Oracle Report

The Oracle Report for Friday September 13, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/13/2013

First Quarter Moon Phase: action, stepping out, expression


Moon: Capricorn


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


Today's energy enables us to stand tall with a strong connection to our family heritage in the stars.  The more we are able to keep things simple today, the better it will go.  Relax into the energy, keep a slow and steady pace, and trust!  Wise owl Milly's photo reminds us of this today.  You can't see the full picture on this banner, but you can see it here.  There's a story behind the picture and it's the story of today.  Milly writes:


The Oracle Report for Thursday, September 12, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/12/2013

First Quarter Moon Phase: action, stepping out, expression


Moon: Sagittarius


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


We move into the First Quarter Moon phase at 1:00 pm EDT / 5:00 pm UTC today.  When First Quarter phases begin, things become easier.  We don't struggle as much or feel as challenged.


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/11/2013

Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, growth, struggle, expansion, gathering


Moon: Sagittarius


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


Venus moves out of Libra and into Scorpio today, which always brings a palpable shift in energy.  It gets deeper and a bit more intense when Venus moves into Scorpio.  Desire is strong and passions run wild.  Venus will move through Scorpio until October 7.


The Oracle Report for Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/10/2013

Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, growth, struggle, expansion, gathering


Moon: Scorpio


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


Everything about today's energy speaks to controlled, concerted, skilled navigation.  There are two major themes developing today.


The first theme involves our personal paths.  We are receiving knowledge and instruction today, so remember to be mindful of animal sightings.  We are also giving knowledge and instruction to others.  Shodashi is in communication with our Higher Selves, extending the "lines" of our lives closer to our true course.  Events foreshadow our futures.  It's about giving and receiving.


The Oracle Report for Monday, September 9, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/09/2013

Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, growth, struggle, expansion, gathering


Moon: Scorpio


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


Today's energy could be called "wind over the field."  This means that a lot will be "blown" into the field of consciousness.  It is strong energy to spread a message and gets things fired up.  Rhetoric is rampant.  It is very easy for us to be swayed today, so we will engage sober discernment and judgment.  In other words, we are grounded and vigilant to not be taken off center.  If you've been following the Oracle Report over the last few days, you know that we are on in a mission to ground light and help maintain the strength and coherence of the consciousness of humanity during this moment in history.  Be aware that emotions will certainly be stirred today.


The Oracle Report for Saturday, September 7 & Sunday, September 8, 2013

Silver's picture

New Moon Phase: beginning, projection, emergence, intention


Moon: Libra


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


Yesterday's audio recording is posted above.  In this recording, I review the progression of events since the New Moon in Cancer (July) and look a little bit ahead to the New Moon in Libra (October).  But mainly this recording is about our mission this month to ground light and help hold the fabric of humanity in place.  We are working with our "soul families" on higher levels this month and I talk about why this is so important now.


The Oracle Report for Friday, September 6, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/06/2013

New Moon Phase: beginning, projection, emergence, intention


Moon: Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi, The Administrator)


Like veins in marble stone, the record of our soul's history forms patterns of beauty.  This month, the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi traces these lines and then scripts new ones based on our highest desires.  If the trajectory of our soul has strayed from its beauty (its fulfillment), Shodashi will write lines to get us back to our course.


The Oracle Report for Thursday, September 5, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/05/2013

New Moon Phase: beginning, projection, emergence, intention


Moon: Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi


Welcome to the New Moon in Virgo!  And if you can guess from this photo, it's going to be a wild ride!  Special thanks to wise owl Christine V who sent this photo when I asked for people to find beauty and snap a shot.  There was a photo out there that encapsulated what Shodashi had in store this month and this photo is it.  Her caption: "I thought this was going to be a sunset photo...but it seems to have exploded."  Indeed.


The Sun is not going to explode, but Shodashi is and this is what it looks like - an explosion of light.


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Silver's picture


Balsamic Moon Phase: release, transformation, healing, forgiveness, renewal


Moon: Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi


We remain under powerful energies that began yesterday with the Sun-Chiron and Venus-Eris oppositions.  First we will talk about what this means and then we will talk about suggestions for navigating it.


Here's the rundown:


The Oracle Report for Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/03/2013

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, transformation, healing, forgiveness, renewal

Moon: Leo

Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi


Today is indeed a power-packed day.  The Sun opposes Chiron, shining light on our feelings about ourselves and where we believe we have failed.  The tendency is to be more critical of oneself - overly critical, in fact.  This is always a destructive activity, but today it is even more so.  Unleashing our "inner victim" leads to trouble.  This is a trap, so don't fall in.


Instead, let's flip into the highest octave of Sun-Chiron energy - healing.  If we can accept ourselves without excuses or pretense, we will have mastered the task today.



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