Pineal Gland Part 3 – What’s going Wrong and How to Fix It. ~ Dr. Terry Willard

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pineal woman 300x168 Pineal Gland Part 3 – What’s going Wrong and How to Fix It.In our last two blogs on the Pineal Gland, we looked at some of the many con­nec­tions for this small gland and spir­i­tual devel­op­ment. From being called the ‘prin­ci­ple seat of the soul’ to the ‘Third Eye’, we saw how many mys­tery schools, reli­gions, cults, philoso­pher and even politi­cians have viewed this hid­den gland with rev­er­ence and even ah. Some have gone as far as call­ing it a star gate to other dimensions.

It appears that coher­ence of the crys­tals and water inside the pineal gland, as well as other places in the body, plays a large role in it func­tion as a por­tal sys­tem to lucid dream­ing, psy­chic events, vision and pos­si­ble spir­i­tual evolution.

This bring up a few questions

  1. What, if any­thing is hold­ing us back from this coherence?
  2. How can we acti­vate this coherence?

Hold­ing us Back

There are many things that might keep us from Pineal Gland coher­ence. Here are three.

  1. Gen­eral over all poor health.
  2. Lack of (or too much) focus in ones life.
  3. Cal­ci­fi­ca­tion of the pineal Gland.

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