Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


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A New Message From VERONICA


~ Channeled by April Crawford - Feb. 2014

"In the physical reality there are often those who appear to have negative intentions towards you.

This can create chaos in your own energy should you decide to embrace the energy being hurled at you.

Decide today that you are invincible to the negativity of others.

Stand strong in your own vibration, while denying access to those who may throw you off balance. Perhaps those energies in their intention feel their actions are necessary. Perhaps they are so unbalanced themselves that they feel compelled to right themselves with your energy. Perhaps they are merely having a bad day.

Acting and reacting in physical reality is a very important concept.

It is important to maintain your responses to other energy in an active, kind of way. Reacting to negativity usually only creates more negativity.

DL Zeta ~ Clearing a Space for High-Vibrational Energies to Flow into your Life

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By: DL Zeta, 02/05/2014


DLZetaWe are moving into a time when high-vibrational frequencies are bio-available and can be brought to a fuller realization in our lives. These energies hold the power to deepen our awareness of our potentials, and to expand our intuitive knowing. When we open to these energies, our experience of inner peace and divine love is more profound as is our understanding of our spiritual purpose.

In this cycle, many older souls are undergoing intense change that will transport them to timelines where the next phase of their healing is serving others. The changes you experience in 2014 will allow you to clear away all that ever dimmed your light. You will move forward brighter, stronger, more empowered, and with a greater sense of love, compassion and discernment. You will be healthier, more awake and alert, and more willing to embrace the changes needed to bring you closer to your soul and higher self.

Returning to your Natural State of Inner Unification

Energy Update ~ February 2014 "The Arrival" by Matt Kahn

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I welcome you to this brand new year of growth, expansion, and celebration. It is a year of renewed faith in a bigger cosmic picture that brings accelerated waves of excitement to assist you in manifesting your soul's highest potential into form. After years of healing, releasing, transmuting, and integrating, we have finally crossed the threshold and entered the dawn of a new humanity. Such evidence cannot be found by looking at the world around you, since the external world merely reflects back through the actions of others - all the old patterns and outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. This occurs so you can objectively witness the beliefs and patterns that once held you down, and glean every precious insight to help you blossom into your true radiance.



~Navigating NEW roads in the New Earth~

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The New Earth energies now continue to expand and to deepen, this blog is a follow on from the radio show (please click here to listen) where I spoke about the role of the human logical mind in relation to the heart.  I have often used the analogy of the human vehicle and a car and this is the analogy that I place in front of you.  Many are confused as to the role of the human logical mind in the New Earth and this confusion is LOVED by the human logical mind. As I stated on the radio show the human logical mind LOVES puzzles, the old 3d earth created reality placing a puzzle before you at every opportunity. In TRUTH there is NO puzzle to solve, ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.

Synchronicity: There Are No Coincidences, No Accidents

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Every action you make creates a ripple in the universe. You unconsciously telegraph your thoughts to others. Synchronicity is the law of unity. We are all linked. There is no separation between you and anyone or anything. We are all connected.


There are no coincidences, no accidents. Every coincidence has a message for you.


Jill Mattson ~ Listen To Sounds Within!

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manOnPier_PeacefulLakePeople are often uncomfortable with silence. We live our lives surrounded by lawnmowers, traffic, TV’s, sirens, mp3 players and horns. We are not accustomed to hearing silence and subtleties in ourselves. How could we be?

Many find comfort with constant noise and keep the TV on for long hours. Do we like distractions to avoid the experience of silence? Do we try to escape silence to avoid vulnerability? Our feelings more readily surface in quiet moments. What do we hear in the
silence? Do we hear our consciousness? Experience innermost thoughts? Feel our emotions?

Mystics and spiritual leaders have long revered silence and recommend listening to “the sound of silence” is an ancient technique.

Archangel Gabriel's Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 5, 2014

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By:, 02/05/2014

So many people ask, “When will I find my perfect love partner? My true friends? Other like-minded souls? People who will love and see me for who I really am?” The answer, simply put, is when you allow your true self to shine. You cannot hide behind a mask and expect people to see what lies beneath! When you allow yourself to shine in your truth, your BEingness, your glory, it allows all those souls you’ve been yearning for to finally find you and reconnect with you. You cannot be an effective beacon from under the covers, Dear Ones, so shine! Shine brightly in all your glory, secure in the fact that in doing so you will draw to you all the perfect matches you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel

Nancy Tate ~Wake Up Call ~ Saint Germaine Something Behind the Scenes

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Nancy: I was sitting at my computer checking my email, and suddenly I felt that someone was asking me to receive some information. So I tuned in; here is what I received.

St Germain,

Yes, I would like to say that there is something taking place behind the scenes of all of the controversy that is taking place right now in the financial field. It is wise to not focus all of your attention on that, and to take in the other things that you see come up occasionally and you will see the other side of the coin.


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