In our last two blogs on the Pineal Gland, we looked at some of the many connections for this small gland and spiritual development. From being called the ‘principle seat of the soul’ to the ‘Third Eye’, we saw how many mystery schools, religions, cults, philosopher and even politicians have viewed this hidden gland with reverence and even ah. Some have gone as far as calling it a star gate to other dimensions.
It appears that coherence of the crystals and water inside the pineal gland, as well as other places in the body, plays a large role in it function as a portal system to lucid dreaming, psychic events, vision and possible spiritual evolution.
This bring up a few questions
- What, if anything is holding us back from this coherence?
- How can we activate this coherence?
Holding us Back
There are many things that might keep us from Pineal Gland coherence. Here are three.
- General over all poor health.
- Lack of (or too much) focus in ones life.
- Calcification of the pineal Gland.