Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Anonymous claims link between iPhone 5S TouchID and US gov biometric database

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ITProPortal - Tomas Jovanda, 10/01/13


Hacktivist group Anonymous has released a video and accompanying evidence which claims that Apple's TouchID technology has strong links to the NSA and FBI, as well as a massive biometric database the US government is building.

The group alleges that it has discovered a "corrupt alliance of Department of Defense Contractors, NSA and CIA connected venture capital" which led to the development of the technology, and Apple's subsequent purchase of it.

Video and more:


New Bigfoot Evidence Screened as Experts Claim Proof of Existence

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GFP Note:  As previously stated, the Beings known as Bigfoot/Sasquatch are real. We know that they can be found in the Mt. Shasta, California area and the Appalachian Mountains, for example. These Beings are reclusive but operate at a high level of consciousness ~ they are 5th Dimensional Beings.


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart


How You Can Manually Change Your Perspective: Turn Off Your TV

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GFP Note: We are presenting this for your awareness.
As always, use your discernment.

It's okay to watch TV. In fact, watching programs like comedy can help you raise your vibration.

However, if you are "addicted" to watching television or are using it as an escape, that makes it a distraction that keeps you from Being the Love that you are.

Television is also a tool that The Powers That Were used to influence Humanity and even control our minds. If you are reacting to what you see on TV emotionally or feel it is affecting your state of Being, then yes ~ you should walk away from it.

Humanity has two choices in every moment ~ Love or fear. Fear is an illusion. Love is Real. We choose Love.


Vatican Bank To Shut All Embassy Accounts To Halt Money Laundering

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Source: Zero Hedge - 9/30/13, Tyler Durden

Followng Pope Francis' demand that the Vatican Bank review its procedures, Reuters reports that the bank is likely to close all accounts held by foreign embassies, following concerns about large cash deposits and withdrawals by the missions of Iran, Iraq and Indonesia, according to people with knowledge of the situation. The private bank IOR has around EUR7.1 billion in assets but is concerned it could be "an unwitting vehicle for money laundering and other illicit finances."



Pentagon Spent $5 Billion on Weapons on the Eve of the Shutdown

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FP - John Reed, 10/01/13



The Pentagon pumped billions of dollars into contractors' bank accounts on the eve of the U.S. government's shutdown that saw 400,000 Defense Department employees furloughed.

All told, the Pentagon awarded 94 contracts yesterday evening on its annual end-of-the-fiscal-year spending spree, spending more than five billion dollars on everything from robot submarines to Finnish hand grenades and a radar base mounted on an offshore oil platform. To put things in perspective, the Pentagon gave out only 14 contracts on September 3, the first workday of the month.



‘Waddington Six’ to go on trial next week

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Source: Drone Wars UK - Chris Cole, 9/30/13


The Waddington Six: (from left) Revd Keith Hebden, Chris Cole, Fr Martin Newell, Penny Walker, Susan Clarkson and Henrietta Cullinan.

The Waddington Six: (from left) Revd Keith Hebden, Chris Cole, Fr Martin Newell, Penny Walker, Susan Clarkson and Henrietta Cullinan.


Next Monday (7th October) six peace activists will go on trial at Lincoln Magistrates Court following an anti-drone war protest at RAF Waddington in June 2013.   The six, Susan Clarkson, Chris Cole, Henrietta Cullinan, Keith Hebden, Martin Newell and Penny Walker, were originally charged with conspiracy and aggravated trespass, but these charges were dropped and replaced with a single charge of criminal damage to the perimeter fence.  All six intended to plead ‘not guilty’ arguing that their actions were reasonable in the circumstances.

NSA stores metadata of millions of web users for up to a year, secret files show

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The Guardian - James Ball, 9/30/13


NSA internet network cable

Any computer metadata picked up by NSA collection systems is routed to the Marina database, the guide explains. Photograph: Felix Clay

The National Security Agency is storing the online metadata of millions of internet users for up to a year, regardless of whether or not they are persons of interest to the agency, top secret documents reveal.

Mind control now confirmed by scientists: Memories 'implanted' directly into brains

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Natural News - Thomas Henry, 10/02/13



(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of California at Irvine have made a breakthrough by demonstrating how specific memories can be implanted through the direct manipulation of the brain.

"If you're asking if an evil empire could use this technology, well they have throughout time," indicating that various techniques have been used towards agendas of control.


ATF “Misplaced” 420 Million Cigarettes and “Misused” $162 Million From Raids

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IntelliHub - JG Vibes, 10/01/13


As the “government shutdown” fear mongering is parroted by the mainstream media, many people are actually stopping to question the necessity of all these senseless and expensive bureaucracies. 

Recently the ATF was faced with an audit and it was discovered that they “lost” over 420 million cigarettes and $162 million.




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