A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on her own wings. -Unknown
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Table of Contents
- Pineal Gland Part 3 – What’s going Wrong and How to Fix It. ~ Dr. Terry Willard
- The World of Quantum Physics: EVERYTHING is Energy
- Researchers Find Mindfulness Useful in Treating Chronic Pain
- SO News March 22, 2014: Earthquakes, Storms, Solar Flares
- Study reveals gene expression changes with meditation
- “Do I want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future?” - Positive Thoughts
- You Are to Hear a New Song - Heavenletters
- The Fear of Loving - Knowing Whispers
- Daily Message ~ Saturday March 22, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- Wake Up And Listen - The Creator Writings
- Cultivating God Within - Artistic Creativity
- What is and Should Never Be!
- Proof That Group Meditation Can Change The World
- 5 Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment
- 8 Sleeping Positions & Their Effects On Health
- Studies show that acai berries can fight cancer, boost immunity and more
- Americans agree: Sugar, alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than pot
- New Study Proves That All People Have Psychic Powers
- The Body's Natural State Is Health, Not Diseased As We've Been Led to Believe
- An Entire Philharmonic Orchestra - AngelicView
- SO News March 21, 2014: Earthquakes, Storms, Solar Flares
- Pineal Gland Part 2 – Connection to Spirit and Activation ~ Dr. Terry Willard
- The Man Who Lives Without Money
Pineal Gland Part 3 – What’s going Wrong and How to Fix It. ~ Dr. Terry Willard
In our last two blogs on the Pineal Gland, we looked at some of the many connections for this small gland and spiritual development. From being called the ‘principle seat of the soul’ to the ‘Third Eye’, we saw how many mystery schools, religions, cults, philosopher and even politicians have viewed this hidden gland with reverence and even ah. Some have gone as far as calling it a star gate to other dimensions.
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The World of Quantum Physics: EVERYTHING is Energy
Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again.
Nothing is solid.
This is the world of Quantum Physics.
They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see.
So why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?
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Researchers Find Mindfulness Useful in Treating Chronic Pain
Mindfulness, an ancient technique (and key aspect of meditation) that trains the mind in stillness of being and present focus, has numerous important health benefits – physical, mental and emotional. Researchers from various fields have recently been exploring these benefits, with some very positive documented outcomes.
A new study performed by University of Utah researchers found that Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE), a program based on the ancient principle of mindfulness, had significant and lasting effects on easing chronic pain, and also helped reduce dependence on opioid painkillers in many cases.
Read the rest here:
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SO News March 22, 2014: Earthquakes, Storms, Solar Flares
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Study reveals gene expression changes with meditation
With evidence growing that meditation can have beneficial health effects, scientists have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body.
A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of mindfulness meditation.
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“Do I want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future?” - Positive Thoughts
Every time you are tempted to react to the same old circumstances in the same old way, ask yourself, “Do I want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future?”
- True happiness comes from within, not from someone else. Don’t make the mistake of waiting on someone or something to come along and make you happy.
- Don’t choose the one who is beautiful to the world, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.
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You Are to Hear a New Song - Heavenletters
Beloveds, often or always, you are looking for an answer to the question: “What is the matter? What is the matter with me today? What is the matter with this lunch? What is the matter with the car? What is the matter with the world? What is the matter with my child? What is the matter with the house? What is the matter with my job? What is the matter with my life?”
C’mon, beloveds, there are better questions to ask and answer. I will give you a question to ask: “What are all the blessings God has given me?”
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The Fear of Loving - Knowing Whispers
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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 22, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
We understand that many of you are trying to shift into balance and healthier boundaries. We have a simple suggestion. To find the healthy boundary in any given situation, simply ask yourself, “Am I willing to accept as much as I am giving?” Or, “Am I willing to give as much as I am receiving?” You might also wish to stop and ask yourself, “Is this coming from the heart? Will it lead to resentment? Is it truly empowering to ALL involved?” This takes the focus off what other people are doing, and keeps it about you, and each specific situation. Of course, as with all things, the changes you seek always begin within. ~Archangel Gabriel
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Wake Up And Listen - The Creator Writings
You can stick your fingers in your ears and say, “la la la la la la la” for only so long. Eventually, you will have to wake up and listen. ~ Creator
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Cultivating God Within - Artistic Creativity
It's Spring! What better moment to plant the seeds of God within yourself? While we're far more about Being than doing here at the Galactic Free Press, I want to discuss some of the things you can do to assist yourself in discovering the Divine Within. In this article I'll talk about an excellent way of doing that, art.
Art is a language beyond words, even if words are part of the medium. Art is a way of communicating feeling, and a painting can evoke a feeling far more quickly and efficiently that 100,000 words. Language is really quite limited in that respect. Even if it's purely unconscious, a person expresses their feelings and emotions through their artistic creations. It can be a very powerful tool for getting in touch with those aspects of yourself.
You are an artist, even if you haven't realized that yet. Everyone is, everybody has that Creative Spark within. Even if you believe "I suck at drawing", and then you go to draw, you will probably create exactly what you intended, a sucky drawing. That's still creativity! I do recommend expressing something other than self-judgment through your art, but either way you'll still be getting in touch with how you feel. You have to acknowledge that before you can really evolve.
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What is and Should Never Be!
Forgive the shameless reference to the Led Zeppelin song but the title is pertinent to what I’m writing about today.
We all have different perspectives of what we see, hear and ultimately, choose to believe but what is real? What is true?
How can we trust that what we are told by our family, our friends, the media and most importantly, what our government tells us is the truth? Most of us will have a hard time accepting the fact that our close friends and family members would lie to us, but what if they are just misinformed? What if we were all misinformed and have been for a very long time?
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Proof That Group Meditation Can Change The World
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5 Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment
1. The Benefits of Personal Responsibility
Accepting responsibility for your life can be profoundly transformational, as it enables you to live consciously and be in charge of everything that happens to you. The keys to this enlightened way of life are through self-examination with a commitment to change. When you take responsibility for all your decisions, mistakes and life situations, you generate freedom from the cycle of blaming others for your problems and becoming a victim.
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8 Sleeping Positions & Their Effects On Health
In what position do you sleep most often? It turns out this is a very important question. Getting enough sleep is the most important thing – but did you know that how you sleep can also impact your health?
Sleeping on your back with your arms at your side is generally considered to be the best sleeping position for spine health and it’s good for your neck too, as long as you don’t use too many pillows.
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Studies show that acai berries can fight cancer, boost immunity and more
(NaturalNews) Acai berries are the fruits of the acai palm, a species of palm tree native to Central and South America. These berries, which are characterized by their grape-like appearance and bitter taste, have been cherished by the Amazonian natives for centuries due to their incredible medicinal properties. These properties, which are slowly being validated by ongoing studies, are the reason why acai berries - along with other Amazonian foods such as cacao, maca and camu camu - have become synonymous with the "superfood" label.
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Americans agree: Sugar, alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than pot
(NaturalNews) If politicians and law enforcement are so eager to protect Americans from themselves, then they should break in and raid people's homes, taking their boxes of sugar cookies, sugar cereals and sugar jars instead, because, frankly, sugar is way more dangerous and addictive than pot. The American majority now agrees with this simple fact and is beginning to see right through the facade claiming that marijuana is a "dangerous gateway drug."
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New Study Proves That All People Have Psychic Powers
According to a new study, most people probably have the ability to predict the future and influence the events before they happen. The study conducted by an American psychologist suggests that people have hidden psychic powers that allow them to foresee the events that are going to happen in the future.
Read the full article here:
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The Body's Natural State Is Health, Not Diseased As We've Been Led to Believe
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An Entire Philharmonic Orchestra - AngelicView
AngelicView: All I can say is “WOW!” about this NDE! This is a must-read. This man was in a motorcycle accident. This is one of the most perceptive and articulate NDE’s I have ever come across. This is just an excerpt of the original, so if you’d like to read the rest (mainly, I started posting about the middle to the end), then hit the link at the bottom.
As I became aware of this state of complete peace and to recognize it for what it was I started to look around me. As I did this I became aware of something. All around me, at near distances (though even the near distances were ‘far’) and at what I sensed as far distances there were lights. These lights I took to be stars. That is to say that here we would ordinarily refer to them as stars. Their colors were more various than I have ever seen in an ordinary night-sky. But there, these ‘stars’ were something else too. They were beings and they were utterly conscious. The entire universe, in which I was now lying and beginning to observe, was completely and utterly aware. All of it is conscious. I mean that – all of it, the very space itself is permeated with consciousness. There was nothing there that was not conscious. This did not seem to surprise me in any way at all. I did not regard it as curious or as bizarre in any way. Far from it, I seemed to regard this as in some way entirely natural – which is the nearest expression that I can think of that even remotely points in the correct direction – and my feeling sense was of like ‘being home and now completely safe’. Every single burden that I ever knew was utterly gone. In fact in many ways it was only while here and feeling myself in this state that I realized just how burdened I was.
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SO News March 21, 2014: Earthquakes, Storms, Solar Flares
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Pineal Gland Part 2 – Connection to Spirit and Activation ~ Dr. Terry Willard
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The Man Who Lives Without Money
Irishman Mark Boyle tried to live life with no income, no bank balance and no spending. Here’s how he finds it.
If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I’d now be living without money, I’d have probably choked on my microwaved ready meal. The plan back then was to get a ‘good’ job, make as much money as possible, and buy the stuff that would show society I was successful.
For a while I did it – I had a fantastic job managing a big organic food company; had myself a yacht on the harbour. If it hadn’t been for the chance purchase of a video called Gandhi, I’d still be doing it today. Instead, for the last fifteen months, I haven’t spent or received a single penny. Zilch.