AngelicView: All I can say is “WOW!” about this NDE! This is a must-read. This man was in a motorcycle accident. This is one of the most perceptive and articulate NDE’s I have ever come across. This is just an excerpt of the original, so if you’d like to read the rest (mainly, I started posting about the middle to the end), then hit the link at the bottom.
As I became aware of this state of complete peace and to recognize it for what it was I started to look around me. As I did this I became aware of something. All around me, at near distances (though even the near distances were ‘far’) and at what I sensed as far distances there were lights. These lights I took to be stars. That is to say that here we would ordinarily refer to them as stars. Their colors were more various than I have ever seen in an ordinary night-sky. But there, these ‘stars’ were something else too. They were beings and they were utterly conscious. The entire universe, in which I was now lying and beginning to observe, was completely and utterly aware. All of it is conscious. I mean that – all of it, the very space itself is permeated with consciousness. There was nothing there that was not conscious. This did not seem to surprise me in any way at all. I did not regard it as curious or as bizarre in any way. Far from it, I seemed to regard this as in some way entirely natural – which is the nearest expression that I can think of that even remotely points in the correct direction – and my feeling sense was of like ‘being home and now completely safe’. Every single burden that I ever knew was utterly gone. In fact in many ways it was only while here and feeling myself in this state that I realized just how burdened I was.