- Archangel Gabriel's Daily Messages ~ April 11 ~April 23, 2013 Shelley Young
- Latest Earthquake Activity - April 24, 2013
- Where to Find the Twin Flame Union - A Message from Jesus via Giselle Koy
- Update by Sheldan Nidle~4-23-13~~'days filled with wonder and miracles'!
- 'Sirius' Documentary Reveals DNA Test Results On Ata, The '6-Inch Alien'
- More Rain Expected for Already Swollen Rivers
- Hubble's Cool New Photos of 'Comet of the Century'
- Winter Storm Zeus: Snow Followed by Record Cold
- Last Chance for Lyrid Meteors This Year: Where to See Them
- Why in the world is it so cold now?
- Record freeze extending wheat crop damage
- 'Pink' Full Moon Brings Lunar Eclipse Thursday
- Prepare for Contact! Thank You for sharing this across The Planet~
- The Serpo Exchange - Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel
- The Astrology of May 2013 ~ For Everyone
- The manuscript of survival – part 302 - April 23, 2013
- Jelaila Starr ~ Perspectives On Boston Bombing
- Gaia Portal Update: Energetic Clarity is Drawn Forth
- TheOne~DreamDreamer ~Choosing Doors ~ 23 April 2013
- Solar Update / Recap of Solar Watch and Current Activity...4/23/2013
- Stuart Wilde ~ Emotional Techniques For Healing Yourself
- Reconnection and Unification of Crystalline Matrix – Cosmos, Universe, Galaxy, Solar, Planetary, and Universal Harmonics 1-5
- Black hole Markarian 421 with Gamma and Radio Waves.
- Sirius Documentary Focuses On Next-Generation Energy Technology and the Mystery of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Exclusively on VOD Site Yekra
- Cosmic Weather: Full Moon in Scorpio ~ Vision, Gold mining & the Glittering Prize
- 4MIN News April 24, 2013: ISON Request 2.0, Solar Wind Strengthening
- Blossom Goodchild ~ APRIL 24TH 2013
- Rachel Maddow Takes A Swipe at Aliens
- Jesus through John - Fear is an illness, and it is healed by Love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance
- The Oracle Report Wednesday, April 24, 2013
- ~ Short Update ~Whats Going On,On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live~ Changes
- Melchizedek ~ The coming days and more specifically, the energies of the eclipses
- A Water Bank Helps Revive Colorado Delta Willows and Wetlands
- Daily Tarot Reading: Knight of Cups ~ 4/24/13
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Patience
- George Carlin on aliens
- Big Story Weather – April 24, 2013
- Healing Energy Streams Flow from Portal to Portal…
- Volcanoes Today, 23 Apr 2013: Stromboli, Popocatépetl, Batu Tara, Telica, Nevado del Ruiz, Miyake-shima, San Cristobal, Masaya
- Pictures: Extreme Algae Blooms Expanding Worldwide
- You have every reason to be in high spirits
- The Visionkeeper - The Game Of Beauty…
- Heavenletter #4534 - A Twice-Told Tale
- The Galactic Federation of Light By St. Germain 4/23/2013
- Stargazing Basics - Getting oriented in the night sky
- George Carlin, on reversing Life Sequence
- Dana Mrkich ~ The Ecilpses : God Time ~ 24 April 2013
- 6.5 magnitude earthquake strikes region of Papua, NG
- Recent 30-Year Warmth Unrivaled for last 1,400 Years
- 10,000 Record Lows, 5,000 Record Snows in 2013
- Sophia Love - Freedom
- The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - April 24, 2013
Greetings Love Beings, The Full Moon Energies have already kicked in for us, and this will be triggering alot of transformative energy. These energies are dissolving what is not real so the space is then opened up for what is Real!!! Stay Centered, Connect with Like Hearted people!!! Surrender, Embrace, Accept and Allow Love Energy to enter. You can Join is today On the Higher Grid Beginning at 10:30am Pacific All are welcomoe. You can Join us at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
Love The Earth Allies
Archangel Gabriel's Daily Messages ~ April 11 ~April 23, 2013 Shelley Young
Shelley's Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. :) They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website www.trinityesoterics.com.
April 11, 2013
Latest Earthquake Activity - April 24, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
April 24
Where to Find the Twin Flame Union - A Message from Jesus via Giselle Koy
It is I, Himself, representing the Divine Masculine.
A word to the Divine Feminine: As you ask Him to show up in your life, so shall He show up.
It shall not be the job of the Divine Feminine to birth this Man—it is not her job.
Women, hold space for men to make their transition but do not feel the need to nurture them like children. Notice how they “show up” in life.” That is what is being called for. For how they show up tells you everything.
As beggars, as children, as wounded men, as patriarchal, abusive, disrespectful—OR as strong, solid, inner directed/connected, empowering, supportive, creative men. Men who have direction. These are the men we call for and these are the men we will see showing up for just as the divine feminine is embodying so too is the divine masculine.
Yes, these higher beings are stepping in – Be Patient and Hold Vigil. This is the high ground where many twin flames will find each other. Yes, higher selves, higher beings, embodying.
Face to face, eye to eye and melted in an embrace—in balance, joy and forward motion into a higher form of love in which divine destiny work can be done.
Update by Sheldan Nidle~4-23-13~~'days filled with wonder and miracles'!
You can bring completion to this cycle by invoking the Love of forgiveness that constitutes your essence.
The moment approaches for 'days filled with wonder and miracles'!
'Sirius' Documentary Reveals DNA Test Results On Ata, The '6-Inch Alien'
Huffington Post By Lee Speigel Posted: 04/23/2013 12:16 pm EDT | Updated: 04/23/2013 12:16 pm EDT
More Rain Expected for Already Swollen Rivers
Weather.com - AP and Reuters, 4/23/13
A duck swims against a window, viewed from inside Anderson Eye Care at the Riverfront Plaza Building in downtown Grand Rapids, Mich., as The Grand River crests on Monday, April 22, 2013, at an all time high of 21.85 feet, a full 2.2 feet above the record set in 1985. (AP Photo/The Grand Rapids Press, Cory Morse)
CLARKSVILLE, Mo. -- Communities in Illinois and Missouri fought Tuesday to hold back surging rivers swollen by days of drenching rain, even as an approaching storm system threatened new downpours.
Floodwaters were rising to record levels along the Illinois River in central Illinois; roads and buildings were flooded and riverfront structures were inundated in Peoria Heights. Firefighters feared that if fuel from businesses and vehicles starts to leak, it could spark a fire in areas that could be reached only by boat.
More: Weather.com
Hubble's Cool New Photos of 'Comet of the Century'
Weather.com - 4/23/12
This contrast-enhanced, computer-processed image was produced from photos of Comet ISON taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope on April 10, 2013, when the comet was 386 million miles from the sun.
NASA's iconic Hubble Space Telescope has snapped stunning new photos of Comet ISON, which could become one of the brightest comets ever seen when it zips through the inner solar system this fall.
Hubble captured the new photos on April 10, when Comet ISON was slightly closer than Jupiter. At the time the icy wanderer was about 386 million miles from the sun and 394 million miles from Earth.
More: Weather.com
Winter Storm Zeus: Snow Followed by Record Cold
Wunderground.com - Chris Dolce, 4/23/13
We are now a month past the official start of spring and some parts of the central United States can't shed the feeling of winter.
Specifically, in the last two weeks we've seen three named winter storms (Walda, Xerxes, Yogi) spread significant snow in parts of the Rockies, Plains and Upper Midwest.
More: Wunderground.com
Last Chance for Lyrid Meteors This Year: Where to See Them
Accuweather.com - 4/24/13,By Samantha-Rae Tuthill
AccuWeather.com meteorologists continue to monitor sky cover for the viewing possibilities of the Lyrids, the first major meteor shower since early January.
The shower continues to be visible through April 26 after peaking during the predawn hours of Monday, April 22. While the Lyrids average 10 to 20 meteors an hour, AccuWeather's Mark Paquette said there is potential for significantly more.
More: Accuweather.com
Why in the world is it so cold now?
Koco.com - 4/23/13, Damon Lane
Record cold strikes again
OKLAHOMA CITY —Let's face it, Mother Nature can do some pretty nasty things. In this case, she's hitting us hard with cold. And not just any sort of cold, record cold!
It doesn't take a meteorologist to tell you that this April has been cold. Just how cold? Not only are we seeing record lows and even record cold high temperatures (that means the coldest high temperature), but we are on pace to have the coldest April on record.
More: Koco.com
Record freeze extending wheat crop damage
TheDay.com - 4/24/13, By TONY C. DREIBUS and JEFF WILSON Bloomberg News
Chicago - The coldest start ever to the wheat-growing season in Kansas and freezing weather across the southern Great Plains are compounding damage to U.S. crops already hurt by the worst drought since the 1930s.
"I'm going to assume 75 percent of my wheat froze" when temperatures dropped as low as 13 degrees Fahrenheit on April 10, said Gary Millershaski, who has been farming in southwestern Kansas for three decades and this year planted 2,800 acres of hard, red winter wheat on his land near Garden City. "It looks like someone sprayed a defoliant on it."
More: TheDay.com.
'Pink' Full Moon Brings Lunar Eclipse Thursday
Weather.com - Joe Rao, Space.com, 4/23/12
Amateur astrophotographer Rhys Harris of Bodmin, Cornwall, England sent in a photo of the March 2013 full moon. He writes: "I managed to snatch this image last night [March 27, 2013] in light polluted skies!" (Rhys Harris)
This month's full moon, which falls on Thursday (April 25), always reminds me of one of the first times I viewed the April full moon.
When I was very young boy living in New York, there was a popular television weathercaster by the name of Carol Reed. While not a meteorologist, she had an upbeat personality and always finished her reports with what became her personal catch phrase: "And have a happy!"
Prepare for Contact! Thank You for sharing this across The Planet~
~ Message from The Earth Allies~ Prepare for Contact. AS More and More Awaken Each Day, the Closer We are To The Event of First Contact. This is a Real Event, and a Multi~Dimensional One that has Been a facet of the Divine Plan For this Planet~ The Stage has been set, and the curtain will be rising. Love Is Moving Forward And Bringing ALL Love IS With US.
More: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/message-earth-allies-prepare-contact
The Serpo Exchange - Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel
The Serpo Exchange
Date:04-22-13Host:George NooryGuests:Len Kasten
Though Serpo is 39 light years from our solar system (240,000 trillion miles), the Ebens have perfected wormhole and antigravity technology allowing them to make the journey in just 9 months, Kasten related. Even though the American exchange team was picked up in what was merely a "shuttlecraft," they couldn't believe the size of it-- it had 100 ft. ceilings, and their 45 tons of supplies barely made a dent in it, he remarked.
The Astrology of May 2013 ~ For Everyone
May 2013 will be suffused with a revolutionary impulse, a desire to completely remake the world, at the top and at the grassroots level. The impulse will alost surely give rise to dysfunctional and antisocial behavior, but it will also bring profound and substantive discussions among decision-makers and trend-setters. Deep reforms are inevitable. Guess which one will dominate the headlines. However, it is a disquieting vibe and will probably only increase overall levels of stress and unrest.
However, it looks like we will get a break this summer. The vibes look more orderly and purposeful, as opposed to disruptive and transformative.
The manuscript of survival – part 302 - April 23, 2013
The manuscript of survival – part 302 . April 23, 2013
The storm has subsided somewhat now, and the waves have quieted down compared to the much more intense surges many of you experienced only last week. This is all a part of the natural cycle of things, and you have all more or less become rather familiar with how this works by now. And this time, we think you will all feel the need to take some deep, deep breaths and savour the stillness that will follow in their wake, for this time, you have certainly been through the wringer in more ways than one. Let us assure you all that you will have become so much strengthened by this ordeal, for contrary to expectations, these intense energetic upgrades do not leave you totally floored for long now. Rather, you will feel an instantaneous relief when they subside, and not only that, you will also simultaneously feel an urge to literally get up and go. For, as usual during these very intense bouts of adjustments, anything concerning the future, whether it be imminent or more distant, seems almost impossible to even contemplate. But now, as this mental fog seems to have dissipated along with all of the physical symptoms, you will find yourself eager to set things into action.
Jelaila Starr ~ Perspectives On Boston Bombing
Nibiruan Council April 22 2013
As many of you recall, the end of 2012 was the end of an old age. But that was not all it represented; with the end of an age came a move into the field of high vibrating energy known by various names as the Galactic Superwave and the inner part of the Photon Band/Belt. For the sake of brevity I’ll refer to it as the Field.
As I wrote many times, once we entered that space we would go through a period of intense change. This change involved literally shaking off and releasing the parts of our reality that no longer fit and it would be more intense because the energies would be more intense. Is that what we are seeing now? The sun is expelling massive gamma ray bursts as though it had acid reflux. The weather is off the charts, the political climate is absolutely crazy, and the world economy is in the toilet. And if that is not enough, one “terrorist” attack after another, complete with massive, traumatizing media coverage/mind control has left people unable to cope with the stress.
Years ago I was told that the time would come when the changes would be so rapid and intense that people would literally be losing their minds. Do you think we are there?
Gaia Portal Update: Energetic Clarity is Drawn Forth
Energetic clarity is drawn forth from individuals at this moment. Purification of individual vibrations ensures that full harmonization of humanity with Gaia is accomplished.
Central to Gaia ascending frequency process is coordination of Hue-manity Beings at multiple planet 3D locations, for worldwide Higher D frequency attunement. Essential is utilization of Higher Aural capabilities present in all Hue-Beings.
TheOne~DreamDreamer ~Choosing Doors ~ 23 April 2013
There are two distinct Doors inside of each one. They both have the same word on it.
Love and love. There’s One Key for the Love Door and many keys for the love door.
To open the love door one can choose amongst many keys: loving their friends, relatives, children, neighbors, the need to change the world for the future generations, love god, love the enemy… be compassionate and open minded, be of service to others and sacrifice all one has to get in it. It opens with all of those keys and many more… It’s a long journey, many paths, many outcomes, many lessons, many achievements. Slow evolution.
To open the Love Door one must use the Key of Self Love. It’s the only one working. It’s solid, there’s no way one can get into it without the right Key. On the other side of that Door… All. And God. For to truly Love Ones’ Self IS TO LOVE GOD and thus ALL THAT IS. Including your friends, neighbors, relatives, children, enemies… No One can be left out once it is understood that to Love One Self IS to Love All at once. Behind that Door?
All That Is, You included, God included.
One Path, One lesson, One Outcome (All possibilities), One achievement: God expressing it Self on earth through You/Me. Peace, Freedom, Harmony and Joy.
Solar Update / Recap of Solar Watch and Current Activity...4/23/2013
Solar Watch Produced Some Nice Fireworks. Unlike Last Solar watch there were no Earth Facing CME activity but a few glancing blows. Still there is large coronal hole that is Earth facing and a couple of reactive regions corresponding and closely located to these coronal holes. The Earth facing sunspots lack polarity and hopefully will not destabilize at the same time coronal holes are doing their thing. Another 48 hours the coronal holes will move out of the way and we can await their solar wind/particles.
Stuart Wilde ~ Emotional Techniques For Healing Yourself
Stuart Wilde April 21 2013
The pain of the world is so extraordinary right now many people are not in their right mind. You have to detach and hold steady or you’ll be sucked in.
Consider these things as a reminder:
(1) Emotional pain is all based on the ego’s opinion. It decides things should be one way and karma comes along to contradict that. It is not a pleasant thing to suffer an ego-hit but it happens to all of us. So say to yourself when things go against you “This is natural. This is my karma. I must accept it,” and then move on with dignity and valor.
(2) Visualize the adverse situation and breathe love into it and the people involved. Love can cure the pain, because it makes you bigger than the pain so you get over it.
(3) Be very careful you don’t get obsessed. I knew a very sweet Indian businessman that was my dear friend. His drink was spiked at a nightclub with LSD. The trip ended a few hours later but he never recovered as he saw it an affront to his integrity and he fell apart and went bankrupt. Silly.
Reconnection and Unification of Crystalline Matrix – Cosmos, Universe, Galaxy, Solar, Planetary, and Universal Harmonics 1-5
Reconnection and Unification of Crystalline Matrix – Cosmos, Universe, Galaxy, Solar, Planetary, and Universal Harmonics 1-5.
Ancient vibration of this Grid and codes were Activated.
Black hole Markarian 421 with Gamma and Radio Waves.
Black Hole Markarian 421 with Gamma Ray's and Radio Waves. A filter has been put on the this black hole to stop the Radio waves which are harmful to Gaia, and humanity. We need the Gamma Ray's to activate us and accelerate our ascension.
Sirius Documentary Focuses On Next-Generation Energy Technology and the Mystery of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Exclusively on VOD Site Yekra
Chron.com - PRWeb, 4/23/13
New Energy Expert and UFO / ET Investigator Dr. Steven Greer Explores the Potential for Zero-Point Systems from Beyond the Stars in Heavily Anticipated Documentary Film
Sirius, a groundbreaking documentary film exploring extra-terrestrial and UFO energy technology – and its potential to reveal zero-point technology to save Earth’s ecosystem – today has premiered on the newly launched VOD streaming platform, Yekra.
More: Chron.com.
Cosmic Weather: Full Moon in Scorpio ~ Vision, Gold mining & the Glittering Prize
Apr 9, 2013 by Irma Kaye
Shine on. Shine your light on me. For all of my life, so that much more I see. – Simple Minds
Hello friends. It’s been quite a journey of discovery this month with so much leading and building up to our powerful Scorpio Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on 4/25.
Scorpio 6: A gold rush. This is a symbol of the exploitation of natural resources through personal initiative of intelligence, and of every individual’s essential independence of the commonplace limitations or superficial inadequacies of life. There are always high rewards awaiting any genuine enterprise, and as man dramatizes the opportunities of the world at large he is able to improve his own immediate condition in all possible directions. Human skills are forever challenged to their own good fortune. The keyword is ambition. When positive, the degree is instinctive self-dedication to the unseen potentials of everyday existence, and when negative, a lack of practical discrimination and an irresistible desire for easy money. – Traditional Sabian Symbol interpretation by Marc Edmund Jones
4MIN News April 24, 2013: ISON Request 2.0, Solar Wind Strengthening
Source: YouTube.com
Published on Apr 24, 2013
Blossom Goodchild ~ APRIL 24TH 2013
Source: BlossomGoodchild.com - 4/24/13
Good morning to you. Quite a few people write in asking me if I can ask you about how to connect up with you, their guides and angels. I know we have addressed this before and we know the best thing to do is meditate. Yet I wonder if it is possible for you to go into more detail, as I know many find it frustrating and feel that no contact is made.
What a wonderful world you live in. Is it not that you can ‘see’ … actually 'see' the depth of the beauty that is there in a way that was not possible before?
I know what you mean … There seems to be a different energy in the air and indeed the stars in the night sky and the peace surrounding it are noticeably different.
Then this is how we would suggest aiding the self to connect with those not of your Earth. Let us try as best we can to give you pointers towards that which you have asked. When one is in a peaceful state of mind … the energy that emanates from their Being is one that is more compatible with the energy that one is desiring to connect with. When one is of a stressed disposition the ‘lines’ become blocked and distortion interferes.
Rachel Maddow Takes A Swipe at Aliens
Published on Apr 22, 2013 by TheLipTV
Rachel Maddow was pretty dismissive about the Citizens Hearing for Disclosure, but activist and organizer for the Alien truth group, Stephen Bassett, talks about how he doesn't mind and how most people seem to agree that there is extraterrestrial life out there. He lays out a scenario that could lead to full disclosure from the government on aliens to host Tyrel Ventura in this clip from Buzzsaw.
Watch the full episode of Buzzsaw here:
Jesus through John - Fear is an illness, and it is healed by Love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance
Jesus through John April 24, 2013 by John Smallman
The purpose of an illusion is to capture your full attention in order to distract you so that you do not see something the illusionist wants to keep hidden, unseen, and unrecognized by you. And you are the illusionist! You wanted God to remain hidden, unseen, unrecognized. And the illusion that you built has worked extremely well. However, the vast majority of humanity has had its fill — the value of novelty wears off — and now wants and intends to see and recognize what has been hidden. That intent is completely in alignment with the Will of God, and therefore cannot fail to be achieved; consequently, humanity will awaken, and into eternal joy.
The Oracle Report Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Libra
Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta
~ Short Update ~Whats Going On,On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live~ Changes
NO Matter what its All Happening!
Greetings Love Beings, Prepare for a Full Moon In Scorpio with the Ecplise and a powerful Energy is going to be triggerred! These 2 together are sparking intense transformative energies. All which is not real in your lives will be falling away. We Will Have More About this In our Upcoming Update Release and discussion! You can Join us Today for a Deep Discussion about these Energies, ALL Are INVITED.
Topics of Discussion: The Sirius Movie, helping or not? Is He[ Dr Steven Greer] A Credible source? We have done some research and have uncovered som recent information about Steven Greer which is not supporting or in line with the Light which we will share and discuss.
Sheldan Nidles Continue's Sharing we are close and SOON!!! Is this Helping?
How we are being Very Selective with the Postings We are Now Sharing Here at the Press
The Impact of the Upcoming Full moon and Ecplipse
Melchizedek ~ The coming days and more specifically, the energies of the eclipses
pleiadedolphininfos Wednesday, April 24, 2013
April 24, 2013
A Water Bank Helps Revive Colorado Delta Willows and Wetlands
Nationalgeographic, By: Sandra Postel, 04/23/2013
In the delta community of Miguel Alemán, situated along the Colorado River corridor that forms the border between Mexico and Arizona, we arrive at an unlikely enterprise in this parched environment: a tree nursery.
Daily Tarot Reading: Knight of Cups ~ 4/24/13
How are we all feeling? Are you still feeling a little bit magical from yesterday? I don't know about you, but I could certainly feel the electricity in the air. To quote a favorite movie of mine "It's all happening."
I'd like to talk a little bit about how I choose the card for the day. I go through my normal routine of shuffling and cutting the cards. Then, I flip over eight cards. The eighth card is the reading for the day. Then, I go back through the "kitty", the other seven cards I flipped, and see if there are any opposing or reinforcing cards for the day.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Patience
Angel Wisdom Wednesday, April 24, 2013
George Carlin on aliens
Uploaded on Dec 10, 2009 by toolkills
i just thought this was interesting.....this man in my opinion was beyond a genius...its really a shame there aren't more minds out there as observant and truth seeking as his...rest in peace the almighty george...may joe bless you :)
Big Story Weather – April 24, 2013
RedOrbit - 24 April 2013 - Joshua Kelly
Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.
redOrbit Meteorologist Joshua Kelly
Healing Energy Streams Flow from Portal to Portal…
Gaia Portal April 24
Healing energy streams flow from portal to portal as Gaia balances with Hue-manity and humanity (smaller h) energies.
Light Workers called to portal adjustments are encouraged to follow healing energy flow within, as this aligns with the Gaia Healing energy streams, and will lead each to their Gaia healing portal center.
As Hue-manity aligns, and more and more of humanity (smaller h) begins to align, with these healing energy streams, and accepts those processes within themselves, Gaia rests in the resulting peace, and needs not the “catastrophic” adjustments previously thought necessary.
Those promoting the “doom and/or gloom catastrophe” scenarios will find difficulty in expressing those ideas, as their time is over. The current energetic state of Gaia does not support, in any way, that type of energy intent.
Volcanoes Today, 23 Apr 2013: Stromboli, Popocatépetl, Batu Tara, Telica, Nevado del Ruiz, Miyake-shima, San Cristobal, Masaya
Volcano Discovery Tuesday Apr 23, 2013 13:03 PM
Thermal webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)
Depth vs time of the recent earthquakes west of Miyake island
Pictures: Extreme Algae Blooms Expanding Worldwide
Nationalgeographic, By: Jane J. Lee, 04/23/2013
With an estimated seven billion people and counting, the world's population will only get hungrier. The advent of fertilizers and high-yield crops have helped growers keep pace with the demand for food.
But there's an unintended crop flourishing around the world that is not always so beneficial. Microscopic, plantlike organisms called algae thrive on the excess nutrients—like nitrogen and phosphorus—found in fertilizers that make their way from backyards and fields, producing blooms that can sometimes be seen from space.
For more on this story visit www.nationalgeographic.com
You have every reason to be in high spirits
JohnSmallman's Blog 04/24/2013 by John Smallman
Humanity’s awakening from the illusion into Reality is a done deal — it always has been, ever since the moment of creation. Reality is where you reside permanently, and you are presently returning home there, from a seemingly long and arduous journey to a most glorious welcome. You have every reason to be in high spirits. Nevertheless, at the moment it is difficult for the majority of you to perceive this because the length of time that you have spent away from home has severely dulled your memory of the glory awaiting you there.
The Visionkeeper - The Game Of Beauty…
One World Rising Posted on April 24, 2013
Music to read by below:
Heavenletter #4534 - A Twice-Told Tale
Heaven Letters Published on: April 24, 2013
Always, without fail, I speak to each of you. That you may not hear Me whispering to you is another story. That is a twice-told tale, and it is handed down from generation to generation. To some there is nothing new that can be known. Yet there is the new, and the new will be placed before those who believe and those who do not just the same. Favor the new. You might as well.
The Galactic Federation of Light By St. Germain 4/23/2013
All, I am not the channel but do know the channel. Saint Germain asked that his name only be credited and that this article be reposted, so here you go. ~Anna
The Galactic Federation of Light
By St. Germain 4/23/2013
The moment you have all been waiting for has arrived. Many of you have no idea what is in store for your near future. The Galactic Federation of Light is an organization of vast many universal beings from the many habitable planets found within the boundless universe(s). There are many dimensions for which the Galactic Federation of Light performs it duties to make sure the universe is safe and regulated from the possibility of extragalactic war(s), volatile planet polar shifts that displace land masses for which either disappear complete or change its shape and position. The Galactic Federation takes care of the refugee populations of its Galactic Family by helping with the survival of humanity whether here or any other planet that is in its final stages of transformation. Since your Earth has entered the 5thDimension, we who make up the Galactic Federation of many planets and solar systems are here to take our Galactic Family home or to a place that is safe for the time being.
Stargazing Basics - Getting oriented in the night sky
EyesontheSky.com - 4/24/13
Complete beginner to astronomy? Want to learn the stars and constellations? Or wish you just knew how to get around the night sky? You have come to the right place. These "Stargazing Basics" videos by Eyes on the Sky take the budding amateur astronomer through all the basics of stargazing, quickly and easily.
These videos follow a proven formula I have developed over the past few years, and teach regularly at informal education presentations about astronomy, with excellent beginner results. You will learn where the important locations in the sky are, how to understand the differences in the brightness of stars and planets, and finally, how to get a better sense of measuring from objects you can identify to ones you wish to find.
George Carlin, on reversing Life Sequence
He had such an interesting way of looking at Life...
I want to live my next life backwards:
You start out dead and get that out of the way.
Then you wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day.
Then you get kicked out for being too healthy.
You enjoy your retirement and collect your pension.
Then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.
You work 40 years until you're too young to work.
You get ready for High School: drink alcohol, party, and you're generally promiscuous.
Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you have no responsibilities.
Then you become a baby, and then...
You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions: central heating, room service on tap, and then...
You finish off as an orgasm. I rest my case.
Dana Mrkich ~ The Ecilpses : God Time ~ 24 April 2013
The Eclipses: God Time
As I re-read a text message I’d just sent about the upcoming Lunar Eclipse (April 25/26) I had to have a little chuckle. Instead of saying ‘good time for inner healing’, the auto spell-check had changed it to ‘god time for inner healing.’ Indeed it is.
We’re now in the vortex of an Eclipse period as we gear up for this week’s Lunar Eclipse on 05° 46’ Scorpio, the Solar Eclipse on 19° 31’ Taurus (May 9/10) and a Lunar Eclipse on 04° 08’ Sagittarius (24/25 May).
Super quick astro lesson for anyone interested: All of the above points are somewhere on the ‘clock’ of your astrological natal chart, which is a snapshot of where all the planets where at the exact moment of your birth, among other things. You can get a free copy of your natal chart at www.astro.com to see where the above Eclipse points fall for you. Eclipses are particularly impactful on your life if they occur on or very close to one of your natal planets or a significant point in your natal chart eg Ascendant, North Node. However, we are all touched in some way by eclipses because all of us have the astrological degree they occur on somewhere in our charts.
Spaceweather.com - 4/24/13
For the past few days, Earth has been passing through a stream of debris from ancient Comet Thatcher, source of the annual Lyrid meteor shower. According to international observers, the encounter produced as many as 25 meteors per hour. Some of these were fireballs. NASA's All Sky Fireball Network detected more than 30 Lyrids as bright as Venus on the nights around the shower's April 22nd peak. Here are their orbits:
In the diagram, the red splat marks the location of Earth; green elipses are the orbits of the meteoroids, triangulated by multiple cameras in the meteor network.
6.5 magnitude earthquake strikes region of Papua, NG
The Extinction Protocol - 4/24/13
April 24, 2013 – PAPUA, NG – The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says there is no tsunami threat for Hawaii after a strong earthquake near Papua New Guinea. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the 6.5-magnitude quake struck at 1:21 p.m. (HST) just 19 miles north of the city, Rabaul. The PTWC says based on all available data, a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami is not expected and there is no tsunami threat to Hawaii. –Khon2
Link: The Extinction Protocol
Recent 30-Year Warmth Unrivaled for last 1,400 Years
Accuweather.com - 4/23/13
The Earth's climate warmed more during the 30-year period between 1971-2000 than any other three-decade period in the last 1,400 years, according to a new international study
The regional study, which was published in the journal Nature Geoscience by 80 international scientists, looked at historical records and data taken from tree rings, pollen, cave formations, ice cores and ocean/lake sediments from the seven continents.
The study also showed that the MedievalWarm Period that took place between 950 and 1250 AD may not have been global as other research has also indicated.
Excerpt below from the The Earth Institute Columbia University.....
10,000 Record Lows, 5,000 Record Snows in 2013
Accuweather.com-4/22/13, Jesse Ferrell
In the last 365 days, however, there have been twice as many record highs as lows, a ratio that is similar to the last ten years.
The snow records have not just been broken, they've been shattered, and we're not just talking about daily records here; 170 stations have never recorded this much snow in April, and 23 stations had never seen this much snow in a day, ever! our news story on the topic says: