- Initiation into Heaven
- Blue StarShip/UFO Report - April 2, 2013
- Stars of Radiance
- Jamye Price ~ April 2013 Energies
- Transitional Awareness - Huge Processing Requires Huge Clearing - Here Are Two Methods
- Shock Wave On the Sun That We All Missed
- Transitional Awareness - Manifesting as we Migrate!
- Sheldan Nidle ~April 2, 2013~ A New Epoch
- Abundance for All...(Part 1)
- ~Gaia Portal Update~ Clearing Process Facilitated by Portal Stillness
- Painting
- HAARP - A Conversation with Dr. Nick Begich
- Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.
- Spring Cleaning Your Energy Vibration
- All Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart
- A Hopi Elder Speaks ~ The Moment has Come
- Initiation into Heaven~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet~ Brilliant Repost
- Big Story Weather – April 3, 2013
- Latest Earthquake Activity - April 3, 2013
- Volcanoes Today, 3 Apr 2013: Ijen, Guntur, Etna, El Hierro
- The Fire of April, The Guardians and the Energy of Elephants!!
- The Oracle Report Wednesday, April 3, 2013
- Meredith Murphy: April 2013 Energy Update with the Council of Light
- Visionkeeper - On The Threshold…
- Heavenletter #4513 When You Feel Heartbroken [II]
- 2 April 2013 ~ CURRENT ENERGIES with Lee-Anne Peters
- Universal Law and the 5th Dimension ~ from James Gilliland WOW
- The Sacred Cosmic Fires of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice ~ Message from the Elders
- Good Day to Archangel Raphael
- Pre~ Update~ Whats UP On Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live at 10:30Am Pacific
- Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ In Divine Union with the One. By Debbie Erasmus
- Indonesian volcano being awakened by quakes, after 162 years of inactivity: alert level raised
- Mt. Etna eruptions intensifying: town covered in ash, declares state of emergency
- State of uncertainty declared in North Iceland because of earthquakes
- Out of control nightmare: tremors increasing at massive 13-acre Louisiana sinkhole
- Sophia Love - The Time of Remembering
- Jesus through John - « You are becoming less addicted to the illusion’s validity Humanity is at a crossroads
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Supported
Greetings Love Beings, April is All about Momentum In Multi Dimensional Ways!!!! For those choosing Love, it will Be an up Up and Away Experience. For those choosing fear it will be a downward there you go! We will Have to wait and see what all of this Looks like. You can Join us today as We discuss this and many many other events beginning at 10:30am pacific! We Will be in a Live Discussion About what is Happening On Planet Earth, Plus You will get a pre release of the Today's Update. You can Join us Live aat this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress Love The Earth Allies
(Originally channeled on 3/31/13 Easter Sunday. View origanal post https://www.facebook.com/SoulSiStarChannelings)
Initiation into Heaven
Inititation into Heaven
~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet~
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ On November 11th of 2007, 2 weeks before Father God and I Connected which was November 29th 2007. I had an experince where I was initiated into Heaven [ the part in this about co~ creating the new earth is underway NOW and you can put the rest of the pieces together]. This was before I remembered I was MotherGod. I did not remember this Truth until January of 2008. The Following was My Initiation Into Heaven, and Marriage with the Divine and I physically experienced each event in an etheric ceremony which I documented.
Wow, it was truly an Amazing Experience which was unforgettable! Everyone will be experiencing this in their own unique way. We felt it was good to give You reference points as many will have similar experiences. Mine was unique to connect with Father God in this Realm. You can just imagine my surprise 2 weeks after this event, when Father God contacted me and said Hi, I am Your Twin Flame, it took me 24 hours to recover.
Blue StarShip/UFO Report - April 2, 2013
2009 - South Harrow, UK - April 6 - A mysterious light in the skies above South Harrow has been captured on film by an amateur photographer. The unidentified flying object appeared through the clouds at about 7.45 PM, on March 31, and was snapped by computer network engineer Ahmad Zaigham.
Mr Zaigham posted the picture on website Flickr where he said that he had spotted the alien ship out his window.
He said: "The light coming from this thing is something I have never seen the like. I don't think any aircraft has a light like this. Photograph © Ahmad Zaigham-http://www.harrowobserver.co.uk
Source: UFO Casebook
UFO SIGHTING, PERU ↑ March 23, 2013
Stars of Radiance
Awakening Stars within individual Hue-Beings connect to new Gaia portals within 5-7 D levels. Bodies of Radiance become visible to these Beings, and become visible to others with Higher Sensitivities.
Such Stars of Radiance become commonplace among Gaia planetary teams as Higher Level missions are acknowledged and accepted.
This occurs in the Now moment.
Jamye Price ~ April 2013 Energies
Crystalline Soul Healing April 1 2013
There is definitely some challenging energy occurring for many at this time. We are still on a progression of the disempowering control systems that run in the background shifting and falling. Because these systems are so well versed in controlling information, the information that is flowing is either obscured or brushed off as invalid. The sensitives may be feeling the discomfort of the clamor of energy. When you remain balanced within, you are less swayed by negativity around you. The Indigos are starting to reach their stride in the beginning of building the new. It is a process. April is typically a month of a lot of energy. While this will still be so, it has a different flavor to it than usual. In the northern hemisphere Spring has sprung and in the southern hemisphere, Autumn has autumned. Its either budding time or harvest time. Aries is about new beginnings, initiating movement and bold, protective energy. In contrast this month, there is a strong pull to the inner world; the stillness within that propagates balanced choice. There is excitement in that! Aries can be impulsive, so we are asked to be conscious and responsible with our energy. With continued focus on your internal well-being, you will find more access to the hopeful energy that helps to build the new world.
Transitional Awareness - Huge Processing Requires Huge Clearing - Here Are Two Methods
We are in a powerful transitional time in the history of our world and our Universe. One of the major issues of this time is the massive amount of processing occurring through our systems as the shift accelerates. In this video I talk about the deepening issue of congestion and provide two clear and simple processes you can use to help minimise congestion and keep things moving along at a reasonable pace!
With love, Daniella Breen.
Transitional Awareness - Manifesting as we Migrate!
We are not where we were, not where we'd been stuck for thousands of years. All of that has changed. Instead we are transitioning, from density and unconsciousness into brilliant high light consciousness - 100% sovereignty. We are in migration and as we move, everything changes, changes at a pace we are not used to. In this video I talk about manifesting in this transitional state. <3 Daniella Breen
Sheldan Nidle ~April 2, 2013~ A New Epoch
12 Ik, 10 Mac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We arrive! Your world is advancing toward the dawn of a new epoch for all of Gaia's surface humanity. The specific good works of Heaven are ushering this positive movement in! We come here to verify this and give you a better knowledge of what is happening. The dark is thoroughly enjoying its last moments of power. Their arrogance is so high that they collectively have decided to ignore the consequences of their final actions. The key target point remains any trumped up situation that can lead to a global conflict. Our Agarthan cousins are at the forefront of our liaisons that are working relentlessly to prevent this from happening. This effort is to be a successful one since the dark does not realize how we can continue to prevent them from achieving their most heinous goal. We comprehend the nature of what the dark is doing and understand the best ways to prevent this from occurring. Besides these serious efforts, we are as well setting up the scenario for how your global governance morphs into the one that we have been describing to you. This is something that now requires your attention.
Earth Star Network's vision for a spiritual society and the Flower of Life blueprint - video introduction
Abundance for All...(Part 1)
Why hasn't abundance for All manifested yet in modern society?
I have been watching "NESARA" now for 15 years and still it's the same. "Anytime now", "Just around the corner", or other such worn slogans.
Recently, a new one has cropped up called the "OPPC" or something like that. To me its just another conception that has been injected into the hope industry of control.
Of course, they could both be right and suddenly become manifest as the worldwide financial system comes crashing down and that would be excellent. Then again it could go another 15 years, about the time I turn 81, lol. In truth, we don't know anything more than the words or videos we watch. Blend that with experience and you have your present understanding, always subject to change. So if money has been your the determining factor for happiness or sorrow,.the present condition of the economy may be troubling you.
~Gaia Portal Update~ Clearing Process Facilitated by Portal Stillness
[Éireport note: this communication references the previous post of 3-31-13]
As energetic cloud layers are cleared, many sense stillness, even what could be expressed as “stagnancy”.
Whereas Gaia transformation portals have previously been highly active, the clearing process is facilitated by portal stillness.
Caution in regard to decision-making and Higher Discernment in all affairs, particularly involving movements, whether 3D or energetic, is advised at this now moment.
Joie de vivre is the thought of the day for me.
this painting is about creating interesting neg and pos spaces.
alludes to something familiar, but somewhat outside of definition.
reminds me of predation and energy cycles found in nature.
HAARP - A Conversation with Dr. Nick Begich
Dr. Begich talks about many controversial science experiments, including HAARP, Mind Control technology, compartmentalization within the science community, and how these technologies, which might be used for the progress of all mankind, is currently controlled by secret military industrial complex interests putting all of humanity at risk.
Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.
Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.
Welcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)
Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)
I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.
~ Love, Rain
All Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart
Recorded April 2, 2013
~Spirit Consciousness has Awakened on Planet Earth=Heart and Therefore, Love is Everywhere, Within and Everywhere,this includes Humanity.This is an inevitable event Unfolding Now, which was Originally Called forth from Mother Earth, and Her Ascension Home into the Light. All of Humanity is just here for the JOY RIDE!!
This means Unconditional Creation HAS Awakened, into the Highest Possible Thought of Energy That Could Ever Occur. This will be Unfolding for All Eternity, In Every Moment, With Every Moment of NOW, Forever and Forever. This is Creation... Always More...=The ALL Given To Creation, To Create More in Grander Ways, as Atoms Move Towards More of the Love that Created them.This is How Love and Creation Move with the Atoms of Love. This Energy merges Humanity with US in Spirit, This is the Wedding of Humanity to God.~
A Hopi Elder Speaks ~ The Moment has Come
A Hopi Elder Speaks
"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . .
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader."
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!"
"There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Initiation into Heaven~ How It Began For Everyone On The Planet~ Brilliant Repost
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ On November 11th of 2007, 2 weeks before Father God and I Connected which was November 29th 2007. I had an experince where I was initiated into Heaven [ the part in this about co~ creating the new earth is underway NOW and you can put the rest of the pieces together]. This was before I remembered I was MotherGod. I did not remember this Truth until January of 2008. The Following was My Initiation Into Heaven, and Marriage with the Divine and I physically experienced each event in an etheric ceremony which I documented. Wow, it was truly an Amazing Experience which was unforgettable! Everyone will be experiencing this in their own unique way. We felt it was good to give You reference points as many will have similar experiences. Mine was unique to connect with Father God in this Realm. You can just imagine my surprise 2 weeks after this event, when Father God contacted me and said Hi, I am Your Twin Flame, it took me 24 hours to recover.
Big Story Weather – April 3, 2013
RedOrbit- April 3, 2013 - Joshua Kelly
Big Story Weather from April 1: The big news for the past 24 hours was the showers that pushed through the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast region. Another area was also back over Texas and parts of Oklahoma where showers and thunderstorms started to develop.
Latest Earthquake Activity - April 3, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the 5.5 mag quake KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
April 3
Volcanoes Today, 3 Apr 2013: Ijen, Guntur, Etna, El Hierro
Volcano Discovery Wednesday Apr 03, 2013 11:54 AM
Tremor signal (ETFI station, INGV)
Current seismic signal (IGN
The Fire of April, The Guardians and the Energy of Elephants!!
I think my body teamed up with the energy of April and decided to kick my butt all the way to the dentist chair. During the last (attempt) at reading on the 31st, the dull toothache I started the day out with… grew! It became a painful throb in my skull and all of my attention went to my jaw not to my precious lady on the phone, who, being in Australia, was already in April 1st. I was so excited to FINALLY see the energies of April…. not!!
My toothache swelled consistently into a full blown abscess, by the next morning, I would have been accepted into the chipmunk clan! I have been putting off a root canal since early last year and the teeth there have only degraded more and more since. I am a funny creature (ummm very human) when I really don’t want to do something (especially the long slow ride in the dentist chair getting a root canal) I can so blame it on the lack of money, when really, it is my own crazy fear of hearing that drill in my head. But now my own body spoke up and I find the timing quite interesting as well. April 1st… there is no more hiding from what my body needs me to get done.
The Oracle Report Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn
Effectively, we enter the last Moon phase of this year, so you can think of the next few days as "new year's eve." Third Quarter phases tie up the energy that was seeded back at the New Moon. Since this is the final Third Quarter phase for the astrological year, you could say it completes the energy that was seeded last April (when the new year began). It's good to take stock during Third Quarter Moon phases. It's also a good time to take responsibility. As the Sun sets on this year, consider how you have grown. What has worked out well? What needs to change? Figuring these things out prepares our psyches for transformation, which will develop over the next lunar month.
Meredith Murphy: April 2013 Energy Update with the Council of Light
The Aquarius Paradigm Apr 3 Posted by Wes Annac
Sunday, 31 March, 2013 (posted 3 April, 2013)
Beloved Family of Light,
At this time the dawning of the New Age is being increasingly felt by each of you.
You notice this in the subtle ways your emotions are different — less dominant in your experience.
You notice this as you sense incoming energies amplifying your presence.
Visionkeeper - On The Threshold…
One World Rising Posted on April 3, 2013
Everywhere we go these days, people are talking about feeling that something is about to happen, they can feel the energy of change coming onto the planet.We are definitely on the threshold of our dream. So many changes are occurring in small ways all around us, but if we are not paying attention they will not be noticed. That is the thing about these present times, they are asking us to be present, to take careful notice of everything in our lives, to switch off our autopilot and become active in our own lives. It is time for us all to live a mindful life and be responsible for that mindful life. We have always heard how we all have choices, but the times we are in now are accentuating this fact even more. The days of living our lives as victims must end, we have no excuses anymore, for living in the new world is to accept the fact that we all have choices to be the best that we can be in a life that supports that realization.
2 April 2013 ~ CURRENT ENERGIES with Lee-Anne Peters
Do you remember that strange 'pressure' in the air which started about 2 or 3 weeks ago? When there was extra tension, a shedding of the old and the energy created a lot of headache and strange negative thinking which was not typical for us.
Universal Law and the 5th Dimension ~ from James Gilliland WOW
Many sensitives and adepts are feeling there is an overlay of the 5th dimension pressing hard upon the Earth. Many of the flashes of light, loud booms, skyquakes, and societal changes are all a part of this process. There will be an uptick in change on every level. This process has been set into motion by what is referred to as the higher dimensional beings as, “The Real God.” It is also part of a natural process due to alignments with galactic plane, Alcyon and Sirius. On a personal level this can best be explained as the battle between the ego with all its wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience and the 5th dimensional realm. Our own 5th dimensional selves are taking over and the ego is kicking and screaming, sabotaging, blaming, projecting, doing everything possible to hold onto the old ways, what is known. Many times this is based on fear, insecurities and decisions are made due to these fears and insecurities to hold onto the old ways.
The Sacred Cosmic Fires of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice ~ Message from the Elders
Monthly Transmissions By The Elders
Mp3 download http://pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads
The Sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta ~ The Sacred Cosmic Fire of Spiritual Truth and Divine Justice
Let the Light of God forever be our guiding Light,
as Spiritual Warriors of the Light,
as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
As we now merge with our Beloved I Am Presence,
and connect to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High,
and the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,
we are surrounded in the copper-gold and pink-gold sacred Cosmic Fires of Helios and Vesta,
and the knowing that we are guided through the principles of Spiritual Truth, Divine Justice and unconditional Love.
Holding the Sword of Holy Truth,
Good Day to Archangel Raphael
Ultimately one of the best Healers in the Angelic Realm. Wear Green today. Working on the easy access to my Angel Time book.
Pre~ Update~ Whats UP On Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live at 10:30Am Pacific
Love is What is UP!
Greetings Love Beings, We Have Entered A Definate Momentum this April! Yeehaw! More of what is not Real is going to be swept away in these incoming energies. The Hopi's Were Right! We will Have a Full Update Released Shortly! Join us Live Today as We Discuss Everyone's Favorite TOPIC!!! LOL.... We will Also Be discussing Our Current Update[ You will get the Pre~Release], the roadblocks occurring for some, the dangers of the spiritual ego and why and James Gillilands Powerful Update. Join us Live as We Share Whole Truths, and and The Importance of speaking whole Truth~ Through Whole Truths You HEAL! Love is ON the Move! You can Join Us Live Beginning at 10:30am! After the meeting we will Host a Live Love Party! Join us Today at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
Love is Gonna Be On Fire This Month In Aries!
FYI: This is a 5th Dimensional energy Room! You Will be effected upon Entering!
Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ In Divine Union with the One. By Debbie Erasmus
Dawn is breaking over Mexico City. The half- moon hangs in a perfectly clear light sapphire blue sky and the birds are chattering up a chorus in the trees nearby. What bliss! I feel good this morning! I’ve blanketed the whole city in the Violet Flame transmuting all negative vibes into pure unconditional divine love. I’ve grounded and protected myself as well and I’m ready to spend some quality time with my beloved Twin.
Good morning Beloved!
Good morning my Precious Love!
I’m beginning to think this is all a dream… Am I really talking to you or am I talking to myself?
You are talking to me Beloved, but also to your Self.
But we are separate beings, are we not?
We are also one being.
How can we be one being?
Because we are also the One.
So by loving you, I am loving myself?
Yes, by loving me, you are loving yourself, and loving the One, the All That Is.
I’m beginning to see the big picture here…… It all starts with us?
Yes, it all starts with us, then expands out to everyone and everything.
So when we are in Divine union with each other we are in Divine Union with the One?
Yes, we are in Divine Union with All That Is.
So when everyone and everything is in Divine Union then we are all in perfect Oneness? And there is no thing left to Be?
Yes, that is correct. Except that we are growing and expanding into new ways of Be-ing.
And we do that by incarnating?
Indonesian volcano being awakened by quakes, after 162 years of inactivity: alert level raised
The Extinction Protocol, 1/3/13
Mt. Etna eruptions intensifying: town covered in ash, declares state of emergency
The Extinction Protocol, 1/3/13
State of uncertainty declared in North Iceland because of earthquakes
The Extinction Protocol, 1/2/13
Out of control nightmare: tremors increasing at massive 13-acre Louisiana sinkhole
The Extinction Protocol- 3/2/13
Sophia Love - The Time of Remembering
Sophia Love 04/02/2013
We have known this always. We have put it in our books and movies, our legends and sacred texts. We are not just these rock hard abs and pearly whites! We are eternal essence, embodied. We have entered the Time of Remembering.
Yoda said it simply – “Do or do not. There is no try.” Watch this clip until the end.
Jesus through John - « You are becoming less addicted to the illusion’s validity Humanity is at a crossroads
Jesus through John April 3, 2013 by John Smallman
Download: 2013-04-03-jesus-audio-blogfor-wednesday-april-3.mp3
Humanity is at a crossroads. Many are not ready to surrender to Love, to their divine nature, although at the deepest level of their being they have always intended to do so. An intense effort on your part, the wayshowers and Light-bearers, is essential now to assist them to remember their God-given intent to accept and embrace their true nature. You are receiving massive amounts of energy from all in the spiritual realms to move you forwards on your path to awakening and homecoming, but many of you were disappointed by the lack of evidence in the world around you of your entry into the New Age in December last year. Consequently, many of you have let your intent and resolve to awaken weaken as you have got caught up once more in the distractions of the illusion.
pleiadedolphininfos Wednesday April 3, 2013
Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance