilities to align yourselves with them.


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Khris Krepcik – The Hooded Sage – The Fractal Cube – 28 October 2012




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2MIN News October 28, 2012: 7.7 Earthquake



Pubblicato in data 28/ott/2012 da Suspicious0bservers

Collapsing Atmosphere/Magnetic Shield: http://youtu.be/woVitezc-zU
STARWATER: http://youtu.be/LiC-92YgZvQ

Revolution Radio: ‪http://www.freedomslips.com



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Published on Oct 28, 2012 by paradoxman316

Is justice an idea of the ego as some stated following the video I did yesterday? Is linear time also an ego concept? How about money, government and other trappings of human culture as we have known it? Of this I am certain: we are all responsible! Together, regardless of whether we are of the 1% or the 99%, we created it this way. The culture of victimizer and victimhood requires both aspects or it could not exist. Everyone has the ability to respond one way or another. There is also the principle of accountability. This is where Divine justice comes in. It begins with the Lights coming oe and penetrating the darkness of our ignorance that has allowed us to sidestep our individual and collective accountability. It is happening in 3D...and the other dimensions as well. The wounds are to be healed.


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Detailed Timeline?






Heads up!  This sister makes a rare appearance to deliver some specific information on what to expect in the next month or so.  Keep in mind that there are many contending voices, with many concluding scenarios.  This i another to consider.  It seems to be  fitting the delivery  of what the community is expressing at this time however.  We continue to work with eager anticipation... Namaste






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Heavenletter #4356 Row, Row, Row Your Boat, October 28, 2012


Heavenletter #4356 Row, Row, Row Your Boat, October 28, 2012 

God said: 


Mice scurry. Human Beings are meant to move along at a pleasant pace. It is possible to take care of things quickly, even to speed, without scurrying or flurrying. Calmness is the way. Franticness is not.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream does not mean to hurry. Row, row, row your life, gently down the stream is My message for you today.

How fast an elephant moves at a seemingly slow pace. He lumbers along and wastes no time.

A loping lion lopes at ease. He knows the direction he is going in, and he takes it. He doesn’t flitter or twitter around. Straight is the path. As the crow flies, it is said.


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Your Useable Power, ... and More




Blessings, beloveds,

together Standing in the Light, indeed.


Keep your attention on the Power of God,

the Power of Prime Creator within You.

Focusing on the Power of Prime Creator AS You.


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The illusion is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved



The illusion is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved

October 28, 2012 by John Smallman

Humanity is poised on the edge of the illusion, preparing to move out of it, so that it may collapse back in on itself and into the state of non-existence from which you imagined it.  However real it may seem to you, and some of you see it as far more real than others, it really is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved.  Collectively gathering together to make it seem real is no longer going to work because so many have realized that it is an illusion and they are no longer prepared to give their power away to the collective to further prolong humanity’s unnecessary suffering within its narrow, unappealing, and illusory confines.


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Astrology October 28, 2012: Mars Opposes Jupiter



28 Sunday Oct 2012


“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.” Malcolm X

With assertive Mars exactly opposite truth-seeking Jupiter today, it is possible that we may feel more compelled to share with others what is true for us at our very core. Waxing philosophically or pontificating about our beliefs is very possible and can also be a very energizing and insightful outlet for us now, as long as we also allow others the same right to their own beliefs or opinions.


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Larry Larson ~ Twelve ~ Twelve Spirit ~ You Are Like A Sculpture ~


 ~ 28 October 2012


Question: I heard this the other day, that your life is defined by what you let go of, and not what you keep. It made sense but could you elaborate on this?

Your inner being knows what you are to become, not in the sense that you are predestined in some way, but in the sense that you have envisioned your own future. You choose your destiny with your imagination, your thoughts and your beliefs. And so when you feel the urge to let go of something it is because it is no longer a part of who you are vibrationally. The vibrational you precedes the you that is physically manifested. That vibrational you is closely tied with your inner being–more so than your physical self.

Your inner being will urge you to let go of that which no longer serves you. You are like a sculpture being crafted day by day, moment by moment on the wheel of life. And is it not true that the sculptor’s job is to remove all the pieces that do not fit?


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The 2012 Gateway Trajectory by Owen K Waters


The 2012 Gateway Trajectory
by Owen K Waters


2013 is almost here and it will bring a bright new dawn for everything related to the New Reality. Instead of being beset by multiple expiring cosmic cycles, we will become immersed in a new era where it becomes very easy to create positive new projects.

I learned from my primary guide – a senior member of the spiritual hierarchy who functions as the Lord Protector of The Shift – about a principle called the 2012 Gateway Trajectory.

This principle states that the pattern of consciousness that you have at the close of the cosmic cycles on December 21st, 2012 will influence your trajectory through experience for many thousands of years into the future.


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Christina Fisher ~ Morning Incantation ~ Invocation to Love – 28October2012



Kundalini Yoga net

The Golden Heart Dialogues


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Kelly MacInnis ~The Technology of Creation


Deer Image


In this document the word love is used in two contexts. With a Capital ‘L’,  Love means the force or energy that underlies all things. With a lower case ‘l’ the word means the feeling called love. Enjoy!


Everything that exists was set in motion by a single, self sustaining, resonant vibration. This vibration contains infinite potential. The vibration is called Love. We are creators. We have access to and can channel Love into forms and energies. We can also channel Love to transform existing forms and energies. There is no forcing Love. It is by creating a channel and allowing Love to flow into it that we create.

The way we create a channel is by intention, an idea of what would be interesting. That idea, or thought, is also a self sustaining, resonant vibration. Once produced, a thought exists forever. The vibration of a thought is instantly detected by us, by the feelings the thought creates.  The feelings a thought creates lets us know exactly what the thought is aligned with. As a thought interacts with the resonant vibration of Love, certain frequencies are amplified, others are reduced. As these frequencies interact, forms and energies emerge. Thoughts are a subset of the vibrational potential of Love.


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Tens Of Millions Prepare For Unprecedented Storm


October 28, 2012

SHIP BOTTOM, N.J. (AP) -- Tens of millions of people in the eastern third of the U.S. in the path of the unprecedented freak storm had hours Sunday to prepare for the first raindrops that were expected later in the day, to be followed over the next few days by sheets of rain, high winds and even heavy snow.


The warning from officials to anyone who might be affected path was simple: Be prepared and get out of the way.



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Navigating the New Time through Dream Downloads and Dimensional Travels


By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision


Dreams are one way our mind goes “off the grid” to commune with other aspects of our consciousness, but dream states are not the only portals available to us.

As we develop our “inner technologies,” our psychic abilities open a doorway to greater communion with our past, future and parallel selves. We don’t have to consciously understand the workings of this information exchange between aspects of our consciousness, but it is important that our beliefs embrace this source of knowing so we can open to it.

For some it may be helpful to understand how this waking form of information transfer takes place. One way to understand our inner technologies is through the lens of outer technologies.

Inner Technologies Correspond to Outer Innovations


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Full Moon October




On 30th October at 5.50am (AEST) the full Moon lights up in Taurus, and in alignment with the fixed star Hamal (aka the “Head”).  Sensual but sadistic, this independent stellar warrior seeks satisfaction through self-indulgent and aggressive action, with a strong and immediate desire to dominate and control.  But without a direct outlet for this cruel and debauched energy, it is forced inwards and manifests as frustration and resentment.  Angry and with no opportunity to express, do not attempt any daring or risky business as it is highly unlikely to succeed, and could end in scandal… or devastation.  However with awareness, self-restraint and patience, then this powerful energy can be harnessed as a protective force, offering leadership and success. So for the next couple of weeks keep your head in and your eyes open… a shift in consciousness is upon us.



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Unusual Anomalies Caught on Film. Quasi-Dimensional Entities?



Pubblicato in data 27/ott/2012 da SKULLBABYLON



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