Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


Lia's picture

Have you secretly dreamed of being in a relationship with your ideal love? Have you wondered in your heart of hearts if this could be possible? Of course you have. We all have! As we explained in our Overview of Twin Flames, these feelings were placed in us by God at the Moment of our Creation when we were created with a Twin Flame.

Love relationships in our Earthly world have been confusing. Every person on Earth holds the dream of true Love. It is constantly portrayed in our media and entertainment. We are told from the time we are children that relationships are meant to last forever. Yet, very few of us have had that experience.

In the Messages from God, there are many references to "the reversal" on Earth. What this means is that the little mind or ego has created concepts on Earth that are "backwards" to the truth. The most pervasive of these is duality: that there can be Love and something other than Love. This causes us to see two possibilities in everything rather than the truth that only Love underlies everything. As we with our God given power believe that there can be other than Love, we create it, mightily.

Standing in the LOVE that IS

Lia's picture


I have blogged about allowing the LOVE that IS to flow around you, through you and within you and many of you may be filtering out the need for FLOW. It can be very triggering indeed to have those around you whom you may have known for some time suddenly begin to act and behave in ways that are out with their “normal” routines. For many the outpouring of emotion seeks to have them in tremendous fear, so much is TAUGHT within the old 3d earth reality in relation to defining what “love” is and how to identify and work with it that many filter out that “love” and the LOVE that IS are two DIFFERENT frequencies and they are not interchangeable. To hold on to someone believing that without them you will be less than you are is to walk in the old 3d earth reality teachings.  LOVE JUST IS, it is a frequency that is available at all moments of all moments but in order to embrace this and to allow this to flow you must first of all ALIGN with this frequency. It is not enough to simply state “ah yes love I know it and I work with it”. If you come from this angle you are already walking blind within an old 3d earth reality teaching.

~Evolving Beyond the Conditional Love Paradigm ~

Lia's picture

Archangel Gabriel

Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. We are honouring you for making the commitment to come and anchor the energies of the group, and of course, by group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.

We are very excited to present the topic matter today. It is vital to moving forward into the 5th dimensional energies of your New Earth. The topic matter today is so important because you simply cannot go where you wish to be without evolving beyond the conditional love paradigm. It simply cannot be done.

Most of you have been living in an outmoded belief system for your entire incarnation. It is pervasive, it is everywhere, it has been handed down through generations and you, each of you, have experienced lifetime after lifetime under the pressure of the conditional love model.

The Creator Writings ~ Stagnant Or Fluid

Silver's picture

By: Jennifer Farley, 02/02/2014


Life is not stagnant but fluid; it changes, it evolves, it grows. You can remain in your own paradigm, continuing to exist in the world you created for yourself ‘before’ OR you can be fluid; change, evolve and grow. Release your fear of being fluid and so shall your life become. ~ Creator

Wrapped in Wings of Pure Love ~ Shanta Gabriel

Silver's picture

By: Shanta Gabriel, 02/02/2014

The Gabriel Messages #12


There is never a time when you are not wrapped in the Wings of Pure Love.


Dear One,


This is a time when the forces of light and love are very close to your daily consciousness and you are blessed in a way you have never before known. You have only to turn your attention away from what does not work in your life, and turn towards that which is positive and worthwhile. This may sound simplistic and too good to be true, especially when you have such overwhelming problems in your world today. However, you are not alone. In fact there is never a time when you are not wrapped in the Wings of Pure Love.


Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Sunday February 2, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 02/02/2014

You understand that as enlightening human beings you are evolving from victim consciousness into your authentic power. Today we ask you if there are any ways you are still holding on to that victim consciousness.


Do you live in the past? Do you relive how you were hurt, abused, or let down in some way? Do you have health ailments you have become used to living with and have given up on the idea you will ever heal or be whole? Do you believe your life is destined to be a struggle because you are a single parent? Or divorced? Or because of your sex, race, or sexual orientation? The expectation that things are hard and will never change is the single most destructive belief system human beings cling to because it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy and keep you in the loop of woundedness every single time. Your life experiences will always match your beliefs.


Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Message from Hilarion for February 2-9, 2014

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By: Marlene Swetlishoff, 02/02/2014

Beloved Ones,

Many upon the planet are now awakening to the understanding that each individual is the creator of their own reality and that the universe perfectly mirrors back what they put out through their thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes. Now by the laws of the universe, the good they have given out into the external world around them comes back unto them. At this point in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the law of grace is in effect and humanity is being blessed by the neutralization of any repetitive thoughts that come unbidden from the very depths of their being. These core issues invariably have their roots in a previous existence as life was experienced through a physical incarnation. The law of grace bestows the assurance that those of sincere heart, mind and intent, who have adhered to the path of light in service to their brethren, be given every opportunity to release these patterns of expression that well up into conscious awareness so they can be given acknowledgement and final release.

“Memories” and releasing

Lia's picture

As the New Earth energies have expanded and deepened many of you may be wondering why you are being shown “past events” in the form of “flashbacks” or “memories”. These may come out of the blue, you may just suddenly remember a memory from some time in your life and be taken aback by the emotions that arise within you as you now “view” this memory again.  It is to be noted that although I guide in relation to FREQUENCY, what you experience at a human conscious waking mind level is the MANIFESTATION of said frequency.  You are after all in human form in this incarnation.  So as you begin to work to dissolve the old 3D earth lower dimensional frequencies these will appear to you as memories.

Enlightened Beings ~ The Magical Power Of Detachment

Lia's picture

Jafree Ozwald February 2 2014

orangeBalloonYou are about to uncover a treasure chest of information that will take your happiness to the next level! When you practice this detachment technique daily, the magical manifesting powers hidden within you will begin to surge throughout your life. The magical art of detachment is based on a teaching that is thousands of years old.

The wise Buddha once said, “Attachment leads to suffering” which also leads to weakening ones ability to manifest the life of their dreams. What the Buddha means is that you HAVE to HAVE it manifest in order for you to be happy today. An attachment to any thought, feeling, object, person (or anything for that matter) is based on fear, lack and worthlessness. When you’re living from love, trust and self-worth, you are detached from your goal, breathing in a trusting space, allowing the Universe to handle the details for you. If you want to increase your ability to attract, create and magnetize anything you want, it requires you learn total mastery of this law.


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