- UFO ACTIVITY AROUND THE SUN - LASER? - LASCO C3 03-04-2013--03-06-2013
- The New Dream Begins ~ Help connect the Lemurian, Crystalline and Galactic Grids ~ work directly with the Cosmic Council of Ligh
- Awakening with Suzanne Lie ~Arcturian Message on The Return
- Anrita Melchizedek~Sacred Cosmic Fire of Stability and Equilibrium
- More Announcements~ Welcome to The Golden Age
- The Joe Rogan Experience~ - Dr. Steven Greer, Brian Redban Brilliant !!!
- The Marijuana Conspiracy by Doug Yurchey from in 5d Alternative News
- Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 6, 2013
- Real Truth and Love are The Death of the Ego
- Jennifer Farley.~ Free Falling
- UFO ACTIVITY AROUND THE SUN - LASER? - LASCO C2 03-04-2013--03-06-2013
- Laura Bruno ~ No, It’s Not Just You! ~ 6 March 2013
- Dan Mrkich ~ Energy Update ~ Feeling Of Compression
- Love is LOUDER~ What is Happening On Planet Earth=Heart? Join us Live!
- Fall Far Down ~ A Song by Wes Annac
- Navigating the New Time on Planet Earth: Strengthening our Spiritual Immune System /channeling/
- March 2013 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris
- Listen From Your Heart
- A Cure For Cancer ~Max Igan talks with Rick Simpson
- 2013 ~ From now on the new runes are in effect
- The Heart Song for March 7th 2013
- Latest Earthquake Activity - March 7, 2013
- Visionkeeper - Simon Says….
- The Oracle Report Thursday, March 7, 2013
- Heavenletter #4486 - When Fear Has You in Its Grasp
- Sophia Love ~ Five Billion Dollars And No One To Hate ~
- The Morning Blessing 03.07.13
- Rusty leaves algal bloom 'the size of Tasmania
- ‘Large release’ of methane off Los Angeles coast: gas could be from shift in tectonic plates
- 3MIN News March 7, 2013: ISON/Siding Spring, Climate, Spaceweather
- 'Sunstone' Crystal From British Shipwreck May Be Vikings' Legendary Navigation Aid
- The Field And Us
- Italy’s Mount Etna volcano erupts again in dramatic fashion, lighting up the night sky
- Jayme Price Weekly Light Blast - Feeling
- Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price~ Feeling
- Leo Babauta ~ Focus ~ Going With The Flow ~ 7 March 2013
- Melchizedek ~ The real world of Being which you Are and you Create ~ channeled by Méline Lafont
- Humanity is Rising ; The Empire Plummets
- Cobra Update Thursday March 7, 2013 The Goddess Spiral
- Jennifer Hoffman ~ Q&A : What’s Wrong With Our Leaders?
- Christina ~ On The Rise Leading In Our New World
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Emotions
Greetings Love Beings, Its Very quiet and it appears in the fields as if a buildup of energy is occurring and is gonna blast us. We will have to see what occurs in the next few days with this. A Major Movement for the Light is Dr. Steven Greer's Latest Interview and He is showing tremendous courage in speaking the Truth. His upcoming release of the Movie Sirus will Be Very Exciting for The Lightworker Community, this oculd be excactly the breaking point we needed. Stay TUNED! You can Join us today in the Tiny Chat Room for Sessions about 5th Dimensionally Living. This begins at 11am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
Love The Earth Allies
UFO ACTIVITY AROUND THE SUN - LASER? - LASCO C3 03-04-2013--03-06-2013
The New Dream Begins ~ Help connect the Lemurian, Crystalline and Galactic Grids ~ work directly with the Cosmic Council of Ligh
WELCOME to the LEMURIAN GRID TRIP ~ Peru Lake Titicaca March Equinox 2013 ~
The New Dream Begins ~ Help connect the Lemurian, Crystalline and Galactic Grids ~ work directly with the Cosmic Council of Light, the Lemurian Council, Reshel (Feminine aspect of Lord Metatron) and the Spirit Guides of Lake Titicaca to co-create our new earth ~
This can be extended throughout the planet by participating in consciousness to anchor these grids wherever one is ~ Adi
Awakening with Suzanne Lie ~Arcturian Message on The Return
Dear Ascending Ones,
As you continue your process of returning to your Multidimensional SELF, you will be releasing the components of your self that are no longer needed. For example, as a child you needed someone outside of you to tell you what to do. However, now that you are an adult, you are able to listen to your own inner voice.
Since you are returning to your Multidimensional SELF, the choices and actions of your ego are no longer necessary or enjoyable. Therefore, you will be placing more and more of your attention and intention on the SELF to whom you are returning. This shift of focus so expands your consciousness that you are beginning to remember your innate Multidimensional thinking and expanded perceptions.
Anrita Melchizedek~Sacred Cosmic Fire of Stability and Equilibrium
The Sacred Cosmic Fire of Stability and Equilibrium
Mp3 download http://pleiadianlight.net/free-downlo...
Written Invocation and Elders message http://pleiadianlight.net/march-2013-...
In this month of March, amplified through the Equinox on March 20th/21st, we experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of Stability and Equilibrium through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, Sanat Kumara, the bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High assisting in this Golden Age of Light.
We are invited into the etheric Spiritual Sun Temple of Helios and Vesta to experience this sacred Cosmic Fire of Stability and Equilibrium wrapped in beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of Light, and surrounded in an Electronic Ring of Fire, a shield of pure God essence.
More Announcements~ Welcome to The Golden Age
Love announces and speaks Truth from the Heart. Truth is Truth and can only be Love anything which is not Truth is a lie and therefore does not really exist.
Welcome Children this is the Golden age. We found ourselves and then awoke into Full Pure Consciousness which is only Truth. You cannot get there through your mind, only by releasing that which you are not and becoming the love you truly are, will You Reach The Greatest Joy that will continue in overflowing and grander ways to experience as the New Earth Energies Continue Arriving to US.
The Joe Rogan Experience~ - Dr. Steven Greer, Brian Redban Brilliant !!!
The Most Exciting Part about this Interview is that Its On MainStream and On His site it has over 13,000,000 Hits... WOW, This is Exciting News Everyone! Love The Earth Allies
The Joe Rogan Experience #331 Ft. Dr. Steven Greer
Official JRE Channel http://youtube.com/powerfuljre
http://joerogan.net / http://deathsquad.tv / http://www.cseti.org
@joerogan / @redban / @DrStevenGreer
The Marijuana Conspiracy by Doug Yurchey from in 5d Alternative News
The Marijuana Conspiracy
From in5d Alternative News by Doug Yurchey
MARIJUANA is DANGEROUS!!! Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people.
The truth is if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! Entrepreneurs have not been educated on the product potential of pot. The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about an extremely versatile plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies.
Where did the word 'marijuana' come from? In the mid 1930s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp plant...as you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:
All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, Jack Frazier, 1974.
It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1800s; LA Times, Aug. 12, 1981.
REFUSING TO GROW HEMP in America during the 17th and 18th Centuries WAS AGAINST THE LAW! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769; Hemp in Colonial Virginia, G. M. Herdon.
THE STAFF OF LIFE, http://tiny.cc/mk0jtw
ART: ART: "inFAMOUS 2 Cole MacGrath HeroCaduceus Tattoo" by Linkmaster 101, http://tiny.cc/1xrjtw
Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 6, 2013
2004 - Long Island New York - April, 23 - This very impressive image of lights was taken by a lady who is identified only as Marjorie. Early morning, she took her camera and captured some 25 photos of the sky that day, using a welder's glass to keep her eyes from the sun's harm.
They were taken with a JVC digital camera. The avid photographer was shocked to see the object in the sky.
Source: UFO Casebook
Japan Shoots ICBM ROCKET at Huge UFO? OVNI 飞碟 НЛО ユーフォー
Jennifer Farley.~ Free Falling
The idea of letting go of the certainties of the regular world and free-falling into what can be is frightening because you do not know exactly what awaits you. But, my love, it can be done! Do not hold so tightly to what is that you strangle the possibility of what could be. ~ Creator
UFO ACTIVITY AROUND THE SUN - LASER? - LASCO C2 03-04-2013--03-06-2013
Laura Bruno ~ No, It’s Not Just You! ~ 6 March 2013
I’ve got a busy day of sessions ahead of me, but I felt called to post an acknowledgment:
If you’re feeling weepy, intense, overwhelmed, terrified of seemingly dire health issues, horrified at recent government/NWO moves, and/or just wondering if all your dreams and progress are merely an illusion … you’re in excellent company.
We’ve got so much Pisces and Chiron energy whirling around these days that most sensitive people can’t help feeling it. That’s why, even though I’m not an Astrologer, I post others’ Astrological forecasts on this blog. Whether we follow the stars or not, they influence us. As Joni Mitchell so eloquently put it, “We are stardust, we are golden,” but physicists and mystics have also expressed that fact. As Above, So Below … As Within, So Without. Astrological trends influence, but we need not accept them as unalterable destiny. It just helps to know what kind of world we’re swimming in, and we’ve got whirlpools and a bunch of scary looking sea monsters right now.
Relax. Nurture yourself. This, too, shall pass.
Dan Mrkich ~ Energy Update ~ Feeling Of Compression
There is a feeling of pressure in the air, as if something is about to (or needs to) burst, explode or release. You may be physically feeling this as a pressure on your chest (heart area). Emotionally you might be feeling like you’re on a short fuse, walking on a thin wire between keeping it together and feeling utterly frazzled.
Visually I’m seeing a huge amount of ‘new energy’ coming in and compressing the ‘old’ energy, forcing it up (from under the carpet) and out. This is a positive thing, but depending which part of the wave you are surfing in any given moment it can feel either very suffocating and restrictive, or incredibly exciting and liberating. There is no right or wrong with whatever you’re feeling. The fact of the matter is that everything that is not harmonious with the world we are here to create is being pushed up into greater awareness right now.
Love is LOUDER~ What is Happening On Planet Earth=Heart? Join us Live!
LOVE IS LOUDER! Greetings Love Beings You can Join us Live at 10:30am Pacific as we Discuss TRUTH and Whats Happening On Planet Earth=Heart! WE are IN A BIG Month for The LIGHT!
You can Join us Live at this Link:
Fall Far Down ~ A Song by Wes Annac
When we all allowed ourselves to fall far down
We sealed our fates, we walked away from this moment of Now
The time and space, it’s everywhere and changeable
The human race, was once willing and so able
And we knew
Just what we were giving up
And we knew that we would find it again
So just who
Let us go through all this destruction (Note: Lyric is supposed to be “allowed us all to fall in vibration”)
Was it them, oh no no guess again
It was us
Infinity just cannot go unrealized
Navigating the New Time on Planet Earth: Strengthening our Spiritual Immune System /channeling/
Our movement into the new time is aided by strengthening the connection between our conscious mind and our subconscious mind or spirit. This connection between our conscious and subconscious is the essence of our spiritual strength, which is reflected at the physical level by our immune system.
Inner Unification Helps us Step Free of Third-Dimensional Realities We know all too well how a weak immune system can leave us susceptible to illness. At the spiritual level, a weak or faltering connection between our conscious and subconscious leaves us susceptible to thought viruses that undermine our ability to step free of third-dimensional experiences.
March 2013 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris
Lee's March forecast - full transcription found at www.leeharrisenergy.blogspot.com
More from Lee and info on his upcoming live events - www.leeharrisenergy.com
Music from 'Shifts' by Dan Burke (www.shiftsmusic.com)
Mandala art and animation by Dana at Nine Tomatoes (www.ninetomatoes.com)
Latest Earthquake Activity - March 7, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the second 5.6 mag quake in Taiwan
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
March 7
Visionkeeper - Simon Says….
One World Rising Posted on March 7, 2013
As we enter into the new world it is time to stop being sheeple and have the courage to stand alone and take pride in your own thoughts. Far too great a percentage of the masses fall into line and follow the leader. Human beings are a herding species by nature, but herding can get taken to a far greater level than we should allow. We have been following along for so too long now and it has gotten us into very serious trouble. We don’t ask questions of anything or anybody any more. We just follow the leader because it is easy to do and we don’t have to entertain difficult thoughts if we don’t ask questions. Look where this has gotten us! Ask as many questions as you can. It is not only our right to know the truth, it is imperative we do, it decides our ability to survive or not! If we do not know the truth we are an easy victim to be hoodwinked.
The Oracle Report Thursday, March 7, 2013
Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius
Today Spirit takes over to work with whatever we have developed since the New Moon. So this means we step out and let things take their course. These types of days are always a leap of faith, but we have strong faith here. Our part in this is to let go and place our focus and energy on nature. The message is short and simple today: get grounded.
Heavenletter #4486 - When Fear Has You in Its Grasp
Heaven Letters Published on: March 7, 2013
Beloved beloveds, it is very tempting for you to ask Me to rescue you. Of course, there may be situations that call for rescuing, and, sometimes, it is built in that I will lift you up and whisk you away from what you fear. On these occasions, you don’t have to ask, you understand.
And, if you call out, and I do not rush over, you are not to feel you are forgotten. I do not forget you. I do not turn away from you. It is not from whim that I do not rush right over. There are many factors unknown to you. There may be something for you to turn to within yourself. There may be something within yourself that is to save the day or re-position your perspective toward it, or have to go through it.
Sophia Love ~ Five Billion Dollars And No One To Hate ~
We are faced with freedom, looking at our liberation and walking though the door to Oneness. As with any new endeavor, this one will have to be practiced in order to be perfected.What is it like to live without debt? There has been financial debt. There has been emotional debt. Freedom means we are unencumbered; no debt of any kind. You do not owe anyone. No one owes you. We are all in a Monopoly game, drawing nothing but “Get out of Jail Free” cards.
Wrap your head around that before deciding if it’s real or not. Our world exists only within the possibilities we imagine for it. Can you imagine a world with no one to blame?
In this new world your value just is. A number has been tossed around; five billion dollars. You do not have to work for it. You do not have to earn it. You do not have to wait until you deserve it. You do not have to pay it back. You do not have to inherit it. It is a monetary representation of your worth. A number far beyond what we have ever seen or realized in our lives thus far.
“You are now free to move about the planet.” So is everyone else. Freedom releases you from the bonds of debt.
Rusty leaves algal bloom 'the size of Tasmania
Weatherzone.com, 3/7/13- ABC
Scientists from the University of Western Australia say they have been surprised by the impact of Cyclone Rusty on the sea off the Pilbara coast.
Special instruments have revealed turbidity levels in the ocean increased to unprecedented levels as a result of the storm.
For more information on this story click this link: Weatherzone.com
‘Large release’ of methane off Los Angeles coast: gas could be from shift in tectonic plates
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 3/06/13
March 6, 2013 – CALIFORNIA - Authorities say a foul odor that spurred calls to fire departments throughout the city on Sunday is possibly the result of the large release of methane in the Santa Monica Bay. Santa Monica Fire said in a department statement that they believe the strong odor was caused by a naturally occurring methane leak below the ocean floor. “This morning there was a large release of natural ocean floor methane released in the Santa Monica Bay,” the statement said. Brian Humphrey, a spokesman for the Los Angeles City Fire Department, said the odor was noted inland from the Santa Monica Bay.
3MIN News March 7, 2013: ISON/Siding Spring, Climate, Spaceweather
Source: YouTube.com
Published on Mar 7, 2013
'Sunstone' Crystal From British Shipwreck May Be Vikings' Legendary Navigation Aid
ScienceNow - March 7, 2013 - By Lizzie Wade
In 1592, a British ship sank near the island of Alderney in the English Channel carrying an odd piece of cargo: a small, angular crystal. Though cloudy and scuffed up from 4 centuries at the bottom of the sea, its precise geometry and proximity to the ship's navigation equipment caught the eye of a diver exploring the wreckage. Once it was brought back to land, a few European scientists began to suspect the mysterious object might be a calcite crystal, which they believe Vikings and other European seafarers used to navigate before the introduction of the magnetic compass.
The Field And Us
Waking Times March 6, 2013 | By admin Linda George, Contributing Writer
Einstein said: “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” We know, from the revelations of quantum physics, that this field, or all-pervasive space, is an in-formation field within which everything in the universe exists. There is a non-local connectivity in the field – which must be a type of web, or super-fluid – enabling the instantaneous transfer of information from one body to another, one consciousness to another – and from the field itself, to all of life. The field not only governs the particles (us) within it – but it responds to the particles too! The energy of thought and emotion alter the field – and thus affect its evolution. We are then participants in the evolution of the field.
The field is a soup of conscious intelligence that permeates the universe, and within which, we are all participants.
Italy’s Mount Etna volcano erupts again in dramatic fashion, lighting up the night sky
The Extinction Protocol Posted on March 6, 2013
March 6, 2013 – ITALY – Mount Etna, Europe’s highest active volcano sent plumes of ash and lava into the night sky on the island of Sicily. Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology has recently registered increased explosive activity by the volcano, Italy’s Civil Protection agency said. There are several inhabited villages on the slopes of Mount Etna. Eruptions are not infrequent, and Italian airliners sometimes have to alter their routes to avoid flying through ash clouds. Tuesday’s eruption did not cause any interruption to air traffic at the airport serving the nearby town of Catania, according to reports. -Telegraph
Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price~ Feeling
http://www.JamyePrice.com. The Weekly LightBlast is a written, channeled topic of self-healing for Ascension for Lightworkers. You can participate in the meditation etherically at 9am MST on Saturday, or anytime you like.
Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, teacher and student of life. She channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are ancient and universal languages
Leo Babauta ~ Focus ~ Going With The Flow ~ 7 March 2013
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ~Lao-Tzu
No matter how much structure we create in our lives, no matter how many good habits we build, there will always be things that we cannot control — and if we let them, these things can be a huge source of anger, frustration and stress.
The simple solution: learn to go with the flow.
For example, let’s say you’ve created the perfect peaceful morning routine. You’ve structured your mornings so that you do things that bring you calm and happiness. And then a water pipe bursts in your bathroom and you spend a stressful morning trying to clean up the mess and get the pipe fixed.
You get angry. You are disappointed, because you didn’t get to do your morning routine. You are stressed from all these changes to what you’re used to. It ruins your day because you are frustrated for the rest of the day.
Melchizedek ~ The real world of Being which you Are and you Create ~ channeled by Méline Lafont
pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, March 7, 2013
As channeled by Méline Lafont on March7, 2013
Humanity is Rising ; The Empire Plummets
Thanks to Wes Annac
When banksters were jumping off the sinking ship early last year, there was a bit of a celebration from those who were awakened enough to understand what’s really going on. But for those who have fallen asleep for so long, it is as if nothing really happens.
Then all of a sudden, a Vatican bombshell exploded unexpectedly. The White Pope vacated his throne on flimsy alibis, a first in 600 years. This Earth shocking event is punctuated by a lightning strike at the top of the cathedral dome, i.e. Eye of Horus, few hours after the announcement.
Now, everybody is asking the question why. The old media, as always, is quick to respond and blame that it is the sex maniacs within the holy organization that compelled the pontiff to do so. More sophisticated organizations claimed he was fired by the Knights of Malta and the Black Pope.
Cobra Update Thursday March 7, 2013 The Goddess Spiral
Commentary : It is not necessary to buy anything.
The Light forces have asked us to create The Goddess Spiral, a special CD which activates the Goddess consciousness in the listener and helps activating the Goddess Vortex. The Goddess Spiral is a joint project between me, Isis and Medwyn Goodall. Isis is a codename for a woman who has personal contact with the Goddess Isis. The Goddess enters into her body, anchors positive energies into all planes of creation and sends blessings and love to everyone. Medwyn Goodall is one of the best composers of inspirational music on the planet and he helped us to create The Goddess Spiral. You can listen to the CD anytime you wish to go deeper into the Goddess consciousness or wish to accelerate the liberation process for this planet. Listening to the CD is especially recommended before our weekly liberation meditations.
Jennifer Hoffman ~ Q&A : What’s Wrong With Our Leaders?
This week’s Q&A is an expansion of some insights I shared on my Facebook page about leadership and specifically, the death of Hugo Chavez who was a polarizing figure, to say the least. We look at people like Mr. Chavez, the pope, presidents, Queen Elizabeth and wonder what is wrong with them. Why can’t they be more honest, open, incorruptible, supportive, and doing the ‘right’ thing? What is it about power that makes it such a corrupting influence? And why do all leaders seem to fall into the same trap?
Then I started thinking about the concept of leadership and people in power, whether it is in politics, government, social, work or religious environments, and how they are often dishonest, corrupt, self-serving and dictatorial. What is the connection between power and the negative results we experience from its use and abuse? I found an answer in how we define the word ‘lead’, which actually means ‘to guide’ and comes from a 9th century word which meant ‘travel’. So a leader started out as a travel guide. Interesting. How many of today’s leaders would you trust as your travel guide?
Christina ~ On The Rise Leading In Our New World
Golden Heart Dialogues February 6 2013
Sometimes all that is required is to merge with the intent of another and then magnify the shared intent a thousand-fold. This messaging is stout. It is clear, dynamic in style and totally true.
When we rise and step into our true stride, we can only make the significant impact from our being forthright and by submitting to our direct knowing. We no longer have the luxury to ignore our talent, our gifts, our purposeful endeavors, for in doing so we ultimately forfeit exactly what Arundhahti Roy is speaking of.
Quite frankly, there is nothing that we cannot do at this time. Most importantly there is only what we know in our hearts we must do. The way to know what that is comes with a life deeply explored and lived. It comes from living a life of passionate depth and with a clear sense of knowing who we are.