~ Plantary Upgrade In Process~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Today is a Big Day and Some Energy Changes as Well!!! Events continue Flowing out across the Planet. You can Join us Today in A Discussion about what is Currently Happening On this Planet and What we can Look foword too In this Incoming Planetary Upgrade! You can Join us Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart


Love The Earth Allies

Chat Session Starting Now ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!





heartAwakening Stories and Questions & Answers
(With Mother God and Rain)

Sundays -- 3 to 5 pm Eastern
(Noon to 2 pm Pacific)


Welcome All! Join us to hear and share stories of Awakening and to have all your questions answered.
Be ready for LOVE and Laughter as we explore The New Earth and learn to co-create!


~ Love, Mother God and Rain



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The Oracle Report Sunday February 17 - Monday, February 18, 2013


The Oracle Report

First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus/Gemini

This is my Many Thanks Day.  Many thanks to everyone who participated in visualzing the parliament of owls across the sky yesterday.  It is interesting that a group of owls is called a "parliament," isn't it?  Many thanks also to Oracle Report reader Mike who informed us of this bit of information.


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When you take time out, you move into greater alignment with the Love field



 by John Smallman


Within your human spirit your divine connection resides permanently and irremovably, because you were created as divine beings eternally at one with your Creator.  You have been mostly unaware of this over the eons because of the severe restrictions and limitations that your illusory environment imposes upon you.  But now, with new and powerful energies embracing you all, you are becoming once more aware of your divine connection and are opening your hearts to receive and accept the loving spiritual guidance that is constantly on offer.  This acceptance is essential to the awakening process that you are undergoing a process that will reach its inevitable conclusion with you all awakening into eternal joy.


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Quake rattles Rome, no damage or injuries reported


Yahoo News Reuters – 21 hrs ago


ROME (Reuters) - An earthquake struck 90 km southeast of Rome on Saturday, Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology said. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

The 4.8 magnitude quake struck at 10:16 p.m. and was felt from Rome to Naples and in the neighboring region of Abruzzo, according to Reuters witnesses.

The epicenter was near the towns of Sora and Isola del Liri.


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The Energy of 2013



The year 2013 or ‘twenty-thirteen’ is a pivotal point in our evolutionary awakening as we take our first energy shift steps into the Golden Age.

As Yucatec Maya Elder Hunbatz Men comments:
“According to the prophecies, in the year 2013 the first stage of higher understanding will begin. If we are willing to work with our subconscious, we will then be able to reclaim the information that has been impregnated in the deepest parts of our being. In this way, the ancient knowledge will rise again.


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2-17-13 Bill Ballard ~ OPPT and Why I Have Not Posted A Video These Past Days


So we are coming up on those days in February from the 18-28 that so many of us have been speaking of for years! The special date I was given 3.5 years ago is February 22, 2013... So now we have arrived at that time. Many others have special dates they are given too...
To find out more on what is prophesied for this month and the next few...

Max Igan and Lisa M Harrisons series of (5) videos on OPPT and what that means to the current Legal System, removing the shackles of humanity from those enslaving them:

More on OPPT links:



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The Rainbow Scribe

February 17-24, 2013

Beloved Ones,

There has been a great influx of energy in the past week and most of you are finding yourselves trying to assimilate and integrate these within your system. Many issues and emotions are coming up for review and these must be purified by spending time in silence and contemplation. At the root of all issues is the emotion of the fear of lack of love and what is needed to be summoned from within you is forgiveness, of others and most of all, yourselves. Remember that every experience that has happened in your lives was drawn to you for a reason. Every experience successfully dealt with returns to you another fragment of your personal divine power.


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Poofness ~ The Signs of the Times ~ 2/17/2013




Greetings and Salutations,





Jumped the gun, last week but, this past week produced some things that tell you there is nothing ‘normal’ afoot. The last time the phenom in russia happened was in 1908.


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Tune in to “Secrecy: How and Why It Is Maintained” with Commander Will Miller



Published February 5, 2013 | By siteadmin

Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer



Friday February 8, 2013

11am pacific/2 pm eastern – 6 pm pacific/9 pm eastern

Dr. Steven Greer and Commander Will Miller, US Navy retired

Click Here To Listen


Secrecy: How and Why it is maintained


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - February 17, 2013





Blue StarShip Report 




Just released

Unsealed Alien Files S01E04 Aliens and the Vatican HDTV


Enjoy This "Sir Arthur Award Winner for best Documentary over 60 minutes in 2010"

(HD) Brilliant UFO Documentary | The Day Before Disclosure 2010


National Geographic UFO Europe Untold Stories | S01E01



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TheOne-DreamDreamer – No-thing? Hope you’re kidding! – 17 February 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted on February 17, 2013


False prophets say one has to do… in order to become one needs to do this, and this, and this and that and this! Avoid to do this and this and that and this absolutely.

True prophets say:


False prophets know where humanity comes from. They have looked into humanity for a while now and know it comes from a do-ing modality, thus it knows that by telling people to do something and do not do something else… they fulfill their path.

True prophets have lived among humanity and know where they come from. They know why they’re stuck and say:



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~ Chat Session Photo~ WE LOVE HUMANITY



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Montague’s Message for Sunday, 17th February 2013


Montague Keen


My dear, I told you many years ago, that the Vatican had to fall. Now, you are seeing it happen. This is the beginning of what you have all been waiting for. It is at the top of the pyramid and it controls all that is corrupt in your world. The dam is bursting and the fall-out will be enormous. Though child abuse is a big part of it, it is the MONEY that will destroy it. The majority of you never suspected that the Vatican controlled the money and the wars. When you take into account the number of people who have lost their lives because of the actions of the Vatican, you will be shocked to the core.


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Re~Post: The Celestine Prophecy



GFP Note: If you've been attending our LOVE Parties, then you know that "The Celestine Prophecy" comes up from time to time. James Redfield wrote "The Celestine Prophecy" and it was published in 1993. The movie came out in 2006.


There are a lot of clips from the movie on YouTube. Here is an interesting scene.


The following Insights come from Redfield's book. Actually, Insights 1 - 9 come from "The Celestine Prophecy" and the rest were published later. This material is from James Redfield's website (link below).



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 by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood

Audio file is available at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/channeled-message-high-council-of-orion-15th-feb-2013/



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Russian Region Begins Recovery from Meteor Fall


Weather.com - Feb 16, 2013, Associated Press


Highway from Kazakhstan to Chelyabinsk, Russia

In this photo provided by Chelyabinsk.ru, municipal workers repair damaged electric power circuit outside a zinc factory building with about 600 square meters (6000 square feet) of a roof collapsed after a meteorite exploded over in Chelyabinsk region on Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Oleg Kargapolov, Chelyabinsk.ru)



CHELYABINSK, Russia -- As a small army of people worked to replace acres of windows shattered by the enormous explosion from a meteor, many joked on Saturday about what had happened in this troubled pocket of Russia.


One of the most popular jests: Residents of the meteor were terrified to see Chelyabinsk approaching.


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Pope, at one of last appearances, says pray for me and next pope | Reuters


2012 Indy Info.com

An image of Pope Benedict XVI (bottom R) is seen on a publication outside the Vatican February 17, 2013. Thousands of people are expected to gather in St. Peter's Square for Pope Benedict's Sunday Angelus prayer. REUTERS-Alessandro Bianchi

VATICAN CITY | Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:31am EST

(Reuters) – Pope Benedict, speaking before a larger than usual crowd at his penultimate Sunday address, asked the faithful to pray for him and for the next pope.

The crowd in St Peter’s Square chanted “long live the pope!,” waved banners and broke into sustained applause as he spoke from his window. The 85-year-old Benedict, who will resign on February 28, thanked the crowd in several languages.


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What Is Your Vibration and How Do You Truly Raise It? Part 1


Lisa Gawlas

atomic vibration

Man, my whole body fell apart rapidly yesterday.  By the time I was done with my 2nd reading of the day, I could feel the scratching and burning in my throat, a cough starting… by the end of my day, I had hot chills, cold chills, my throat felt like a flame torch was placed inside.  I suppose, the wonderful hazard of sucking on the tailpipes of so much atomic energy (smile)!!  Gotta love a leap of biological matter!  *sigh*

Although I woke up this morning with every intention of writing about all the exciting readings from yesterday and where we are heading, seems spirit has another focus on their collective mind and they keep hanging that intention in front of my face.  So lets talk and really understand what raising our vibration really means and how that REALLY happens.  It seems we are going to keep this understanding in the vein of atomic energy, since that is our ultimate goal within.

Everything single thing is made up of atoms.   Lets be clear about atoms (taken from a science website)


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Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – You Are Your Entire Field Of Being – 17 February 2013


Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted February 17, 2013


Reader: How important is it that we help others? Can I just do what I want for myself, or do I need to consider the wants and feelings of others?

Of which others do you speak? When you are aligned with the Source of All, there are no others: You are all made of the same stuff. Or do you mean the others drawn to you by law of attraction? They seem to be different, but they were drawn by a vibration within you. So if it was something within you that attracted them in the first place, can they truly be an “other”.

Everything and everyone within your field of experience appears there because of your vibrational offering. They are part of you. So at the very least they deserve your positive attention in thought… prayer if you will.


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Russian Region Begins Recovery from Meteor Fall


Weather.com - Feb 16, 2013, Associated Press

Highway from Kazakhstan to Chelyabinsk, Russia

In this photo provided by Chelyabinsk.ru, municipal workers repair damaged electric power circuit outside a zinc factory building with about 600 square meters (6000 square feet) of a roof collapsed after a meteorite exploded over in Chelyabinsk region on Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Oleg Kargapolov, Chelyabinsk.ru)


CHELYABINSK, Russia -- As a small army of people worked to replace acres of windows shattered by the enormous explosion from a meteor, many joked on Saturday about what had happened in this troubled pocket of Russia.

One of the most popular jests: Residents of the meteor were terrified to see Chelyabinsk approaching.

The fireball that streaked into the sky over this tough industrial city at about sunrise Friday was undeniably traumatic. Nearly 1,200 people were reported injured by the shock wave from the explosion, estimated to be as strong as 20 Hiroshima atomic bombs.


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Gangaji Laughing All the Way Home


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The Dolphin Temple Of Maia: A Journey And A Message. By Bella Capozzi


DolphinFamilylarge☯ Is it just me, or is anybody else noticing that, lately, the Dolphins are going to great lengths to make their presence known.  They seem to be everywhere; showing up in the news, on Youtube, all over the social-media networks, and in our meditations and dreams.  If you haven’t seen the footage of the magnificent stampede of over a thousand dolphins off the California coast, please click on the links below to check out their latest antics.




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"impulsive M-Class solar flare" #THESUN #TENFLARE #NOISY #YES ★


"impulsive M-Class solar flare" http://tiny.cc/l1vnsw #THESUN #TENFLARE #NOISY #YES ★



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As you come into alignment your energy fields undergo a dramatic shift



These are exciting times for humanity as the intensifying energies of the New Age swirl around you, sweeping you up into an increasing awareness of your spiritual heritage: your oneness with one another and with God.  Focus on the sensations that they inspire — an awakening realization that Love is the answer to every question, to every problem, to every conflict, to every confusion, to every fear . . . because there is only Love.  That realization, stirring within the hearts of even the most staunch believers in the reality of the illusion, is leading you irrevocably homewards.

Love . . . Love . . . Love is where you need to focus your attention, because It is the divine energy field in which all of creation is conceived. It is abundant, kind, generous, inclusive, utterly accepting; and It contains all sensations – sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and an infinite selection beyond those – which provide the constant experience of beauty and inspiration, gift-wrapped in Love, that your Father has created for your infinite fulfillment.


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Message from The Earth Allies~ ~ Revealing Love and Truth Fulfills the Prophecies~



We are in the Moments where all of the Real Prophecies of Love and Truth are Being fulfilled.


This is being accomplished by a vast Light Network of Pure Truth Energy arriving via the Internet, that is contagiously spreading across the Planet. This energy is assisting in the Complete Unification of Humanity with Mother Earth=Heart. This is Required as Mother Earth Moves into the Galactic Center.

Humanity is in the Midst of the Transformation into Spirit, and this is Inevitable.


When it was stated that The world would be destroyed by fire, this was actually true. What this means from a Higher Perspective, is that the world, which is an illusion, in the Light of Humanity Awakening into Love, would dissolve, cease to exist. The darkness is being removed~dissolved by the Light of TRUTH. Through the sharing of True Information and Being Love in action, dissolves the illusion. This is the event that is in Process of unfolding right now.



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Gillian MacBeth~Louthan ~ The Sky Is Falling ~ 17 February 2013




Chicken Little had it right all along, as the Great Outer Space makes its mood and presence known. Our hearts go out to those that experienced this very intense initiation for all of earth. The blood you spilled is our blood as we are all one in the universal light. As you can tell something has changed and we all feel it. Like vulnerable new kittens, we look up for any predators.

I felt the energy of the asteroid as an eye in the sky, not a human eye but something just watching, taking notes. It felt living as a turtle within a shell. Head tucked deep looking like just a rock. I have had some very unusual dreams as this space rock has moved past.  Our gravitational presence has been changed FOREVER.  We have been escorted into a higher ring of the Fibonacci spiral.  What can we do?  Well considering we are on the most intense of all roller coaster rides, all we can do is be divinely human and keep an eye out. It is said that new life springs forth from meteors bringing more stellar DNA to grind in our soul and soil. There are no accidents in the universal scheme of things.  Just like getting a new crystal, earth has been given a new set of instructs from deep space.


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~Gaia Portal Update~ “Blurring” of visions may be common in all Gaia surface beings



17 Feb

gaia_energy1“Blurring” of visions may be common in all Gaia surface beings at this time. We speak of 3D-eye vision as well as higher visions, via 3rd, 4th, and 5th eyes.

This results from the shifting in Gaia plates as well as movement of sacred portal sites. This process is necessary in order to optimize Gaia energetics to a unified Beingness. This same process occurs in individual human (small h) units, and particularly in the more conscious Hue-man units.

Gaia illumination increases as alignment progresses, and although a precise time frame can not be given, we sense this alignment to encompass 1-2 months. However we add that recent accelerations in awakenings at all levels would imply that this “time period” may well be much shorter.

Flowing with this “blurring” of visions allows awakening to “veiled” Higher messages for all humanity, particularly more awake Hue-manity.


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Are you ready?


It's not a new video but a clear reminder. We are inside the event, the energy raise to fullfill gods decree for earth changes. The unity consciousness is around the corner, people in resistance will stumble in for seconds to have a little demo mode. It is so simple to get the full potential for us now. With 20 months after second birth i can guarantee that you will not step back to the unconscious again.





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YOU ~ Are the Only Access Point


Tobias Lars BS, MBA speaks on 'YOU are the Only Access Point''


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2/17/2013 -- Florida Fireballs / Meteors - Large RADAR returns over 1000+ Sq


msm stories here: http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Po...

and here:


radar for key west here:


also view back dated NEXRAD RADAR for key west here:


solarimg caught it here:


and here:

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The Heart Song for February 18th 2013


Smile.  The Heart Song for February 18th 2013 is

Heal The World by Michael Jackson



There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love

And this place could be much

Brighter than tomorrow.

And if you really try

You'll find there's no need to cryIn this place you'll feel

There's no hurt or sorrow.

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living

Make a little space, make a better place.
Chorus:Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying


If you care enough for the living


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~ Whats Happening On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live


Join us Live Today On The Higher Grid AS Events are Happening All Over The Planet!

At 10:30am Pacific At This Link:





Greetings Love Beings, We are Going to Start this Morning a little different. We will Begin Reading the Update Before it is posted this Morning and we will Begin this At About 10:30AM Pacific IN the Tiny Chat Room. The Rest of The Meeting we will Discuss The Current Energy, The Intersting Sky Events Occurring All over The Planet, some are saying we Might have entered a Mini Solar System? The Effects from Our Global Mass Meditation, Answer any questions or topics, and I am Sure Lots of Laughter and JOY.


Love The Earth Allies


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Big Story Weather – February 18, 2013


RedOrbit.com - 2/18/13, Joshua Kelly

The majority of the country enjoyed high pressure which lead to a freeze in the Gulf Coast and also into portions of Southern Florida this past weekend. The Mid-Atlantic region escaped a snow storm, however Boston MA did deal with some heavy snowfall this past weekend as a strong low pressure area moved just off the coast.

Weather Outlook for February 18: Low pressure moving through the Central Plains will push towards the Great Lakes over the next 24 hours which will bring lots of rain and thunderstorms, while on the Northern side there will be some snowfall. The East Coast will enjoy a nice day today with high pressure over the region. The West will also enjoy nice weather with high pressure over the Rockies, however the Northwest will see some showers with the next frontal system off the coast. Below is the weather for a few select cities.

To read the rest of this story, visit RedOrbit.com.


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Winter Storm Plato Blankets South, Northeast


Weather.com - 2/18/13, Weather.com and AP

Boiling Springs, N.C.

iWitness contributor Bernardbbt sent this picture of a horse running through heavy snow in Hillsborough, N.C.

"Plato was another very powerful East Coast cyclone. In fact, at one point the central pressure dropped to 954 millibars, far lower than Nemo, and even lower than Hurricane Isaac last year," says weather.com meteorologist Nick Wiltgen. "However, Plato's track was farther east than Nemo and that limited blizzard conditions to coastal areas of eastern New England. And dry air meant a sharp drop-off in snow amounts on the western edge of the storm."

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Visionkeeper - Love And Inspirtation…


One World Rising Posted on February 18, 2013



Breathe deeply, lean back and send your love out into the universal consciousness. If we were all doing this, the force would be with us ten fold. Love has so much power to begin with, but if everyone were adding theirs it would be power unlike any we could have imagined. Slowly we are beginning to grasp this concept but we need to come together and set our intentions as a whole. It is time for all of humanity to coordinate and project their love wherever it is needed most. As hard as it is to say this, I would think sending it to Washington would be a good place to start. Their evil intentions are so vile they need to be neutralized with a healthy dose of love from the masses. I am sure it would overwhelm them and knock them off stride.


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Are Mega-Fires the 'New Normal'?


Wunderground.com - 2/17/13, Grant Schulte/AP

Tom Pennington/Getty Images

LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska lawmakers are rethinking the state's approach to wildfires in the wake of massive summer blazes that threatened property, strained local budgets and disrupted businesses that rely on tourism.

The push to add firefighting resources in the most remote corners of the state comes as forestry officials warn that Nebraska may face a "new normal" of massive wildfires.

To read the rest of this story, visit Wunderground.com


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Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/18/13




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Tsunami Debris Litters Alaska Coast; Clean Up Funds Insufficient


Accuweather.com - 2/18/13, Jillian MacMath

The beaches of Alaska are piled with debris from the tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011, but restoration to their once pristine condition has slowed, as funding remains scarce.

"The amount of debris washing ashore has vastly exceeded most people's expectation...," said Chris Pallister, Vice President of the Gulf of Alaska Keeper, a non-profit organization dedicated to cleaning marine debris from the coastline of Alaska.

To read the rest of this story, visit Accuweather.com.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ The Dreamer


Angel Wisdom Monday, February 18, 2013


Follow your dreams


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Superstorm Sandy Debris Threatens Tourism


Wayne Parry Published: Feb 18, 2013, 7:55 AM EST Associated Press



MANTOLOKING, N.J.  — On the surface, things look calm and placid. Just beneath the waterline, however, it's a different story.

Cars and sunken boats. Patio furniture. Pieces of docks. Entire houses. A grandfather clock, deposited in a marsh a mile from solid land. Hot tubs. Tons of sand. All displaced by Superstorm Sandy. 



For more information on this story and videos click here


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Russian Meteor Round-Up



Highway from Kazakhstan to Chelyabinsk, Russia

Cars pass by a zinc factory building with its roof collapsed in Chelyabinsk, about 1500 kilometers (930 miles) east of Moscow, Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Boris Kaulin)


Please see these important stories about the recent meteor strike in Russia.



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Heavenletter #4469 - The Honky-tonk Song


Heaven Letters Published on: February 18, 2013


God said:

How lovely it is to awaken to Me. However and whenever it comes, when you wake up to Me, you are delighted, for you have rejoined Paradise. This is the light that awakening to Me shines. Bright Light in Paradise could be the title of a book I write.

Now, I must qualify a little. Awakening to Me in the Bright Light of Paradise does not mean that everything stays still. You are on Earth where everything is still moving, seeming to move, pretending to move, moving off-center. Because you have seen the Light does not mean that everything in the world is stable. Life in the world still plays its tricks. The carpet may be pulled out from under you. The Earth can quake. Timbers can shake.


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Meteor Sightings Continue - Video




Source: YouTube.com



Please see the following stories:

Bright Streak Lights Up Florida Night Sky; Likely Sporadic Meteor, Expert Says


This date in science: Great Meteor Procession of February 9, 1913




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20,000 ft (6 km) ash plume reported over Barren Island volcano: aviation code red


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 2/18/13

February 17, 2013 – ANDAMAN ISLANDS – A new eruption seems to have started. An ash plume rising to 20,000 ft (6 km) altitude and drifting 120 nautical miles to the SW was reported last night by VAAC Darwin. The aviation color code was raised to RED.  This volcanic island stands in the midst of a volcanic belt on the edge of the Indian and Burmese tectonic plates. Barren Island is located in the Andaman Sea, one of the most easterly of the Andaman Islands.



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Lee interviews Dana Mrkich for One Golden World Radio Show


by LeeHarrisEnergy

Published on Feb 17, 2013

More on Dana and her work at www.danamrkich.com
Her book 'A New Chapter' found at amazon:

More from Lee at www.leeharrisenergy.com
Music excerpt from song 'Golden World' by Lee Harris, taken from the album 'Golden World':




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Sunspot 1675 generated impulsive M1.9 solar flare


Source: The Watchers - 2/18/13, By Nix

 A 10cm radio burst indicates that the...

  •  An impulsive solar flare measuring M1.9 erupted from Region 1675 on February 17, 2013. The event started at 15:45, peaked at 15:50 UTC and ended at 15:52 UTC. A 10cm Radio Burst was recorded from 15:47 – 15:51 UTC.

Space Weather Message Code: SUM10R
Serial Number: 572
Issue Time: 2013 Feb 17 1601 UTC


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Latest Earthquake Activity - February 18, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.6 quake in CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

February 18




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Indonesia sees at least 15 dead in floods and landslides


BBC News - 2/18/13

Rescuers search for the victims of a landslide in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, 17 February 2013 |
Search-and-rescue teams are in the areas affected by the landslide

Flooding and landslides in the Indonesian province of North Sulawesi have left at least 15 people dead, officials say.

On Sunday thousands of people fled their homes in the provincial capital Manado and surrounding areas to escape the floods.

To read the rest of this story, visit BBC News.


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Volcanic activity worldwide 17 Feb 2013


Source: Volcano Discovery - 2/17/13


3MIN News February 18, 2013: Interplanetary Shock Update & M1.9 Flare




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Feb 18, 2013


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Volcanoes Today, 18 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Torfajökull, Little Sitkin


Source: Volcano Discovery - 2/18/13

The Galactic Free Press Update: Planetary Upgrade In Process



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings, At the Beginning of the Month we announced we would have Massive Energetic Movement and we have not been let down. From Earthquakes to an Asteroid, to a Significant Meteor Hitting the Planet, to the pope resigning, and so much more. We are experiencing Event after event and we have really only Just Begun! We are Moving so Quickly and events will continue rolling out as the Energies push forward in intensity. For those who are still in process of releasing the denser energies you may be experiencing extreme tiredness as a Part of the Cleansing Required In this Energy Upgrade, while others Will Feel Extra Energy.The Meteor and the Asteroid coupled with The New Earth Energies gave the Planet and Everyone On the Planet an Upgrade! These energetic Upgrades will Continue all throughout 2013 until The Planet is completely Immersed In the 5D Frequencies. Up and Up We Go and Everyone On The Planet Comes Home!



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~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Road To Full Consciousness



Right Now all of Humanity is in the Process of Becoming Full Consciousness. Some May leave the Planet in Numbers as we Proceed into Complete 5D Reality, WHICH IS LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT~


  The reason for many leaving is the Intense Energy Increase that is Now Penetrating to the very core of Mother Earth=Heart which is Connected to All Human Beings On Planet Earth=Heart. This Divine Energy seeded here By Us, Mother and Father God,is Pure Love Energy to Awaken Each Being on This Planet. This Was Set in The Divine Plan as this Moment of Now for the Release of this  Energy.


This Energy is Putting Intense Pressure on the program ego mind, which is what is termed darkness. What this is accomplishing is the dissolving of the program mind, and then The Real Being Emerges from this Experience.

Although all On Planet Earth=Heart at this time Contracted for this, not all will be able to release the ego. So, then they must transform through a physical death. All Are going Home Into 5d Reality In the No Matter what, by Divine Decree.





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Christina ~ New Perspectives: Leave Room For The Miracles




Golden Heart Dialogues February 16 2013


Once in a while when we venture out into the unknown we find ourselves at the genuine mercy of the potentiality of our greatest good. For in truth when we drop all of the ordinary notions and contrived planning of events, we begin to realize there is no other way to be. When we surrender to anything – then all things can happen. In order for us to thrive we may need to stop programming our selves with the normal thought creations. Once we permit the all new to fill the void within our mind we open ourselves up to an entirely new perspective for our highest potential.

The image above is an image taken by NASA of Hawaii, the Big Island. I am on the Big Island and it looks nothing like this from where I am. When I view this image it provides a whole new perspective. This is a what 2013 is all about. We have barely slipped into this new year and yet we are already beginning to notice there is a new feel and look to it. We can’t see it perhaps and even if we could it may not appear to us through our current lens.


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Astro~Chakra Synergy System Weekly Card Reading~ 18 ~ 24 Feb


This week... moving to the power centre with the 'power' planet Pluto. Pluto helps you to strengthen your resolve in almost any area of your life where you feel powerless or your power is diminished.
Pluto comes is here to help you to transform your weaknesses into strengths! Go for it!

 .... straight to the heart! from my heart to yours!

Pluto 3: 3rd Chakra (solar plexus)

Pluto Keyword: 'Transformation'

Colour: Yellow

Chakra Keywords: Power, Self Will
Card Keyword: 'STRENGTHEN'
*Corresponding crystal; ONYX



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Reaping the Rewards of Ascension by Lady Quan Yin Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 18-02-13


Sacred School of Om na

It is with love that I pass my energies through the veils of illusion to surround and bathe your entire being. As my energies flow to you and with your acceptance, together we assist in dissolving the veils of illusion that you are still energising and holding onto in your physical reality. It is with love that I am here to support your ascension, to guide and assist you in any way that you allow me to, you are after all holding the responsibility of your spiritual ascension on the Earth. It is through your abilities of accepting, allowing, realising, acknowledging and becoming, you assist yourself to furthering your spiritual ascension.



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Re~Post: Legend of the Rainbow Warriors


Light-skinned people will come out of the Eastern sea in great canoes powered by huge white wings, like giant birds. The people who get off these boats will also be like birds, but they will have two different kinds of feet. One of their feet will be like that of a dove, the other like that of an eagle. The foot of the dove will represent a beautiful, new religion of love and kindness, and the foot of the eagle will represent strength, technology, and power. The sharp foot of the eagle will dominate, for though they will talk much of the new religion, not all of the light- skinned people will live by it. Instead, they will claw at the Red Nations with their eagle feet, exploiting and enslaving them.

After offering mixed resistance to this clawing, the Indians would seemingly lose their spirit and be herded into small, barren enclaves. This would be the way of their world for many years: poverty, suffering, disrespect. Then, in time, the world will become sick. Because of the unrelenting greed,the Earth would be filled with deadly liquids and metals, the air would be rendered foul with smoke and ash, and even the rains - which are intended to cleanse the Earth - will plummet in poison drops. Birds would fall from the sky. Fish would turn belly up in the waters. Forests would begin to wither. There would be mounting chaos – koyanisquatsi – in the world.


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What Is Your Vibration and How Do You Truly Raise It? Part 2



raise vibration


Thank you for bearing with my two parter.  I wish I could say I feel better this morning, but at least I can say I don’t feel worse!!  But lets back up into the middle of yesterdays sharing, there are some very important things I did leave out.

As you are going thru the constant process of changing out the atoms of your body, there are what could be deemed unpleasant and diffidently inconvenient side affects.  I never had so many “colds” or “flu-like” symptoms as I did the first two years of this journey.  The head snot, the chest snot, vomiting, diarrhea  the aches, the fevers.  Sometimes you produce only one or two of these releases, sometimes, on those huge conversion times, close to all.  Who ever coined the phrase “you’ve got to go thru hell to get to Heaven” was not understating that trip at all!!


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Dutch~ 2/18/2013 -~ Florida Meteor lights up the sky




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The manuscript of survival – part 270


Aisha North February 18, 2013

We know that for some of you, this time has been a time of discord. For where is the much promised ”promised land”? You gaze about and all you see is exactly the same as your eyes landed upon back in the old days of 2012. Well, we are here to mayhaps give you another glimpse into the unseen, as what you have been fastening your eyes upon may not be the whole truth of your existence. For what you have been trained to acknowledge, is a mere superficial world of illusion and despair, and as such, deep inside, the longing for something so much more profound is growing day by day. And rightly so. For, if this was a case of ”what you see is what you get”, then this existence would be a sorry one indeed, with little or no room for improvement.


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Matthew Ward ~ February 18, 2013 Power, responsibility for world changes



Power, responsibility for world changes; Pope Benedict’s resignation; Vatican history; North Korea’s nuclear test; cost of war, random violence; employment, productivity transition to peace; status of women and gays; seven decades of progress

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Since the December solstice the vast majority of Earth’s population has been tending to respective responsibilities and pursuing usual interests. The believers in the doomsday theory connected with the end of the Mayan calendar are feeling a tad foolish, yet relieved if the truth be told.

None of them knows what you do, that during the in-surge of light those few weeks ago Earth took her first steps into fourth density. Many of you still are feeling disappointed, even discouraged, because nothing of apparent change took place, and it is especially these dear ones whom we want to uplift and give renewed confidence.

Think of a newborn babe, who comes with specific talents, skills, interests, independent thoughts and goals. That “package of potentials” isn’t at all evident in the infant’s earliest days; however, as this little person grows, the innate abilities start to emerge and with proper nurturing, they bloom with ever greater creativity and polish.


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