~ Changes, Changes, Changes~ Its The Moment

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Its all Happening Very Quickly Now!! Changes, Changes, changes... despite resistance Love Energy is Pouring through. AS We have shared we are In acceleration mode and the old is dissolving quickly. Many are awakening at a fast rate now as anticipated. Thank you for stepping into your Missions. Its TIME! You can Join us On the Grid today for flying with Father God on the Higher Grid at 2:00pm Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Love The Earth Allies

New: Video Highlights from Citizens Hearing on Disclosure - May 2, 2013


Source: YouTube.com, published by CitizenHearingMedia









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Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Day 4: Global UFO Encounters Take The Stage (Live Updates)


Huffington Post - HuffingtonPost.com - 5/02/13, Lee Speigel


Day 4 of the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure features a group (at left) of government and military individuals from various countries presenting UFO testimony to the committee of former members of Congress (at right).

It's international day at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD), in Washington, D.C., in which several individuals, including military personnel, will present testimony of UFO encounters in other countries.





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Truth in Light - Now it is the time for seeds to blossom



All hearts are opening ever wider to receive the Christed light of the One, of the resurrection of the Christ is moving swiftly throughout your planet.


Much happens again in short order, a succession of events is on the verge of occurring, and we again say be  prepared,  It is coming quicker than WE ourselves had hoped for!


All those had stood in the way are now bowing down surprisingly yet appropriately.  We do say it is time to prepare your heart, prepare your space, prepare your readiness of holding the Light moving forward. 


Have no doubt. Have no fear.  Again, you each have been tested as many have, about holding the peace in the chaos and in many spaces, within and without, holding the peace of mind, the Lighted aspect of your higher aspects, of your "I AM" presence, of the spark of the truth of who you are in the midst of the illusion. 



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Ready For Love? We Are! YEEHAW!



Love is Here to Stay! Goodbye denser energies! HELLO LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT


Greetings Love Beings, We are your Love Video DJ's tonight! You can Join us Live In Love at this Link Beginning Now Until?....   http://tinychat.com/galacticpress






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Patrick Gavin and Stephen Bassett - Politico ~UFO ~Citizen Hearing on Disclosure


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Stunning UFO sighting over Russia (Video)



It's been a year since the St. Petersburgh UFO sightings that shocked the world, but it appears that "they" are back. If you recall this author's report last April:

"St. Petersburg, Russia, and the city is still abuzz after a peaceful invasion of the skies on April 9, 10 and 11 was witnessed by multiple citizens. Numerous videos have surfaced, showing what appeared to be an enormous mothership, which could be seen floating above the city at night. Brightly lit orbs joined the ship, or were seen breaking off from it, and floating across the skies. This phenomenon continued for three days and three nights.

The event is destined to go down in history as one of the most important and significant sightings of the century, not only because of the clarity and duration of these sightings, but also because of the numerous witnesses and videotapes of the event."

Now stunning video shot April 29, 2012, has emerged on YouTube that shows five minutes worth of fascinating footage of what appears to be an authentic UFO hovering over a hilltop in Russia.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - May 3, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes



All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


May 3


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Source Energy is Here in Physical Manifestation



~ Important Message from The Earth Allies~

Source Energy Is Here On Planet Earth=Heart









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Tesla Museum To Be Built At Recently Purchased Wardenclyffe Laboratory


REdOrbit - May 3rd 2013 - by April Flowers

Tesla Museum To Be Built At Recently Purchased Wardenclyffe

Image Caption: Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) at age 34. Credit: Napoleon Sarony (1821-1896)/Public Domain

April Flowers for redOrbit.com – Your Universe Online


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Solar Impulse “Zero Fuel Airplane” Across America 2013 Flight Begins This Morning


RedOrbit - May 3, 2013 - by Lawrence LeBlond


Image Caption: Across America 2013 – Golden Gate Flight; Last preparation before take-off for April 24 test flight. Credit: Solar Impulse / N. Ackermann

Visionkeeper - Be Thy Self!


One World Rising Posted on May 3, 2013



Music to read by below:


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Inspiration


Angel Wisdom Friday, May 3, 2013

Take a deep inbreath
Let the beauty that surrounds you inspire you to continue evolving to the next level, for as you do, you will see even more beauty that you previously thought possible. Seek out mentors and like-minded friends to help you shift into unity consciousness and use your creativity, originality and your ingenuity help you as you experience exciting new projects and opportunities.
Breathe in the magnificence that is all around you and make some positive, optimistic long-term plans for yourself and your life.


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Important ~ The Grand Awakening!



~ A Message from The Earth Allies ~

The Grand Awakening



“The Great Awakening ”


Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, Your Family of Light and Earth Allies, working Behind the Scenes for Humanity's Freedom and Return Home into The Light. We are The Ground Crew Medical Team for First Contact. Thank You for Honoring Our Presence here With You On Planet Earth=Heart. WE Now Have less then 2 Years till the end of our Mission here.




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4MIN News May 3, 2013: Saturn, GOES-R, Spaceweather




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on May 3, 2013


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The Galactic Free Press Update: Humanity 's Destiny is Set In Stone



Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center


The Real News and The Whole Truth


Humanity's Destiny Set In Stone

Completed 2009


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Mystical and Transformative Month of May!!! We Have Many Exciting Events this Month. On top of this We Will Have Intense Waves of 5d Frequency energy Hitting the Planet all Month Long! You thought the energy was intense in these past few months, Well Alot more is Incoming!! This will be the most Intense energy that has been here on this Planet in over 13,000 Years.This will assist us greatly In the Great Awakening for Planet Earth=Heart, which is in an Unstoppable Process for this Planet, currently Underway. There is no way to stop this Energy. This Planet is Becoming a Blue Star Seed Nation and no ego can prevent this, stop this or delay this. The Destiny Has Already Occurred and is set in stone, Now Humanity has to Catch Up with Their Destiny! With No Seatbelts!


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The Impact of the New Energies on Us ~ Part 2/2


 by Steve Beckow


Ascension Energies 3450

(Continued from Part 1.)

Some of these 3D difficulties we labor under are vasanas[  mindprogramming] and the Angels speaking through Tazjima tell us that they’re helping us to let go of them as well.

“Your bodies, ..... are being washed by a river of light. This river gently extricates and removes trauma long-stored in your cellular structures, even traumas emanating from other lifetimes. Let these memories and pictures move through you, washed by the light working upon your cells, feel the emotions as they release from the electromagnetic field and dissipate into the ethers around you.


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Citizen Disclosure Hearing Covered in the Toronto Star


UFO Believers Invade Washington

True believers in aliens at this week’s Citizen Hearing on Disclosure have never brought their cause so near to the seat of ultimate power.
Researcher Robert Dolan told a  panel Tuesday, believe that “black-budget” government intelligence agencies are operating with technologies “three decades ahead of the rest of the world” that may explain some, if not all, of the phenomena of extraterrestrials. Above, a clip from the 1956 film Earth vs.The Flying Saucers.
Researcher Robert Dolan told a panel Tuesday, believe that “black-budget” government intelligence agencies are operating with technologies “three decades ahead of the rest of the world” that may explain some, if not all, of the phenomena of extraterrestrials. Above, a clip from the 1956 film Earth vs. The Flying Saucers.

WASHINGTON—As close encounters go, this one has it all — an unprecedented week of seemingly official hearings in the very heart of Washington, jammed with spine-tingling top-secret accounts of the extraterrestrial kind.

From Roswell, Area 51 and Britain’s mysterious Rendlesham Forest Incident to the silent hovering craft that once disabled 10 Minuteman missiles in North Dakota, it’s all coming out.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Passion


Angel Wisdom Thursday, May 2, 2013



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The Ascension Road by Multidimensional Ocean



by Laura



the dove ascendingCry not if this is the end of one road.
Don’t feel sad if the goals you have set for yourself are not reached
Forever know that your path has been planed and guided from above
The journey is long and difficult, you have designed it for yourself

If one door closes, another will open for you.
We knew 2012 would bring changes
now 2013 is manifesting them
Even if in different ways from what we have imagined.

Moving away from habits and comfort is part of the journey
Moving towards the unknown is making us grow
The wind will carry us where we need to be
Listen to the leaves move with the rythm of your heart


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Disclosure Hearing: Boots on the Ground?


Written by Kerry Cassidy

Today was the first day of the hearing on disclosure here in Washington DC just blocks away from Congress and the White House.  This is a historical occasion and it could easily go unnoticed unless you, the people, pick this up and make it go viral!

The former members of Congress are stepping up in a big way to take on the witness testimony and branch out into subjects that will have the intel and greater secret government, at the very least, shifting 'uncomfortably in their seats'.  Contrary to the game plan these members are pushing the envelope and most of the witnesses are willingly obliging with the goods, the real evidence of visitation, interaction and more.  This has to have some people here on the hill a bit nervous.  This is a good thing.


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Carl Boudreau ~The Astrology of May 2013


The Astrology of May 2013

 High Voltage Politics: Disclaimer


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The result is becoming unmistakable by Ron Head






Our message today begins with our congratulations to the channel on his safe and successful move to his new home.  We know that he is aware of all the help we were able to provide in that endeavor, and we are gratified that he accepted that help with open heart and mind.  Much will be accomplished now.


Our main topic for this message will be, in fact, the help that we can provide now when one discovers and moves onto the path toward fulfilling his or her life contracts.  We wish that a new word could be used for that, as it implies things in your current usage that do not apply, however the word will do for now.


These contracts do not have penalty clauses.  There is only the promise of fulfillment when they are completed.  And let us state now that they are subject to being changed or “upgraded” as your lives progress and your external and internal situations change.  The councils, as they have been called, in which these contracts are agreed upon are always, always in session, and you visit them regularly, if you but knew it.



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Gaia Portal Update~ Transformational Tubes of Light


gaia_energy1Transformational Tubes of Light connect doorways, portals, gateways, along and within continents of surface Gaia, as well as throughout Inner Gaia. Those with eyes for viewing these are already aware of the intense transformational energies involved.

Transformational Tubes of Light are required for the proper direction of these High Cosmic Frequencies. Tubes will appear and dissolve as required for Golden Age type upgrades of humanity, to Hue-manity.

Rainbow Bodies become more visible, even to those with relatively non-developed Higher Vision, and encourages investigation and development of the Higher Senses in the “humanity general”.

The resulting Gaia Body becomes en-Hued with Rainbow Patterning and Rainbow Energetics as Higher Senses are developed and Higher Passions are embraced.


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Djwhal Khul ~ Communing With Ascended Beings


Shift Frequency Posted on May 2, 2013 by Gillian by Terri Newlon

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We have ROQ joining us today. ROQ cat in the background here. Let’s see. Yes he is saying hello. Although he can say the word hello quite clearly he’s just not doing so at the moment.

Alright. In this teaching, I want to talk about communing with Ascended Beings. We have upon us the Orthodox Easter; Orthodox Good Friday, Orthodox Easter and a few other configurations.

We’re getting into that challenging time period, the month of May in particular and May 20 a particularly challenging day and I would refer you back to the Quarterly Forecast which is quite a good transcript to be reviewing and preparing from.


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Anonymous ~OpWorldBank


Transcript coming soon

Your government has failed you.
The Resistance is here.
We are NOT affraid.
We are anonymous.

Follow us!


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The Impact of the New Energies on Us ~ Part 1/2



Ascension 4938

The basic spiritual movement is described as turning from the world to God. That could also be put in the form of turning from the outside to the inside.[ Actually its from the inside to the outer is the transformation now occurring] Or it could be put in a form that is familiar to most of us as letting go of the old and embracing the new.

Nowhere is that way of seeing things more relevant than in our posture toward the new energies that are flooding the planet and which cause our gradual Ascension. We’ve spent a lot of time discussing the old that we’re letting go of. Perhaps here we can discuss the new that is occurring energetically.


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Making Right Choices – By Debbie Erasmus


Many are now standing at a crossroads in their life and are faced with making a choice. This can be daunting because how do you know you’re making the right choice? I get asked this question all the time. As human beings we would love to be told which is the ‘right’ choice for us, but in all honesty, there is no wrong or right choice. There is only what works for you and what doesn’t. Know also that you cannot get it wrong! There are lessons and gifts on every road you choose! It’s all about the choosing. You cannot grow and learn unless you choose something that will help you accomplish this growth and learning. As Spiritual beings we have come here to do exactly that ~ grow and learn. This is how we expand our consciousness as Spiritual beings.



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Pleiadian Renegades ~ Get Going, There’s No Time to Waste [repost]




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The Way of Love Blog Posted on May 2, 2013 by Nancy B. Detweiler


During the Citizen Hearings on Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence with us, I have heard at least two witnesses state that their local Air Traffic Control personnel has described the UFO showing up on their radar looked like a cloud, which they were evidently using as a camouflage. This caught my attention because I have posted numerous cloud ship photos. As has happened throughout these hearings, confirmations of what I and other Lightworkers have been saying on the internet are tumbling out … one after the other!

 If you are missing these Hearings, they will be available in the Archives until May 31, 2013 at this site.



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TheOne~DreamDreamer ~ A Multi-Dimentional Group Experience


At times things simply have to follow their path, even when you have no clue you’re about to follow it! It simply happens and you’re IN it.

A few of us were having a class that one could say had nothing to do with the following subject but… well a but happened, and what we consider an important image came to us in three distinct thus identical ways that I’m about to share.

While enjoying our chat suddenly UFO’s and other related issues came up and at one point that Great Soul that is now living with the name of Lisa Gawlas  said something like “ok, as the energy coming out of you is SO intense, what about letting aside all the rest and simply getting in contact with some multidimensional extraterrestrial beings?” The unanimous answer was of course a YES and so here’s what happened:


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Heavenletter #4543 - True Vision


Heaven Letters Published on: May 3, 2013

God said:

Yes, I created you. What it is really is that I had the dream of you, or, We can say I had the thought of you, and from My thought, dream, desire, you came to life.

You arose out of the stars or what have you. You popped up alive in the Realm of Heaven and sometimes, for a lark, spent time on Earth where you dreamed of yourself in a million different ways one at a time or all at once in color or in black-and-white in many-mannered ways.


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Massive hurricane-like storm on Saturn


The Watchers - May 3, 2013 - by Chiffre 

The international Cassini spacecraft has found a behemoth hurricane swirling around Saturn’s north pole, surrounded by the curious rotating hexagonal band of clouds. This storm has been churning since at least 2006. The images Cassini took on November 27,  2012 from a distance of 418 000 – 419 000 km, provided scientists the first close-up, visible-light views of this storm. NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft did not have a clear view of this area of Saturn’s north pole when it passed by in 1981, but it did detect and observe the hexagonal band of clouds that is so wide that it could fit...


The international Cassini spacecraft has found a behemoth hurricane swirling around Saturn’s north pole, surrounded by the curious rotating hexagonal band of clouds. This storm has been churning since at least 2006.


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May 2013 Shift ~Gateways bringing in 5D


An update on why the energies are getting intense. Apologies for the length, I have a lot to share and it's been a long month of gateway activations.

Strong photonic 5D frequencies are coming in right now and the shifts they are creating are becoming evident to the awake and ascending. This is part of the triple-eclipse gateway, and there are many things you can do to participate in a big acceleration of the Ascension process of HUmanity, the kingdoms and elementals during this time.

This is a lengthier video on the details of what is occurring -- these frequencies are coming in from Galactic Center carrying activation of the Divine HUman template, the Source Light within us and our true Creator skills. Expect Solar Heart activation and Cosmic Christ experiences as we release the core suffering within ourselves. This is an opportunity to realize the Self-as-Source; it empowers you beyond any false externally-imposed limitations.

Let us use this cosmic trigger to accelerate the Shift in Consciousness to Unity, Harmony and Unconditional Wisdom of LoveLight Intelligence right now.

I AM sending all of us so much love and supreme light during this challenging time. We are so very close to unfolding a brilliant new phase of the paradigm shift -- please don't get lost in the woes of the new light frequencies. This is a time to BE with the new light, listen to it, and anchor it into the collective with love, grace and divine purpose.

*** I feel this gateway is very important (hence the long video) and extend the Ascension eCourse at the returning client rate ($222) to anyone who has been wavering about taking the Course. You must sign up by May 10 and participate this month. As always, it's not about watching the videos, it's about your journey to freedom and empowerment.

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The manuscript of survival - Part 306




 The manuscript of survival – part 306 - May 3, 2013




As you have mayhaps noticed, the energies coming in can be categorized in different modules, and the reason for this is a very simple one. One of the layers of this huge energetic web is a part of the all-encompassing one that surrounds and connects everything that exists. Not only on this planet, but everywhere. And this infinity grid, if we may call it that, is the energetic part of this weaving together that many of you have experienced already as a river of light. It is in so many ways a very peaceful and golden hued energy, one that will ease you and release much of the energetic stress you have all experienced lately. These weaving strands of this golden bliss is something that will become even more prominent as the day of the Gathering approaches, and we invite you all to take a small sip from it whenever you feel like it.




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Jesus through John - There is a rush on as you all work overtime


Jesus through John May 3, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

Here in the spiritual realms, the realms where form is also possible but seldom availed of, we observe with joy and gratification the tremendous progress humanity is making as it collectively moves towards the grand awakening.  Yes, you really are moving most auspiciously and determinedly towards that exciting event, and you cannot fail to reach it.  Just continue to intend for humanity to awaken, and continue to hold love for humanity — every human without exception — in your hearts as you practice loving thoughts, words, and actions in your daily lives.

And when you think you have failed, as many of you berate yourselves far too frequently for doing – perhaps for instance because you reacted angrily or self-centeredly – forgive yourselves immediately and remake your intent to be loving at all times.  Dwelling with remorse on your apparent failures is an egoic distraction and drains your energy; it is basically an exercise in pursuing and embracing guilt which serves no useful purpose.  When a mistake has been made, correct it if possible, and then move on.


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The manuscript of survival – part 306


aisha north May 3, 2013

As you have mayhaps noticed, the energies coming in can be categorized in different modules, and the reason for this is a very simple one. One of the layers of this huge energetic web is a part of the all-encompassing one that surrounds and connects everything that exists. Not only on this planet, but everywhere. And this infinity grid, if we may call it that, is the energetic part of this weaving together that many of you have experienced already as a river of light. It is in so many ways a very peaceful and golden hued energy, one that will ease you and release much of the energetic stress you have all experienced lately. These weaving strands of this golden bliss is something that will become even more prominent as the day of the Gathering approaches, and we invite you all to take a small sip from it whenever you feel like it.


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Historic May snows hit Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa


Wunderground.com- 5/2/13, Dr. Jeff Masters




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See Eta Aquarid meteor shower before dawn May 4 and 5


Earthsky.org - 5/3/13, Bruce McClure




The Eta Aquarid meteor shower is now peaking in the wee hours before dawn. Its maximum is expected to come in the predawn sky on Sunday morning – May 5, 2013 – in the dark hour before astronomical twilight. Under ideal conditions, the Eta Aquarid meteor shower produces up to 20 to 40 meteors per hour – or possbly even higher meteor numbers in the Southern Hemisphere. Luckily, the thin waning crescent moon will not seriously intrude on this year’s Eta Aquarid shower


Link: Earthsky.com


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Aluna Joy Yaxk'in with the Star Elders
May 2, 2013




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View from space: Southern California Summit fire


Earthsky.org-5/3/13, Eleanor Imster




NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image showing a wildfire burning near Banning, California yesterday (May 1, 2013). Actively burning areas are outlined in red. An instrument called the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the satellite detects unusually warm surface temperatures associated with fires. You can see the smoke in the area nearby.


For more information please see Earthsky.org.


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Seven amazing spring superfoods


Naturalnews, By: PF Louis, 05/02/2013


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), spring is a time for rejuvenation and regeneration. Outdoor nature reflects this as foliage returns and flowers blossom while birds fill the air with their celebratory singing.


We should also follow this seasonal event by practicing dietary cleansing and rejuvenation. TCM considers spring to correlate with the liver. So foods that help cleanse the liver are appropriate, in addition to using liver herbs dandelion and milk thistle as extract supplements or teas. The foods that are harvested during spring are the most appropriate. Make sure they're organic if they're in the EWG's (Environmental Working Group) Dirty Dozen. If listed in EWG's Clean Fifteen you can save a couple of bucks.


To read more visit www.naturalnews.com


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New: Wild Weather Wreaks Havoc in Middle East


Accuweather.com - Eric Leister, 5.02.13


A recent stretch of unsettled weather across the Middle East is expected to continue into the upcoming weekend.

The wild weather ranged from strong thunderstorms in Afghanistan to flooding in southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula to hail storms across northern Saudi Arabia.

Video and more: Accuweather.com



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Arctic Sea Ice Update


Accuweather.com - 5/3/13




The Arctic sea ice extent declined at a fairly normal seasonal rate during the month of April, but the actual extent is still running slightly lower than what it was last year, which eventually ended up as the lowest extent in the satellite record, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

Sea ice extent for the month of April was 630,000 sq. miles below the 1979-2000 average and ended up as the seventh-lowest April extent in the satellite record.



For more information and charts on this story please see Accuweather.com


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Exotic Lizards On the Loose in Panama City


Weather.com - 5/01/13

Tomfriedel/Wikimedia Commons


Trappers in Panama City, Fla. are trying to keep a horde of abandoned exotic lizards from taking over.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has captured about three dozen Argentine tegus in the past week, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel.

More: Weather.com



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The Oracle Report Friday, May 3, 2013


The Oracle Report

Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Aquarius/Pisces

Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta 

A standing ovation is in order as Chinnamasta begins to take a bow for her performance.   And what a performance it was!  We were blown away!  Awakening is rippling through the collective in a massive wave, thanks to her.  Let's shower her in bouquets of flowers (say thanks or, if you are really working with the energy of the Mahavidyas, do something with flowers - give them or take them somewhere or put them out in her honor).


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Wildfire Burns 10-Mile Path to the Ocean


Weather.com - Shaya Tayefe Mohafer and Christopher Weber, 5/03/13

Newbury Park, Calif.

Firefighters from Glendale, Calif., and Pasadena, Calif., stand watch as bulldozers clear a firebreak near a wildfire burning along a hillside near homes in Thousand Oaks, Calif. (Image: AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)


LOS ANGELES  -- A wildfire raged around a coastal region in Southern California early Friday morning, after flaring up in strong winds a day earlier and cutting a 10-mile path to the Pacific.

By the time it reached Pacific Coast Highway late Thursday night, the blaze had burned about 8,000 acres - or 12 1/2 square miles - and had forced the evacuation of a university and thousands of people from hundreds of homes, officials said.

Video and more: Weather.com


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Chilly night over NSW and ACT


Weatherzone, By: Ben McBurney, 05/03/2013


Parts of New South Wales and the ACT shivered through their coldest nights since September. Clear skies combined with light winds overnight causing the mercury to plummet. The ACT and southern parts of NSW were the coldest, as a high pressure system sat over the region in the early hours of this morning.


Bega and Albury in NSW both saw their chilliest mornings since September, reaching one and two degrees respectively. Canberra and Tuggeranong in the ACT plummeted to minus two degrees, also their coldest nights since spring.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Volcanic activity worldwide 2 May 2013: Stromboli, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Dukono, Reventador, Tungura...


Volcano Discovery Thursday May 02, 2013 14:33 PM

Thermal webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

Thermal webcam image of the crater area of Stromboli (INGV)

NASA Earth Observatory image of Hear Island on 20 April 2013 by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon

NASA Earth Observatory image of Heard Island on 20 April 2013 by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon



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Winter Storm Achilles: 10 Amazing Facts


Weather.com - Chris Dolce and Jon Erdman, 5/03/13


Winter Storm Achilles is an historic, record-breaking May snowstorm for the Midwest. 

We have a look at 10 of the most amazing aspects of this storm ranging from extreme temperatures to where we've seen record snowfall. We begin with a city that went from feeling summer heat to shivering like it was the heart of winter.

Video and more: Weather.com



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Blossom Goodchild Channeling - MAY 3rd 2013


Blossom Goodchild

Hello there my friends. What would you choose to speak of today?

Warm greetings to you dearest lady and to all of those who chose to read these words. We would like to express our gratitude to you all for taking the time to read that which we have to say. Each one of you shall receive them quite differently … for each one of you are upon your own level of understanding. Therefore the depth unto which your soul and mind will accept that which we say … depends entirely on ‘where you are at’ within your souls disposition.

Yes, it is interesting how when one writes in … how they may or may not have perceived the latest channelling.


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Heavy Rain Brings Floods, Evacuations in Deep South


Weather.com - 5/02/13

This is Pascagoula :/ pic.twitter.com/vrMqUkXUlv. Matt West


Parts of southeast Mississippi and southwest Alabama were pounded with thunderstorms Wednesday night into early Thursday, and numerous showers and thunderstorms could result in excessive rainfall and possible flash flooding again today.

The Jackson County Emergency Management operations office in Pascagoula, Miss., has opened and officials have evacuated residents from rising floodwaters in Moss Point, Pascagoula and Gautier, according to Jackson County EMA Director Earl Etheridge.

More: Weather.com


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Storm force winds prompt fire ban


Weatherzone, By: Ben Domensino, 05/03/2013


Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia are being battered by gale to storm force winds today, triggering unseasonably high fire danger. North to northwesterly winds ahead of an approaching front have gusted over 90km/h in all three states this morning, causing high to severe fire danger ratings.


Tasmania's Mount Wellington registered a gust of 124 km/h at 10:30am, while Scotts Peak Dam withstood a gust of 104km/h this morning. Across Bass Strait, Melbourne had a turbulent peak hour as winds reached 81km/h in the city, the strongest since late February. Melbourne Airport registered its strongest winds since September, gusting to 94.5km/h this morning. Cape Willoughby recorded South Australia's strongest gust of the morning, reaching 100km/h, their strongest since October.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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NOAA: Water Temps Highest in 150 Years in Northeast


Weather.com - 5/01/13, NOAA

The four subregions of the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem, which extends from Cape Hatteras, N.C. to the Gulf of Maine. MAB is the Mid-Atlantic Bight, SNE is Southern New England, GB is Georges Bank, and GOM is the Gulf of Maine. NOAA

Sea surface temperatures in the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem during 2012 were the highest recorded in 150 years, according to the latest Ecosystem Advisory issued by NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC). 

These high sea surface temperatures are the latest in a trend of above average temperature seen during the spring and summer seasons, and part of a pattern of elevated temperatures occurring in the Northwest Atlantic, but not seen elsewhere in the ocean basin over the past century.

More: Weather.com



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A Net of Love ~ The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn





Have you forgotten who you are, my child? Has the illusion robbed you of all memories of what you are? Your soul is an immortal[ Eternal] part of All-that-is. You are a part of ME and connected with me like with an invisible thread. Nothing can severe this thread, also illusion can’t. It has covered you with such a thick fog, that you believe you are alone, separated from me. Let your light shine like a sun and the fog will dissolve. You will rediscover our connection and you will also detect, that you are not only connected with me, but that you are also connected with every other Being in Creation like with an invisible net. This net is called Love, my child, because this is the substance you are made of. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/


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Awakened Me


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5-3-13 Bill Ballard ~ GateKeepers and Current Earth Energies ~ Glad April 2013


Wasn't April's Energies Fun??? NOT.. haha! WE just went through some MAJOR clearing of old energies, memories, Karma and crapola to clear from this planet... With that we have entered a much more refined and higher vibrational frequency for all to experience who wish for that experience...


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Meredith Murphy ~ Message From The Council Of Light ~Opening To Your Multidimensional Presence And Identity


MeredithMurphyGreetings Divine Brothers & Sisters,

We speak to  you today as one Council of Light, organized around the ascending energies of Earth, cheering as you enter the passageway of May, knowing your relationship with physical reality is being transformed as you breathe, as you eat, as you sleep, drink water and as you empower the fullness of your being to come forth into the Light of Life with you here and now.

It is a profound moment in time, following a series of profound and amazing moments. When so many of you re-oriented, remembered, turned inward, gave the inner knowing a chance, listening to your heart more then trying to think your way through things, felt the connection between yourself and others, knowing the true underlying Unity of all Reality and felt the bliss of life ripple through your human form as love, as goosebumps as a thrill of compassionate wholeness. You have tasted the Unity of Life the Living Law of One in your Human Form and as you have done so you have ignited this remembering in others…and we have noticed and been uplifted! We have been uplifted and we have been changed. All of life is and has been changed by this remembering of the wholeness which you are empowering with your presence. It is so beautiful and sacred and joyful and wonderful all at once. We are deeply appreciative for all that you are and all that you have been and all that you are becoming in this newness of life that you are creating here, on Earth at the leading edge of this amazing Creation.


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Monthly Updates by Cobra~


As some of you have probably already noticed, Alexadra Meadors from the Galactic Connection website is interviewing me once a month so I can give an update on the planetary situation. 
The April overview is here:

Cycles; Endings and Beginnings Are in Motion




There is much happening out there!

What may seem like negatives, may be positives. The hundreds of starving sea lions rescued and being rehabilitated in Southern California and manatees dying and washing up on beaches on both coasts of Florida—it sounds tragic and tugs on our heartstrings, yes, but all is unfolding as it must.

In our new 5D reality, we can create anything we choose. Just as our galaxy and our planet and the rest of the cosmos was planned and  imagined into being by Creator Gods, so are all species on this planet, and many others. Our flora and fauna is protected by ascended beings, just as we are, and although we fight to protect endangered species, perhaps we need to place more trust in the energies that engage the life cycles on Earth and focus on our new and wondrous reality.

There is also news today that Tolec’s web site http://andromedacouncil.com/?nr=0 is no longer available because the domain name has expired. Alfred Labremont Webre sent Tolec an urgent message and learned that Tolec has finished his business with the Andromeda council, has left Tucson, Arizona and has decided to relocate somewhere in the East to resume a normal, low-profile life.


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9 year old discusses the meaning of life and the universe


We discuss the meaning of life, free will, alternate universes, and alien lifeforms. Follow me on Twitter @ziasami or tumblr (ziahassan.tumblr.com) or my site ziahassan.com.


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James Tyberonn~ One Heart Footprints In the Sand ...


Archangel Metatron Channel
 Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.
It is Year One of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.
Masters, many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.
Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone.


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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - April 24, 2013



The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

May 03, 2013




Blossom: Hello there my friends. What would you choose to speak of today?


The Federation of Light: Warm greetings to you dearest lady and to all of those who chose to read these words. We would like to express our gratitude to you all for taking the time to read that which we have to say. Each one of you shall receive them quite differently … for each one of you are upon your own level of understanding. Therefore the depth unto which your soul and mind will accept that which we say … depends entirely on ‘where you are at’ within your souls disposition.


Blossom: Yes, it is interesting how when one writes in … how they may or may not have perceived the latest channelling.



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You Are Either Making Life Happen, or Letting Life Happen.



brain treadmill

I have got to laugh at the back-flow of my own karmic energy.  All of a sudden, I am on the receiving end of the reschedule zone with something I want very much… my new teeth!!  I was supposed to go for my first fitting last Wednesday, then the office manager calls me that very morning (her name just happens to be Lisa as well) to say my teeth didn’t come in so don’t make the hours drive.  We rescheduled for 3:30 pm yesterday.  I get a message when I woke up yesterday that all the dentists have a conference call to attend at the time of my appointment can I come in earlier.  We get it set for 2:30, I completely rearrange my own appointment schedule, well at least the second half of the day, only to be called yet again to say, only half my teeth came in (lower partials arrived, top didn’t) so we have once again rescheduled til next Tuesday.  I could feel the angst in Lisa’s voice as she told me about the most recent rescheduling news. What could I do but laugh, I took her call as I was rescheduling a wonderful and understanding lady as we spoke.  In the strangest of ways, it all felt weirdly good.  I knew I was standing in my own back flow of karma, but I was also standing in the very energy flow of life itself.


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