Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Mediation with art therapy can change your brain and lower anxiety

MomT's picture November 29, 2012

Cancer and stress go hand-in-hand, and high stress levels can lead to poorer health outcomes in cancer patients. The Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine combined creative art therapy with a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program for women with breast cancer and showed changes in brain activity associated with lower stress and anxiety after the eight-week program. Their new study appears in the December issue of the journal Stress and Health.




Hackers target Indian minister in free-speech fight

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DawnCom, November 30, 2012

Indian Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal. -AFP File Photo

Indian Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal. -AFP File Photo


NEW DELHI: Hackers attacked and defaced the website of India’s IT minister on Friday amid a growing campaign against a law governing online comments which has been condemned by free-speech advocates.

An amendment to India’s Information Technology Act in 2009, which was championed by Minister Kapil Sibal, makes it illegal to make “grossly offensive” comments online, a measure seen by critics as a draconian limit on free speech.


For the rest of the story visit World

Phones and Internet cut for second day in Syria

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PhysOrg November 30, 2012

Internet and telephone communications, including mobile phones, were cut in the capital


A Syrian woman talks on her mobile phone in central Damascus on November 7. Phone and Internet networks were down across most of Syria for a second straight day on Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.


Source: PhysOrg

A Syrian woman talks on her mobile phone in central Damascus on November 7. Phone and Internet networks were down across most of Syria for a second straight day on Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

Read more at:

Bolivian Pres Evo Morales: Dec 21 is the end of hatred & the beginning of love

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Bolivian Pres Evo Morales: Dec 21 is the end of hatred & the beginning of love

Foreign minister Choquehuanca anticipates a new cosmic era of community spirit and love

My Question is:  How many other world leaders know and understand this?  How many would admit to knowing this?

In MY opinion, the massive changes that are about to happen- politically and financially/economically - are due to the fact that the world leaders KNOW what December 21, 2012 means for humanity.  The push to oust the cabal began in earnest in the spring of 2011, when the non-aligned nations met and said "NO MORE!"  I believe that these people who began incredible change over, knew exactly WHY is was necessary to break the strangle hold of the Cabal over the people of this planet.

Here is the amazing words of Bolivian President Evo Morales to the UN in September 2012

1000s stage demo protesting austerity measures in Portugal

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PressTV Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:23AM GMT

A protester waves a Portuguese flag in front of riot police officers outside the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon during a general strike on November 14, 2012. (File photo)

A protester waves a Portuguese flag in front of riot police officers outside the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon during a general strike on November 14, 2012. (File photo)

Thousands of protesters have staged a demonstration against harsh austerity measures in Portugal as the country’ parliament gave final approval to a 2013 budget, which imposes more spending cuts on the debt-stricken people.

A few thousand people gathered outside the Portuguese parliament in Lisbon to protest against the parliament’s approval of a budget that aims to cut the budget deficit to 4.5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product in 2013.

The Mystery of Shambhala and the Lost World of Agartha

Rain's picture

The Healers Journal - 11/29/12, by Jason Jeffrey/New Dawn

I believe the idea of Shambhala has not yet come to full flower, but that when it does it will have enormous power to reshape civilisation. It is the sign of the future. The search for a new unifying principle that our civilisation must now undertake will, I am convinced, lead it to this source of higher energies, and Shambhala will become the great icon of the new millennium.
– Victoria LePage, Shambhala

For thousands of years rumours and reports have circulated that somewhere beyond Tibet, among the icy peaks and secluded valleys of Eurasia, there lies an inaccessible paradise, a place of universal wisdom and ineffable peace called Shambhala – although it is also known by other names.

To read the rest of this story, visit The Healers Journal.

Obama Ends Federal Contracts With BP Citing “Lack of Business Integrity”

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As seen on Exopermaculture Posted on November 29, 2012  by americankabuki, November 28, 2012

The bodies of 11 workers were never recovered in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. (Gerald Herbert/File/Associated Press)

BP suspended from new U.S. government contracts

2 BP supervisors, ex-executive in court on Gulf oil spill charges

The Associated Press Posted: Nov 28, 2012 8:36 AM ET Last Updated: Nov 28, 2012 1:47 PM ET

The Obama administration put a temporary stop to new federal contracts with British oil company BP today, citing the company’s “lack of business integrity” and criminal proceedings stemming from the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010.


Sarah-Jane Grace – There’s No Place Like Home – 28November2012

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The Golden Age Daily, November 28, 2012 by Sarah-Jane Grace The Planet Whisper

As we continue to weave the web and become One with the flow of life, it can be hard not to have those moments where suddenly everything stops making sense. Equally, are those moments; those lightning fast flashes where suddenly everything starts making sense. It is not uncommon to experience both in rapid succession, and to end up feeling more, but less, confused all at the same time.

This is all part of the path of awakening, but it is hard to ride the waves of change when such thoughts can fragment and unify at the same time. It is akin to taking one step forward and one step backward, and although this implies standing on the same spot, at a deeper level, much has been learned in the process.


To read the rest of this story visit The Golden Age Daily

Solidarity Through Charity: Occupy Evolves and Lives

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by Carl Gibson

I know what it’s like to be hounded by bill collectors. And regardless of how I feel about the Tea Party’s politics, if they spearheaded an initiative to abolish the $6,000 in medical debt I had racked up in Houston, Texas after breaking my elbow with no health insurance, and did the same with thousands of others’ debt out of sheer desire to do good, I would feel radically different about the Tea Party. And if they led a disaster recovery effort that was on the ground in affected communities long before governments and well-funded relief organizations were able to provide help, I might even think about joining them. Occupy Wall Street, the populist economic justice movement the corporate-owned media and corporate-owned political class has been declaring as “dead” for months now, has been doing all of the above.


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