Of the many projects needed to be tackled here in your world are the many projects concerning the cleanup, the removal and the purification of pollutants and toxins that have been littered and stored, many times improperly, all over and within your planet. What we must accomplish together with you is to locate all of this waste product and find a suitable means to dispose of it properly, which means not to throw it or store it someplace on or within your planet, but to find a way to purify it so that its energetic properties are reinvested into the energy of our universe.
This is how waste is properly disposed of in more advanced worlds of your universe. The means of your current waste disposal systems are archaic and should never have been devised in the first place, as dumping garbage into your oceans and into landfills is not conducive for a healthy planet or a healthy you. We have teams that specialize in this field and who are eager to share with you their wisdom and experience on the proper methods of waste purification and recycling management of the toxins and pollutants that litter your world. There are at this time many avenues of choice to rid your world of these pollutants and we will discuss these choices with you and choose a suitable means to accomplish this chore with you. We will supply you all the tools that you will need, as well as all the expertise we can share with you and all the supervision you may require to get this job done, but we wish to make it clear it will be you who gets these jobs done and not us, as it is not our planet and it is not our responsibility but yours to keep your planet clean, healthy and beautiful for all future generations to enjoy, to prosper and to experience what life can be like on the physical plateau.
This is why I give my bowl to you. I offer my bowl to you in love and in service to our Creator, the Creator of everything that we enjoy and that we use to allow us to grow ever stronger, wiser and more learned as we continue our journey through this magnificent universe that our Creator has designed, created and offered us to allow us to experience ourselves and discover who it is we truly are. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, who are your friends and who are your family from many years past, have now come here to rejoin you and to offer our assistance to help you on your journey which is now reaching the point where you will experience some of your greatest challenges and tests to your strength, to your determination, to your resolve, to your spirit.
You do not have to accept our help. You are perfectly free to decline, as no one is forcing anything upon you. You enjoy the luxury of the right of free will and choice in this universe and we would never ask you to relinquish this privilege. We come here in the offering of gifts, of knowledge, of experience, as what you are about to face as one community are challenges that we have faced before and we, through our combined efforts together, have found ways to clear these obstacles from our path. What we offer you are tools in the form of technological advancements that you do not yet possess here in your world. We offer you leadership if it is leadership that you feel will assist you to better ease your way through these transitions up ahead that may be rough and may be difficult for you. We offer you training in fields that we feel will be of value to your people in the days ahead, and we offer you our guidance and wisdom to better inform you of just what it is you will be facing so there will be no surprises for you.
Pentagon and military insider Drake has released his latest update of the goings-on behind the scenes in regards to the mass arrests of many members of the criminal organization referred to as the cabal. Drake’s presentation was approximately 3 hours in length and as such, I will take this opportunity to very briefly summarize some of the points that I feel you may find of interest.
Drake stated that the extraterrestrial presence is indeed real and they are indeed here in our world at this time and are taking an active role in the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal. One of the more interesting statements by Drake was that the extraterrestrials have issued a deadline for the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal and that deadline is June 21, 2012. Beyond that date, Drake claims the extraterrestrials have stated that they will begin to make these arrests themselves.
What percentage of you that are here that do wish to accept our help is a figure we of the Galactic Federation of Light are attempting to comprise at this time. What our teams are doing is collecting data from throughout your online social communities and entering this data into a database where its input will allow us to come to some kind of understanding of how many of your world wish to accept our assistance and how many wish to decline our offers. This has been done before on other worlds as well, and we are not attempting to make this sort of conclusion here for the first time. We are experienced at the collection and the examination of just such data, and we are confident we will be able to collect the data we need in a suitable timeframe and make our decision based upon this data whether or not it is time to proceed with the next stage of our overall operation which entails the coming together of our people and your people in what we hope to be a very fruitful working and social cooperation.
There will be more proof provided to you that we are working with you at this time and as we move ahead together. It is at this time that we would like to explain further to you what our mission entails. Our mission entails a collaboration with you, our brothers and sisters of your planet, who we feel can benefit from our assistance in many ways and in some areas that we see as vitally important to the health and the welfare of your planet and your people. There will come a day in your near future where your planet will experience events that can be described as somewhat tumultuous, events that will present challenges for your people to overcome.
You may wish not to view this as a pure act of nature, of accident, but instead choose to view this as an event that is being presented to you in order for you as individuals and as a collective to find the resolve within you to overcome this obstacle placed before you by the hands of divinity that love you and wish for you to seek out and discover your higher selves, higher good and higher purpose. Do you see this through different eyes now? Do you see that what will present itself to you is not an unfortunate act of an uncontrollable nature, but an event carefully designed and orchestrated for your greater good? This is how we would prefer you to view the days up ahead that you will experience, but we will leave it up to you to choose for yourselves how you wish to see and how you wish to experience these days.
The messages that we share with you are intended to act as torchlight to lead those of you out of the darkness of a lack of information and into the light where you will find more answers and more solutions to the obstacles that present themselves to you throughout your day. Our messages are not intended to convince anyone of anything, or make anyone believe anything that they are not prepared or they do not wish to see or understand at this time. Our messages are not intended to awaken those who do not yet choose to awaken. Our messages are not designed for such a purpose, and therefore would not be able to successfully complete this task as they hold no properties to prove anything to anyone or to awaken anyone from their slumber. Do you understand this? Do you understand that our messages cannot be used in this way as they are not meant to be used in this way and possess no abilities to produce results in this way?
What these messages are designed for is to allow those who have chosen to awaken and are looking for higher and greater understandings to be able to access a fountain of information for this thirst of knowledge and understanding of what it is that is transpiring here in their world around them and within them at the same time. What we would like to see more of you doing is using our messages for the purpose that they were intended, as a source for information only for those who seek it. This would greatly enhance the effects they are intended for, and your efforts in this light would assist us tremendously on our shared mission.
The ark of Noah, built of birch and wood, for all the animals to be relocated to safety. This story of Noah and his ark, the animals and the great flood that consumed much of your Earth is a true account, for the most part, of the past history of your planet. What we would like to make clear to you today is that there will be a period in your near future where again your planet will receive rising water levels which again will result in the flooding of some of the populated areas of your world.
We do not wish to alarm and we certainly do not wish to frighten. What we wish to do is inform you. This is one of the main reasons we are here. A great deal of our mission concerns sharing information with you that we feel will assist you greatly on your personal, as well as collective journey, as a team of family, friends and neighbors, and you all are each other's neighbors no matter how far your home is from one of your brothers or sisters. We would like to begin to roll out portions of our plan that will enable millions of your people who choose to trust us and who choose to work with us and who choose to temporarily remove themselves from these areas we consider areas that will receive these rising water levels.
Planting the seeds of thought where they may take root is your task at this time here in this world. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, travel beyond the stars and travel to worlds that we feel are ready to accept the gifts that we can offer on behalf of the Creator of us and our universe. We have traveled to this planet you call Earth before. This is not the first time we have traveled here, but it is the first time that we feel your people may now be ready to accept the gifts that we extend to you in love and in friendship, to better serve you and to better the lives of each and every soul that calls this planet their home at this time.
Please demonstrate to us that you are indeed ready to receive these advancements in technologies, sciences, health and wealth, and we will do what we can to share these gifts with you. We do see many of you at this time who are demonstrating that you are indeed ready to receive these gifts and that you will use them wisely and correctly, safely and prudently. These are the prerequisites for this sharing of gifts, for each world that we travel to must first demonstrate that they have now reached a certain level of responsibility and wisdom in regards to the proper handling and facilitation of advanced technologies and sciences. We feel, based on our surveys of your societies and your consciousness levels, that you may now be ready for the implementation of a certain amount of advanced technologies in your world.
These words are symbolic that we share with you from time to time. The thoughts and expressions we share with you are not always to be taken literally, and we do see many of you taking our words too literally too often. How to decipher whether our words are presented as metaphor and simile is a matter for you to decide for yourselves. When we speak to you we wish to convey certain thoughts, certain ideas, certain concepts and certain information to you. Depending on what we wish to convey to you at a particular time changes the manner in which we may present words to you.
When presenting particular and specific information about an upcoming event or suggestions we may make to you about how to better improve upon your communications and your tasks at this time would be occasions when we would not present to you expressions through the use of metaphor, as these cases would not be a suitable arena for such a use of expression. If we, for example, would like to share with you our feelings and emotions about a particular subject, then this would be a more suitable place for the use of artistic and poetic metaphor. Do you see the difference my friends? Do you see when there is a suitable place for metaphor and other artistic uses of language and when a more direct approach through the use of language is called for?
We are beings that have your best interests in mind at all times, and we do not wish any harm to come to any of you at any time. This is what we are. We are your families and we are your friends from the higher realms. It is we that are your guides and it is we that are your Angels. It is we that craft certain situations to bring about results that you expressed you wished to achieve before your current incarnations. We are not strangers to any of you. We are not ‘visitors’ in this sense of the word that may come to mind. We are here with your permission from our contact with you before your current incarnation.
All that is transpiring here at this time in your world has already been discussed with each of you before you set out on the current journey you find yourself on. This is not a surprise to you, although it is due to your lack of memory of the planning stages of these events that these events unfolding appear to contain surprise, mystery and elements of the unknown. In reality, there is nothing transpiring here that you do not already know and do not already fully understand and have planned for quite some time. What we, your friends and your family who are members of the Galactic Federation of Light would like to begin to do at this time is to reveal to you, or should we say help you remember, portions of the plan that we feel it is now the appropriate time to begin to unfold here in your world.