Oracle Report

The Oracle Report for Tuesday, February 4, 2014

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By:, 02/04/2014


Posted on: February 4, 2014


Crescent Moon Phase – Moon in Aries – Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


Mercury is preparing to station retrograde (appear to move backward in the sky) on Thursday, February 6 and will remain in retrograde until February 27th.  Mercury retrograde is now so infamous that it is part of mainstream awareness.  This is because the effects are clearly visible.  Challenges with communications all of kinds, electronics, travel, devices, all things related to computers, and transportation ensue with Mercury retrograde.  It’s a period of time where things just don’t go as planned.  Knowledge of what is happening helps us use it to optimum advantage instead of working against it.


The Oracle Report for Monday, February 3, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 02/03/2014


Posted on: February 3, 2014


Crescent Moon Phase – Moon in Aries – Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


Yesterday the Sun produced seven M-class solar flares and three coronal mass ejections (CMEs).  The Sun is a divine being.  When it releases a flare, it is a conscious action.  Flares enhance the intensity or strength of whatever frequency of energy is in place for the day.  Yesterday’s energy provided a unique opportunity for clarity and strength to face obstacles.  Yesterday’s energy was empowering, to say the least.


But, during the duration and in the immediate aftermath of seven M-class flares and three CMEs, the side-effects can be harsh.   Solar activity perturbs energetic “fields” of all kinds.  Aches can occur, particularly headaches, earaches, stomachaches, and backaches.  Issues with interpersonal communications can also arise.  We need to take special care of ourselves and take care in how we related with others.

The Oracle Report for Saturday, February 1 – Sunday, February 2, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 02/01/2014


Posted on: February 1, 2014


New Moon Phase – Moon: Pisces – Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


Saturday’s energy involves gauging, judging, or measuring situations.  There is an undercurrent of anticipation that can manifest as anxiety and fear, particularly fears about the future.  The Moon will conjunct Chiron Saturday, bringing tendencies to self-sabotage (harshly gauge and judge ourselves) and become lost in wounding or victimization.  So it is better to stay on the high step, seeing far ahead, knowing that we are in place and supported.  It may not look like it, but spring is on its way in the northern hemisphere, bringing much to celebrate.  Start looking for signs.  (There is joy simply in the additional sunlight each day; we perk up as Sabaoth, the Sun, calls us.)


The Oracle Report for Friday, January 31, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/31/2014


New Moon Phase – Moon: Aquarius – Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


Mighty Venus stations direct today, ending her detour to discern the truth about relationships and reform our feelings about what is truly valuable.  Longtime readers know that the day a planet crocusstations retro-grade or direct can pose challenges, as people are responding to the slingshot-effect of the energetic shift.  As a planet stations retrograde it pulls back farther and farther until it is released to move forward again.  Situations, circumstances, events, and feelings can be dramatic.  Things can quickly come to a head or to an end, but the refreshment that results can be sublime.

The Oracle Report for January 30, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/30/2014


New Moon Phase – Moon: Aquarius – Ruling Mahavidya: Matangi


The new lunar month begins today at 4:39 pm EDT/ 9:39 pm UTC with the New Moon in Aquarius. The Sabian symbol for the month’s energetic theme is “people on a vast staircase graduated upward.” The symbol speaks of being in the right place at the right time, perfectly positioned. With this, our perspective is unique, but because we are part of a line (a continuum), we are able to access other perspectives from those at other levels.


There is a calm that comes from feeling like you are in the right place at the right time and everything is being taken care of. This month’s ruling Mahavidya, Matangi, brings a feeling of trust that immediately calms. Matangi was the first Mahavidya that I began talking about and it was this time last year. If you’ve been reading the reports since then, you will now begin your second experience (second instruction) with all of the Mahavidyas, starting this month with Matangi.


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/29/2014

joes cardinal

Balsamic Moon Phase – Moon: Capricorn – Ruling Mahavidya: Kali

We have a lot going on right now with the Moon opposing the Black Moon today, the New Moon starting tomorrow, and Venus stationing direct on Friday.  But today it is most important to really plant ourselves in the present moment or we will lose the opportunity this last day of Balsamic Moon phase presents.

First off, slow down.  When the Sun is in Aquarius, we tend to move faster and faster, chasing things and taking things too far until they spin out.  So if you feel at all like the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes, take note that the remedy is to slow down and be more like the a wise owl in a tree.

Second, do your own thing today.  It’s really not a day to play in collective reality.  It’s a solitary day for inner contemplation because messages, guidance, information, insight, and wisdom are on tap.  Tune out and tune in even if you are in the midst of the matrix.

The Oracle Report for Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/28/2014

Happy Flowers

Posted on: January 28, 2014


Balsamic Moon Phase – Moon: Capricorn – Ruling Mahavidya: Kali


The Moon returns to the position it held at the New Moon on January 1, making conjunctions with Pluto and Venus today.  We started the month with the unfolding Sabian symbol theme of “students of nature lecturing, revealing little-known aspects of life.”  It has been a long journey this month, like a study abroad, but we are much improved by it – wiser.


But even though we are in the Balsamic phase of the Moon, the time when we would be taking an energetic “vacation” after the semester, we feel far from relaxed.  There are many reasons for this but three that are primary are:


The Oracle Report for Thursday, January 23, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/23/2014

Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, share, introspect, teach, learn


Moon: Libra/Scorpio


Ruling Mahavidya: Kali


A tone resonates through the rainbow bridge and the light changes, bathing everything in warm gold.  In response, our companions on this month's journey, the band of brothers, stands at attention.  Kali walks to the head of the bridge.


"At the end of every crossing of the rainbow bridge lies a reward, which comes only after completion of a test."


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/22/2014

Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, share, introspect, teach, learn


Moon: Libra


Ruling Mahavidya: Kali


Mars continues his story.  "My archenemy is the archenemy of all but I hunt him for one reason: to avenge my sister, Eris.  He stalks her, incessantly waiting for the right moment to tap into her energy and distort it, reigning down chaos and destruction on humanity.  She is a goddess of death and rebirth, the natural order of life, but she also holds fury, which makes her very powerful; and because she is a keeper of ancient magic, dark magicians try to capture her. But Eris is the queen of the battlefield, and when we are united no force can defeat us."


The Oracle Report for Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/21/2014

Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, share, introspect, teach, learn


Moon: Virgo/Libra


Ruling Mahavidya: Kali


Kali utters a command.  A portal off to the side opens and ten black dogs, shepherds, rush forward from it to take up positions around the perimeter of the bridge.  Their gaze is fixed at various points out on the panoramic landscape. We look around at each other, confused and somewhat frozen in place in awe mixed with a tinge of fear.  The energy of these magnificent beasts, standing guard around us, locked in watch, loaded with protective force, is palpable.


Mars and Uranus break from their huddle and rejoin us.  "There is quite a battle waging outside," Uranus tells us.  "We will begin to feel the effects any time now."  And as if on cue, something impacts the bridge and we stumble a little.


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