Oracle Report

The Oracle Report for Thursday, October 31, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/31/2013

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, transform, heal, forgive


Moon: Virgo/Libra


A lovely day calls for a lovely rose.  October brings many beautiful things, and one of them is a month when the Moon is in Libra two times.  It's easy to bask in Libra's energy of harmony and kindness.  But in addition to this today, we have Venus moving into conjunction with the Galactic Center, our spiritual home.  Beauty and love begin pouring in.


The energy of the Galactic Center projects form into matter.  When planets move into the same location in the sky as the Galactic Center (26 Sagittarius 22), the energy harmonizes and brings us increased power to form, shape, mold, and sculpt reality.  The Sabian symbol for the Galactic Center is "the sculptor's vision is taking form."  So the power to imprint the energy is strong and whatever is pushed or focused upon today strongly impacts the future.


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/30/2013

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, transform, heal, forgive


Moon: Virgo


Another X-flare was released from the Sun yesterday, continuing to amplify light and the power to imprint the energy. With light comes warmth, and today we are cultivating the inner fire to spread far and wide.


Light is information and solar flares are like "compressed data."  Our cells respond to solar energy.  Whe solar flares are released, our cells receive and store the data.  The data is opened at different times by everyone, according to our own specific energetic signatures.  Astrology is a language that can read the codes of this process.  DNA is another.  There are many.


The Oracle Report for Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/29/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realign, revise, reorient, accept responsibility


Moon: Virgo


Solar activity remains high, with an M-4 class flare released yesterday. reports the potential for M and X-class flares today.


Last week we had the domiant energy of Mars opposing Neptune in aspect to the Chiron Point (the degree in the sky where Chiron was first sighted).  There was much wounding and healing.  This week Mars has moved off aspect to the Chiron Point and is directly aspecting Chiron himself!  To add more kick, Pluto is in aspect to both.


Chiron and Mars are both warrior archetypes.  Chiron is the teacher of the epic war heroes who battle for a reason.  Mars battles anything because he's not about the war, he's about the winning.


The Oracle Report for Monday, October 28, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/28/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realign, revise, reorient, accept responsibility


Moon: Leo/Virgo


Today we need to take a deep breath and continue through the energy.  We have several elements in play:


1- First and foremost, Mercury retrograde packs a double punch today.  It's noisy.  It is harder for us to communicate and harder for us to understand.  It will take extra effort or even starting over.  This includes travel plans.  So we want to be patient, allow extra time for important things, and take deep breaths.


2- We have to go below the surface of the way things appear.  Today it is more likely that much more is going on below the surface than what is being shown.  To understand fully, we will need to take a deep breath and dive to look deeply.


The Oracle Report for Saturday, October 26 - Sunday, October 27, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/26/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realign, revise, reorient, accept responsibility


Moon: Cancer/Leo


The Sun has released three X-class flares in the past 24 hours.  The Sun is located at the degree in the sky that is opposite of the Chiron Point, which I've been talking about over the past few days.  You can read those posts in the Archive tab above.


Anytime the Sun releases flares the energy imprint for the day is stronger.  Over the past couple of days the energy has been exceptionally emotional because the Sun moved into Scorpio (a water sign), Neptune is aspected in Pisces (a water sign), and the Moon joined Jupiter and the Black Moon in Cancer (the other water sign).  It was a flood.


The Oracle Report for Friday, October 25, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/25/2013

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, distribute, teach, demonstrate


Moon: Cancer


Apollo greets us as the daily photograph today, courtesy wise owl Sean.  What a Sun King!  It's a perfect fit today because we could use a companion or guide.  Dog energy is the archetypal energy of guidance through darkness.  As we continue through this lunar month's Sabian symbol ("miners emerging from a deep coal mine"), we are supported every step of the way.  And we are not only collectively emerging from darkness, we are bringing something useful with us - something very personal and very valuable.  With this, today's energy has us looking forward and planning ahead.


The Oracle Report for Thursday, October 24, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/24/2013

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, distribute, teach, demonstrate


Moon: Cancer


The Sun released an M9-class flare at 00:32 UT on October 24.  The sunspot releasing the flare is facing Earth, and a blackout of high frequency radio transmissions was experienced on the Pacific side of the planet (which was sunlit at the time of the flare).  Watch the video captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory at


The Sun continues to transit the Chiron Point through Monday, October 28.  The powerful solar activity makes themes of wounding and healing stronger (more pronounced) and also allows stronger imprinting of the energy.  So whatever is transpiring for you is making lasting impressions.


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/23/2013

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, distribute, teach, demonstrate


Moon: Gemini/Cancer


The Sun released a powerful M4 solar flare and a formidable plasma wave today.  You can listen to it at


Expect to have a pretty massive understanding, revelation, event, or insight.


The wave of this energy intensifies continuing themes from yesterday and yesterday was all about the Chiron Point (wounding and healing).  The Sun has now moved into Scorpio and is opposing the Chiron Point.  The movement of the Sun into Scorpio is its own kind of beast, but the addition of today's solar flare and plasma wave amplifies the energy.


The Oracle Report for Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/22/2013

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, distribute, teach, demonstrate


Moon: Gemini


Though Mercury certainly received his fair of attention yesterday, the main player today is our friend Chiron, the Wounded Healer.  In Greek mythology, Chiron was the Teacher of Teachers, teaching the epic heroes the arts of war, teaching the great healers the arts of healing (what we call today alternative healing), teaching the wide-eyed magi the arts of the stars.  He's a Renaissance type of "man" and most welcome during the birth of our Second Renaissance.


Mars and Neptune are in opposition and both are in aspect to the Chiron Point - the degree in the sky where Chiron was first sighted.  04 Taurus is Chiron's "birthplace."  The Chiron Point holds all of Chiron's energetic themes.  Mars is in trine to it and Neptune is in sextile, but the two planets are in opposition to each other.  Essentially, they are creating a Full phase to each other, as in a Full Moon.

The Oracle Report for Monday, October 21, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/21/2013

Full Moon: illumination, realization, shadows


Moon: Taurus/Gemini


Ah, Mercury retrograde.  Today's original report is lost in cyberspace, so this second try is a testimony to the fact that everyone forgets when Mercury stations retrograde: it is designed to make things better.


Usually, the day a planet stations retrograde or direct is the craziest.  When a planet stations retrograde, it appears to move backward in the sky.  Mercury will be retrograde through November 10.  During this time, we see challenges with all types of communication (interpersonal, professional, telecommunication, etc.), all types of electronics (especially electronic communication devices like mobile phones), and all things related to travel (schedules, routes, accidents, plans).  These issues are more pronounced on the day Mercury changes its course.



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